#' @title Create a Virtual Sample.
#' @description The function generates many virtual sediment grains based on the specified
#' sample geometry and depth, using the information from a rule book.
#' @param book [list] object, initially produced by [get_RuleBook]
#' @param depth [numeric] scalar, depth of the sample centre (m).
#' @param geometry [character] scalar, keyword defining the geometry of
#' the sample. One out of `"cuboid"` and `"cylinder"`,
#' default is `"cuboid"`.
#' @param radius [numeric] scalar, radius of the cylinder (m).
#' @param height [numeric] scalar, height of the cuboid (m).
#' @param width [numeric] scalar, width of the cuboid (m).
#' @param length [numeric] scalar, length of the cuboid or cylinder (m).
#' @param slice [logical] scalar, option to sample in repeated slices of
#' 10^6 grains until the required sample size is reached. Useful to avoid
#' memory issues for large numbers of grains per sample volume.
#' @param force [logical] scalar, option to override the default
#' maximum number of 10^7 grains per sample, set to avoid memory problems
#' of the computer.
#' @param n_cores [integer] (*optional*) set the number of cores used for the parallel
#' processing
#' @return A [list] object.
#' @author Michael Dietze, GFZ Potsdam (Germany)
#' @examples
#' set.seed(12234)
#' sample_01 <- make_Sample(
#' book = get_RuleBook(),
#' depth = 1,
#' geometry = "cuboid",
#' n_cores = 1,
#' height = 0.001,
#' width = 0.001,
#' length = 0.001)
#' @md
#' @export make_Sample
make_Sample <- function(
geometry = "cuboid",
slice = TRUE,
force = FALSE,
n_cores = max(1,parallel::detectCores() - 2)
) {
# Check input -------------------------------------------------------------
if (!all(c("sandbox", "book") %in% attributes(book)[c("package", "medium")]))
stop("[make_Sample()] 'book' is not an object created by sandbox!", call. = FALSE)
## calculations -------------------------------------------------------------
## determine depth range and sample volume based on sample geometry
if (geometry == "cuboid") {
## calculate depth interval (m)
depth_range <- c(
depth[1] - height[1] / 2,
depth[1] + height[1] / 2)
## calculate sample volume (cubic m)
V_sample <- height[1] * width[1] * length[1]
} else if (geometry == "cylinder") {
## calculate depth interval (m)
depth_range <- c(
depth[1] - radius[1],
depth[1] + radius[1])
## calculate sample volume (cubic m)
V_sample <- pi * radius[1]^2 * length[1]
## define number of grains for average estimate
n_estimate <- 1000
## draw random depths for sample size
z_estimate <- runif(
n = n_estimate,
min = depth_range[1],
max = depth_range[2])
## get test sample descriptions
v_estimate <- lapply(
X = z_estimate,
FUN = function(z, book) {
## get population probabilities
p_z <- vapply(
X = book$population[-1],
FUN = function(x, z) {
x$value(x = z)},
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1), z = z)
## account for negative values
p_z[p_z < 0] <- 0
## normalise probabilities
p_z <- p_z / sum(p_z)
## generate population ID
p_z <- base::sample(
x = 1:length(p_z),
size = 1,
prob = p_z)
## get grain diameter
if (book$grainsize[[p_z + 1]]$type == "exact") {
d_z <- book$grainsize[[p_z + 1]][[2]](z)
} else if (book$grainsize[[p_z + 1]]$type == "normal") {
d_z <- stats::rnorm(
n = 1,
mean = book$grainsize[[p_z + 1]]$mean(z),
sd = book$grainsize[[p_z + 1]]$sd(z))
} else if (book$grainsize[[p_z + 1]]$type == "uniform") {
d_z <- stats::runif(
n = 1,
min = book$grainsize[[p_z + 1]]$min(z),
max = book$grainsize[[p_z + 1]]$max(z))
} else if (book$grainsize[[p_z + 1]]$type == "gamma") {
