
Defines functions sarimat sarima

Documented in sarima

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## It has been automatically generated from *.org sources.

sarima <- function(model, data = NULL, ss.method = "sarima", use.symmetry = FALSE,
                   SSinit = "Rossignol2011"){
        # TODO: for now lik.method is simply "ss.method"
        #       Need to think over the user-facing arguments for methods.
    ## N
    lik.method <- ss.method

    if(!inherits(model, "formula"))
        stop("unsupported class ", class(model), " of argument 'model'")

    toPolyCoef <- function(item){
               ar  = { phi   <<- c( phi   , list(item$coef) ) },
               ma  = { theta <<- c( theta , list(item$coef) ) },
               sar = { phi   <<- c( phi   , list(item$coef) ) },
               sma = { theta <<- c( theta , list(item$coef) ) },
               i   = { delta <<- c( delta , list(item$coef) ) },
               si  = { delta <<- c( delta , list(item$coef) ) },
               s   = { delta <<- c( delta , list(item$coef) ) },
               ss  = { delta <<- c( delta , list(item$coef) ) },
                   # here item$coef is itself a list!
               su  = { delta <<- c( delta , item$coef ) },
               u   = { delta <<- c( delta , item$coef ) },
                   # unit root for estimation:
               uar = { udelta <<- c( udelta, list(item$coef) ) },
               stop("not supported yet!")

    Fo <- Formula(model)
    yname <- all.vars(formula(Fo, rhs = FALSE)) # name of the response variable
    if(length(yname) != 1)
        stop("currently there should be exactly one response variable")
    data.env <- environment(Fo)
        if(is.list(data)){   # list (including data.frame)
            data.env <- list2env(data, parent = data.env)
            environment(Fo) <- data.env
                            # put the response in y.
                            # TODO: I had forgotten that I do this! Is it a good idea?
            data <- model.part(Fo, data = data, lhs = 1)
            data <- as.matrix(data) # TODO: should this be as.data.frame?
        }else if(is.environment(data))
            stop("'data' from class 'environment' not supported")
        else{  # data is the time series            # TODO: consider multivariate 
            data.env <- new.env(parent = data.env)
            environment(Fo) <- data.env
            data.env[[yname]] <- data

            mf0 <- model.frame(Fo, lhs = 1, rhs = FALSE)
            data <- model.part(Fo, data = mf0, lhs = 1)
            data <- as.matrix(data) # TODO: should this be as.data.frame?
            # !!! TODO: do this for the above as well !!!
            # 15/01/2018 - na.action = NULL, otherwise NA's are dropped
            # mf0 <- model.frame(Fo, lhs = 1, rhs = FALSE)
        mf0 <- model.frame(Fo, lhs = 1, rhs = FALSE, na.action = NULL)
        data <- model.part(Fo, data = mf0, lhs = 1)
        data <- as.matrix(data) # TODO: should this be as.data.frame?
    stopifnot(identical(environment(Fo), data.env))

                                        # get nobs - there should be a better way, since
                                        #            calling model frame requires that the
                                        #            correct response variable is visible. I
                                        #            work only with the lhs, so the other
                                        #            variables are not needed at this stage
                                        #            (as it have to - cs, ets., are set
                                        #            using nobs further below).
    Fo.0 <- formula(Fo, lhs = 1, rhs = FALSE)

    ## 15/01/2018 - bug fix: this drops NA's!
    ##     nobs <- nrow(model.frame(Fo.0)) # TODO: model.frame() needs the environment to be set up!
                                        #       any other wy to find nobs?
                                        # DONE: Moving stuff seting the environment before this line
                                        #       but leaving this note here in case I forget.     
    nobs <- nrow(model.frame(Fo.0, na.action = NULL))
    ## NOTE: Do not reuse Fo.0 - its environment gets out of sync with Fo.0o after the following. 
    ##      (but the data are already there, so maybe no problem.
                                        # insert an environment for the trend stuff
    data.env <- new.env(hash = FALSE, parent = environment(Fo))
    data.env$t <- seq_len(nobs)

    Fo.trend  <- formula(Fo, rhs = 1)
    Fo.trend.rhs  <- formula(Fo, lhs = FALSE, rhs = 1)

    trmake <- NULL
        # lhs is needed if there is only intercept, otherwise nobs is unknown
            #     trmake <- trendMaker(Fo.trend.rhs, time = 1:nobs)
        trmake <- trendMaker(Fo.trend, time = 1:nobs)
    Fo.sarima <- formula(Fo, rhs = 2) # TODO: check for empty
    udelta <- delta <- theta <- phi <- list() # initialise variables, will be updated by toPolyCoef()
    molist <- SARIMA(Fo.sarima)
    lapply(molist, toPolyCoef)

    ## renaming Xreg to regx
    regxmake <- NULL
    if(length(Fo)[2] > 2){
        Fo.regx <- formula(Fo, rhs = 3)
            regxmake <- trendMaker(Fo.regx, time = 1:nobs)
        Fo.regx <- NULL # for clarity; currently not used         


    res <- sarimat(data, phi, theta, delta, udelta, trmake = trmake, regxmake = regxmake,
                   lik.method = lik.method, use.symm = use.symmetry, SSinit = SSinit)
    res$call <- match.call() # replace the call to sarimat() with the call to sarima()
    res$formula <- model

    res$internal$Fo.xreg <- Fo.trend
    res$internal$Fo.sarima <- formula(Fo, lhs = FALSE, rhs = 2) # Fo.sarima
    res$internal$Fo.regx <- Fo.regx



sarimat <- function(y, phi, theta, delta, udelta, trmake = NULL, regxmake = NULL, lik.method, 
                    use.symm = FALSE, SSinit = c("Rossignol2011", "gnb", "Gardner1980")){
    ## 2018-10-12 
    ## SSinit_Q0 <- "Rossignol2011"
    ## SSinit_Q0 <- "Gardner1980"
    SSinit_Q0 <- match.arg(SSinit)
    makeArimaInternal <- if(SSinit_Q0 == "gnb")

    ###### JAMIE: changed 23/08/2018 to include a symmetric approach to U(z)
    update_params <- function(par, use.symm = FALSE){
        ## flat_par contains the parameters as seen by optim,
        ##          except that optim only gets the nonfixed parameters 
        flat_par[nonfixed] <<- par

