
Defines functions rgarch1p1 nvarOfAcfKP nvcovOfAcfBD nvcovOfAcf acfOfSquaredArmaModel .ciplot .plot_acr .cilines .fixed_values_under_h0 whiteNoiseTest acfWnTest acfGarchTest .wnacf_asyse .wnacf_asycov_garch .wnacf_asycov_iid acfMaTest acfIidTest .comboAcf .comboAcvf backwardPartialCoefficients backwardPartialVariances partialVariances partialAutocovariances partialAutocorrelations autocovariances .basecfclass2S4 .printFittedPart

Documented in acfGarchTest acfIidTest acfMaTest acfOfSquaredArmaModel acfWnTest autocovariances backwardPartialCoefficients backwardPartialVariances nvarOfAcfKP nvcovOfAcf nvcovOfAcfBD partialAutocorrelations partialAutocovariances partialVariances rgarch1p1 whiteNoiseTest

## Do not edit this file manually.
## It has been automatically generated from *.org sources.

setClass("VirtualAutocovariances", contains = "VIRTUAL")
setClass("VirtualAutocorrelations", contains = "VIRTUAL")

setClass("Autocovariances", contains = c("FlexibleLagged", "VirtualAutocovariances"))
setClass("PartialAutocovariances", contains = c("FlexibleLagged", "VirtualAutocovariances"))
setClass("Autocorrelations", contains = c("FlexibleLagged", "VirtualAutocovariances"))
setClass("PartialAutocorrelations", contains = c("FlexibleLagged", "VirtualAutocovariances"))

## Commenting out the slots, their intention is valid in the univariate case
setClass("PartialVariances", contains = c("FlexibleLagged", "VirtualAutocovariances")
         ## , slots = c(data = "numeric")

## Combo variants
setClass("ComboAutocovariances", contains = c("FlexibleLagged", "VirtualAutocovariances")
         ## , slots = c(data = "matrix")

setClass("ComboAutocorrelations", contains = c("FlexibleLagged", "VirtualAutocorrelations")
         ## , slots = c(data = "matrix")

         slots = c(n = "numeric", varnames = "character", objectname = "character" )

setClass("SampleAutocovariances",         contains = c("Autocovariances",        "Fitted"))
setClass("SamplePartialAutocovariances",  contains = c("PartialAutocovariances", "Fitted"))
setClass("SampleAutocorrelations",        contains = c("Autocorrelations",       "Fitted"))
setClass("SamplePartialAutocorrelations", contains = c("PartialAutocorrelations","Fitted"))
setClass("SamplePartialVariances",        contains = c("PartialVariances",       "Fitted"))
## TODO: FittetComboXX variants?

.printFittedPart <- function(x){
    for(slot in slotNames("Fitted")){
               varnames = {
                   if(length(slot(x, slot)) == 0){
                       cat('Slot ', slot, ':  ', " <not set>", "\n", sep = "")
                       cat('Slot ', slot, ':', "\n", sep = "")
                       print(slot(x, slot))
               objectname = { 
                   cat('Slot ', slot, ':  ', slot(x, slot), "\n", sep = "")
               ## default       
               { cat('Slot ', slot, ':', "\n", sep = "")
                   print(slot(x, slot))

setMethod("show", signature(object = "Autocovariances"),
          function (object)
              .reportClassName(object, "Autocovariances")
                  # 2019-03-29 (similarly below) was: callNextMethod()
                  #    is it better to drop prefix "Lag_":
                  #        dataWithLagNames(object, "") 

setMethod("show", signature(object = "Autocorrelations"),
          function (object)
              .reportClassName(object, "Autocorrelations")

setMethod("show", signature(object = "PartialAutocovariances"),
          function (object)
              .reportClassName(object, "PartialAutocovariances")

setMethod("show", signature(object = "PartialAutocorrelations"),
          function (object)
              .reportClassName(object, "PartialAutocorrelations")

setMethod("show", signature(object = "PartialVariances"),
          function (object)
              .reportClassName(object, "PartialVariances")

setMethod("show", signature(object = "SampleAutocorrelations"),
          function (object)
              .reportClassName(object, "SampleAutocorrelations")

setMethod("show", signature(object = "SampleAutocovariances"),
          function (object)
              .reportClassName(object, "SampleAutocovariances")

setMethod("show", signature(object = "SamplePartialAutocovariances"),
          function (object)
              .reportClassName(object, "SamplePartialAutocovariances")

setMethod("show", signature(object = "SamplePartialAutocorrelations"),
          function (object)
              .reportClassName(object, "SamplePartialAutocorrelations")

setMethod("show", signature(object = "SamplePartialVariances"),
          function (object)
              .reportClassName(object, "SamplePartialVariances")

.basecfclass2S4 <- function(x, r0){
    stopifnot(inherits(x, "acf")) # 2020-02-29 was: stopifnot(class(x) == "acf"), similarly below

    lagged <- Lagged(x) # Lagged knows how to interpret "acf" objects
        lagged[0] <- if(inherits(r0, "acf")) r0$acf[1, , ] else r0

    data <- lagged[]
    n <- x$n.used
    series <- x$series
    varnames <- if(is.null(x$snames)) character(0)  else x$snames #TODO: NA in the former?
    ## lag <- x$lag

    class <- switch(x$type, covariance  = "SampleAutocovariances",
                            correlation = "SampleAutocorrelations",
			    partial     = "SamplePartialAutocorrelations" )

    new(class, data = data, n = n, varnames = varnames, objectname = series)

autocovariances <- function(x, maxlag, ...){
    if(is.list(x) && all(names(x) %in% c("ar", "ma", "sigma2"))){ # theoretical ARMA autocov
                 # ARMAacf(x$ar, x$ma, lag.max = maxlag)
                 #    TODO: if using ARMAacf, need to calculate R(0) and multiply by it!
                 #          using the function from package ltsa instead - but need checking;
                 #          does it work for non-invertible models?
        ## TODO: currently only univariate

        phi    <- if(is.null(x$ar     )) numeric(0) else x$ar
        theta  <- if(is.null(x$ma     )) numeric(0) else x$ma
        sigma2 <- if(is.null(x$sigma2)) NA_real_   else x$sigma2

