
Defines functions ttest.func wilcoxon.func onesample.ttest.func patterndiscovery.func paired.ttest.func cox.func multiclass.func quantitative.func timearea.func detec.slab sumlengths samr.compute.delta.table samr.compute.delta.table.array detec.horiz samr.plot localfdr predictlocalfdr samr.compute.siggenes.table qvalue.func foldchange.twoclass foldchange.paired est.s0 samr.missrate varr insert.value permute sample.perms integer.base.b compute.block.perms getperms parse.block.labels.for.2classes parse.time.labels.and.summarize.data check.format mysvd permute.rows samr.assess.samplesize samr.assess.samplesize.plot samr.pvalues.from.perms samr.tail.strength samr.estimate.depth resample wilcoxon.unpaired.seq.func wilcoxon.paired.seq.func multiclass.seq.func quantitative.seq.func cox.seq.func rankcol foldchange.seq.twoclass.unpaired foldchange.seq.twoclass.paired samr.compute.delta.table.seq samr.seq.null.err samr.seq.detec.slabs generate.dels samr.norm.data runSAM

Documented in check.format compute.block.perms cox.func cox.seq.func detec.horiz detec.slab est.s0 foldchange.paired foldchange.seq.twoclass.paired foldchange.seq.twoclass.unpaired foldchange.twoclass generate.dels getperms insert.value integer.base.b localfdr multiclass.func multiclass.seq.func mysvd onesample.ttest.func paired.ttest.func parse.block.labels.for.2classes parse.time.labels.and.summarize.data patterndiscovery.func permute permute.rows predictlocalfdr quantitative.func quantitative.seq.func qvalue.func rankcol resample runSAM sample.perms samr.assess.samplesize samr.assess.samplesize.plot samr.compute.delta.table samr.compute.delta.table.array samr.compute.delta.table.seq samr.compute.siggenes.table samr.estimate.depth samr.missrate samr.norm.data samr.plot samr.pvalues.from.perms samr.seq.detec.slabs samr.seq.null.err samr.tail.strength sumlengths timearea.func ttest.func varr wilcoxon.func wilcoxon.paired.seq.func wilcoxon.unpaired.seq.func

## Just for memory sake...
##samr.const.quantitative.response <- 0
##samr.const.twoclass.unpaired.response <- 1
##samr.const.survival.response <- 2
##samr.const.multiclass.response <- 3
##samr.const.oneclass.response <- 4
##samr.const.twoclass.paired.response <- 5
##samr.const.twoclass.unpaired.timecourse.response <- 6
##samr.const.oneclass.timecourse.response <- 7
##samr.const.twoclass.paired.timecourse.response <- 8

##SAM R associated functions
## individual functions for each response type

ttest.func <- function(x, y, s0 = 0, sd = NULL) {
	n1 <- sum(y == 1)
	n2 <- sum(y == 2)
	p <- nrow(x)
	m1 <- rowMeans(x[, y == 1, drop = F])
	m2 <- rowMeans(x[, y == 2, drop = F])
	if (is.null(sd)) {
		sd <- sqrt(((n2 - 1) * varr(x[, y == 2], meanx = m2) +
			(n1 - 1) * varr(x[, y == 1], meanx = m1)) * (1/n1 +
			1/n2)/(n1 + n2 - 2))
	numer <- m2 - m1
	dif.obs <- (numer)/(sd + s0)
	return(list(tt = dif.obs, numer = numer, sd = sd))

wilcoxon.func <- function(x, y, s0 = 0) {
	n1 <- sum(y == 1)
	n2 <- sum(y == 2)
	p = nrow(x)
	r2 = rowSums(t(apply(x, 1, rank))[, y == 2, drop = F])
	numer = r2 - (n2/2) * (n2 + 1) - (n1 * n2)/2
	sd = sqrt(n1 * n2 * (n1 + n2 + 1)/12)
	tt = (numer)/(sd + s0)
	return(list(tt = tt, numer = numer, sd = rep(sd, p)))

onesample.ttest.func <- function(x, y, s0 = 0, sd = NULL) {
	n <- length(y)
	x <- x * matrix(y, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x), byrow = TRUE)
	m <- rowMeans(x)
	if (is.null(sd)) {
		sd <- sqrt(varr(x, meanx = m)/n)
	dif.obs <- m/(sd + s0)
	return(list(tt = dif.obs, numer = m, sd = sd))

patterndiscovery.func = function(x, s0 = 0, eigengene.number = 1) {
	a = mysvd(x, n.components = eigengene.number)
	v = a$v[, eigengene.number]
	# here we try to guess the most interpretable orientation
	#   for the eigengene
	om = abs(a$u[, eigengene.number]) > quantile(abs(a$u[, eigengene.number]),
	if (median(a$u[om, eigengene.number]) < 0) {
		v = -1 * v
	aa = quantitative.func(x, v, s0 = s0)
	eigengene = cbind(1:nrow(a$v), v)
	dimnames(eigengene) = list(NULL, c("sample number", "value"))
	return(list(tt = aa$tt, numer = aa$numer, sd = aa$sd, eigengene = eigengene))

paired.ttest.func <- function(x, y, s0 = 0, sd = NULL) {
	nc <- ncol(x)/2
	o <- 1:nc
	o1 <- rep(0, ncol(x)/2)
	o2 <- o1
	for (j in 1:nc) {
		o1[j] <- (1:ncol(x))[y == -o[j]]
	for (j in 1:nc) {
		o2[j] <- (1:ncol(x))[y == o[j]]
	d <- x[, o2, drop = F] - x[, o1, drop = F]
	su <- x[, o2, drop = F] + x[, o1, drop = F]
	if (is.matrix(d)) {
		m <- rowMeans(d)
	if (!is.matrix(d)) {
		m <- mean(d)
	if (is.null(sd)) {
		if (is.matrix(d)) {
			sd <- sqrt(varr(d, meanx = m)/nc)
		if (!is.matrix(d)) {
			sd <- sqrt(var(d)/nc)
	dif.obs <- m/(sd + s0)
	return(list(tt = dif.obs, numer = m, sd = sd))

cox.func <- function(x, y, censoring.status, s0 = 0) {
	# find the index matrix
	Dn <- sum(censoring.status == 1)
	Dset <- c(1:ncol(x))[censoring.status == 1]  # the set of observed
	ind <- matrix(0, ncol(x), Dn)
	# get the matrix
	for (i in 1:Dn) {
		ind[y > y[Dset[i]] - 1e-08, i] <- 1/sum(y > y[Dset[i]] -
	ind.sums <- rowSums(ind)
	x.ind <- x %*% ind
	# get the derivatives
	numer <- x %*% (censoring.status - ind.sums)
	sd <- sqrt((x * x) %*% ind.sums - rowSums(x.ind * x.ind))
	tt <- numer/(sd + s0)
	return(list(tt = tt, numer = numer, sd = sd))

multiclass.func <- function(x, y, s0 = 0) {
	##assumes y is coded 1,2...
	nn <- table(y)
	m <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = length(nn))
	v <- m
	for (j in 1:length(nn)) {
		m[, j] <- rowMeans(x[, y == j])
		v[, j] <- (nn[j] - 1) * varr(x[, y == j], meanx = m[,
	mbar <- rowMeans(x)
	mm <- m - matrix(mbar, nrow = length(mbar), ncol = length(nn))
	fac <- (sum(nn)/prod(nn))
	scor <- sqrt(fac * (apply(matrix(nn, nrow = nrow(m), ncol = ncol(m),
		byrow = TRUE) * mm * mm, 1, sum)))
	sd <- sqrt(rowSums(v) * (1/sum(nn - 1)) * sum(1/nn))
	tt <- scor/(sd + s0)
	mm.stand = t(scale(t(mm), center = FALSE, scale = sd))
	return(list(tt = tt, numer = scor, sd = sd, stand.contrasts = mm.stand))