        ## the calculation below depend on the "real" parameters,
        ## so we tanh transform if necessary to get parcor's, then transform the parcor's
        ## to coefficients.
        ## this assumes that the sarima parameters are before any others
        ##    (which is the case, but this is are minder not to change it!)
        ## using integer indices rather than logical ones to avoid extending 
        ##    flags.atanh_sarima to the full length of flat_par.
        ## TODO: In some cases this transformation may make sense for other parameters too.
        ##       But let's sort the sarima parameters first
        if(tanh.flag){ ## tanh() parameters to get parcor's
            wrk <- flat_par
            ## fixed parameters declared to need transform, will be transformed to and from.
            ##   TODO: fix this
            wrk[ind.atanh_sarima] <- tanh(flat_par[ind.atanh_sarima])
            par <- wrk[nonfixed]
        newpars <- relist(par, par.skeleton)

        mapply(function(x, newpar){
            x$parcor[x$dyn.index] <- newpar
            x$a[-1] <- - pacf2Ar(x$parcor[-1]) # 2022-02-14 was: FitAR::PacfToAR(x$parcor[-1]) 
        }, e_phi, newpars[["phi"]], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        mapply(function(x, newpar){
            x$parcor[x$dyn.index] <- newpar
            x$a[-1] <- pacf2Ar(x$parcor[-1]) # 2022-02-14 was: FitAR::PacfToAR(x$parcor[-1])
        }, e_theta, newpars[["theta"]], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
            mapply(function(x, newpar){
                x$parcor_symm[x$dyn.index_symm] <- newpar
                x$parcor[x$polyInd] <- x$parcor_symm
                x$a[-1] <- - pacf2Ar(x$parcor[-1]) # 2022-02-14 was: FitAR::PacfToAR(x$parcor[-1])
                x$coef_symm <- x$a[x$paramInd]
            }, e_udelta, newpars[["udelta"]], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
            mapply(function(x, newpar){
                x$parcor[x$dyn.index] <- newpar
                x$a[-1] <- - pacf2Ar(x$parcor[-1]) # 2022-02-14 was: FitAR::PacfToAR(x$parcor[-1])
            }, e_udelta, newpars[["udelta"]], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        Par_treg <<- if(treg.flag) unlist(newpars[["xreg"]])
                     else numeric(0)
        Par_const <<- if(X.flag) unlist(newpars[["regx"]])
                      else numeric(0)
    makePhiTheta <- function(){
        Phi <<- - coef(sprod(phi_poly))[-1]
        if(length(Phi) != Phi_length)
            Phi <<- c(Phi, numeric(Phi_length - length(Phi)))
        Theta <<- coef(sprod(theta_poly))[-1]
        if(length(Theta) != Theta_length)
            Theta <<- c(Theta, numeric(Theta_length - length(Theta)))

        Phi <<- - coef(sprod(phi_poly))[-1]
	Delta_prod <<- delta_prod * sprod(udelta_poly)
	Delta <<- - coef(Delta_prod)[-1]    
        if(length(Delta) != Delta_length)
            Delta <<- c(Delta, numeric(Delta_length - length(Delta)))
    makeArimaConst <- function(const, ...){
        ## see Durbin/Koopman, p. 61
        ## only const for now, since otherwise Z would be time dependent.
        mod <- makeArimaInternal(...)
        mod$Z <- c(1, mod$Z)
        mod$a <- c(const, mod$a)
	## not Matrix::bdiag() for a reason
	##  - package currently doesn't import Matrix
	##  - needs to be able to handle e.g. a 0-row matrix
        mod$P  <- rbind(c(const, numeric(ncol(mod$P))),  cbind(0, mod$P))
        mod$Pn <- rbind(c(0, numeric(ncol(mod$Pn))), cbind(0, mod$Pn))
        mod$T  <- rbind(c(1, numeric(ncol(mod$T))),  cbind(0, mod$T))
        ## V = RQR', diag_bind(0, V), i.e. non-random intercept
        mod$V <- rbind(c(0, numeric(ncol(mod$V))), 
                       cbind(0, mod$V))
    ###### JAMIE (23/08/2018): include a symmetric approach to U(z)
    loglik <- function(par, use.symm = FALSE){
        update_params(par, use.symm)
        makePhiTheta() # expand polynomials
            model_from_makeARIMA <<- makeArimaConst(Par_const, Phi, Theta, Delta, SSinit = SSinit_Q0)
            model_from_makeARIMA <<- makeArimaInternal(Phi, Theta, Delta, SSinit = SSinit_Q0)
            yc <<- y - tregmat %*%  Par_treg
        fromKalman <<- KalmanLike(yc, model_from_makeARIMA)

    ###### JAMIE (23/08/2018): include a symmetric approach to U(z)
    loglik_sarima <- function(par, use.symm = FALSE){
        update_params(par, use.symm)
        makePhiTheta() # expand polynomials
            model_from_makeARIMA <<- makeArimaConst(Par_const, Phi, Theta, Delta, SSinit = SSinit_Q0)
            model_from_makeARIMA <<- makeArimaInternal(Phi, Theta, Delta, SSinit = SSinit_Q0)
            yc <<- y - tregmat %*%  Par_treg
                        # fromKalman <<- KalmanLike(yc, model_from_makeARIMA)
        fromKalman <<- sarima_KalmanLike(yc, model_from_makeARIMA)
#cat("Phi = ", Phi, "    Theta = ", Theta, "\n")
    ###### JAMIE (23/08/2018): include a symmetric approach to U(z)
    ss_sarima <- function(par, use.symm = FALSE){
        update_params(par, use.symm)
        makePhiTheta() # expand polynomials
            model_from_makeARIMA <<- makeArimaConst(Par_const, Phi, Theta, Delta, SSinit = SSinit_Q0)
            model_from_makeARIMA <<- makeArimaInternal(Phi, Theta, Delta, SSinit = SSinit_Q0)
            yc <<- y - tregmat %*%  Par_treg
        # fromKalman <<- KalmanLike(yc, model_from_makeARIMA)
        fromKalman <<- sarima_KalmanLike(yc, model_from_makeARIMA)
    ###### JAMIE (23/08/2018): include a symmetric approach to U(z)
    loglik_fkf <- function(par, use.symm = FALSE){
        npar.fkf <- length(par)
        ## @jamie TODO: You set it to this:
        ##    update_params(par, use.symm)
        ## However, I leave the original, since it doesn't pass all parameters:
        ## TODO: check if this is oversight.
        ## @georgi (10/10/18) This is as it should be. 
        update_params(par[- npar.fkf])
        sigma <<- exp(par[npar.fkf])
        makePhiTheta() # expand polynomials
        ## TODO: check X.flag, etc.
        ct <- t(tregmat %*%  Par_treg)
        dt <- t(regxmat %*%  Par_const)

        fkf.model <<- xarimaxss(ar = Phi, ma = Theta, sigma = sigma, 
                                xreg = ct, regx = dt, delta = Delta)
        fromKalman <<- FKF::fkf(a0 = fkf.model$a0, P0 = fkf.model$P0,
                           dt = fkf.model$dt, ct = fkf.model$ct,
                           Tt = fkf.model$Tt, Zt = fkf.model$Zt, 
                           HHt = fkf.model$HHt, GGt = fkf.model$GGt, 
                           yt = matrix(y, nrow = 1))
        - fromKalman$logLik # TODO: - $logLik, while in "base" it is $Lik !!!