                                    # !!! Note the '-' below!
        wrk <- tacvfARMA(phi = phi, theta = - theta, sigma2 = sigma2, maxLag = maxlag)

        new("Autocovariances", data = wrk)
    }else{ ## numeric, "ts", "mts" etc. ...
                           # TODO: check what happens if argument 'plot' is  in `...' (error?)
        wrk <- if(missing(maxlag))
                   acf(x, plot = FALSE, type = "covariance", ...)
                   acf(x, lag.max = maxlag, plot = FALSE, type = "covariance", ...)
        obj <- .basecfclass2S4(wrk)

                  #       IN THE MULTIVARIATE CASE;
                  #       THEY SHOULD CONTERT TO IT THEMSELVES.
                  # res <- acfbase2sl(res)
                  # slMatrix(res)


           function(x, maxlag, lag_0, ...)  standardGeneric("autocorrelations")

partialAutocorrelations <- function(x, maxlag, lag_0 = TRUE, ...){
            # TODO: needs more work!
            #       see handwritten notes "parcor"; James Proberts may wish to do it.
            # in this case, compute autocovariances, solve YW and extract the parcor.
            #   (for the multivariate case needs modification!)
            # calculate autocor not autocov, since the latter may need more, e.g. sigma2

    acrobj <- if(missing(maxlag))
                  autocorrelations(x, ...)
                  autocorrelations(x, maxlag = maxlag, ...)
    pacr <- modelCoef(acrobj, "PartialAutocorrelations")

        if(is(acrobj, "SampleAutocorrelations")){
             new("SamplePartialAutocorrelations", data = pacr, as(acrobj, "Fitted"))
             new("PartialAutocorrelations", data = pacr)
    }else if(identical(lag_0, FALSE)){
            # if(dim(res@data) == 3)
            #     new("FlexibleLagged", data = obj@data[ -1, , ])
            # else
            #     new("FlexibleLagged", data = obj@data[-1])
        ## TODO: this is very lazy; to avoid checking the dimensions
        ##       do it properly (maybe via an auxiliary function)
        wrk <- new("FlexibleLagged", data = pacr)
    }else {# lag_0 = "var" or anything else - put the variance in lag_0
            ## TODO: this may fail if 'x' doesn't contain info about autocovariances.
            ##    Maybe just put NA instead?
            wrk <- autocovariances(x, maxlag = 0, ...)
            ## BUGFIX: was: res <- as(obj, "FlexibleLagged")
            res <- new("FlexibleLagged", data = pacr)
            res[[0]] <- wrk[[0]]


setGeneric("partialAutocorrelations", signature = c("x", "maxlag", "lag_0") )

partialAutocovariances <- function(x, maxlag, ...){
            # TODO: see handwritten notes "parcor"!
            # TODO: for now don't use lag_0 since it is not supported consistently yet.
            # wrk <- autocorrelations(x, lag_0 = "var", ...) # TODO: put R(0) at lag(0)
        # TODO: only univariate for now
    acvfobj <- if(missing(maxlag))
                   autocovariances(x, ...)
                   autocovariances(x, maxlag, ...)

    pacvf <- .comboAcvf(acvfobj, "pacvf")
    if(is(acvfobj, "SampleAutocovariances")){
        new("SamplePartialAutocovariances", data = pacvf, as(acvfobj, "Fitted"))
        new("PartialAutocovariances", data = pacvf)

setGeneric("partialAutocovariances", signature = c("x", "maxlag") )

partialVariances <- function(x, ...){ # improvement? was: "predictionVariances"
                        # TODO: see handwritten notes "parcor"!
                        #       see also comments in the default for partialAutocovariances()
         # TODO: only univariate for now
    acvfobj <- autocovariances(x, ...)
    wrk <- .comboAcvf(acvfobj, "psigma2")

    new("PartialVariances", data = wrk)
    if(is(acvfobj, "SampleAutocovariances")){
        new("SamplePartialVariances", data = wrk, as(acvfobj, "Fitted"))
        new("PartialVariances", data = wrk)

setGeneric("partialVariances") # was: setGeneric("predictionVariances")

backwardPartialVariances <- function(x,...) stop(x)
setGeneric("backwardPartialVariances")      # setGeneric("backwardPredictionVariances")

partialCoefficients <-
backwardPartialCoefficients <- function(x, p) stop(x)
setGeneric("partialCoefficients")	       # setGeneric("predictionCoefficients")	       
setGeneric("backwardPartialCoefficients")   # setGeneric("backwardPredictionCoefficients")

          signature(x = "VirtualAutocovariances"),
          function (x, ...)
              stop("Can't compute autocovariances from objects from class ", class(x))

          signature(x = "Autocovariances", maxlag = "missing"),
          function (x, ...)

          signature(x = "Autocovariances", maxlag = "ANY"),
          function (x, maxlag, lag_0, ...)
              x[] <- x[0:maxlag]   # may introduce NA's

## TODO: set default value for maxlag?
    signature(x = "VirtualArmaModel"),
    function (x, maxlag, ...)
        co <- modelCoef(x, convention = "BJ", ...)
        sigma2 <- sigmaSq(x) # method for this how to call it:
                             #      sigmaSq(), innovationVariance(), innovationVar()?
            maxlag <- max(length(co$ar), length(co$ma))
                ## TODO: compare to
                ##       FitARMA::TacvfARMA(phi = co$ar, theta = co$theta, lag.max = maxlag)
        res <- ltsa::tacvfARMA(phi = co$ar, theta = co$ma, maxLag = maxlag,
                               sigma2 = sigma2)
        as(res, "Autocovariances")

    signature(x = "ANY", maxlag = "ANY", lag_0 = "ANY"),
    function (x, maxlag, lag_0, ...)
        obj <- autocorrelations(x, maxlag, ...)