#quantitative.func <- function(x,y,s0=0){
#  yy <- y-mean(y)
#  temp <- x%*%yy
#sxx <-rowSums( (x-mx%*%t(rep(1,ncol(x))))^2 )
#  scor <- temp/sxx
#  b0hat <- mean(y)-scor*mx
# yhat <-
#   matrix(b0hat,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=ncol(x))+x*matrix(scor,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=ncol(x))
# ty <-
#   matrix(y,nrow=nrow(yhat),ncol=ncol(yhat),byrow=TRUE)
#  sigma <- sqrt(rowSums((ty-yhat)^2)/(ncol(yhat)-2))
#  sd <- sigma/sqrt(sxx)
#  tt <- scor/(sd+s0)
#  return(list(tt=tt, numer=scor, sd=sd))

quantitative.func <- function(x, y, s0 = 0) {
	# regression of x on y
	my = mean(y)
	yy <- y - my
	temp <- x %*% yy
	mx = rowMeans(x)
	syy = sum(yy^2)
	scor <- temp/syy
	b0hat <- mx - scor * my
	ym = matrix(y, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x), byrow = T)
	xhat <- matrix(b0hat, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x)) + ym *
		matrix(scor, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = ncol(x))
	sigma <- sqrt(rowSums((x - xhat)^2)/(ncol(xhat) - 2))
	sd <- sigma/sqrt(syy)
	tt <- scor/(sd + s0)
	return(list(tt = tt, numer = scor, sd = sd))

timearea.func <- function(x, y, s0 = 0) {
	n <- ncol(x)
	xx <- 0.5 * (x[, 2:n] + x[, 1:(n - 1)]) * matrix(diff(y),
		nrow = nrow(x), ncol = n - 1, byrow = T)
	numer <- rowMeans(xx)
	sd <- sqrt(varr(xx, meanx = numer)/n)
	tt <- numer/sqrt(sd + s0)
	return(list(tt = tt, numer = numer, sd = sd))

detec.slab <- function(samr.obj, del, min.foldchange) {
	## find genes above and below the slab of half-width del
	# this calculation is tricky- for consistency, the slab
	#   condition picks
	# all genes that are beyond the first departure from the
	#   slab
	# then the fold change condition is applied (if applicable)
	n <- length(samr.obj$tt)
	tt <- samr.obj$tt
	evo <- samr.obj$evo
	numer <- samr.obj$tt * (samr.obj$sd + samr.obj$s0)
	tag <- order(tt)
	pup <- NULL
	foldchange.cond.up = rep(T, length(evo))
	foldchange.cond.lo = rep(T, length(evo))
	if (!is.null(samr.obj$foldchange[1]) & (min.foldchange >
		0)) {
		foldchange.cond.up = samr.obj$foldchange >= min.foldchange
		foldchange.cond.lo = samr.obj$foldchange <= 1/min.foldchange
	o1 <- (1:n)[(tt[tag] - evo > del) & evo > 0]
	if (length(o1) > 0) {
		o1 <- o1[1]
		o11 <- o1:n
		o111 <- rep(F, n)
		o111[tag][o11] <- T
		pup <- (1:n)[o111 & foldchange.cond.up]
	plow <- NULL
	o2 <- (1:n)[(evo - tt[tag] > del) & evo < 0]
	if (length(o2) > 0) {
		o2 <- o2[length(o2)]
		o22 <- 1:o2
		o222 <- rep(F, n)
		o222[tag][o22] <- T
		plow <- (1:n)[o222 & foldchange.cond.lo]
	return(list(plow = plow, pup = pup))

sumlengths <- function(aa) {
	length(aa$pl) + length(aa$pu)

## Jun added starts
samr.compute.delta.table <- function(samr.obj, min.foldchange = 0,
	dels = NULL, nvals = 50) {
	res <- NULL
	if (samr.obj$assay.type == "array") {
		res <- samr.compute.delta.table.array(samr.obj, min.foldchange,
			dels, nvals)
	else if (samr.obj$assay.type == "seq") {
		res <- samr.compute.delta.table.seq(samr.obj, min.foldchange,
## Jun added ends

## Jun added the first row below, and commented the row
#   after it
samr.compute.delta.table.array <- function(samr.obj,
	min.foldchange = 0, dels = NULL, nvals = 50) {
	#samr.compute.delta.table <- function(samr.obj,
	#   min.foldchange=0, dels=NULL, nvals=50) {
	# computes delta table, starting with samr object 'a', for
	#   nvals values of delta
	lmax = sqrt(max(abs(sort(samr.obj$tt) - samr.obj$evo)))
	if (is.null(dels)) {
		dels = (seq(0, lmax, length = nvals)^2)
	col = matrix(1, nrow = length(samr.obj$evo), ncol = nvals)
	ttstar0 <- samr.obj$ttstar0
	tt <- samr.obj$tt
	n <- samr.obj$n
	evo <- samr.obj$evo
	nsim <- ncol(ttstar0)
	res1 <- NULL
	foldchange.cond.up = matrix(T, nrow = nrow(samr.obj$ttstar),
		ncol = ncol(samr.obj$ttstar))
	foldchange.cond.lo = matrix(T, nrow = nrow(samr.obj$ttstar),
		ncol = ncol(samr.obj$ttstar))
	if (!is.null(samr.obj$foldchange[1]) & (min.foldchange >
		0)) {
		foldchange.cond.up = samr.obj$foldchange.star >= min.foldchange
		foldchange.cond.lo = samr.obj$foldchange.star <= 1/min.foldchange
	cutup = rep(NA, length(dels))
	cutlow = rep(NA, length(dels))
	g2 = rep(NA, length(dels))
	errup = matrix(NA, ncol = length(dels), nrow = ncol(samr.obj$ttstar0))
	errlow = matrix(NA, ncol = length(dels), nrow = ncol(samr.obj$ttstar0))
	cat("", fill = T)
	cat("Computing delta table", fill = T)
	for (ii in 1:length(dels)) {
		cat(ii, fill = TRUE)
		ttt <- detec.slab(samr.obj, dels[ii], min.foldchange)
		cutup[ii] <- 1e+10
		if (length(ttt$pup > 0)) {
			cutup[ii] <- min(samr.obj$tt[ttt$pup])
		cutlow[ii] <- -1e+10
		if (length(ttt$plow) > 0) {
			cutlow[ii] <- max(samr.obj$tt[ttt$plow])
		g2[ii] = sumlengths(ttt)
		errup[, ii] = colSums(samr.obj$ttstar0 > cutup[ii] &
		errlow[, ii] = colSums(samr.obj$ttstar0 < cutlow[ii] &
	s <- sqrt(apply(errup, 2, var)/nsim + apply(errlow, 2, var)/nsim)
	gmed <- apply(errup + errlow, 2, median)
	g90 = apply(errup + errlow, 2, quantile, 0.9)
	res1 <- cbind(samr.obj$pi0 * gmed, samr.obj$pi0 * g90, g2,
		samr.obj$pi0 * gmed/g2, samr.obj$pi0 * g90/g2, cutlow,
	res1 <- cbind(dels, res1)
	# remove rows with #called=0
	# remove duplicate rows with same # of genes called
	dimnames(res1) <- list(NULL, c("delta", "# med false pos",
		"90th perc false pos", "# called", "median FDR", "90th perc FDR",
		"cutlo", "cuthi"))

detec.horiz <- function(samr.obj, cutlow, cutup, min.foldchange) {
	## find genes above or below horizontal cutpoints
	dobs <- samr.obj$tt
	n <- length(dobs)
	foldchange.cond.up = rep(T, n)
	foldchange.cond.lo = rep(T, n)
	if (!is.null(samr.obj$foldchange[1]) & (min.foldchange >
		0)) {
		foldchange.cond.up = samr.obj$foldchange >= min.foldchange
		foldchange.cond.lo = samr.obj$foldchange <= 1/min.foldchange
	pup <- (1:n)[dobs > cutup & foldchange.cond.up]
	plow <- (1:n)[dobs < cutlow & foldchange.cond.lo]
	return(list(plow = plow, pup = pup))

samr.plot <- function(samr.obj, del = NULL, min.foldchange = 0) {
	## make observed-expected plot
	## takes foldchange into account too
	if (is.null(del)) {
		del = sqrt(max(abs(sort(samr.obj$tt) - samr.obj$evo)))
	LARGE = 1e+10
	b <- detec.slab(samr.obj, del, min.foldchange)
	bb <- c(b$pup, b$plow)
	b1 = LARGE
	b0 = -LARGE
	if (!is.null(b$pup)) {
		b1 <- min(samr.obj$tt[b$pup])
	if (!is.null(b$plow)) {
		b0 <- max(samr.obj$tt[b$plow])
	c1 <- (1:samr.obj$n)[sort(samr.obj$tt) >= b1]
	c0 <- (1:samr.obj$n)[sort(samr.obj$tt) <= b0]
	c2 <- c(c0, c1)
	foldchange.cond.up = rep(T, length(samr.obj$evo))
	foldchange.cond.lo = rep(T, length(samr.obj$evo))
	if (!is.null(samr.obj$foldchange[1]) & (min.foldchange >
		0)) {
		foldchange.cond.up = samr.obj$foldchange >= min.foldchange
		foldchange.cond.lo = samr.obj$foldchange <= 1/min.foldchange
	col = rep(1, length(samr.obj$evo))
	col[b$plow] = 3
	col[b$pup] = 2
	if (!is.null(samr.obj$foldchange[1]) & (min.foldchange >
		0)) {
		col[!foldchange.cond.lo & !foldchange.cond.up] = 1
	col.ordered = col[order(samr.obj$tt)]
	ylims <- range(samr.obj$tt)
	xlims <- range(samr.obj$evo)
	plot(samr.obj$evo, sort(samr.obj$tt), xlab = "expected score",
		ylab = "observed score", ylim = ylims, xlim = xlims,
		type = "n")
	points(samr.obj$evo, sort(samr.obj$tt), col = col.ordered)
	abline(0, 1)
	abline(del, 1, lty = 2)
	abline(-del, 1, lty = 2)