    ###### JAMIE (23/08/2018): include a symmetric approach to U(z)
    loglik_kfas <- function(par, use.symm = FALSE){
        npar.fkf <- length(par) # last param is log(sigma2) (In FKF it is log(sigma))

        ## @jamie TODO: leaving as is,see note above
        ## @georgi (10/10/18): This is as it should be - as above. 
        update_params(par[- npar.fkf])
            # ## TODO: correct the hessian later
            # beta <- tanh(par[- npar.fkf])
            # cat("beta = ", beta, "\n")        
            # update_params_kfas(beta)
        ## TODO: is it better to use sigma as parameter for optim()?
        ##        (better scaling?)
        sigma2 <<- exp(par[npar.fkf]) # TODO: check - is this sigma2 or sigma squared?

        makePhiTheta() # expand polynomials
                                        # if(X.flag){
                                        #     model_from_makeARIMA <<- makeArimaConst(Par_const, Phi, Theta, Delta)
                                        # }else
                                        #     model_from_makeARIMA <<- makeARIMA(Phi, Theta, Delta)
                                        # if(treg.flag)
                                        #     yc <<- y - tregmat %*%  Par_treg
                                        # fromKalman <<- KalmanLike(yc, model_from_makeARIMA)
                                        # fromKalman$Lik
        ## TODO: integrated, trends etc,

              # ct <- t(tregmat %*%  Par_treg)
              # dt <- t(regxmat %*%  Par_const)
              # fkf.model <<- xarimaxss(ar = Phi, ma = Theta, sigma = sigma, 
              #                         xreg = ct, regx = dt, delta = Delta)

              # from makeUpdateFun_arma0() and KFAS examples
              #   TODO: only ARMA w.o. intercept for now.        
        wrk <- try(KFAS::SSMarima(Phi, Theta, Q = sigma2), silent = TRUE)

        if(inherits(wrk, "try-error")){
#            cat("1e100 !!\n")

        kfas_model["T", "arima"]  <<- wrk$T
        kfas_model["R", "arima"]  <<- wrk$R
        kfas_model["P1", "arima"] <<- wrk$P1
        kfas_model["Q", "arima"]  <<- wrk$Q
        fromKalman <<- list(logLik = logLik(kfas_model))
        - fromKalman$logLik # TODO: - $logLik, while in "base" it is $Lik !!!

    poly_param <- function(x, fixed = attr(x, "fixed"), nseasons = attr(x, "nseasons"),
                           d = attr(x, "d", exact = TRUE),
                           atanh.tr = attr(x, "atanh.tr", exact = TRUE) ){
        coef <- if(!is.null(attr(x, "sign")) && attr(x, "sign") == "-")
                    c(1, - x)
                    c(1, x)
                             # polynom() drops trailing zeroes and doesn't accept NA's.
                             #   to protect against these, create a polynomial of 1's first
        res <- polynom(rep(1, length(coef)))
        ## TODO: krapka - replace NA's with zeroes
            coef[is.na(coef)] <- 0
        e <- environment(res)
        e$a <- coef
        e$fixed <- if(is.null(fixed)) 
                       c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, length(coef) - 1))
                       c(TRUE, fixed)
        e$dyn.index <- which(!e$fixed)

        ## 18/01/2017 - support for atanh transform
        ## TODO: maybe different defaults for AR and MA? but here it is not known if
        ##       the parameter is AR or MA.
        ## It is best for the default here to be FALSE since otherwise the caller
        ## will have to take care of this even for model elements for which this
        ## doesn't make sense. In any case, the default here is not that important
        ## since sarima() may set these.
        e$atanh.tr <- if(is.null(atanh.tr)) 
                       c(FALSE, rep(FALSE, length(coef) - 1))
                       c(FALSE, atanh.tr)
        ## TODO: for now there seems no need for analog of dyn.index (see above)        
            ## TODO: check for whole number
            if(is.numeric(nseasons) && length(nseasons) == 1  && nseasons  > 0){
                e$nseasons <- nseasons
                stop("'nseasons' must be a positive integer or NULL")

        if(!is.null(d)  &&  d > 1){
            e$d <- d
        if(!is.null(dnam <- attr(x, "dispname")))
            e$dispname <- dnam
    sprod <- function(pp){ # pp is short for parameter polynomial
        f <- function(poly){
            s <- environment(poly)$nseasons
        prod(as.polylist(lapply(pp, f)))
    u_sprod <- function(pp){ # pp is short for parameter polynomial
        f <- function(poly){
            s <- environment(poly)$nseasons
                poly <- poly(poly_x^s)
            d <- environment(poly)$d
            if(is.null(d)) poly  else poly^d
        prod(as.polylist(lapply(pp, f)))
    sdegree <- function(pp){
        e <- environment(pp)
        s <- e$nseasons
        degree <- length(e$a) - 1
             degree <- degree * s
             degree <- degree * e$d