        else if(identical(lag_0, FALSE)){
            ## drop lag 0 and the class
	        # if(!is.null(dim(obj@data)) && dim(obj@data) == 3)
                #     obj@data[ -1, , ]
	        # else
                #     obj@data[-1]
            obj[seq(length = maxLag(obj))] # was:  obj[][-1]
        }else {# lag_0 = "var" or anything else - put the variance in lag_0
                ## TODO: this may fail if 'x' doesn't contain info about autocovariances.
                ##    Maybe just put NA instead?
                wrk <- autocovariances(x, maxlag = 0, ...)
                res <- as(obj, "FlexibleLagged")
                res[[0]] <- wrk[[0]]


          signature(x = "ANY", maxlag = "ANY", lag_0 = "missing"),
          function (x, maxlag, ...)
                  stop("there is no applicable method for object from class ", class(x))

              if(is.list(x) && all(names(x) %in% c("ar", "ma", "sigma2"))){
                  ## theoretical ARMA autocov
                  wrk <- ARMAacf(x$ar, x$ma, lag.max = maxlag, ...) # `...' here may be only
                                                                    # lag.max TODO: take care
                                                                    # of lag_0
                  new("Autocorrelations", data = wrk)
              }else{ # numeric, "ts", "mts" etc. ...
                  ## sample autocorrelations
                  wrk <- if(missing(maxlag))
                      acf(x, plot = FALSE, type = "correlation", ...)
                      acf(x, lag.max = maxlag, plot = FALSE, type = "correlation", ...)
              ## res <- acfbase2sl(res) # convert to season/lag format
              ## res <- slMatrix(res)
              ## if(isTRUE(lag_0))
              ##     res
              ## else if(identical(lag_0, FALSE))
              ##     as.matrix(res)[-1]

              ## else {# lag_0 = "var" or anything else - put the variance in lag_0
              ##     stop('lag_0 = "var" not implemented yet for this method.')
              ## }

          signature(x = "Autocorrelations", maxlag = "missing", lag_0 = "missing"),
          function (x, ...)
              ## as(x, "Autocorrelations")   # x may be from a subclass

          signature(x = "Autocorrelations", maxlag = "ANY", lag_0 = "missing"),
          function (x, maxlag, lag_0, ...)
              ## new("Autocorrelations", data = x[0:maxlag]) # may introduce NA's
              x[] <- x[0:maxlag]   # may introduce NA's

          signature(x = "Autocovariances", maxlag = "ANY", lag_0 = "missing"),
          function (x, maxlag, ...)
                  maxlag <- maxLag(x)
              acr <- x[0:maxlag] / x[[0]] # TODO: Only univariate case for now!
              if(is(x, "Fitted"))
                  new("SampleAutocorrelations", data = acr, as(x, "Fitted"))
                  new("Autocorrelations", data = acr)

## .pacvf2acrf <- 
##           function (x, maxlag, ...)
##           {
##               acr <- modelCoef(x, "Autocorrelations")
##               res <- if(is(x, "Fitted"))
##                          new("SampleAutocorrelations", data = acr, as(x, "Fitted"))
##                      else
##                          new("Autocorrelations", data = acr)
##               if(!missing(maxlag))
##                   res@data <- res[0:maxlag]     # may introduce NA's
##               res
##           }
## setMethod("autocorrelations",
##           signature(x = "PartialAutocovariances", maxlag = "ANY", lag_0 = "missing"),
## 	  .pacvf2acrf
##           )

          signature(x = "PartialAutocorrelations", maxlag = "ANY", lag_0 = "missing"),
          function (x, maxlag, ...)
              acr <- modelCoef(x, "Autocorrelations")
              res <- if(is(x, "Fitted"))
                         new("SampleAutocorrelations", data = acr, as(x, "Fitted"))
                         new("Autocorrelations", data = acr)
                  ## BugFix 2020-02-29 was: res@data <- res[0:maxlag]
                  ##     TODO: needs more testing
                  res@data <- Lagged(res[0:maxlag])     # may introduce NA's


## TODO: set default value for maxlag?
    signature(x = "VirtualArmaModel", maxlag = "ANY", lag_0 = "missing"),
    function (x, maxlag, ...)
        ## lazy - calls the default method with "BD" convention
        co <- modelCoef(x, convention = "BD", ...)
        co$sigma2 <- 1 # for autocorrelations this doesn't matter, but may be NA in x
            maxlag <- max(length(co$ar), length(co$ma))

        autocorrelations(co, maxlag = maxlag, ...)

    signature(x = "VirtualSarimaModel", maxlag = "ANY", lag_0 = "missing"),
    function (x, maxlag, ...)
        arma <- as(x, "ArmaModel") # should give error if x is non-stationary
        autocorrelations(arma, maxlag = maxlag, ...)

          signature(x = "ts", maxlag = "ANY", lag_0 = "missing"),
          function (x, maxlag, ...)
              wrk <- if(missing(maxlag))
                  pacf(x, plot = FALSE)
                  pacf(x, lag.max = maxlag, plot = FALSE)

          signature(x = "mts", maxlag = "ANY", lag_0 = "missing"),
          function (x, maxlag, ...){             # TODO: check what definition they use, etc.
              wrk <- if(missing(maxlag))
                         pacf(x, plot = FALSE)
                         pacf(x, lag.max = maxlag, plot = FALSE)
              r0 <- acf(x, lag.max = 0, plot = FALSE)
              res <- .basecfclass2S4(wrk, r0)
              ## 2020-02-29 not needed, maxlag has already been used above!
              ##     Also, this is wrong since res@data has a Lagged class.
              ## if(!missing(maxlag))
              ##     res@data <- res[0:maxlag]     # may introduce NA's

## BUGFIX: this cannot be done, see details elsewhere in this document!
## setMethod("partialAutocorrelations",
##           signature(x = "PartialAutocovariances", maxlag = "ANY", lag_0 = "missing"),
##           function (x, maxlag, ...)
##           {
##               pacr <- modelCoef(x, "PartialAutocorrelations")
##               res <- new("PartialAutocorrelations", data = pacr)
##               if(!missing(maxlag))
##                   res@data <- res[0:maxlag]     # may introduce NA's
##               res
##           }
##           )

## not needed since the default does the job
## setMethod("partialAutocorrelations",
##     signature(x = "VirtualArmaModel"),
##     function (x, maxlag, lag_0 = TRUE, ...)
##     {
##         co <- armaCoef(x, convention = "BJ", ...)
##         sigma2 <- sigmaSq(x)
##         wrk <- FitARMA::TacvfARMA(phi = numeric(0), theta = numeric(0), lag.max = maxlag)
##         ## TODO: mult by sigma2
##     }
## )

.comboAcvf <- function(acvf, ind){ # acvf is a Lagged object (actually Autocovariance or similar)
    acvf <- acvf[] # drop the "Laggedness" (i.e. get the raw data)

    ## scalar case only; for now
    r0 <- acvf[1]

    acf <- acvf/r0
    acfonly <- as(acf, "vector")[-1]

    wrk <- ltsa::DLAcfToAR(acfonly) # further args: (useC = TRUE, PDSequenceTestQ = FALSE)
          ## wrk is a matrix with columns containing ar, pacf, sigma2;
              ##   (but sigma2 (column "sigsqk") contains standardised innov vars,
              ##    i.e. ones corresponding to R[0]=1);
          ## modify wrk below to our requirements.