localfdr <- function(samr.obj, min.foldchange, perc = 0.01,
	df = 10) {
	## estimates compute.localfdr at score 'd', using SAM
	#   object 'samr.obj'
	## 'd' can be a vector of d scores
	## returns estimate of symmetric fdr  as a percentage
	# this version uses a 1% symmetric window, and does not
	#   estimate fdr in
	# windows  having fewer than 100 genes
	## to use: first run samr and then pass the resulting fit
	#   object to
	## localfdr
	## NOTE: at most 20 of the perms are used to estimate the
	#   fdr (for speed sake)
	# I try two window shapes: symmetric and an assymetric one
	# currently I use the symmetric window to estimate the
	#   compute.localfdr
	ngenes = length(samr.obj$tt)
	mingenes = 50
	# perc is increased, in order to get at least mingenes in a
	#   window
	perc = max(perc, mingenes/length(samr.obj$tt))
	nperms.to.use = min(20, ncol(samr.obj$ttstar))
	nperms = ncol(samr.obj$ttstar)
	d = seq(sort(samr.obj$tt)[1], sort(samr.obj$tt)[ngenes],
		length = 100)
	ndscore <- length(d)
	dvector <- rep(NA, ndscore)
	ind.foldchange = rep(T, length(samr.obj$tt))
	if (!is.null(samr.obj$foldchange[1]) & min.foldchange > 0) {
		ind.foldchange = (samr.obj$foldchange >= min.foldchange) |
			(samr.obj$foldchange <= min.foldchange)
	fdr.temp = function(temp, dlow, dup, pi0, ind.foldchange) {
		return(sum(pi0 * (temp >= dlow & temp <= dup & ind.foldchange)))
	for (i in 1:ndscore) {
		pi0 <- samr.obj$pi0
		r <- sum(samr.obj$tt < d[i])
		r22 <- round(max(r - length(samr.obj$tt) * perc/2, 1))
		dlow.sym <- sort(samr.obj$tt)[r22]
		#      if(d[i]<0)
		#       {
		#         r2 <- max(r-length(samr.obj$tt)*perc/2, 1)
		# r22= min(r+length(samr.obj$tt)*perc/2,
		#   length(samr.obj$tt))
		#          dlow <- sort(samr.obj$tt)[r2]
		#          dup=sort(samr.obj$tt)[r22]
		#       }
		r22 <- min(r + length(samr.obj$tt) * perc/2, length(samr.obj$tt))
		dup.sym <- sort(samr.obj$tt)[r22]
		#     if(d[i]>0)
		#      {
		# r2 <- min(r+length(samr.obj$tt)*perc/2,
		#   length(samr.obj$tt))
		#        r22 <- max(r-length(samr.obj$tt)*perc/2, 1)
		#        dup <- sort(samr.obj$tt)[r2]
		#        dlow <- sort(samr.obj$tt)[r22]
		#       }
		# o <- samr.obj$tt>=dlow & samr.obj$tt<= dup &
		#   ind.foldchange
		oo <- samr.obj$tt >= dlow.sym & samr.obj$tt <= dup.sym &
		nsim <- ncol(samr.obj$ttstar)
		fdr <- rep(NA, nsim)
		fdr2 <- fdr
		if (!is.null(samr.obj$foldchange[1]) & min.foldchange >
			0) {
			temp = as.vector(samr.obj$foldchange.star[, 1:nperms.to.use])
			ind.foldchange = (temp >= min.foldchange) | (temp <=
		temp = samr.obj$ttstar0[, sample(1:nperms, size = nperms.to.use)]
		# fdr <-median(apply(temp,2,fdr.temp,dlow, dup, pi0,
		#   ind.foldchange))
		fdr.sym <- median(apply(temp, 2, fdr.temp, dlow.sym,
			dup.sym, pi0, ind.foldchange))
		#      fdr <- 100*fdr/sum(o)
		fdr.sym <- 100 * fdr.sym/sum(oo)
		dlow.sym <- dlow.sym
		dup.sym <- dup.sym
		dvector[i] <- fdr.sym
	om = !is.na(dvector) & (dvector != Inf)
	aa = smooth.spline(d[om], dvector[om], df = df)
	return(list(smooth.object = aa, perc = perc, df = df))

predictlocalfdr = function(smooth.object, d) {
	yhat = predict(smooth.object, d)$y
	yhat = pmin(yhat, 100)
	yhat = pmax(yhat, 0)

samr.compute.siggenes.table = function(samr.obj, del,
	data, delta.table, min.foldchange = 0, all.genes = FALSE,
	compute.localfdr = FALSE)
	## computes significant genes table, starting with samr
	#   object 'a' and 'delta.table'
	##  for a  **single** value del
	## if all.genes is true, all genes are printed (and value
	#   of del is ignored)
	if (is.null(data$geneid))
		data$geneid = paste("g", 1:nrow(data$x), sep = "")
	if (is.null(data$genenames))
		data$genenames = paste("g", 1:nrow(data$x), sep = "")
	if (!all.genes)
		sig = detec.slab(samr.obj, del, min.foldchange)
	if (all.genes)
		p = length(samr.obj$tt)
		pup = (1:p)[samr.obj$tt >= 0]
		plo = (1:p)[samr.obj$tt < 0]
		sig = list(pup = pup, plo = plo)
	if (compute.localfdr)
		aa = localfdr(samr.obj, min.foldchange)
		if (length(sig$pup) > 0)
			fdr.up = predictlocalfdr(aa$smooth.object, samr.obj$tt[sig$pup])
		if (length(sig$plo) > 0)
			fdr.lo = predictlocalfdr(aa$smooth.object, samr.obj$tt[sig$plo])
	qvalues = NULL
	if (length(sig$pup) > 0 | length(sig$plo) > 0)
		qvalues = qvalue.func(samr.obj, sig, delta.table)
	res.up = NULL
	res.lo = NULL
	done = FALSE

	# two class unpaired or paired  (foldchange is reported)
	if ((samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.unpaired.response |
		samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.paired.response))
		if (!is.null(sig$pup))
			res.up = cbind(sig$pup + 1, data$genenames[sig$pup],
				data$geneid[sig$pup], samr.obj$tt[sig$pup], samr.obj$numer[sig$pup],
				samr.obj$sd[sig$pup], samr.obj$foldchange[sig$pup],
			if (compute.localfdr)
				res.up = cbind(res.up, fdr.up)
			temp.names = list(NULL, c("Row", "Gene ID", "Gene Name",
				"Score(d)", "Numerator(r)", "Denominator(s+s0)",
				"Fold Change", "q-value(%)"))
			if (compute.localfdr)
				temp.names[[2]] = c(temp.names[[2]], "localfdr(%)")
			dimnames(res.up) = temp.names
		if (!is.null(sig$plo))
			res.lo = cbind(sig$plo + 1, data$genenames[sig$plo],
				data$geneid[sig$plo], samr.obj$tt[sig$plo], samr.obj$numer[sig$plo],
				samr.obj$sd[sig$plo], samr.obj$foldchange[sig$plo],
			if (compute.localfdr)
				res.lo = cbind(res.lo, fdr.lo)
			temp.names = list(NULL, c("Row", "Gene ID", "Gene Name",
				"Score(d)", "Numerator(r)", "Denominator(s+s0)",
				"Fold Change", "q-value(%)"))
			if (compute.localfdr)
				temp.names[[2]] = c(temp.names[[2]], "localfdr(%)")
			dimnames(res.lo) = temp.names
		done = TRUE

	# multiclass
	if (samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.multiclass.response)
		if (!is.null(sig$pup))
			res.up = cbind(sig$pup + 1, data$genenames[sig$pup],
			data$geneid[sig$pup], samr.obj$tt[sig$pup], samr.obj$numer[sig$pup],
			samr.obj$sd[sig$pup], samr.obj$stand.contrasts[sig$pup, ], qvalues$qvalue.up)

			if (compute.localfdr)
				res.up = cbind(res.up, fdr.up)

			collabs.contrast = paste("contrast-", as.character(1:ncol(samr.obj$stand.contrasts)),
				sep = "")
			temp.names = list(NULL, c("Row", "Gene ID", "Gene Name",
			"Score(d)", "Numerator(r)", "Denominator(s+s0)",
			collabs.contrast, "q-value(%)"))

			if (compute.localfdr)
				temp.names[[2]] = c(temp.names[[2]], "localfdr(%)")
			dimnames(res.up) = temp.names
		res.lo = NULL
		done = TRUE