    ## TODO: this is krapka for naming multple ar() terms, etc.
    poly_param_plus <- function(parlist){
        no <- 0
        sno <- 0
        res <- vector(length(parlist), mode = "list")
        for(i in seq_along(parlist)){
            wrk <- poly_param(parlist[[i]])
            e <- environment(wrk)
                e$name.counter <- no
                no <- no + 1
                e$name.counter <- sno
                sno <- sno + 1
            res[[i]] <- wrk
                             # phi, theta and delta are used only here. 
                             # TODO: maybe the they can come as polynomials to sarimat() ?
    phi_poly   <- poly_param_plus(phi)
    theta_poly <- poly_param_plus(theta)
    delta_poly <- poly_param_plus(delta)
    udelta_poly <- poly_param_plus(udelta)
                                          # Delta is fixed, so needs to be computed only once
    ## TODO: (1-x)^d is kept as 1-x and a 'd' is a sepaarate varible. 
    ##       the element of delta_poly corresponding to this will print as 1 - x.
    ##       u_sprod(), print.Sarima(), summary.Sarima() know this but ing eneral this is very fragile. 
    delta_prod <- u_sprod(delta_poly) 
    udelta_prod <- sprod(udelta_poly) # NOTE: this is not  u_sprod(udelta_poly)
    Par_const <- Par_treg <- Phi <- Theta <- numeric(0)
    yc <- y
    sigma <- sd(y)   # for fkf
    sigma2 <- var(y) # for kfas
    kfas_model <- fkf.model <- fromKalman <- model_from_makeARIMA <- NULL
    Delta_prod <- delta_prod * udelta_prod
    Delta <- - coef(Delta_prod)[-1]    

    e_phi   <- lapply(phi_poly, environment)
    e_theta <- lapply(theta_poly, environment)
    e_delta <- lapply(delta_poly, environment)
    e_udelta <- lapply(udelta_poly, environment)
    ###### JAMIE (23/08/2018): include a symmetric approach to U(z)
    ######   - add extra arguments to the environment to help this approach
        .nonstationaryEdit <- function(e){
            ## Parcors will be symmetric inside the extreme parcors
            ##   so we only want half the parameters
            len <- length(e$a)
            midpoint <- ceiling(len/2 - 1)
            mid_seq <- seq_len(midpoint)
            ## fixed and atanh.tr, accounting for symmetry
            coef_a <- e$a[-c(1,len)]
            fixed_a <- e$fixed[-c(1,len)]
            atanh_a <- e$atanh.tr[-c(1,len)]
            fixed_symm <- fixed_a[mid_seq] | rev(fixed_a)[mid_seq]
            atanh_symm <- atanh_a[mid_seq] | rev(atanh_a)[mid_seq]
            ## where to find b parameters
            paramInd <- mid_seq + 1
            ## starting coefficients
            coef_symm <- e$a[-c(1,len)][mid_seq]
            ## if any value is fixed, make sure we take it appropriately
                fix_a <- which(fixed_a)
                for(i in seq_along(fix_a)){
                    if(fix_a[i] > midpoint){
                        fix_symm <- len - 2 - fix_a[i]
                        paramInd[fix_symm] <- fix_a[i] + 1
                        fix_symm <- fix_a[i]
                    coef_symm[fix_symm] <- coef_a[fix_a[i]]
            ## add to environment
            e$fixed_symm <- fixed_symm
            e$atanh.tr_symm <- atanh_symm
            e$dyn.index_symm <- which(!fixed_symm)
            e$paramInd <- paramInd
            e$coef_symm <- coef_symm
            ## where b parameters can be found
            e$polyInd <- c(seq_along(coef_symm) + 1,
                           len - seq_along(coef_symm))
        lapply(e_udelta, .nonstationaryEdit)
    e_phi_theta <- c(e_phi, e_theta)
    e_phi_theta_delta <- c(e_phi_theta, e_delta)

    e_phi_theta_udelta <- c(e_phi_theta, e_udelta)

    Phi_length <- if(length(phi_poly) > 0) sum(sapply(phi_poly, sdegree)) else 0
    Theta_length <- if(length(theta_poly) > 0) sum(sapply(theta_poly, sdegree))  else 0

    Udelta_length <- if(length(udelta_poly) > 0) sum(sapply(udelta_poly, sdegree)) else 0
    delta_length <- if(length(delta_poly) > 0) sum(sapply(delta_poly, sdegree)) else 0
    Delta_length <- delta_length + Udelta_length 

    prepare_parcor <- function(envir){
            envir$parcor <- c(1, ar2Pacf(- envir$a[-1]))
        }else if(length(envir$parcor) != length(envir$a))
            stop("lengths of coef and parcor are not equal")

        if(anyNA(envir$parcor)) # todo: give a warning in this case?
            envir$parcor[is.na(envir$parcor)] <- 0
                                   # set initial values for parcor's (transformed params)
                                   # also: "parcor's don't make sense for delta!
    lapply(e_phi_theta, prepare_parcor)
    lapply(e_udelta, function(e) e$parcor <- e$a)  # TODO: $parcor should be set outright, this is a hack
    ###### JAMIE (23/08/2018): include a symmetric approach to U(z)
    ######   - update the parameters that will be driving the equation
    if(use.symm) lapply(e_udelta, function(e) e$parcor_symm <- e$parcor[e$paramInd])
                                   # TODO: this is just wrong, but not used:
    lapply(e_delta, function(e) e$parcor <- e$a)  # TODO:delta  !!!!!

    ###### JAMIE (23/08/2018): include a symmetric approach to U(z)
    ######     - The symmetric approach uses fewer parameters, so the length
    ######         of variables in the functions defined at the start needs to 
    ######         be the correct size, etc. 
        flags.atanh_phi_theta <- lapply(e_phi_theta, function(x)
            if(isTRUE(x$operator)) logical(0) else x$atanh.tr)
        flags.atanh_udelta <- lapply(e_udelta, function(x)
            if(isTRUE(x$operator)) logical(0) else x$atanh.tr_symm)
        flags.atanh_sarima <- unlist(c(flags.atanh_phi_theta, flags.atanh_udelta))
         if(length(flags.atanh_sarima) == 0) ## in case it is list()
            flags.atanh_sarima <- logical(0) 
        ind.atanh_sarima <- which(flags.atanh_sarima)
        tanh.flag <- any(flags.atanh_sarima)
        Par_phi_theta <- lapply(e_phi_theta, function(x)
            if(isTRUE(x$operator)) numeric(0) else x$parcor)
        Par_udelta <- lapply(e_udelta, function(x)
            if(isTRUE(x$operator)) numeric(0) else x$parcor_symm)
        Par_sarima <- unlist(c(Par_phi_theta, Par_udelta))
        fixed_phi_theta <- lapply(e_phi_theta, function(x)
            if(isTRUE(x$operator)) logical(0) else x$fixed)
        fixed_udelta <- lapply(e_udelta, function(x)
            if(isTRUE(x$operator)) logical(0) else x$fixed_symm)
        fixed <- unlist(c(fixed_phi_theta, fixed_udelta))
   flags.atanh_sarima <- unlist(lapply(e_phi_theta_udelta,
                                  if(isTRUE(x$operator)) logical(0) else x$atanh.tr
    if(length(flags.atanh_sarima) == 0) ## in case it is list()
        flags.atanh_sarima <- logical(0) 

    ind.atanh_sarima <- which(flags.atanh_sarima)
    tanh.flag <- any(flags.atanh_sarima)