          ## innovation variances in wrk are for R[0] = 1, so multiple them by R[0]
    wrk[ , 3] <- r0 * wrk[ , 3]
    wrk[ , 2] <- wrk[ , 2] * wrk[ , 3] # pacf => pacvf

    res <- rbind(c(1, r0, r0), wrk) # prepend a row  (1 R[0] R[0])'
         # 2016-11-24 was: res <- cbind(acvf@data, res)           # prepend also the acvf's
    res <- cbind(acvf[], res)           # prepend also the acvf's
                           # 'p' in 'pacvf' and 'psigma2' is for 'partial' as in pacf, etc.
    colnames(res) <- c("acvf", "ar", "pacvf", "psigma2")
    rownames(res) <- 0 : maxLag(acvf)

    res <- t(res)   # 2016-12-07 now return the lags as columns!

        res[ind, ]

## not used?
.comboAcvfNames <- c("Autocovariances"        = "acvf",
                     "ar"                     = "ar", # not used
                     "PartialAutocovariances" = "pacvf",
                     "PartialVariances"       = "sigma2" )

.comboAcf <- function(acvf, ind){ # acvf or acf
    acvf <- acvf[] # drop the "Laggedness" (i.e. get the raw data)

    ## scalar case only; for now
    r0 <- acvf[1]

    acf <- acvf/r0
    acfonly <- acf[-1]

    wrk <- ltsa::DLAcfToAR(acfonly) # further args: (useC = TRUE, PDSequenceTestQ = FALSE)
          ## wrk is a matrix with columns containing ar, pacf, sigma2;
              ##   (but sigma2 (column "sigsqk") contains standardised innov vars,
              ##    i.e. ones corresponding to R[0]=1);
          ## modify wrk below to our requirements.

    res <- cbind(acfonly, wrk)       # prepend also the acf's
    res <- rbind(c(1, 1, 1, 1), res) # prepend a row of 1's
    colnames(res) <- c("acf", "ar", "pacf", "stdsigma2")
    rownames(res) <- 0 : maxLag(acvf)

    res <- t(res)   # 2016-12-07 now return the lags as columns!

        res[ind, ]

## setAs("Autocovariances", "ComboAutocovariances",
##       function(from){
##           new("ComboAutocovariances", coef = )
##       }
## )

setAs("vector", "Autocovariances", function(from) new("Autocovariances", data = from))
setAs("vector", "Autocorrelations", function(from) new("Autocorrelations", data = from))
setAs("vector", "PartialAutocovariances",
      function(from) new("PartialAutocovariances", data = from))
setAs("vector", "PartialAutocorrelations",
      function(from) new("PartialAutocorrelations", data = from))

## setAs("ANY", "PartialAutocovariances",
##       function(from){
##           partialAutocovariances(from)
##       })
## setAs("ANY", "PartialVariances",
##       function(from){
##           partialVariances(from)
##       })
## setAs("ANY", "Autocorrelations",
##       function(from){
##           autocorrelations(from)
##       })
## setAs("ANY", "PartialAutocorrelations",
##       function(from){
##           partialAutocorrelations(from)
##       })

setAs("ANY", "ComboAutocovariances",
          acvf <- as(from, "Autocovariances")
          wrk <- .comboAcvf(acvf)
          new("ComboAutocovariances", data = wrk)

setAs("ANY", "ComboAutocorrelations",
          acf <- as(from, "Autocorrelations")
          wrk <- .comboAcf(acf)
          new("ComboAutococorrelations", data = wrk)

setAs("Autocovariances", "ComboAutocovariances",
          wrk <- .comboAcvf(from)
          new("ComboAutocovariances", data = wrk)

setAs("Autocovariances", "ComboAutocorrelations",
          wrk <- .comboAcf(from)
          new("ComboAutocorrelations", data = wrk)

setAs("Autocorrelations", "ComboAutocovariances",
          stop("not possible, missing R(0)")

setAs("Autocorrelations", "ComboAutocorrelations",
          wrk <- .comboAcf(from)
          new("ComboAutocorrelations", data = wrk)

## setAs("PartialVariances", "Autocovariances",
##       function(from){
##           stop("PartialVariances cannot be converted to the requested class.")
##       })
## setAs("PartialVariances", "ComboAutocovariances",
##       function(from){
##           stop("PartialVariances cannot be converted to the requested class.")
##       })
## setAs("PartialVariances", "Autocorrelations",
##       function(from){
##           stop("PartialVariances cannot be converted to the requested class.")
##       })
## setAs("PartialVariances", "ComboAutocorrelations",
##       function(from){
##           stop("PartialVariances cannot be converted to the requested class.")
##       })

setAs("Autocorrelations", "Autocovariances",
          new("Autocovariances", data = from[])

setAs("SampleAutocorrelations", "SampleAutocovariances",
          new("SampleAutocovariances", data = from[], as(from, "Fitted"))

setMethod("modelCoef", c("VirtualAutocovariances", "missing", "missing"),

setMethod("modelCoef", c("VirtualAutocovariances", "character", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){
              if(identical(class(object), convention))
                  ## this case is equivalent to the one-argument call()
                  convention <- new(convention)
                  modelCoef(object, convention  = convention )

setMethod("modelCoef", c("VirtualAutocovariances", "VirtualAutocovariances", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){
              acvf <- modelCoef(object, "Autocovariances")
              modelCoef(acvf, convention)

setMethod("modelCoef", c("VirtualAutocovariances", "Autocovariances", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){
              stop("Can't obtain autocovariances from object from class ", class(object))

setMethod("modelCoef", c("Autocovariances", "ComboAutocovariances", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){

setMethod("modelCoef", c("Autocovariances", "ComboAutocorrelations", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){

# not defined since R[0] is unknown
# setMethod("modelCoef", c("Autocorrelations", "ComboAutocovariances", "missing") )

setMethod("modelCoef", c("Autocorrelations", "ComboAutocorrelations", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){

setMethod("modelCoef", c("ComboAutocovariances", "Autocovariances", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){
              ## 2020-02-29 changing this (here and at similar places) with temporary patch
              ##     since Lagged2d objects don't have method for "character" (also "logical")
              ## TODO: UPDATE PACKAGE "lagged" with such methods, if sensible!
              ##      object@data["acvf", ]
              tmp <- which(rownames(object@data[]) == "acvf")
              object@data[tmp, ]