	#all other cases
	if (!done)
		if (!is.null(sig$pup))
			res.up = cbind(sig$pup + 1, data$genenames[sig$pup],
				data$geneid[sig$pup], samr.obj$tt[sig$pup], samr.obj$numer[sig$pup],
				samr.obj$sd[sig$pup], samr.obj$foldchange[sig$pup],
			if (compute.localfdr)
				res.up = cbind(res.up, fdr.up)
			temp.names = list(NULL, c("Row", "Gene ID", "Gene Name",
				"Score(d)", "Numerator(r)", "Denominator(s+s0)",
			if (compute.localfdr)
				temp.names[[2]] = c(temp.names[[2]], "localfdr(%)")
			dimnames(res.up) = temp.names
		if (!is.null(sig$plo))
			res.lo = cbind(sig$plo + 1, data$genenames[sig$plo],
				data$geneid[sig$plo], samr.obj$tt[sig$plo], samr.obj$numer[sig$plo],
				samr.obj$sd[sig$plo], samr.obj$foldchange[sig$plo],
			if (compute.localfdr)
				res.lo = cbind(res.lo, fdr.lo)
			temp.names = list(NULL, c("Row", "Gene ID", "Gene Name",
				"Score(d)", "Numerator(r)", "Denominator(s+s0)",
			if (compute.localfdr)
				temp.names[[2]] = c(temp.names[[2]], "localfdr(%)")
			dimnames(res.lo) = temp.names
		done = TRUE
	if (!is.null(res.up))
		o1 = order(-samr.obj$tt[sig$pup])
		res.up = res.up[o1, , drop = F]
	if (!is.null(res.lo))
		o2 = order(samr.obj$tt[sig$plo])
		res.lo = res.lo[o2, , drop = F]
	color.ind.for.multi = NULL
	if (samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.multiclass.response & !is.null(sig$pup))
		color.ind.for.multi = 1 * (samr.obj$stand.contrasts[sig$pup,
			] > samr.obj$stand.contrasts.95[2]) + (-1) * (samr.obj$stand.contrasts[sig$pup,
			] < samr.obj$stand.contrasts.95[1])
	ngenes.up = nrow(res.up)
	if (is.null(ngenes.up))
		ngenes.up = 0
	ngenes.lo = nrow(res.lo)
	if (is.null(ngenes.lo))
		ngenes.lo = 0
	return(list(genes.up = res.up, genes.lo = res.lo, color.ind.for.multi = color.ind.for.multi,
		ngenes.up = ngenes.up, ngenes.lo = ngenes.lo))

qvalue.func = function(samr.obj, sig, delta.table) {
	# returns q-value as a percentage (out of 100)
	LARGE = 1e+10
	qvalue.up = rep(NA, length(sig$pup))
	o1 = sig$pup
	cutup = delta.table[, 8]
	FDR = delta.table[, 5]
	ii = 0
	for (i in o1) {
		o = abs(cutup - samr.obj$tt[i])
		o[is.na(o)] = LARGE
		oo = (1:length(o))[o == min(o)]
		oo = oo[length(oo)]
		ii = ii + 1
		qvalue.up[ii] = FDR[oo]
	qvalue.lo = rep(NA, length(sig$plo))
	o2 = sig$plo
	cutlo = delta.table[, 7]
	ii = 0
	for (i in o2) {
		o = abs(cutlo - samr.obj$tt[i])
		o[is.na(o)] = LARGE
		oo = (1:length(o))[o == min(o)]
		oo = oo[length(oo)]
		ii = ii + 1
		qvalue.lo[ii] = FDR[oo]
	# any qvalues that are missing, are set to 1 (the highest
	#   value)
	qvalue.lo[is.na(qvalue.lo)] = 1
	qvalue.up[is.na(qvalue.up)] = 1
	# ensure that each qvalue vector is monotone non-increasing
	o1 = order(samr.obj$tt[sig$plo])
	qv1 = qvalue.lo[o1]
	qv11 = qv1
	if (length(qv1) > 1) {
		for (i in 2:length(qv1)) {
			if (qv11[i] < qv11[i - 1]) {
				qv11[i] = qv11[i - 1]
		qv111 = qv11
		qv111[o1] = qv11
	else {
		qv111 = qv1
	o2 = order(samr.obj$tt[sig$pup])
	qv2 = qvalue.up[o2]
	qv22 = qv2
	if (length(qv2) > 1) {
		for (i in 2:length(qv2)) {
			if (qv22[i] > qv22[i - 1]) {
				qv22[i] = qv22[i - 1]
		qv222 = qv22
		qv222[o2] = qv22
	else {
		qv222 = qv2
	return(list(qvalue.lo = 100 * qv111, qvalue.up = 100 * qv222))

foldchange.twoclass = function(x, y, logged2) {
	#  if(logged2){x=2^x}
	m1 <- rowMeans(x[, y == 1, drop = F])
	m2 <- rowMeans(x[, y == 2, drop = F])
	if (!logged2) {
		fc = m2/m1
	if (logged2) {
		fc = 2^{
			m2 - m1

foldchange.paired = function(x, y, logged2) {
	#  if(logged2){x=2^x}
	nc <- ncol(x)/2
	o <- 1:nc
	o1 <- rep(0, ncol(x)/2)
	o2 <- o1
	for (j in 1:nc) {
		o1[j] <- (1:ncol(x))[y == -o[j]]
	for (j in 1:nc) {
		o2[j] <- (1:ncol(x))[y == o[j]]
	if (!logged2) {
		d <- x[, o2, drop = F]/x[, o1, drop = F]
	if (logged2) {
		d <- x[, o2, drop = F] - x[, o1, drop = F]
	if (!logged2) {
		fc <- rowMeans(d)
	if (logged2) {
		fc <- 2^rowMeans(d)

est.s0 <- function(tt, sd, s0.perc = seq(0, 1, by = 0.05)) {
	## estimate s0 (exchangeability) factor for denominator.
	## returns the actual estimate s0 (not a percentile)
	br = unique(quantile(sd, seq(0, 1, len = 101)))
	nbr = length(br)
	a <- cut(sd, br, labels = F)
	a[is.na(a)] <- 1
	cv.sd <- rep(0, length(s0.perc))
	for (j in 1:length(s0.perc)) {
		w <- quantile(sd, s0.perc[j])
		w[j == 1] <- 0
		tt2 <- tt * sd/(sd + w)
		tt2[tt2 == Inf] = NA
		sds <- rep(0, nbr - 1)
		for (i in 1:(nbr - 1)) {
			sds[i] <- mad(tt2[a == i], na.rm = TRUE)
		cv.sd[j] <- sqrt(var(sds))/mean(sds)
	o = (1:length(s0.perc))[cv.sd == min(cv.sd)]
	# we don;t allow taking s0.hat to be 0th percentile when
	#   min sd is 0
	s0.hat = quantile(sd[sd != 0], s0.perc[o])
	return(list(s0.perc = s0.perc, cv.sd = cv.sd, s0.hat = s0.hat))

samr.missrate <- function(samr.obj, del, delta.table,
	quant = NULL) {
	# returns miss rate as a percentage
	if (is.null(quant)) {
		if (samr.obj$resp.type != samr.const.multiclass.response) {
			quant = c(0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.75, 0.8,
				0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1)
		if (samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.multiclass.response) {
			quant = c(0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1)
	## estimate miss rate from sam object 'a'
	o = abs(delta.table[, 1] - del)
	oo = (1:nrow(delta.table))[o == min(o)]
	cut.lo = delta.table[oo, 7]
	cut.up = delta.table[oo, 8]
	ooo = samr.obj$tt > cut.lo & samr.obj$tt < cut.up
	cuts = quantile(samr.obj$tt[ooo], quant)
	ncuts <- length(cuts)
	ngenes <- rep(NA, ncuts)
	ngenes0 <- rep(NA, ncuts)
	ngenes2 <- rep(NA, ncuts)
	missrate <- rep(NA, ncuts)
	nperm = ncol(samr.obj$ttstar)
	for (j in 1:(ncuts - 1)) {
		ngenes2[j] <- sum(samr.obj$tt > cuts[j] & samr.obj$tt <
			cuts[j + 1])
		ngenes0[j] <- sum(samr.obj$ttstar > cuts[j] & samr.obj$ttstar <
			cuts[j + 1])/nperm
		missrate[j] <- (ngenes2[j] - samr.obj$pi0 * ngenes0[j])/ngenes2[j]
		missrate[j] <- max(missrate[j], 0)
	cuts = round(cuts, 3)
	res = matrix(NA, ncol = 3, nrow = ncuts - 1)
	missrate = round(missrate, 4)
	for (i in 1:(ncuts - 1)) {
		res[i, 1] = paste(as.character(quant[i]), as.character(quant[i +
			1]), sep = " -> ")
		res[i, 2] = paste(as.character(cuts[i]), as.character(cuts[i +
			1]), sep = " -> ")
		res[i, 3] = 100 * missrate[i]
	dimnames(res) = list(NULL, c("Quantiles", "Cutpoints", "Miss Rate(%)"))

varr <- function(x, meanx = NULL) {
	n <- ncol(x)
	p <- nrow(x)
	Y <- matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = 1)
	if (is.null(meanx)) {
		meanx <- rowMeans(x)
	ans <- rep(1, p)
	xdif <- x - meanx %*% t(Y)
	ans <- (xdif^2) %*% rep(1/(n - 1), n)
	ans <- drop(ans)

insert.value <- function(vec, newval, pos) {
	if (pos == 1)
		return(c(newval, vec))
	lvec <- length(vec)
	if (pos > lvec)
		return(c(vec, newval))
	return(c(vec[1:pos - 1], newval, vec[pos:lvec]))

permute <- function(elem) {
	# generates all perms of the vector elem
	if (!missing(elem)) {
		if (length(elem) == 2)
			return(matrix(c(elem, elem[2], elem[1]), nrow = 2))
		last.matrix <- permute(elem[-1])
		dim.last <- dim(last.matrix)
		new.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = dim.last[1] * (dim.last[2] +
			1), ncol = dim.last[2] + 1)
		for (row in 1:(dim.last[1])) {
			for (col in 1:(dim.last[2] + 1)) new.matrix[row +
				(col - 1) * dim.last[1], ] <- insert.value(last.matrix[row,
				], elem[1], col)
	else cat("Usage: permute(elem)\n\twhere elem is a vector\n")

