
Defines functions shift_r LiE cumsumW qfinder is.wholenumber

is.wholenumber	<-function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5){
  abs(x - round(x)) < tol

# bissection algorith for finding the quantile of a *discrete*
# and *unbounded* probability distribution function
qfinder <- function(dist, want, coef, init = 0) {
	# "phase 0": are the params invalid? is "init" overshooting? Is q = Inf?
	if (want < 0) return (0);
  if (want >= 0.999999999999999999) return (Inf); 
	q0 <- sum(do.call(dist, c(list(x=0:init), coef)))
	if (is.nan(q0)) return (NaN);
	if (q0 >= want) return (init);
	# phase 1: double the guess until you overshoot
  step <- 1
	guess <- init+2
	last <- init+1
  cum <- q0
	repeat {
		my.q <- do.call(dist, c(list(x=last:guess), coef))
    my.sq <- sum(my.q)
		if (cum + my.sq > want) break;
		# Is there a bug in pdist?
		if (my.sq < 1e-14) stop ("quantile function did not converge!")
		last <- guess+1
    step <- step * 2
		guess <- guess + step
    cum <- cum + my.sq
	# Phase 2: exhaustive examine last interval
  my.sq <- cum + cumsum(my.q)
  add <- which(my.sq < want - .Machine$double.eps)
  if (length(add)) last <- last + max(add)

# Wrapper for cumsum, converting NA to NaN for coherence with [dpqr] functions and
# padding with 0 for 1-based distributions such as gs
cumsumW <- function(dist, q, coef, lower.tail, log.p, pad) {
	if (pad)
		z <- c(0, cumsum(do.call(dist, c(list(x=1:max(q)), coef))))
		z <- cumsum(do.call(dist, c(list(x=0:max(q)), coef)))
	y <- z[q+1]
	if(!lower.tail) y <- 1-y
	if(log.p) y <- log(y)
	y[is.na(y)] <- NaN
	return (y)

## LiE approximates the PolyLogarithm function. The approximate formula does not 
# work for large mu or integer s != 1, so it may be nice to reimplement this function later
# LiE (s, mu) calculates Li_s (exp(mu))
LiE <- function(s, mu) {
  if (!is.nan(s) && s == 1) return(-log(1-exp(mu)))
	if(is.wholenumber(s) | is.nan(s) | is.nan(mu)) return (NaN);
	if(abs(mu) > 5) return (NaN);
	t <- function(k) zeta(s-k)*mu^k/factorial(k)
	n <- 0
	m <- gamma(1-s)*(-mu)^(s-1); tol <- 1e-14*abs(m)
	repeat {
		my.t <- t(n); m <- m + my.t
		if(abs(my.t) < tol) break;
		n <- n+1

# Helper for generation of 1-shifted random distributions 
shift_r <- function(f, n, coef) {
  df <- get(paste0("d", f), mode="function")
  qf <- get(paste0("q", f), mode="function")
  rr <- runif(n)
  d1 <- do.call(df, c(list(x=1), coef))
  qz <- do.call(qf, c(list(p=rr), coef))
  qz [ rr < d1 ] <- 0

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