## TODO: to AR model (or filter) using $ar

setMethod("modelCoef", c("ComboAutocovariances", "PartialAutocovariances", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){
              ## object@data["pacvf", ]
              tmp <- which(rownames(object@data[]) == "pacvf")
              object@data[tmp, ]

setMethod("modelCoef", c("ComboAutocovariances", "PartialVariances", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){
              ## object@data["sigma2", ]
              tmp <- which(rownames(object@data[]) == "sigma2")
              object@data[tmp, ]

## acvf to acf etc.
setMethod("modelCoef", c("ComboAutocovariances", "VirtualAutocovariances", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){
              acvf <- modelCoef(object, "Autocovariances")
              modelCoef(acvf, convention)

setMethod("modelCoef", c("ComboAutocorrelations", "Autocorrelations", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){
              ## object@data["acf", ]
              tmp <- which(rownames(object@data[]) == "acf")
              object@data[tmp, ]

## TODO: to AR model (or filter) using $ar

setMethod("modelCoef", c("ComboAutocorrelations", "PartialAutocorrelations", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){
              ## object@data["pacf", ]
              tmp <- which(rownames(object@data[]) == "pacf")
              object@data[tmp, ]

## need class StandardizedPartialVariances
## setMethod("modelCoef", c("ComboAutocorrelations", "StandardizedPartialVariances", "missing"),
##           function(object, convention){
##           object@data["stdsigma2", ]
##       }
##       )

setMethod("modelCoef", c("Autocovariances", "Autocorrelations", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){
              co <- object[] # or modelCoef(object) - no need for such generality?
              co / co[1]        # TODO: modify to work in multivariate case

setMethod("modelCoef", c("Autocovariances", "PartialAutocorrelations", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){
                    # alternatively, obtain them from combo (which uses ltsa::DLAcfToAR;
                    # using here acf2AR; compare to combo during testing.
              co <- object[] # or modelCoef(object) - no need for such generality?
              ar.all <- acf2AR(co) # all partial prediction coef's (YW)
              c(1, diag(ar.all) )

## same as for "Autocovariances"
setMethod("modelCoef", c("Autocorrelations", "PartialAutocorrelations", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){
              co <- object@data # or modelCoef(object) - no need for such generality?
              ar.all <- acf2AR(co) # all partial prediction coef's (YW)
              c(1, diag(ar.all) )

setMethod("modelCoef", c("PartialAutocorrelations", "Autocorrelations", "missing"),
          function(object, convention){
                  # 2016-11-24 was:
                  #     pacf <- object@data
                  #     pacfonly <- pacf[-1]
              pacfonly <- object[1:maxLag(object)]
                   # 2022-02-14 was:  ar <- FitAR::PacfToAR(pacfonly)
              ar <- pacf2Ar(pacfonly)
                   # alternatively:
                   # acvf <- ltsa::tacvfARMA(phi = ar, maxLag = length(ar))
                   # acf <- acvf/acvf[0]
              ARMAacf(ar, lag.max = length(ar))

##not available on purpose
##setMethod("modelCoef", c("Autocorrelations", "PartialAutocovariances", "missing"))

## setMethod("modelCoef", c("PartialAutocovariances", "PartialAutocorrelations", "missing"),
##           function(object, convention){
##               ## pacr <- object[] / object[0] # TODO: currently scalar only
##               stop("Partial autocorrelations are not uniquely determined by partial autocovariances")
##           }
##           )
## setMethod("modelCoef", c("PartialAutocovariances", "Autocorrelations", "missing"),
##           function(object, convention){
##               ## pacfonly <- object[] / object[0] # TODO: currently scalar only
##               ## ar <- FitAR::PacfToAR(pacfonly[-1]) # drop lag 0 !
##               ##      # alternatively:
##               ##      # acvf <- ltsa::tacvfARMA(phi = ar, maxLag = length(ar))
##               ##      # acf <- acvf/acvf[0]
##               ## ARMAacf(ar, lag.max = length(ar))
##               stop("Autocorrelations are not uniquely determined by partial autocovariances")
##           }
##           )

## n     - length of time series, scalar
## npar  - no. estimated param, scalar
## nlags - number of acf for the LB test, vector of positive integers
acfIidTest <- function(acf, n, npar = 0, nlags = npar + 1,
                       method = c("LiMcLeod", "LjungBox", "BoxPierce"),
                       interval = 0.95, expandCI = TRUE, ...){
    method <- match.arg(method)
    maxlag <- max(nlags)
    usedLags <- 1:maxlag
           "LjungBox" = {
               rsq <- acf[usedLags]^2 / (n - usedLags)
               Q <- n * (n+2) * cumsum(rsq)
           "BoxPierce" = {
               rsq <- acf[usedLags]^2
               Q <- n * cumsum(rsq)
           "LiMcLeod" = {
               rsq <- acf[usedLags]^2
               Q <- n * cumsum(rsq) + usedLags * (usedLags + 1) / (2*n)
           }#, stop("Unknown method")

    Q <- Q[nlags] # keep only the requested ChiSq values

    df <- nlags - npar
    df[df <= 0] <- 1    # TODO: this should really be NA or depend on the estimation method

    pval <- pchisq(Q, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)

    wrk <- cbind(ChiSq = Q, DF = df, pvalue = pval)
    attr(wrk, "method") <- method
    res <- list(test = wrk)

        lq <- qnorm((1 - interval) / 2)
        int <- lq / sqrt(n)
            int <- rep(int, maxlag)

        int <- cbind(int, - int)
        res$ci <- int
	attr(res$ci, "level") <- interval



setMethod("acfIidTest", "SampleAutocorrelations",
          function(acf, n, npar, nlags, method, interval = 0.95, x){
                  n <- acf@n
                  if(n != acf@n){
                      ## only warning to allow 'what-if use.
                      warning("argument 'n' is not equal to slot 'n' of the autocorrelations")
              callNextMethod(acf, n = n, npar = npar, nlags = nlags, method = method, interval = interval)

setMethod("acfIidTest", "missing",
          function(acf, n, npar, nlags, method, interval = 0.95, x){
                  n <- length(x)
              acf <- autocorrelations(x, maxlag = max(nlags))
              acfIidTest(acf, n = n, npar = npar, nlags = nlags, method = method, interval = interval)

acfMaTest <- function(acf, ma,  n, nlags,
                       interval = 0.95){
    if(!is(acf, "Lagged"))
        acf <- Lagged(acf)
    maxlag <- max(nlags)
    usedLags <- 1:maxlag