sample.perms <- function(elem, nperms) {
	# randomly generates  nperms of the vector elem
	res = permute.rows(matrix(elem, nrow = nperms, ncol = length(elem),
		byrow = T))

integer.base.b <- function(x, b = 2) {
	xi <- as.integer(x)
	if (xi == 0) {
	if (any(is.na(xi) | ((x - xi) != 0)))
		print(list(ERROR = "x not integer", x = x))
	N <- length(x)
	xMax <- max(x)
	ndigits <- (floor(logb(xMax, base = 2)) + 1)
	Base.b <- array(NA, dim = c(N, ndigits))
	for (i in 1:ndigits) {
		#i <- 1
		Base.b[, ndigits - i + 1] <- (x%%b)
		x <- (x%/%b)
	if (N == 1)
		Base.b[1, ]
	else Base.b

compute.block.perms = function(y, blocky, nperms) {
	# y are the data (eg class label 1 vs 2; or -1,1, -2,2 for
	#   paired data)
	# blocky are the block labels (abs(y) for paired daatr)
	ny = length(y)
	nblocks = length(unique(blocky))
	tab = table(blocky)
	total.nperms = prod(factorial(tab))
	# block.perms is a list of all possible permutations
	block.perms = vector("list", nblocks)
	# first enumerate all perms, when possible
	if (total.nperms <= nperms) {
		all.perms.flag = 1
		nperms.act = total.nperms
		for (i in 1:nblocks) {
			block.perms[[i]] = permute(y[blocky == i])
		kk = 0:(factorial(max(tab))^nblocks - 1)
		#the rows of the matrix outerm runs through the 'outer
		#   product'
		# first we assume that all blocks have max(tab) members;
		#   then we remove rows of outerm that
		#  are illegal (ie when a block has fewer members)
		outerm = matrix(0, nrow = length(kk), ncol = nblocks)
		for (i in 1:length(kk)) {
			kkkk = integer.base.b(kk[i], b = factorial(max(tab)))
			if (length(kkkk) > nblocks) {
				kkkk = kkkk[(length(kkkk) - nblocks + 1):length(kkkk)]
			outerm[i, (nblocks - length(kkkk) + 1):nblocks] = kkkk
		outerm = outerm + 1
		# now remove rows that are illegal perms
		ind = rep(TRUE, nrow(outerm))
		for (j in 1:ncol(outerm)) {
			ind = ind & outerm[, j] <= factorial(tab[j])
		outerm = outerm[ind, , drop = F]
		# finally, construct permutation matrix from outer product
		permsy = matrix(NA, nrow = total.nperms, ncol = ny)
		for (i in 1:total.nperms) {
			junk = NULL
			for (j in 1:nblocks) {
				junk = c(junk, block.perms[[j]][outerm[i, j],
			permsy[i, ] = junk
	# next handle case when there are too many perms to
	#   enumerate
	if (total.nperms > nperms) {
		all.perms.flag = 0
		nperms.act = nperms
		permsy = NULL
		block.perms = vector("list", nblocks)
		for (j in 1:nblocks) {
			block.perms[[j]] = sample.perms(y[blocky == j], nperms = nperms)
		for (j in 1:nblocks) {
			permsy = cbind(permsy, block.perms[[j]])
	return(list(permsy = permsy, all.perms.flag = all.perms.flag,
		nperms.act = nperms.act))

getperms = function(y, nperms) {
	total.perms = factorial(length(y))
	if (total.perms <= nperms) {
		perms = permute(1:length(y))
		all.perms.flag = 1
		nperms.act = total.perms
	if (total.perms > nperms) {
		perms = matrix(NA, nrow = nperms, ncol = length(y))
		for (i in 1:nperms) {
			perms[i, ] = sample(1:length(y), size = length(y))
		all.perms.flag = 0
		nperms.act = nperms
	return(list(perms = perms, all.perms.flag = all.perms.flag,
		nperms.act = nperms.act))

parse.block.labels.for.2classes = function(y) {
	#this only works for 2 class case- having form jBlockn,
	#   where j=1 or 2
	n = length(y)
	y.act = rep(NA, n)
	blocky = rep(NA, n)
	for (i in 1:n) {
		blocky[i] = as.numeric(substring(y[i], 7, nchar(y[i])))
		y.act[i] = as.numeric(substring(y[i], 1, 1))
	return(list(y.act = y.act, blocky = blocky))

parse.time.labels.and.summarize.data = function(x,
	y, resp.type, time.summary.type) {
	# parse time labels, and summarize time data for each
	#   person, via a slope or area
	# does some error checking too
	n = length(y)
	last5char = rep(NA, n)
	last3char = rep(NA, n)
	for (i in 1:n) {
		last3char[i] = substring(y[i], nchar(y[i]) - 2, nchar(y[i]))
		last5char[i] = substring(y[i], nchar(y[i]) - 4, nchar(y[i]))
	if (sum(last3char == "End") != sum(last5char == "Start")) {
		stop("Error in format of  time course data: a Start or End tag is missing")
	y.act = rep(NA, n)
	timey = rep(NA, n)
	person.id = rep(NA, n)
	k = 1
	end.flag = FALSE
	person.id[1] = 1
	if (substring(y[1], nchar(y[1]) - 4, nchar(y[1])) != "Start") {
		stop("Error in format of  time course data: first cell should have a Start tag")
	for (i in 1:n) {
		j = 1
		while (substring(y[i], j, j) != "T") {
			j = j + 1
		end.of.y = j - 1
		y.act[i] = as.numeric(substring(y[i], 1, end.of.y))
		timey[i] = substring(y[i], end.of.y + 5, nchar(y[i]))
		if (nchar(timey[i]) > 3 & substring(timey[i], nchar(timey[i]) -
			2, nchar(timey[i])) == "End") {
			end.flag = TRUE
			timey[i] = substring(timey[i], 1, nchar(timey[i]) -
		if (nchar(timey[i]) > 3 & substring(timey[i], nchar(timey[i]) -
			4, nchar(timey[i])) == "Start") {
			timey[i] = substring(timey[i], 1, nchar(timey[i]) -
		if (i < n & !end.flag) {
			person.id[i + 1] = k
		if (i < n & end.flag) {
			k = k + 1
			person.id[i + 1] = k
		end.flag = FALSE
	timey = as.numeric(timey)
	# do a check that the format was correct
	tt = table(person.id, y.act)
	junk = function(x) {
		sum(x != 0)
	if (sum(apply(tt, 1, junk) != 1) > 0) {
		num = (1:nrow(tt))[apply(tt, 1, junk) > 1]
		stop(paste("Error in format of  time course data, timecourse #",
	npeople = length(unique(person.id))
	newx = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = npeople)
	sd = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = npeople)
	for (j in 1:npeople) {
		jj = person.id == j
		tim = timey[jj]
		xc = t(scale(t(x[, jj, drop = F]), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE))
		if (time.summary.type == "slope") {
			junk = quantitative.func(xc, tim - mean(tim))
			newx[, j] = junk$numer
			sd[, j] = junk$sd
		if (time.summary.type == "signed.area") {
			junk = timearea.func(x[, jj, drop = F], tim)
			newx[, j] = junk$numer
			sd[, j] = junk$sd
	y.unique = y.act[!duplicated(person.id)]
	return(list(y = y.unique, x = newx, sd = sd))

check.format = function(y, resp.type, censoring.status = NULL) {
	# here i do some format checks for the input data$y
	# note that checks for time course data are done in the
	#   parse function for time course;
	#  we then check the output from the parser in this function
	if (resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.unpaired.response |
		resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.unpaired.timecourse.response) {
		if (sum(y == 1) + sum(y == 2) != length(y)) {
			stop(paste("Error in input response data: response type ",
				resp.type, " specified; values must be 1 or 2"))
	if (resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.paired.response | resp.type ==
		samr.const.twoclass.paired.timecourse.response) {
		if (sum(y) != 0) {
			stop(paste("Error in input response data: response type ",
				resp.type, " specified; values must be -1, 1, -2, 2, etc"))
		if (sum(table(y[y > 0]) != abs(table(y[y < 0])))) {
			stop(paste("Error in input response data:  response type ",
				resp.type, " specified; values must be -1, 1, -2, 2, etc"))
	if (resp.type == samr.const.oneclass.response | resp.type ==
		samr.const.oneclass.timecourse.response) {
		if (sum(y == 1) != length(y)) {
			stop(paste("Error in input response data: response type ",
				resp.type, " specified;  values must all be 1"))
	if (resp.type == samr.const.multiclass.response) {
		tt = table(y)
		nc = length(tt)
		if (sum(y <= nc & y > 0) < length(y)) {
			stop(paste("Error in input response data: response type ",
				resp.type, " specified; values must be 1,2, ... number of classes"))
		for (k in 1:nc) {
			if (sum(y == k) < 2) {
				stop(paste("Error in input response data: response type ",
				  resp.type, " specified; there must be >1 sample per class"))
	if (resp.type == samr.const.quantitative.response) {
		if (!is.numeric(y)) {
			stop(paste("Error in input response data: response type",
				resp.type, " specified; values must be numeric"))
	if (resp.type == samr.const.survival.response) {
		if (is.null(censoring.status)) {
			stop(paste("Error in input response data: response type ",
				resp.type, " specified; error in censoring indicator"))
		if (!is.numeric(y) | sum(y < 0) > 0) {
			stop(paste("Error in input response data:  response type ",
				resp.type, " specified; survival times  must be numeric and nonnegative"))
			if (sum(censoring.status == 0) + sum(censoring.status ==
				1) != length(censoring.status)) {
				stop(paste("Error in input response data: response type ",
				  resp.type, " specified; censoring indicators must be 0 (censored) or 1 (failed)"))
		if (sum(censoring.status == 1) < 1) {
			stop(paste("Error in input response data:   response type ",
				resp.type, " specified; there are no uncensored observations"))