    Par_sarima <- unlist(lapply(e_phi_theta_udelta,
                                  if(isTRUE(x$operator)) numeric(0) else x$parcor
        ## @jamie TODO: !!!
        ## You have changed the logic even n the non-sym case, here and at other places. 
        ## It is extremely dangerous to do multiple unrelated sweeping changes
        ## at the same time, especcially without proper testing.
        ## e.g. this assignement has been mmoved from further below here, silently.
        fixed <- unlist(lapply(e_phi_theta_udelta, 
                                   if(isTRUE(x$operator)) logical(0) else x$fixed
    stopifnot(length(Par_sarima) == length(flags.atanh_sarima))

        Par_sarima[flags.atanh_sarima] <- atanh(Par_sarima[flags.atanh_sarima])

    X.flag <- !is.null(regxmake)
    treg.flag <- !is.null(trmake)
    ## now prepare the treg parameters
    ## time regression
    ## set up xreg
        tregmat <- trmake()

        if(length(Delta) > 0){
            treg.temp <- trmake((1 - length(Delta)) : nrow(tregmat))
            treg.temp <- cbind(c(rep(NA_real_, length(Delta)), y), treg.temp)

                     # TODO: use filter()
            ## start from the last row to do it in-place
            for(i in nrow(treg.temp):(length(Delta) + 1)){
                for(j in 1:length(Delta)){
                    treg.temp[i, ] <- treg.temp[i, ] - Delta[j] * treg.temp[i - j, ]
            ## drop the added rows
            treg.temp <- treg.temp[-(1:length(Delta)), ] 
            ydiff <- treg.temp[-(1:length(Delta)), 1]
            tregdiff <- treg.temp[-(1:length(Delta)), -1]
            fitinit <- lm(ydiff ~ tregdiff - 1, na.action = na.omit)
            Par_treg <- coef(fitinit)
               # Tova nyama da e vyarno ako ima regx:
               #     if(ncol(tregmat) == 1  &&  all(tregmat == 1)){
               #         colnames(tregmat) <- "mean"
               #     }
            fitinit <- lm(y ~ tregmat - 1, na.action = na.omit)
            Par_treg <- coef(fitinit)

    }else{#treg.flag = FALSE
        tregmat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(y), ncol = 0)
        Par_treg <- numeric(0)

    ## set up regx
        regxmat <- regxmake()

        fitinit <- lm(y ~ regxmat - 1, na.action = na.omit)
        Par_const <- coef(fitinit)
        regxmat <- matrix(0, nrow = length(y), ncol = 0)
        Par_const <- numeric(0)

                  # note: flat_par includes the coeffcients of zero power of the polynomials
    flat_par <- c(Par_sarima, Par_treg, Par_const)

                                            # TODO: for now no fixed treg parameters
                                            #       use 'offset' if possible?
    Par_treg_fixed  <- rep(FALSE, length(Par_treg)) 
    Par_const_fixed <- rep(FALSE, length(Par_const))

    fixed <- c(fixed, Par_treg_fixed, Par_const_fixed)

    ## note: flat_par includes the coeffcients of zero power of the polynomials;
    ##       so, flat_par[nonfixed] includes them, too! 
    nonfixed <- !fixed
    ###### JAMIE (23/08/2018): include a symmetric approach to U(z)
    ######     - par.skeleton[["udelta]] will have fewer dynamic variables
        par.skeleton <- list(phi = lapply(e_phi, function(e) e$dyn.index),
                             theta = lapply(e_theta, function(e) e$dyn.index),
                             udelta = lapply(e_udelta, function(e) e$dyn.index_symm),
                             # delta = lapply(e_delta, function(e) e$dyn.index),
                             xreg = list(seq_along(Par_treg)),
                             regx = list(seq_along(Par_const)))
    par.skeleton <- list(phi = lapply(e_phi, function(e) e$dyn.index),
                         theta = lapply(e_theta, function(e) e$dyn.index),
                         udelta = lapply(e_udelta, function(e) e$dyn.index),
                         # delta = lapply(e_delta, function(e) e$dyn.index),
                         xreg = list(seq_along(Par_treg)),
                         regx = list(seq_along(Par_const)))

    ## optimise
    ###### JAMIE (23/08/2018): include a symmetric approach to U(z)
    ######     - each method now includes an argument to use a symmetric approach
           base = {
               loglik(flat_par[nonfixed], use.symm = use.symm)
               res_opt <- optim(flat_par[nonfixed], loglik, use.symm = use.symm, 
                                method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE)
               # update the quantities with the result from the optim:
               # (the last call of loglik() by optim() may not be the final result)
               loglik(res_opt$par, use.symm = use.symm) # identical(res_opt$value, fromKalman$Lik) should be TRUE
           sarima = {
               loglik_sarima(flat_par[nonfixed], use.symm = use.symm)
               res_opt <- optim(flat_par[nonfixed], loglik_sarima, use.symm = use.symm, 
                                method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE)
                   ## lazy: call optim with the untransformed parameters with zero maxit,
                   ##       simply to get the hessian for the untransformed parameters.
                   ## todo: however the current setup makes this difficult
                   ## save some vars
                   tanh.flag <- FALSE
                   sav_flat_par <- flat_par
                   ## tanh() to get parcor's
                   flat_par[ind.atanh_sarima] <- tanh(flat_par[ind.atanh_sarima])
                   ## this is only needed for the hessian
                   res_opt_alt <- optim(flat_par[nonfixed], loglik_sarima, use.symm = use.symm, 
                                        method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE,
                                        control = list(maxit = 0L))
                   flat_par <- sav_flat_par  # restore saved vars
                   tanh.flag <- TRUE
               # update the quantities with the result from the optim:
               # (the last call of loglik() by optim() may not be the final result)
               loglik_sarima(res_opt$par, use.symm = use.symm) # identical(res_opt$value, fromKalman$Lik) should be TRUE
           css = {
               ss_sarima(flat_par[nonfixed], use.symm = use.symm)
               res_opt <- optim(flat_par[nonfixed], ss_sarima, use.symm = use.symm, 
                                method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE)
                   ## save some vars
                   tanh.flag <- FALSE
                   sav_flat_par <- flat_par
                   ## tanh() to get parcor's
                   flat_par[ind.atanh_sarima] <- tanh(flat_par[ind.atanh_sarima])
                   ## this is only needed for the hessian
                   res_opt_alt <- optim(flat_par[nonfixed], ss_sarima, use.symm = use.symm, 
                                        method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE,
                                        control = list(maxit = 0L))
                   flat_par <- sav_flat_par  # restore saved vars
                   tanh.flag <- TRUE
               ss_sarima(res_opt$par, use.symm = use.symm)

