Defines functions emMHMMR

Documented in emMHMMR

#' emMHMMR implemens the EM (Baum-Welch) algorithm to fit a MHMMR model.
#' emMHMMR implements the maximum-likelihood parameter estimation of the MHMMR
#' model by the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm, known as Baum-Welch
#' algorithm in the context of HMMs.
#' @details emMHMMR function implements the EM algorithm. This function starts
#'   with an initialization of the parameters done by the method `initParam` of
#'   the class [ParamMHMMR][ParamMHMMR], then it alternates between the E-Step
#'   (method of the class [StatMHMMR][StatMHMMR]) and the M-Step (method of the
#'   class [ParamMHMMR][ParamMHMMR]) until convergence (until the relative
#'   variation of log-likelihood between two steps of the EM algorithm is less
#'   than the `threshold` parameter).
#' @param X Numeric vector of length \emph{m} representing the covariates/inputs
#'   \eqn{x_{1},\dots,x_{m}}.
#' @param Y Matrix of size \eqn{(m, d)} representing a \eqn{d} dimension time
#'   series observed at points \eqn{1,\dots,m}.
#' @param K The number of regimes (MHMMR components).
#' @param p Optional. The order of the polynomial regression. By default, `p` is
#'   set at 3.
#' @param variance_type Optional character indicating if the model is
#'   "homoskedastic" or "heteroskedastic". By default the model is
#'   "heteroskedastic".
#' @param n_tries Optional. Number of runs of the EM algorithm. The solution
#'   providing the highest log-likelihood will be returned.
#'   If `n_tries` > 1, then for the first run, parameters are initialized by
#'   uniformly segmenting the data into K segments, and for the next runs,
#'   parameters are initialized by randomly segmenting the data into K
#'   contiguous segments.
#' @param max_iter Optional. The maximum number of iterations for the EM
#'   algorithm.
#' @param threshold Optional. A numeric value specifying the threshold for the
#'   relative difference of log-likelihood between two steps of the EM as
#'   stopping criteria.
#' @param verbose Optional. A logical value indicating whether or not values of
#'   the log-likelihood should be printed during EM iterations.
#' @return EM returns an object of class [ModelMHMMR][ModelMHMMR].
#' @seealso [ModelMHMMR], [ParamMHMMR], [StatMHMMR]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(multivtoydataset)
#' mhmmr <- emMHMMR(multivtoydataset$x, multivtoydataset[,c("y1", "y2", "y3")],
#'                  K = 5, p = 1, verbose = TRUE)
#' mhmmr$summary()
#' mhmmr$plot()
emMHMMR <- function(X, Y, K, p = 3, variance_type = c("heteroskedastic", "homoskedastic"), n_tries = 1, max_iter = 1500, threshold = 1e-6, verbose = FALSE) {

  if (is.vector(Y)) { # Univariate time series
    Y <- as.matrix(Y)
  mData <- MData$new(X, Y)

  nb_good_try <- 0
  total_nb_try <- 0
  best_loglik <- -Inf

  while (nb_good_try < n_tries) {

    if (n_tries > 1 && verbose) {
      cat(paste0("EM try number: ", nb_good_try + 1, "\n\n"))
    total_nb_try <- total_nb_try + 1

    # EM Initializaiton step
    # Initialization of the Markov chain parameters, the regression coefficients, and the variance(s)
    variance_type <- match.arg(variance_type)
    param <- ParamMHMMR$new(mData = mData, K = K, p = p, variance_type = variance_type)
    param$initParam(nb_good_try + 1)

    iter <- 0
    prev_loglik <- -Inf
    converged <- FALSE
    top <- 0

    stat <- StatMHMMR$new(paramMHMMR = param)

    while ((iter <= max_iter) && !converged) {
      # E step : calculate the tau_tk (p(Zt=k|y1...ym;theta)) and xi t_kl (and the log-likelihood) by
      #  forwards backwards (computes the alpha_tk et beta_tk)

      # M step

      # End of an EM iteration

      iter <-  iter + 1

      # Test of convergence
      lambda <- 1e-5 # If a bayesian prior on the beta's
      stat$loglik <- stat$loglik + log(lambda)

      if (verbose) {
        cat(paste0("EM: Iteration : ", iter, " || log-likelihood : ", stat$loglik, "\n"))

      if ((prev_loglik - stat$loglik) > 1e-4) {
        top <- top + 1
        if (top == 10) {
          warning(paste0("EM log-likelihood is decreasing from ", prev_loglik, "to ", stat$loglik, " !"))

      converged <- (abs(stat$loglik - prev_loglik) / abs(prev_loglik) < threshold)
      if (is.na(converged)) {
        converged <- FALSE
      } # Basically for the first iteration when prev_loglik is Inf

      prev_loglik <- stat$loglik
      stat$stored_loglik <- c(stat$stored_loglik, stat$loglik)

    } # End of the EM loop

    if (n_tries > 1 && verbose) {
      cat(paste0("Max value of the log-likelihood: ", stat$loglik, "\n\n"))

    if (length(param$beta) != 0) {
      nb_good_try <- nb_good_try + 1
      total_nb_try <- 0

      if (stat$loglik > best_loglik) {
        statSolution <- stat$copy()
        paramSolution <- param$copy()

        best_loglik <- stat$loglik

    if (total_nb_try > 500) {
      stop(paste("can't obtain the requested number of classes"))


  if (n_tries > 1 && verbose) {
    cat(paste0("Best value of the log-likelihood: ", statSolution$loglik, "\n"))

  # Smoothing state sequences : argmax(smoothing probs), and corresponding binary allocations partition

  # Finish the computation of statistics

  return(ModelMHMMR(param = paramSolution, stat = statSolution))

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