    W <- nvcovOfAcfBD(acf, ma = ma, maxlag = maxlag)

    Q <- numeric(length(nlags))
    for(i in seq(along = nlags)){
        h <- nlags[i]
        la <- (ma + 1):h
        rho <- acf[la]
        stat <- rho %*% solve(W[la,la]) %*% rho
        Q[i] <- stat / n

    df <- nlags - ma

    pval <- pchisq(Q, df = df, lower.tail = FALSE)

    wrk <- cbind(ChiSq = Q, DF = df, pvalue = pval)
    attr(wrk, "method") <- paste0("Ma(", ma, ") Test")
    res <- list(test = wrk)

        lq <- qnorm((1 - interval) / 2, sd = sqrt(diag(W)))
        int <- lq / sqrt(n)

        ## 2019-03-15 <BUGFIX> was:  int <- cbind(int, - int)
        ##         also need levels for the lags!
        rho_hat_null <- c(acf[seq_len(ma)], rep(0, length(int) - ma))
        int <- rho_hat_null + cbind(int, - int) 

        res$ci <- int
        attr(res$ci, "level") <- interval


## 'x' is the time series
.wnacf_asycov_iid <- function(x, maxlag, forcor = TRUE, n = length(x)){
        diag(1/n, nrow = maxlag)
        r0 <- acf(x, type = "covariance", lag.max = 0, plot = FALSE)$acf[1, , ]
        diag(r0^2/length(x), nrow = maxlag) # TODO: verify!

.wnacf_asycov_garch <- function(x, maxlag, forcor = TRUE){ # TODO: default for maxlag
    x <- as.vector(x) # otherwise x*wrk  below doesn't work
    n <- length(x)
    wrk <- sapply(1:maxlag, function(i) c(rep(0, i), x[1:(n-i)]))
    wrk <- x * wrk # multiple each column by x using recycling
    res <- acf(wrk, type = "covariance", lag.max = 0, plot = FALSE, demean = FALSE)
    res <- res$acf[1, , ] # extract the zero lag matrix
        r0 <- acf(x, type = "covariance", lag.max = 0, plot = FALSE,
                  demean = FALSE)$acf[1, , ]
        res <- res / r0^2
    res / n  # since sqrt(n)* rhat has asy.cov. 'res'

.wnacf_asyse <- function(x, maxlag, h0 = "iid", forcor = TRUE, n = length(x)){
           "iid" = {
               v <- .wnacf_asycov_iid(x = x, maxlag = maxlag, forcor = forcor, n = n)
           "garch" = {
               v <- .wnacf_asycov_garch(x = x, maxlag = maxlag, forcor = forcor)
           stop("Unrecognised null hypothesis")
    ses <- sqrt(diag(v))
    lags <- 1:maxlag

    cbind(Lag = lags, StdError = ses) #  todo: include 'Estimate = cf[parm]'

acfGarchTest <- function(acr, x, nlags, interval = 0.95){
    v <- .wnacf_asycov_garch(x, maxlag = max(nlags))
         # the formulas in the book multiply by n, since Gamma is 'n times asy.cov.'
         #    n <- length(x)
         #    Q <- n * sapply(nlags, function(h) acr[1:h] %*% solve(v[1:h,1:h]) %*% acr[1:h] )

    Q <- sapply(nlags, function(h) acr[1:h] %*% solve(v[1:h,1:h]) %*% acr[1:h] )

    pval <- pchisq(Q, df = nlags, lower.tail = FALSE)
    res <- list(test = cbind(h = nlags, Q = Q, pval = pval))

        lq <- qnorm((1 - interval) / 2)
        se <- sqrt(diag(v))
        int <- lq * se
        int <- cbind(int, -int)
        res$ci <- int

acfWnTest <- function(acr, x, nlags, interval = 0.95, ...){
    maxlag <- max(nlags)
    n <- length(x)

    v <- nvarOfAcfKP(x, maxlag = maxlag, ...)
    ## nvcov is diagonal in this case
    Q <-  n * cumsum(acr[1:maxlag]^2 / v )[nlags]
    pval <- pchisq(Q, df = nlags, lower.tail = FALSE)
    res <- list(test = cbind(h = nlags, Q = Q, pval = pval))

        lq <- qnorm((1 - interval) / 2)
            # se <- sqrt(diag(v))
        se <- sqrt(v / n)
        int <- lq * se
        int <- cbind(int, -int)
        res$ci <- int

whiteNoiseTest <- function(object, h0, ...){
           "iid" = {
               acfIidTest(object, ...)
           "garch" = {
               acfGarchTest(object, ...) # no method yet for this case
           "sv" = ,
           "arch-type" = {
               acfWnTest(object, ...)
           stop("Unrecognised null hypothesis")

setMethod("coef", "SampleAutocorrelations",
          function (object, ...){

setMethod("vcov", "SampleAutocorrelations",
          function (object, assuming = "iid", maxlag = maxLag(object), ...) {
                  # res <- switch(assuming,
                  #               iid = .wnacf_asycov_iid(n = object@n, maxlag = maxlag),
                  #               garch = .wnacf_asycov_garch(maxlag = maxlag, ...),
                  #               stop("Unknown assumption")
                  #               )
                  # if(is.null(names(res)))
                  #     ## TODO: currently scalar case only;
                  #     colnames(res) <- rownames(res) <- paste0("Lag_", 1:nrow(res))
                  # res
              if(inherits(assuming, "Arima")){
                  ## todo: could get vcov of params and transform it for acf's
                  ##       maybe have additional argument here (method?)
                  mo <- list(ar     = assuming$model$phi,
                             ma     = assuming$model$theta,
                             sigma2 = assuming$sigma2 )
                  res <- nvcovOfAcf(mo, maxlag = maxlag) / object@n
                  vcovAcf(object, assuming, maxlag = maxlag, ...)