              ## 10/10/18 method changed to 'sarima' to avoid duplicating code later
               lik.method <- "sarima"
           fkf = {
               loglik_fkf(c(flat_par[nonfixed], log(sigma)), use.symm = use.symm)
               res_opt <- optim(c(flat_par[nonfixed], log(sigma)),
                                loglik_fkf, use.symm = use.symm, 
                                method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE)
               loglik_fkf(res_opt$par, use.symm = use.symm)
           kfas = {
               # KFAS::SSMarima() returns a list
               # kfas_model <- try(KFAS::SSMarima(Phi, Theta, Q = sigma2), silent = TRUE)
               ## loglik_kfas() doesn't recreate the full model,
               ## so create it in advance (could add if(is.null(kfas_model)) ... to loglik_kfas)
               update_params(flat_par[nonfixed], use.symm = use.symm)
               makePhiTheta() # expand polynomials
               ## 2022-01-19 moved KFAS to Suggests.
               ## however, then SSMarima is not visible and in a model formula can't
               ##    be qualified with 'KFAS::'. So, copying it here. 
               ## TODO: move this assignment elsewhere (here it is called every 
               ##       time the likelihood is computed, the cost is negligible though)
               SSMarima <- KFAS::SSMarima
               kfas_model <- KFAS::SSModel(y ~ -1 + SSMarima(Phi, Theta, Q = sigma2), H = 0)
               # kfas_init <- c(atanh(flat_par[nonfixed]), log(sigma2))
               kfas_init <- c(flat_par[nonfixed], log(sigma2))
               loglik_kfas(kfas_init, use.symm = use.symm)
               res_opt <- optim(kfas_init, loglik_kfas, use.symm = use.symm, 
                                method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE)
               loglik_kfas(res_opt$par, use.symm = use.symm)
           arima = {
               ## this methods calls arima()
               if(length(Par_const) > 0)
                   stop("method 'arima' can handle 'xreg', but not 'regx'")
               ## TODO: finish this
               stop("method arima is unfinished")
           stop("invalid 'lik.method'")

    fcoef <- function(x, minus = FALSE){ 
        res <- x$a[-1]
            res <- - res
        if(!is.null(nam <- x$dispname)){
            suffix <- letters[x$name.counter] # should be ok for NULL and 0 
            names(res) <- paste0(nam, seq_along(res), suffix)
    coef_phi   <- lapply(e_phi, function(x) fcoef(x, TRUE))
    fixed_phi  <- lapply(e_phi, function(x)   x$fixed[-1])
    coef_theta  <- lapply(e_theta, fcoef)
    fixed_theta <- lapply(e_theta, function(x)   x$fixed[-1])

    coef_delta  <- lapply(e_delta, function(x) fcoef(x, TRUE))
    fixed_delta <- lapply(e_delta, function(x)   x$fixed[-1])

    coef_udelta  <- lapply(e_udelta, function(x) fcoef(x, TRUE))
    fixed_udelta <- lapply(e_udelta, function(x)   x$fixed[-1])

    all.coef <- unlist(c(coef_phi, coef_theta, coef_udelta, coef_delta, Par_treg, Par_const))
    all.fixed <- unlist(c(fixed_phi, fixed_theta, fixed_udelta, fixed_delta, Par_treg_fixed, Par_const_fixed))

    coef.nonfixed <- unlist(all.coef)[!all.fixed]

                                        # TODO: think about better names, can clean them up here
    if(length(Par_treg) > 0)
        names(Par_treg) <- colnames(tregmat)
    if(length(Par_const) > 0)
        names(Par_const) <- colnames(regxmat)
                                   # no delta here, but all this needs further thought
                                   # TODO: need to add numbers to c("ar", "ar"), etc
    coef       <- unlist(c(coef_phi, coef_theta, coef_udelta, Par_treg, Par_const))
    fixed_coef <- unlist(c(fixed_phi, fixed_theta, fixed_udelta, Par_treg_fixed, Par_const_fixed))

    ## TODO: Tova e krapka, ako e list() ili NULL , !fixed_coef po-dolu dava greshka.
    if(length(fixed_coef) == 0)
        fixed_coef <- logical(0)     

    n.coef <- c(arma = length(unlist(c(coef_phi, coef_theta))), 
          # TODO: reinstate but change predict.Sarima to use indexing with names
                uar  = length(unlist(coef_udelta)),
                xreg = length(Par_treg), 
                regx = length(Par_const))

   mask <- !fixed_coef
   ## n.cond in arima is only for method css, maybe should drop it here.
    ncond <- 0 # max(length(Phi), length(Theta) + 1) # TODO: Fix this!

                                       # in arima() n.used is:
                                       #     n.used <- sum(!is.na(x)) - length(Delta)
                                       # (with additional correction for missing values in xreg).
                                       # TODO: do the correction for xreg.
    notna <- !is.na(y)
    n.used <- if(length(Delta) == 0)
              else if(all(!is.na(y[1:length(Delta)])))
                  sum(notna) - length(Delta)
              else{ # NA's among the first length(Delta) values - additional loss
                    # if there is a stretch of length(Delta) non-NA's all subsequent obs. are ok
                    # but the exact number of non-ok depends also on zero coefficients in Delta
                    # (e.g. for 1 - B^12)
## TODO: remove this or further modify at least for ss.method = "sarima"
                  available <- !is.na(y)
                  statable <- rep(FALSE, length(y))
                  ddind <- which(Delta != 0)