mysvd <- function(x, n.components = NULL) {
	# finds PCs of matrix x
	p <- nrow(x)
	n <- ncol(x)
	# center the observations (rows)
	feature.means <- rowMeans(x)
	x <- t(scale(t(x), center = feature.means, scale = F))
	if (is.null(n.components)) {
		n.components = min(n, p)
	if (p > n) {
		a <- eigen(t(x) %*% x)
		v <- a$vec[, 1:n.components, drop = FALSE]
		d <- sqrt(a$val[1:n.components, drop = FALSE])
		u <- scale(x %*% v, center = FALSE, scale = d)
		return(list(u = u, d = d, v = v))
	else {
		junk <- svd(x, LINPACK = TRUE)
		nc = min(ncol(junk$u), n.components)
		return(list(u = junk$u[, 1:nc], d = junk$d[1:nc], v = junk$v[,

permute.rows <- function(x) {
	dd <- dim(x)
	n <- dd[1]
	p <- dd[2]
	mm <- runif(length(x)) + rep(seq(n) * 10, rep(p, n))
	matrix(t(x)[order(mm)], n, p, byrow = TRUE)

samr.assess.samplesize = function(samr.obj, data,
	dif, samplesize.factors = c(1, 2, 3, 5), min.genes = 10,
	max.genes = nrow(data$x)/2) {
	if (length(samplesize.factors) > 4) {
		stop("Length of samplesize.factors must be less than or equal to 4")
	n.ssf = length(samplesize.factors)
	if (samr.obj$resp.type != samr.const.twoclass.unpaired.response &
		samr.obj$resp.type != samr.const.twoclass.paired.response &
		samr.obj$resp.type != samr.const.oneclass.response &
		samr.obj$resp.type != samr.const.survival.response) {
		stop("Function only implemented for  twoclass.unpaired, twoclass.paired,\noneclass and survival data types")
	m = nrow(data$x)
	n = ncol(data$x)
	if (samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.unpaired.response) {
		n1 = sum(data$y == 1)
		n2 = sum(data$y == 2)
	if (samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.paired.response) {
		n1 = n/2
		n2 = n/2
	nreps = 3
	klist = round(exp(seq(log(min.genes), log(max.genes), length = 10)))
	fdr = matrix(NA, nrow = length(klist), ncol = n.ssf)
	fdr90 = matrix(NA, nrow = length(klist), ncol = n.ssf)
	fdr10 = matrix(NA, nrow = length(klist), ncol = n.ssf)
	fnr = matrix(NA, nrow = length(klist), ncol = n.ssf)
	fnr90 = matrix(NA, nrow = length(klist), ncol = n.ssf)
	fnr10 = matrix(NA, nrow = length(klist), ncol = n.ssf)
	cutp = matrix(NA, nrow = length(klist), ncol = n.ssf)
	sd = samr.obj$sd
	if (samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.unpaired.response |
		samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.paired.response) {
		sigma = sd/sqrt(1/n1 + 1/n2)
		difm = dif/(sigma * sqrt(1/n1 + 1/n2))
	if (samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.oneclass.response |
		samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.survival.response) {
		sigma = (sqrt(n)) * sd
		difm = sqrt(n) * dif/sigma
	# we only use the  20 of the perms, for speed
	nperms = min(20, samr.obj$nperms.act)
	perms.to.use = sample(1:samr.obj$nperms.act, size = nperms)
	#note: here I permute within each col of zstar, so that the
	# genes that are modified are different for each
	#   permutation
	zstar0 = t(permute.rows(t(samr.obj$ttstar0[, perms.to.use])))
	ii = 0
	for (k in klist) {
		ii = ii + 1
		oo = sample(1:m, size = k)
		temp = matrix(F, nrow = nrow(zstar0), ncol = ncol(zstar0))
		temp[oo, ] = T
		for (kk in 1:n.ssf) {
			zstar = zstar0
			zstar[oo, ] = zstar[oo, ] + difm[oo] * sqrt(samplesize.factors[kk])
			cutp[ii, kk] = quantile(abs(zstar), 1 - (k/m))
			temp[oo, ] = T
			#   power[ii]=(sum(abs(zstar[oo,])>cutp[ii,kk])/samr.obj$nperms)/k
			#   type1[ii]=(sum(abs(zstar[-oo,])>cutp[ii,kk])/samr.obj$nperms)/(m-k)
			u0 = colSums(abs(zstar) > cutp[ii, kk] & !temp)
			r0 = colSums(abs(zstar) > cutp[ii, kk])
			oo2 = !is.na(u0/r0)
			fdr[ii, kk] = median((u0/r0)[oo2])
			fdr90[ii, kk] = quantile((u0/r0)[oo2], 0.9)
			fdr10[ii, kk] = quantile((u0/r0)[oo2], 0.1)
			v0 = colSums(abs(zstar) < cutp[ii, kk] & temp)
			w0 = colSums(abs(zstar) < cutp[ii, kk])
			oo3 = !is.na(v0/w0)
			fnr[ii, kk] = median((v0/w0)[oo3])
			fnr90[ii, kk] = quantile((v0/w0)[oo3], 0.9)
			fnr10[ii, kk] = quantile((v0/w0)[oo3], 0.1)
	ng = round(klist)
	oo = !duplicated(ng)
	results = array(NA, c(sum(oo), 8, n.ssf))
	for (kk in 1:n.ssf) {
		results[, , kk] = cbind(ng, cutp[, kk], fdr[, kk], fdr90[,
			kk], fdr10[, kk], fnr[, kk], fnr90[, kk], fnr10[,
			kk])[oo, ]
	dimnames(results) = list(NULL, c("number of genes", "cutpoint",
		"FDR,1-power", "FDR90", "FDR10", "FNR,type1 error", "FNR90",
		"FNR10"), as.character(samplesize.factors))
	return(list(results = results, dif.call = dif, difm = mean(difm),
		samplesize.factors = samplesize.factors, n = ncol(data$x)))

samr.assess.samplesize.plot <- function(samr.assess.samplesize.obj,
	logx = TRUE) {
	n.ssf = length(samr.assess.samplesize.obj$samplesize.factors)
	if (n.ssf == 1) {
		par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
	if (n.ssf == 2) {
		par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
	if (n.ssf > 2) {
		par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
	par(oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
	na.min = function(x) {
	na.max = function(x) {
	temp = samr.assess.samplesize.obj$results
	ymax = max(c(temp[, "FDR,1-power", ], temp[, "FDR90", ],
		temp[, "FDR10", ], temp[, "FNR,type1 error", ], temp[,
			"FDR90", ], temp[, "FDR10", ]))
	for (kk in 1:n.ssf) {
		results = samr.assess.samplesize.obj$results[, , kk]
		if (logx) {
			plot(results[, "number of genes"], results[, "FDR,1-power"],
				log = "x", xlab = "Number of genes", ylab = "",
				type = "n", ylim = c(0, ymax))
		if (!logx) {
			plot(results[, "number of genes"], results[, "FDR,1-power"],
				xlab = "Number of genes", ylab = "", type = "n",
				ylim = c(0, ymax))
		lines(results[, "number of genes"], results[, "FDR,1-power"],
			col = 2, type = "b", pch = 19)
		lines(results[, "number of genes"], results[, "FDR90"],
			col = 2, lty = 2, pch = 19)
		lines(results[, "number of genes"], results[, "FDR10"],
			col = 2, lty = 2, pch = 19)
		lines(results[, "number of genes"], results[, "FNR,type1 error"],
			col = 3, type = "b", pch = 19)
		lines(results[, "number of genes"], results[, "FNR90"],
			col = 3, lty = 2, pch = 19)
		lines(results[, "number of genes"], results[, "FNR10"],
			col = 3, lty = 2, pch = 19)
		mtext("FDR, 1-Power", side = 2, col = 2, cex = 0.8)
		mtext("FNR, Type 1 error", side = 4, col = 3, cex = 0.8)
		abline(h = 0.05, lty = 3)
		fac = samr.assess.samplesize.obj$samplesize.factors[kk]
		n = samr.assess.samplesize.obj$n
		title(paste("Sample size=", round(n * fac, 0)), cex = 0.7)
	title(paste("Results for mean difference=", round(samr.assess.samplesize.obj$dif.call,
		2)), outer = T)

samr.pvalues.from.perms = function(tt, ttstar) {
	r = rank(c(abs(tt), abs(as.vector(ttstar))))[1:length(tt)]
	r2 = rank(c(abs(tt)))
	r3 = r - r2
	pv = (length(tt) - r3/ncol(ttstar) + 1)/length(tt)

samr.tail.strength = function(samr.obj) {
	tt = samr.obj$tt
	ttstar = samr.obj$ttstar0
	pv = samr.pvalues.from.perms(tt, ttstar)
	m = length(pv)
	pvs = sort(pv)
	ts = (1/m) * sum((1 - pvs * (m + 1)/(1:m)))
	res = NULL
	nperms = min(ncol(ttstar), 20)
	ttstar.temp = ttstar[, 1:nperms]
	for (i in 1:nperms) {
		cat(i, fill = T)
		pvstar = samr.pvalues.from.perms(ttstar.temp[, i], ttstar.temp[,
		pvstar = sort(pvstar)
		tsstar = (1/m) * sum((1 - pvstar * (m + 1)/(1:m)))
		res = c(res, tsstar)
	se.ts.perm = sqrt(var(res))
	return(list(ts = ts, se.ts = se.ts.perm))