setGeneric("vcovAcf", function(object, assuming, ...) stop("no suitable method"))

setMethod("vcovAcf", c("SampleAutocorrelations", "character"),
          function (object, assuming, maxlag = maxLag(object), ...) {
              if(length(assuming) > 1)
                  stop("'assuming' must be of length 1")
              res <- switch(assuming,
                            iid = .wnacf_asycov_iid(n = object@n, maxlag = maxlag),
                            garch = .wnacf_asycov_garch(maxlag = maxlag, ...),
                            stop("Unknown assumption")
                  ## TODO: currently scalar case only;
                  colnames(res) <- rownames(res) <- paste0("Lag_", 1:nrow(res))

setMethod("vcovAcf", c("SampleAutocorrelations", "ArmaModel"),
          function (object, assuming, maxlag = maxLag(object), ...) {
              res <- nvcovOfAcf(c(modelCoef(assuming), list(sigma2 = sigmaSq(assuming))), 
                                maxlag = maxlag) / object@n

se <- function (object, ...) {
    vc <- vcov(object, ...)
## TODO: make S4 generic

.fixed_values_under_h0 <- function(object, lags){
    m <- length(lags)
    if(identical(object, "iid"))
    else if(identical(object, "garch"))
    else if(inherits(object, "Arima")){
        order <- object$arma
        names(order) <- c("ar", "ma", "sar", "sma", "period", "d", "ds")
        if(order["d"] != 0 || order["ds"] != 0)
            stop("Can't compute acf confint for non-stationary models")
        else if(all(order[c("ar", "sar")] == 0)){
            if(order["sma"] == 0){
                ## TODO: can be refined
                res <- ifelse(lags <= order["ma"], NA_real_, 0)
            }else if(order["ma"] == 0){ # pure seasonal MA
                res <- ifelse(lags %% order["period"] == 0  &
                              lags %/% order["period"] <= order["ma"] ,
                              NA_real_, 0)
                res <- rep(NA_real_, m)
    }else if(is(object, "ArmaModel")){
        ## for a theoretical model all acfs are fixed
        ## for fitted models => see the case 'Arima'
        ## TODO: need further methods here
            # if(modelOrder(object)$ar == 0)
            #     ifelse(lags <= modelOrder(object)$ma, NA_real_, 0)
            # else
        autocovariances(c(modelCoef(object), list(sigma2 = sigmaSq(object))), 
                        maxlag = max(lags))[lags]
    }else ## default method - all not fixed
        rep(NA_real_, m)

# setMethod("diagOfVcov", "SampleAutocorrelations",

setMethod("confint", "SampleAutocorrelations",
          function (object, parm, level = 0.95, se = FALSE, maxlag, ..., assuming){
              ## based on confint.default(), main difference: we pass "..." to vcov();
              ## arg. 'se'
              cf <- coef(object)[-1] # drop lag 0
              pnames <- names(cf)
              if (missing(parm)){
                      lags <- 1:length(pnames)
                      parm <- pnames
                      lags <- 1:maxlag
                      parm <- pnames[1:maxlag] 
              }else if (is.numeric(parm)){
                  lags <- parm
                  parm <- pnames[parm]
              a <- (1 - level)/2
              a <- c(a, 1 - a)
              pct <- .stats.format.perc(a, 3)
              fac <- qnorm(a)
              ci <- array(NA, dim = c(length(parm), 2L), dimnames = list(parm, pct))
                   # TODO: pass maxlag to vcov?
                  # 2022-01-17 was:
                     # v <- vcov(object, ...)
                     # ses <- sqrt(diag(v))[parm]
              ses <- se(object, assuming = assuming, ...)[lags]

              cg <- cf[parm]
                  int_types <- .fixed_values_under_h0(assuming, lags)
                      cg[!is.na(int_types)] <- int_types[!is.na(int_types)]
                  int_types <- rep(NA_real_, length(parm))

              ci[] <- cg + ses %o% fac
              ci <- cbind(Lag = lags, ci, Estimate = cf[parm], H0_fixed = int_types)
                  ci <- cbind(ci, StdError = ses)
              attr(ci, "assuming") <- assuming

.plot.acf.test <- function (x, y, data, method = "LiMcLeod", nlags, interval = 0.95,
                            legend = TRUE, ylim = c(NA, NA), ylim.fac = 1.2,
                            xlab = "Lag",
			    ci.lty = 2:3, # 2017-08-29 new, corresponding changes below
                            h0 = "garch", # 2019-04-09 new to accommodate the new white noise test
                                          #                (Kokoszka-Politis)
        nlags <- seq(from = maxLag(x), to = 1, by = -5)

    x.iid <- whiteNoiseTest(x, h0 = "iid", n = x@n, interval = interval, # x = data,
                            method = method, nlags = nlags)
    ci <- x.iid$ci
    y <- cbind(1:nrow(ci), x.iid$ci, Estimate = x[1:nrow(ci)])

    ylim.loc <- ylim
    if(is.na(ylim[1])) ylim.loc[1] <- min(y[, 2])
    if(is.na(ylim[2])) ylim.loc[2] <- max(y[, 3])

        x.garch <- whiteNoiseTest(x, h0 = "garch", x = data, nlags = nlags,
                                     interval = interval)
        ylim <- c(min(ylim[1], x.garch$ci[ , 1]),
                  max(ylim[2], x.garch$ci[ , 2])
        ## modify 'ylim.loc' if the corresponding 'ylim' element is NA
        if(is.na(ylim[1])) ylim.loc[1] <- min(ylim.loc[1], x.garch$ci[ , 1])
        if(is.na(ylim[2])) ylim.loc[2] <- max(ylim.loc[2], x.garch$ci[ , 2])
    }else{ # todo: modify some parameters for this case.
        legend <- FALSE

    ## replace NA's in 'ylim' with the computed values
    if(is.na(ylim[1])) ylim[1] <- ylim.fac * ylim.loc[1]
    if(is.na(ylim[2])) ylim[2] <- ylim.fac * ylim.loc[2]

    .ciplot(x = y,
            ## lag_0 = TRUE,
            ylim = ylim,
            ci.col = "brown",
            ci.lty = ci.lty[1],
            xlab = xlab, ## xlab = colnames(x)[1],
            ## ylab = "Estimate & CI",
            ## ann = TRUE,

        x.garch <- whiteNoiseTest(x, h0 = h0, x = data, nlags = nlags)
        .cilines(1:nrow(x.garch$ci), x.garch$ci, col = "blue", lty = ci.lty[2])

    ## see ?legend, example thanks to Uwe Ligges
        legend("topright", legend = c("H0: iid", paste0("H0: ", h0)),
               col = c("brown ", "blue"), lty = ci.lty )


.cilines <- function(x, y, type = "l", col = "blue", lty = 2, ...){
    lines(x, y[ , 1], type = type, col = col, lty = lty, ...)
    lines(x, y[ , 2], type = type, col = col, lty = lty, ...)