d_z <- stats::rgamma(
n = 1,
shape = book$grainsize[[p_z + 1]]$shape(z),
scale = book$grainsize[[p_z + 1]]$scale(z)) +
book$grainsize[[p_z + 1]]$offset(z)
## get packing density
if (book$packing[[p_z + 1]]$type == "exact") {
w_z <- book$packing[[p_z + 1]][[2]](z)
} else if (book$packing[[p_z + 1]]$type == "normal") {
w_z <- stats::rnorm(
n = 1,
mean = book$packing[[p_z + 1]]$mean(z),
sd = book$packing[[p_z + 1]]$sd(z))
} else if (book$packing[[p_z + 1]]$type == "uniform") {
w_z <- stats::runif(
n = 1,
min = book$packing[[p_z + 1]]$min(z),
max = book$packing[[p_z + 1]]$max(z))
} else if (book$packing[[p_z + 1]]$type == "gamma") {
w_z <- stats::rgamma(
n = 1,
shape = book$packing[[p_z + 1]]$shape(z),
scale = book$packing[[p_z + 1]]$scale(z)) +
book$packing[[p_z + 1]]$offset(z)
## calculate metric grain radius
r_z <- convert_units(phi = d_z) / 2000000
## calculate packing density-corrected grain volume
v_z <- 4 / 3 * pi * r_z^3 * 1/w_z
## return output if volume is positive
if (v_z > 0) return(v_z)
}, book = book)
## estimate 110 % of total number of grains for sample volume
n_grains <- round(V_sample * n_estimate / sum(unlist(v_estimate)) * 1.1)
## stop if sample volume is too small
if (n_grains < 1)
stop("[make_Sample()] Sample volume is smaller than grain diameter!", call. = FALSE)
## create grains as data frame ----------------------------------------------
## get grain depths for sample
if (geometry == "cuboid") {
d_sample <- runif(
n = n_grains,
min = depth_range[1],
max = depth_range[2])
} else if (geometry == "cylinder") {
depth_i <- runif(
n = n_grains,
min = depth_range[1],
max = depth_range[2]) - depth
depth_circle <- sqrt(radius^2 - depth_i^2)
depth_weight <- depth_circle/max(depth_circle)
d_sample <- sample(
x = depth_i,
size = n_grains,
replace = TRUE,
prob = depth_weight) + depth
## flag warning for high number of grains
if (n_grains > 10 ^ 7 & force == FALSE) {
"More than 10^7 grains (",
") to model. Enable with force = TRUE."
), call. = FALSE)
# Setup parallel computation ----------------------------------------------
## initiate cluster
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(getOption("mc.cores", n_cores[1]))
## check for slice option
if (slice[1]) {
## get slice limits in terms of grain size numbers
i_slice <- c(
seq(from = 1,
to = length(d_sample),
by = 1e+06),
length(d_sample) + 1)
## create and fill slice object with grain depths
d_sample_slice <- vector(
mode = "list", length = length(i_slice) - 1)
for (i in 1:length(d_sample_slice))
d_sample_slice[[i]] <- d_sample[(i_slice[i]):(i_slice[i + 1] - 1)]
} else {
## alternatively create one big slice
d_sample_slice <- list(d_sample)
## get populations
population <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(d_sample_slice))
for (i in 1:length(population)) {
population[[i]] <- parallel::parLapply(
cl = cl,
X = d_sample_slice[[i]],
fun = function(d_sample, book) {
## get population probability
p_z <- lapply(
X = book$population[-1],
FUN = function(x, d_sample) {x$value(x = d_sample)}, d_sample)
## convert list to vector
p_z <-, p_z)
## account for negative values
p_z[p_z < 0] <- 0
## normalise probabilities
p_z <- p_z / sum(p_z)
## generate population ID
x = 1:length(p_z),
size = 1,
prob = p_z)
}, book = book)
## convert list to vector
population[[i]] <-, population[[i]])
## merge populations
population <-, population)
## create matrix for other parameters
parameters <- matrix(nrow = n_grains, ncol = length(book) - 1)
colnames(parameters) <- names(book)[-1]