## quant <- function(x) {
## 	#dyn.load('/home/tibs/PAPERS/copa/quant.so')
## 	p = as.integer(nrow(x))
## 	n = as.integer(ncol(x))
## 	xx = t(x)
## 	storage.mode(xx) = "single"
## 	junk = .Fortran("quant", as.matrix(xx), n, p, integer(n),
## 		out = single(2 * p), PACKAGE = "samr")
## 	return(matrix(junk$out, ncol = 2))
## }

#new functions for SAMseq
#\t\tEstimate sequencing depths
#\t\tx: data matrix. nrow=#gene, ncol=#sample
# depth: estimated sequencing depth. a vector with len
#   #sample.
samr.estimate.depth <- function(x) {
	iter <- 5
	cmeans <- colSums(x)/sum(x)
	for (i in 1:iter) {
		n0 <- rowSums(x) %*% t(cmeans)
		prop <- rowSums((x - n0)^2/(n0 + 1e-08))
		qs <- quantile(prop, c(0.25, 0.75))
		keep <- (prop >= qs[1]) & (prop <= qs[2])
		cmeans <- colMeans(x[keep, ])
		cmeans <- cmeans/sum(cmeans)
	depth <- cmeans/mean(cmeans)

#\t\tx: data matrix. nrow=#gene, ncol=#sample
#\t\td: estimated sequencing depth
#\t\tnresamp: number of resamplings
#\t\txresamp: an rank array with dim #gene*#sample*nresamp
resample <- function(x, d, nresamp = 20) {
	ng <- nrow(x)
	ns <- ncol(x)
	dbar <- exp(mean(log(d)))
	xresamp <- array(0, dim = c(ng, ns, nresamp))
	for (k in 1:nresamp) {
		for (j in 1:ns) {
			xresamp[, j, k] <- rpois(n = ng, lambda = (dbar/d[j]) *
				x[, j]) + runif(ng) * 0.1
	for (k in 1:nresamp) {
		xresamp[, , k] <- t(rankcol(t(xresamp[, , k])))

#\t\tTwoclass Wilcoxon statistics
#\t\txresamp: an rank array with dim #gene*#sample*nresamp
#\t\ty: outcome vector of values 1 and 2
#\t\ttt: the statistic.
wilcoxon.unpaired.seq.func <- function(xresamp, y) {
	tt <- rep(0, dim(xresamp)[1])
	for (i in 1:dim(xresamp)[3]) {
		tt <- tt + rowSums(xresamp[, y == 2, i]) - sum(y == 2) *
			(length(y) + 1)/2
	tt <- tt/dim(xresamp)[3]
	return(list(tt = tt, numer = tt, sd = rep(1, length(tt))))

#\t\tTwoclass paired Wilcoxon statistics
#\t\txresamp: an rank array with dim #gene*#sample*nresamp
#\t\ty: outcome vector of values +1, -1, +2, -2, ...
#\t\ttt: the statistic.
wilcoxon.paired.seq.func <- function(xresamp, y) {
	tt <- rep(0, dim(xresamp)[1])
	for (i in 1:dim(xresamp)[3]) {
		tt <- tt + rowSums(xresamp[, y > 0, i]) - sum(y > 0) *
			(length(y) + 1)/2
	tt <- tt/dim(xresamp)[3]
	return(list(tt = tt, numer = tt, sd = rep(1, length(tt))))

#\t\tMulticlass statistics
#\t\txresamp: an rank array with dim #gene*#sample*nresamp
#\t\ty: outcome vector of values 1, 2, ..., K
#\t\ttt: the statistic.
multiclass.seq.func <- function(xresamp, y)
	# number of classes and number of samples in each class
	K <- max(y)
	n.each <- rep(0, K)
	for (k in 1 : K)
		n.each[k] <- sum(y == k)
	# the statistic
	tt <- temp <- rep(0, dim(xresamp)[1])
	stand.contrasts <- matrix(0, dim(xresamp)[1], K)

	for (i in 1 : dim(xresamp)[3])
		for (k in 1 : K)
			temp <- rowSums(xresamp[, y == k, i])
			tt <- tt + temp ^2 / n.each[k]
			stand.contrasts[, k] <- stand.contrasts[, k] + temp
	# finalize
	nresamp <- dim(xresamp)[3]
	ns <- dim(xresamp)[2]
	tt <- tt / nresamp * 12 / ns / (ns + 1) - 3 * (ns + 1)
	stand.contrasts <- stand.contrasts / nresamp
	stand.contrasts <- scale(stand.contrasts, center=n.each * (ns + 1) / 2,
		scale=sqrt(n.each * (ns - n.each) * (ns + 1) / 12))
	return(list(tt = tt, numer = tt, sd = rep(1, length(tt)),
		stand.contrasts = stand.contrasts))

## Jun commented this function
##\t\tQuantitative statistics
##\t\txresamp: an rank array with dim #gene*#sample*nresamp
##\t\ty: outcome vector of real values
##\t\ttt: the statistic.
#quantitative.seq.func <- function(xresamp, y)
#\ty.ranked <- rank(y) - (dim(xresamp)[2] + 1) / 2
#\ttt <- rep(0, dim(xresamp)[1])
#\tfor (i in 1 : dim(xresamp)[3])
# tt <- tt + (xresamp[, , i] - (dim(xresamp)[2] + 1) / 2)
#   %*% y.ranked
#\tns <- dim(xresamp)[2]
#\ttt <- tt / (dim(xresamp)[3] * (ns ^ 3 - ns) / 12)
#   return(list(tt=as.vector(tt),numer=as.vector(tt),sd=rep(1,length(tt))))

## Jun added starts
#\t\tQuantitative statistics
#\t\txresamp: an rank array with dim #gene*#sample*nresamp
#\t\ty: outcome vector of real values
#\t\ttt: the statistic.
quantitative.seq.func <- function(xresamp, y) {
	tt <- rep(0, dim(xresamp)[1])
	for (i in 1:dim(xresamp)[3]) {
		y.ranked <- rank(y, ties.method = "random") - (dim(xresamp)[2] +
		tt <- tt + (xresamp[, , i] - (dim(xresamp)[2] + 1)/2) %*%
	ns <- dim(xresamp)[2]
	tt <- tt/(dim(xresamp)[3] * (ns^3 - ns)/12)
	return(list(tt = as.vector(tt), numer = as.vector(tt), sd = rep(1,
## Jun added ends

#\t\tSurvival statistics
#\t\txresamp: an rank array with dim #gene*#sample*nresamp
#\t\ty: outcome vector of real values
#\t\tcensoring.status: 1=died, 0=censored
#\t\ttt: the statistic.
cox.seq.func <- function(xresamp, y, censoring.status) {
	# get the dimensions
	ng <- dim(xresamp)[1]
	ns <- dim(xresamp)[2]
	# prepare for the calculation
	# find the index matrix
	Dn <- sum(censoring.status == 1)
	Dset <- c(1:ns)[censoring.status == 1]  # the set of died
	ind <- matrix(0, ns, Dn)
	# get the matrix
	for (i in 1:Dn) {
		ind[y >= y[Dset[i]] - 1e-08, i] <- 1/sum(y >= y[Dset[i]] -
	ind.sums <- rowSums(ind)
	# calculate the score statistic
	tt <- apply(xresamp, 3, function(x, cen.ind, ind.para, ind.sums.para) {
		dev1 <- x %*% cen.ind
		x.ind <- x %*% ind.para
		dev2 <- (x * x) %*% ind.sums.para - rowSums(x.ind * x.ind)
		dev1/(sqrt(dev2) + 1e-08)
	}, (censoring.status - ind.sums), ind, ind.sums)
	tt <- rowMeans(tt)
	return(list(tt = tt, numer = tt, sd = rep(1, length(tt))))

rankcol = function(x) {
	# ranks the elements within each col of the matrix x
	# and returns these ranks in a matrix
	n = nrow(x)
	p = ncol(x)
	mode(n) = "integer"
	mode(p) = "integer"
	mode(x) = "double"
	if (!is.loaded("rankcol")) {
	junk = .Fortran("rankcol", x, n, ip = p, ixr = integer(n * p),
		integer(n), PACKAGE = "samr")
	xr = matrix(junk$ixr, nrow = n, ncol = p)