.plot_acr <- function(x, y, xlim = c(0,max(x)), ylim = c(-1, 1), type = "h", ...){

    plot(x, y, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = type, # xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,


    ## if(ann)
    ##     title(xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
    ## else
    ##     title(...)



.ciplot <- function(x, y, lag_0 = TRUE, ylim = c(-1, 1),
                    ci.col = "blue", ci.lty = 2,
                    xlab = colnames(x)[1],
                    ylab = "Estimate & rejection levels",
                    ann = TRUE,
    lags <- xval <- x[ , 1]
    yval <- x[ , "Estimate"]
    ## lbval <- x[ , 2]
    ## ubval <- x[ , 3]

    ## TODO: need more care here.
        xval <- c(0, xval)
        yval <- c(1, yval)

    ## plot(numeric(0), xlim = c(0,max(xval)), ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
    ##      ann = FALSE,
    ##      ...)
    ## abline(h=0)
    ## lines(c(0,0), c(0,1))

    .plot_acr(xval, yval, xlim = c(0,max(xval)), ylim = ylim, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
         ann = ann, ...)

    ## lines(xval, yval, type = "h")
    .cilines(lags, x[ , 2:3], type = "l", col = ci.col, lty = ci.lty)

    ## if(ann)
    ##     title(xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
    ## else
    ##     title(...)


setMethod("plot", c(x = "SampleAutocorrelations", y = "matrix"),
          function (x, y, main = "Acf test", ...){

              .ciplot(x = y,
                    lag_0 = FALSE, ## ylim = c(-1, 1),
                    main = main,
                    ## ci.col = "blue", ci.lty = 2,
                    ## xlab = colnames(x)[1],
                    ## ylab = "Estimate & CI",
                    ## ann = TRUE,

setMethod("plot", c(x = "SampleAutocorrelations", y = "missing"),
          function (x, y,
                    # data, method = "LiMcLeod", nlags, legend = TRUE,
                    main = "Acf test",
              .plot.acf.test(x = x, main = main, ...)

setMethod("plot", c(x = "SamplePartialAutocorrelations", y = "missing"),
          function (x, y,
                    # data, method = "LiMcLeod", nlags, legend = TRUE,
                    main = "Pacf test",
              .plot.acf.test(x = x, main = main, ...)

acfOfSquaredArmaModel <- function(model, maxlag){
    ar <- if(is.null(model$ar)) numeric(0) else model$ar
    arsq <- - coef(polynom(c(1, - ar))^2)[-1]
    masq <-   coef(polynom(c(1,   model$ma))^2)[-1]
    Sg <- model$sigma2 ^ 2

    autocovariances(list(ar = arsq, ma = masq, sigma2 = Sg), maxlag = maxlag)

## naive implementation
nvcovOfAcf <- function(model, maxlag){
    R <- autocovariances(model, maxlag = maxlag)
    r <- R / R[0]
    Rg <- acfOfSquaredArmaModel(model, maxlag = 2 * maxlag)

    res <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = maxlag, ncol = maxlag)
    for(k in 1:maxlag){
        for(l in k:maxlag){
            res[k, l] <- Rg[l - k] + Rg[l + k] - 2 * Rg[k] * r[l] - 
                                                 2 * Rg[l] * r[k] + 2 * Rg[0] * r[k] * r[l]
            if(k != l)
                res[l, k] <- res[k, l]
    res / R[0]^2

nvcovOfAcfBD <- function(acf, ma = NULL, maxlag){
    maacf <- new("Lagged1d", data = acf[])
    max_avail_lag <- maxLag(maacf)

        ma <- max_avail_lag
        stopifnot(ma <= max_avail_lag)

    ## TODO: this may make max_avail_lag too large. Fix!
    if(max_avail_lag < 2 * maxlag + ma)
        max_avail_lag <- 2 * maxlag + ma

    if(ma < max_avail_lag)
        maacf[(ma + 1) : max_avail_lag] <- 0

    ## eq. 7.2.6. BD, p. 222
    res <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = maxlag, ncol = maxlag)
    for(j in seq_len(maxlag)){
        for(i in j:maxlag){            # i >= j
            maxk <- ma + max(i, ma)
            val <- 0
            for(k in 1 : maxk){
                ## k + i  can be up to  ma + 2*maxlag
                val <- val + (maacf[k + i] + maacf[abs(k - i)] - 2 * maacf[i] * maacf[k]) *
                             (maacf[k + j] + maacf[abs(k - j)] - 2 * maacf[j] * maacf[k])
            res[i, j] <- val
            if(i != j)
                res[j, i] <- res[i, j]


nvarOfAcfKP <- function(x, maxlag, center = FALSE, acfscale = c("one", "mom")){
    acfscale <- match.arg(acfscale)
        x <- x - mean(x)
    acv <- acf(x^2, lag.max = maxlag, demean = FALSE, type = "covariance", plot = FALSE)
    acv <- acv$acf[ , , ] # make numeric, or more explicitly: acv$acf[ , , 1]
    ## the denominator, NOTE: it is the square of the lag 0 acv of x, not x^2
    n <- length(x)
    den <- (sum(x^2) / n) ^ 2
           one = acv[-1] / den,
           mom = {
               fac <- n / (n - seq_len(maxlag))
               fac * acv[-1] / den
           ## 2020-02-29 removing this since match.arg() above catches this error.
           ## ,
           ## ## default
           ## stop("argument 'acfscale' must be one of 'one', 'mom' or abbreviation thereof")

rgarch1p1 <- function(n, alpha, beta, omega, n.skip = 100){
   Esigma2 <- omega / (1 - alpha - beta)

   ntot <- n.skip + n
   eta <- rnorm(ntot)
   sigma2 <- eps <- numeric(ntot)

   sigma2[1] <- Esigma2 # use E sigma_t^2 as initial value
   eps[1] <- sqrt(sigma2[1]) * eta[1]
   for(t in 2:ntot){
       sigma2[t] <- omega + alpha * eps[t-1]^2 + beta * sigma2[t-1]
       eps[t] <- sqrt(sigma2[t]) * eta[t]

   eps[(n.skip + 1):ntot]

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sarima documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:22 a.m.