## append population and empty columns to grains data frame
grains <- 1:n_grains
grains <-
cbind(grains,d_sample, population, parameters))
## calculate all further parameters
for (i in 2:length(book)) {
## calculate general parameters
if (book[[i]]$group == "general") {
if (book[[i]][[2]]$type == "exact") {
x_out <- try({
book[[i]][[2]][[2]](x = grains$d_sample)
}, silent = TRUE)
if (class(x_out[1])[1] == "try-error")
x_out <- rep(NA, nrow(grains))
grains[,i + 2] <- x_out
} else if (book[[i]][[2]]$type == "normal") {
sd_pre <- try({
book[[i]][[2]]$sd(x = grains$d_sample)
}, silent = TRUE)
try(sd_pre[sd_pre < 0] <- 0, silent = TRUE)
x_out <- try(
stats::rnorm(n = nrow(grains),
mean = book[[i]][[2]]$mean(
x = grains$d_sample),
sd = sd_pre),
silent = TRUE)
if (class(x_out[1])[1] == "try-error")
x_out <- rep(NA, nrow(grains))
grains[,i + 2] <- x_out
} else if (book[[i]][[2]]$type == "uniform") {
min_pre <- try({
book[[i]][[2]]$min(x = grains$d_sample)
}, silent = TRUE)
max_pre <- try({
book[[i]][[2]]$max(x = grains$d_sample)
}, silent = TRUE)
x_out <- try({
n = nrow(grains),
min = min_pre,
max = max_pre)},
silent = TRUE)
if (class(x_out[1])[1] == "try-error")
x_out <- rep(NA, nrow(grains))
grains[,i + 2] <- x_out
} else if (book[[i]][[2]]$type == "gamma") {
shape_pre <- try(book[[i]][[2]]$shape(x = grains$d_sample),
silent = TRUE)
scale_pre <- try(book[[i]][[2]]$scale(x = grains$d_sample),
silent = TRUE)
offset_pre <- try(book[[i]][[2]]$offset(x = grains$d_sample),
silent = TRUE)
x_out <- try({
n = nrow(grains),
shape = shape_pre,
scale = scale_pre) + offset_pre
}, silent = TRUE)
if (class(x_out[1])[1] == "try-error")
x_out <- rep(NA, nrow(grains))
grains[,i + 2] <- x_out
} else {
## calculate specific parameters
for (j in 1:(length(book$population) - 1)) {
## extract ID of grains of appropriate population
ID_population_j <- (1:nrow(grains))[grains$population == j]
if (book[[i]][[2]]$type == "exact") {
x_out <- try(book[[i]][[j + 1]]$value(
x = grains$d_sample[ID_population_j]),
silent = TRUE)
if (class(x_out[1])[1] == "try-error")
x_out <- rep(NA, nrow(grains))
grains[ID_population_j,i + 2] <- x_out
} else if (book[[i]][[2]]$type == "normal") {
x_out <- try(
n = length(ID_population_j),
mean = book[[i]][[j + 1]]$mean(x = grains$d_sample),
sd = abs(book[[i]][[j + 1]]$sd(x = grains$d_sample))),
silent = TRUE)
if (class(x_out[1])[1] == "try-error")
x_out <- rep(NA, nrow(grains))
grains[ID_population_j,i + 2] <- x_out
} else if (book[[i]][[2]]$type == "uniform") {
x_out <- try(
n = length(ID_population_j),
min = book[[i]][[j + 1]]$min(x = grains$d_sample),
max = book[[i]][[j + 1]]$max(x = grains$d_sample)),
silent = TRUE)
if (class(x_out[1])[1] == "try-error")
x_out <- rep(NA, nrow(grains))
grains[ID_population_j,i + 2] <- x_out
} else if (book[[i]][[2]]$type == "gamma") {
x_out <- try(
n = length(ID_population_j),
shape = book[[i]][[j + 1]]$shape(x = grains$d_sample),
scale = book[[i]][[j + 1]]$scale(x = grains$d_sample)) +
book[[i]][[j + 1]]$offset(x = grains$d_sample),
silent = TRUE)
if (class(x_out[1])[1] == "try-error")
x_out <- rep(NA, nrow(grains))
grains[ID_population_j,i + 2] <- x_out
## calculate cumulative sample volume
r_grains <- (convert_units(phi = grains$grainsize) / (2 * 1e+06))
V_grains <- cumsum(4 / 3 * pi * r_grains^3 * 1/grains$packing)
## remove grains that over the top of sample volume
grains <- grains[V_sample >= V_grains,]
## return output ------------------------------------------------------------
## set attributes
attributes(grains) <- c(
list(package = "sandbox"))
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