                  okseq <- 0
                  for(t in (length(Delta) + 1):length(y)){
                      statable[t] <- all(statable[t - ddind] | available[t - ddind])
                          okseq <- okseq + 1
                          okseq <- 0
                      if(okseq >= length(Delta)){
                          if(t < length(y))
                              statable[(t + 1):length(y)] <- TRUE
                  ## !!! TODO: statable may be useful to choose which residuals to use etc.
           base = { 
            # arima(): value <- 2 * n.used * res$value + n.used + n.used * log(2 * pi)
            #          aic <- if(method != "css") value + 2*sum(mask) + 2 else NA
            # KalmanLike() returns minus log-likelihood, upto a scaling and addition of constants
            # (not fully documented, the following is a guess from trial and error and regression)
                                # equivalently, can replace  fromKalman$Lik  with  res_opt$value
               value_loglik <- - n.used * fromKalman$Lik - 0.5 * n.used * log(2 * pi) - 0.5 * n.used
            # I don't fully understand argument 'nit', but setting it to zero seems
            # to be right for prediction (setting it to -1 gives different results), compare:
            #     fromKalmanRun <- KalmanRun(y, model_from_makeARIMA, -1, update = TRUE)
            #     fromKalmanRun <- KalmanRun(y, model_from_makeARIMA,  0, update = TRUE)
               fromKalmanRun <- KalmanRun(yc, model_from_makeARIMA, 0, update = TRUE)
               resid <- fromKalmanRun$resid
               ### from jamie: these are standardised residuals!
            # TODO: sigma2 needs more care.
            #        This reproduces (it seems) arima()'s sigma2 in the absence of NA's
               ndrop_sigma2 <- length(Delta)
               sigma2 <- if(ndrop_sigma2 == 0)
                             mean(resid^2, na.rm = TRUE)
                             mean(resid[-seq_len(ndrop_sigma2)]^2, na.rm = TRUE)
                             sigma <- sqrt(sigma2)
                             ## should be ready for prediction (minus exogeneous vars)
                             ss.model <- attr(fromKalmanRun, "mod") # model_from_makeARIMA
                             coef_hessian <- res_opt$hessian
           sarima = {
               ## for now same as "base" but calling my likelihood code
               value_loglik <- - n.used * fromKalman$Lik - 0.5 * n.used * log(2 * pi) - 0.5 * n.used
            # I don't fully understand argument 'nit', but setting it to zero seems
            # to be right for prediction (setting it to -1 gives different results), compare:
            #     fromKalmanRun <- KalmanRun(y, model_from_makeARIMA, -1, update = TRUE)
            #     fromKalmanRun <- KalmanRun(y, model_from_makeARIMA,  0, update = TRUE)
        ## TODO: this needs changing, but lets first sort out the estimation
        ##        The C++ function  uniKalmanLikelihood0b needs amending to return states and
        ##        the updated model
        ##    fromKalmanRun <- sarima_KalmanRun(yc, model_from_makeARIMA, 0, update = TRUE)
        ## (2018-08-23) TODO: 
        ##    @jamie: In such cases please put a note has happened here.
        ##         Is this a follow up to the aboe note, if so to what extent, etc.
        ##         I assume that you have tested the equivalence of these two in the context. 
        ## 2018-08-23 was:  
        ##          fromKalmanRun <- KalmanRun(yc, model_from_makeARIMA, 0, update = TRUE)
               fromKalmanRun <- sarima_KalmanRun(yc, model_from_makeARIMA, 0, update = TRUE)   
               resid <- fromKalmanRun$resid
            # TODO: sigma2 needs more care.
            #        This reproduces (it seems) arima()'s sigma2 in the absence of NA's
               ndrop_sigma2 <- length(Delta)
               sigma2 <- if(ndrop_sigma2 == 0)
                             mean(resid^2, na.rm = TRUE)
                             mean(resid[-seq_len(ndrop_sigma2)]^2, na.rm = TRUE)
                             sigma <- sqrt(sigma2)
                             ## should be ready for prediction (minus exogeneous vars)
                             ss.model <- attr(fromKalmanRun, "mod") # model_from_makeARIMA
                             ## TODO: it may be better not to call again optim 
                             ##       but to transform the hessian as in fitArma0Model()
                             coef_hessian <- if(tanh.flag)
           fkf = {
               value_loglik <- fromKalman$logLik
               ## fkf puts other useful stuff in the answers
               resid <- as.vector(fromKalman$vt)
               sigma2 <- sigma^2
               ss.model <- fkf.model
               nrhess <- dim(res_opt$hessian)[1] # hess is square matrix
               coef_hessian <- res_opt$hessian[- nrhess, - nrhess] # drop logsigma
           kfas = {
               value_loglik <- fromKalman$logLik
               ## fkf puts other useful stuff in the answers
               resid <- as.vector(fromKalman$vt) # TODO: this is incorrect!
               ss.model <- kfas_model
               nrhess <- dim(res_opt$hessian)[1] # hess is square matrix
               coef_hessian <- res_opt$hessian[- nrhess, - nrhess] # drop logsigma
           arima = {
               stop("Should not get this far, 'arima' method not supported yet.")
           stop("'lik.method' not found.")
    aic <- - 2 * value_loglik + 2 * sum(nonfixed) + 2
    transformed_par <- list(lapply(e_phi, function(x) x$parcor),
                            lapply(e_theta, function(x) x$parcor),
                            lapply(e_udelta, function(x) x$parcor), 
                            lapply(e_delta, function(x) x$parcor)   )

    phipar_only  <- unlist(lapply(e_phi, function(x) x$a[-1]))
    phipar_fixed <- unlist(lapply(e_phi, function(x) x$fixed[-1]))

    thetapar_only  <- unlist(lapply(e_theta, function(x) x$a[-1]))
    thetapar_fixed <- unlist(lapply(e_theta, function(x) x$fixed[-1]))

                                                         # Jphi, Jtheta are lists of matrices 
          # transformed par are the parcor's
    Jphi <- lapply(transformed_par[[1]], function(x) pacf2ArWithJacobian(x[-1])$J )
        # Jtheta <- lapply(transformed_par[[2]], function(x) pacf2ArWithJacobian(x[-1], TRUE)$J)
    Jtheta <- lapply(transformed_par[[2]], function(x) pacf2ArWithJacobian(x[-1], TRUE)$J)

    Judelta <- lapply(transformed_par[[3]], function(x) pacf2ArWithJacobian(x[-1])$J )

    JphiJtheta <- dbind(Jphi, Jtheta)