## Jun added starts
#\t\tfoldchange of twoclass unpaired sequencing data
foldchange.seq.twoclass.unpaired <- function(x, y, depth)
	x.norm <- scale(x, center = F, scale = depth) + 1e-08
	fc <- rowMedians(x.norm[, y == 2])/rowMedians(x.norm[, y ==

#\t\tfoldchange of twoclass paired sequencing data
foldchange.seq.twoclass.paired <- function(x, y, depth) {
	nc <- ncol(x)/2
	o1 <- o2 <- rep(0, nc)
	for (j in 1:nc) {
		o1[j] <- which(y == -j)
		o2[j] <- which(y == j)
	x.norm <- scale(x, center = F, scale = depth) + 1e-08
	d <- x.norm[, o2, drop = F]/x.norm[, o1, drop = F]
	fc <- rowMedians(d, na.rm = T)
## Jun added ends

## Jun added starts
#\tcompute the delta table for sequencing data
samr.compute.delta.table.seq <- function(samr.obj,
	min.foldchange = 0, dels = NULL) {
	res1 <- NULL
	flag <- T
	## check whether any gene satisfies the foldchange
	#   restrictions
	if ((samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.unpaired.response |
		samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.paired.response) &
		(min.foldchange > 0)) {
		sat.up <- (samr.obj$foldchange >= min.foldchange) & (samr.obj$evo >
		sat.dn <- (samr.obj$foldchange <= 1/min.foldchange) &
			(samr.obj$evo < 0)
		if (sum(sat.up) + sum(sat.dn) == 0) {
			flag <- F
	if (flag) {
		if (is.null(dels)) {
			dels <- generate.dels(samr.obj, min.foldchange = min.foldchange)
		cat("Number of thresholds chosen (all possible thresholds) =",
			length(dels), fill = T)
		if (length(dels) > 0) {
			## sort delta to make the fast calculation right
			dels <- sort(dels)
			## get the upper and lower cutoffs
			cat("Getting all the cutoffs for the thresholds...\n")
			slabs <- samr.seq.detec.slabs(samr.obj, dels, min.foldchange)
			cutup <- slabs$cutup
			cutlow <- slabs$cutlow
			g2 <- slabs$g2
			## get the number of errors under the null hypothesis
			cat("Getting number of false positives in the permutation...\n")
			errnum <- samr.seq.null.err(samr.obj, min.foldchange,
				cutup, cutlow)
			res1 <- NULL
			gmed <- apply(errnum, 2, median)
			g90 = apply(errnum, 2, quantile, 0.9)
			res1 <- cbind(samr.obj$pi0 * gmed, samr.obj$pi0 *
				g90, g2, samr.obj$pi0 * gmed/g2, samr.obj$pi0 *
				g90/g2, cutlow, cutup)
			res1 <- cbind(dels, res1)
			dimnames(res1) <- list(NULL, c("delta", "# med false pos",
				"90th perc false pos", "# called", "median FDR",
				"90th perc FDR", "cutlo", "cuthi"))

#\tget the number of significance in the null distribution
samr.seq.null.err <- function(samr.obj, min.foldchange,
	cutup, cutlow) {
	errup = matrix(NA, ncol = length(cutup), nrow = ncol(samr.obj$ttstar0))
	errlow = matrix(NA, ncol = length(cutlow), nrow = ncol(samr.obj$ttstar0))
	cutup.rank <- rank(cutup, ties.method = "min")
	cutlow.rank <- rank(-cutlow, ties.method = "min")
	for (jj in 1:ncol(samr.obj$ttstar0)) {
		#cat(jj, fill=TRUE)
		keep.up <- keep.dn <- samr.obj$ttstar0[, jj]
		if ((samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.unpaired.response |
			samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.paired.response) &
			(min.foldchange > 0)) {
			keep.up <- keep.up[samr.obj$foldchange.star[, jj] >=
			keep.dn <- keep.dn[samr.obj$foldchange.star[, jj] <=
		errup[jj, ] <- length(keep.up) - (rank(c(cutup, keep.up),
			ties.method = "min")[1:length(cutup)] - cutup.rank)
		errlow[jj, ] <- length(keep.dn) - (rank(c(-cutlow, -keep.dn),
			ties.method = "min")[1:length(cutlow)] - cutlow.rank)
	errnum <- errup + errlow

#\tdetect multiple slabs
samr.seq.detec.slabs <- function(samr.obj, dels, min.foldchange) {
	## initialize calculation
	tag <- order(samr.obj$tt)
	if ((samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.unpaired.response |
		samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.paired.response) &
		(min.foldchange > 0)) {
		res.mat <- data.frame(tt = samr.obj$tt[tag], fc = samr.obj$foldchange[tag],
			evo = samr.obj$evo, dif = samr.obj$tt[tag] - samr.obj$evo)
		res.up <- res.mat[res.mat$evo > 0, ]
		res.lo <- res.mat[res.mat$evo < 0, ]
		res.up <- res.up[res.up$fc >= min.foldchange, ]
		res.lo <- res.lo[res.lo$fc <= 1/min.foldchange, ]
	else {
		res.mat <- data.frame(tt = samr.obj$tt[tag], evo = samr.obj$evo,
			dif = samr.obj$tt[tag] - samr.obj$evo)
		res.up <- res.mat[res.mat$evo > 0, ]
		res.lo <- res.mat[res.mat$evo < 0, ]
	## begin calculating
	cutup <- rep(1e+10, length(dels))
	cutlow <- rep(-1e+10, length(dels))
	g2.up <- g2.lo <- rep(0, length(dels))
	if (nrow(res.up) > 0) {
		res.up <- data.frame(dif = res.up$dif, tt = res.up$tt,
			num = nrow(res.up):1)
		## get the upper part
		j <- 1
		ii <- 1
		while (j <= nrow(res.up) & ii <= length(dels)) {
			if (res.up$dif[j] > dels[ii]) {
				cutup[ii] <- res.up$tt[j]
				g2.up[ii] <- res.up$num[j]
				ii <- ii + 1
			else {
				j <- j + 1
	if (nrow(res.lo) > 0) {
		res.lo <- data.frame(dif = res.lo$dif, tt = res.lo$tt,
			num = 1:nrow(res.lo))
		## get the lower part
		j <- nrow(res.lo)
		ii <- 1
		while (j >= 1 & ii <= length(dels)) {
			if (res.lo$dif[j] < -dels[ii]) {
				cutlow[ii] <- res.lo$tt[j]
				g2.lo[ii] <- res.lo$num[j]
				ii <- ii + 1
			else {
				j <- j - 1
	g2 <- g2.up + g2.lo
	return(list(cutup = cutup, cutlow = cutlow, g2 = g2))

#\tcompute the delta table for sequencing data
generate.dels <- function(samr.obj, min.foldchange = 0) {
	dels <- NULL
	## initialize calculation
	tag <- order(samr.obj$tt)
	if ((samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.unpaired.response |
		samr.obj$resp.type == samr.const.twoclass.paired.response) &
		(min.foldchange > 0)) {
		res.mat <- data.frame(tt = samr.obj$tt[tag], fc = samr.obj$foldchange[tag],
			evo = samr.obj$evo, dif = samr.obj$tt[tag] - samr.obj$evo)
		res.up <- res.mat[res.mat$evo > 0, ]
		res.lo <- res.mat[res.mat$evo < 0, ]
		res.up <- res.up[res.up$fc >= min.foldchange, ]
		res.lo <- res.lo[res.lo$fc <= 1/min.foldchange, ]
	else {
		res.mat <- data.frame(tt = samr.obj$tt[tag], evo = samr.obj$evo,
			dif = samr.obj$tt[tag] - samr.obj$evo)
		res.up <- res.mat[res.mat$evo > 0, ]
		res.lo <- res.mat[res.mat$evo < 0, ]
	## for the upper part
	up.vec <- rep(NA, nrow(res.up))
	if (nrow(res.up) > 0) {
		st <- 1e-08
		i.cur <- 1
		for (i in 1:nrow(res.up)) {
			if (res.up$dif[i] > st) {
				st <- res.up$dif[i]
				up.vec[i.cur] <- st
				i.cur <- i.cur + 1
	## for the lower part
	lo.vec <- rep(NA, nrow(res.lo))
	if (nrow(res.lo) > 0) {
		st <- -1e-08
		i.cur <- 1
		for (i in nrow(res.lo):1) {
			if (res.lo$dif[i] < st) {
				st <- res.lo$dif[i]
				lo.vec[i.cur] <- st
				i.cur <- i.cur + 1
	## combine them
	vec <- c(up.vec, -lo.vec)
	vec <- vec[!is.na(vec)]
	vec <- vec - 1e-08
	dels <- sort(unique(vec))

#\tgenerate normalized data
samr.norm.data <- function(x, depth = NULL) {
	if (is.null(depth)) {
		depth <- samr.estimate.depth(x)
	scaling.factors <- (prod(depth)^(1/length(depth)))/depth
	x <- 2 * sqrt(x + 3/8)
	x <- scale(x, center = F, scale = sqrt(1/scaling.factors))
## Jun added ends

## Shiny webapp function

runSAM <- function() shiny::runApp(system.file("webapp", package="samr"))

Try the samr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

samr documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:49 p.m.