    ###### JAMIE (23/08/2018): include a symmetric approach to U(z)
    ######     - There are fewer variables in symmetric approach, so J must be smaller
        uParLen <- length(unlist(par.skeleton[["udelta"]]))
        uPar_seq <- seq_len(uParLen)
        Judelta <- lapply(Judelta, function(x) x[uPar_seq, uPar_seq])
        JphiJthetaJudelta <- dbind(Jphi, Jtheta, Judelta)
        fixed_udelta_symm <- lapply(e_udelta, function(x) x$fixed_symm)
        fixed_coef_symm <- unlist(c(fixed_phi, fixed_theta, fixed_udelta_symm, 
                                    Par_treg_fixed, Par_const_fixed))
        if(length(fixed_coef_symm) == 0)
            fixed_coef_symm <- logical(0)     
        J <- dbind(JphiJthetaJudelta, diag(length(Par_treg)), diag(length(Par_const)))
            J <- J[!fixed_coef_symm, !fixed_coef_symm]
        JphiJthetaJudelta <- dbind(Jphi, Jtheta, Judelta)

        # TODO: for ss.method = "sarima" this is done by calling again optim().
        #       see the comments there.
        # if(tanh.flag){
        #     ## tanh applied before sending  params to optim() 
        #     ##      note that some methods process this internally, e.g. "base";
        #     ##      the correction here is needed only for methods who explicitly request it.
        #     ## see also fitArma0Model()
        # 	                     # Jtanh <- diag(1/cosh(arma0_fit$par[seq_len(p+q)])^2)
        #                          # J <- JphiJtheta %*% Jtanh             
        #     phithetapar_only <- c(phipar_only, thetapar_only)
        #     JphiJtheta <- JphiJtheta / rep(cosh(phithetapar_only)^2, each = length(phithetapar_only))
        #     stop("unfinished feature")
        # }

            # J <- dbind(Jphi, Jtheta, diag(length(Par_treg)), diag(length(Par_const)))
        # J <- dbind(JphiJtheta, diag(length(Par_treg)), diag(length(Par_const)))
	J <- dbind(JphiJthetaJudelta, diag(length(Par_treg)), diag(length(Par_const)))

            J <- J[!fixed_coef, !fixed_coef]
    var_coef <- if(length(coef_hessian) == 0)
                    matrix(0, 0, 0)
                else if(lik.method %in% c("fkf", "kfas"))
                          # fkf returns the hessian scaled, J H^(-1) J'
                          #  (no, it is from optim! Is the likelihood scaled differently?)
                          #  see the examples in FKF
                    hessian2vcov(coef_hessian, 1, J)
                    hessian2vcov(coef_hessian, n.used, J)
            # This code adds rows and columns (of zeroes) for the fixed params.
            #    Removing since this is only trouble (and e.g. arima() doesn't do that).
            # if(any(fixed_coef)){
            #     vcov <- matrix(0, length(coef), length(coef))
            #     vcov[!fixed_coef, !fixed_coef] <- var_coef
            # }else
            #     vcov <- var_coef
    vcov <- var_coef
    ###### JAMIE (23/08/2018): include a symmetric approach to U(z)
    ######     - Expand out the variance matrix for the repeated parameters
        .expand_vcov_symm <- function(vcov, par.skeleton){
            ## where are each of the parameters?
            phiInd <- grepl("phi", names(unlist(par.skeleton)))
            thetaInd <- grepl("theta", names(unlist(par.skeleton)))
            uInd <- grepl("udelta", names(unlist(par.skeleton)))
            xregInd <- grepl("xreg", names(unlist(par.skeleton)))
            regxInd <- grepl("regx", names(unlist(par.skeleton)))
            ## Not interested in stationary or regression distinctions
            statInd <- phiInd | thetaInd
            regInd <- xregInd | regxInd
            ## save each block
            statmat <- vcov[statInd, statInd]
            statUmat <- vcov[statInd, uInd]
            statregmat <- vcov[statInd, regInd]
            Umat <- vcov[uInd, uInd]
            Uregmat <- vcov[uInd, regInd]
            regmat <- vcov[regInd, regInd]
            ## expand the symmetric U parameters
            uParLen <- length(unlist(par.skeleton[["udelta"]]))
            rev_seq <- rev(seq_len(uParLen))
            ## if there's an even number of parameters, the middle one isn't repeated
            if(Udelta_length %% 2 == 0){
                rev_seq <- rev_seq[-1]
            ## build the matrix
            topBit <- cbind(statmat, statUmat, statUmat[,rev_seq], statregmat)
            upperMiddleBit <- cbind(t(statUmat), Umat, Umat[,rev_seq], Uregmat)
            lowerMiddleBit <- upperMiddleBit[rev_seq,]
            bottomBit <- t(rbind(statregmat, Uregmat, Uregmat[rev_seq,], regmat))
            ## and return it all
            rbind(topBit, upperMiddleBit, lowerMiddleBit, bottomBit)
        vcov <- .expand_vcov_symm(vcov, par.skeleton)
        rownames(vcov) <- colnames(vcov) <- names(coef)[!fixed_coef]

    ## TODO: complete
    compact_arima <- as.integer(c(p = length(Phi), q = length(Theta),
                                  s = 1, P = 0, Q = 0))

    res <- structure(list(
        ## fields for class Arima (e.g. of the results of arima())
        coef      = coef, 
        sigma2    = sigma2,
        var.coef  = vcov, # var, 
        mask      = mask,
        loglik    = value_loglik,
        aic       = aic,
        arma      = compact_arima, # arma, 
        residuals = resid,
        call      = match.call(),
        series    = y, 
        code      = res_opt$convergence,
        n.cond    = ncond,
        nobs      = n.used, 
        model     = ss.model,
        ## additional fields from me
        res_opt = res_opt,
        internal = list(
                        phi = phi,
                        theta = theta,
                        delta = delta,

                        phi_poly   = phi_poly,
                        theta_poly = theta_poly,
                        delta_poly = delta_poly,

                        Phi = Phi,
                        Theta = Theta,
                        Delta = Delta,

                        fixed = all.fixed,
                        nonfixed = coef.nonfixed,
                        flat_par = flat_par,
                        fromKalman = fromKalman,
                        fromKalmanRun = if(exists("fromKalmanRun")) fromKalmanRun else NULL,
                        transformed_par = transformed_par,

                        n.coef = n.coef,
                        trendMaker = trmake,
                        regxMaker = regxmake
        ## for now inherit from class Arima (the class from arima()),
        ## eventually do not do this
    ), class = c("Sarima", "Arima")) 


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sarima documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3:22 a.m.