
Defines functions print.simpcomp sortmatrix maxmatrix normmatrix covcomp corcomp firstpcres quickcrit sccrit allcrit iswithinblock isdiffcomp isblockempty eqmatrix simpvector shrinkdiff nextdiff agglomblock redrawMatrix sca

Documented in agglomblock allcrit corcomp covcomp firstpcres maxmatrix nextdiff print.simpcomp quickcrit sca sccrit shrinkdiff simpvector sortmatrix

## -*- mode: R; ess-indent-level: 2 -*-
## $Id: sca.R,v 1.19 2015/09/01 17:12:53 maechler Exp $

sca <- function(S, b = if(interactive) 5, d = 0,
                qmin = if(interactive) 0 else 5,
                corblocks = if(interactive) 0 else 0.3,
		criterion = c("csv", "blp"),
		cluster = c("median","single","complete"),
		withinblock = TRUE, invertsigns = FALSE,
		interactive = dev.interactive())
  ## Interactive program for Simple Component Analysis (SCA)

  ## S: correlation (or variance-covariance) matrix of data to be analyzed
  ## b: number of block-components initially proposed
  ## d: number of difference-components initially proposed
  ## qmin>0:  take over parameter d
  ##	      Select number of difference-components such that
  ##	      number of components at least equal to qmin
  ## corblocks>0: take over parameter b
  ##		 Select number of block-components such that
  ##		 "between-blocks" correlations smaller than corblocks
  ## criterion="csv" for "corrected sum of variances"
  ## criterion="blp" for "best linear predictor"
  ## withinblock=TRUE if difference-components necessarily "within-block"
  ## withinblock=FALSE if difference-components not necessarily "within-block"
  ## cluster="single" for "single linkage clustering"
  ## cluster="median" for "median linkage clustering"
  ## cluster="complete" for "complete linkage clustering"
  ## invertsigns=FALSE: the sign of the variables are not inverted
  ## invertsigns=TRUE: the sign of some variables may be inverted in order to
  ##		avoid negative correlations
  ## interactive = TRUE: interactive program active
  ## interactive =FALSE: computation without user interaction

  S <- as.matrix(S)
  dS <- dim(S)
  p <- dS[2]
  ## check the correlation matrix
  if(dS[1] != p) stop("First argument 'S' must be a square matrix")
  if(!is.logical(tst <- all.equal.numeric(S, t(S), 100 * .Machine$double.eps))
     || !tst)
      stop("First argument 'S' must be a symmetric matrix")
  eS <- eigen(S,symmetric = TRUE)
### MM: FIXME pos.def. test
  if(eS$value[p] < (-0.0001))
      warning("argument \"S\" is not a definite positive matrix")
  invertind <- NULL
  if(invertsigns && isdiffcomp(eS$vec[,1])) {
    p.plus <- sum(iPos <- eS$vec[,1] >= 0)
    pminus <- sum(!iPos)
    invertind <- (1:p)[if(p.plus >= pminus) !iPos else iPos]
    S[,invertind] <- -S[,invertind]
    S[invertind,] <- -S[invertind,]
    warning("some rows and columns in 'S' have been inverted to avoid negative values")

  S0 <- S

  ## check values of parameters

  cluster <- match.arg(cluster)
  criterion <- match.arg(criterion)

  if(corblocks > 1) corblocks <- 1
  qmin <- round(qmin)
  if(qmin > p) qmin <- p

  ## create labels

  labvar <- dimnames(S)[[1]]
  if(is.null(labvar)) labvar <- dimnames(S)[[2]]
  if(is.null(labvar)) labvar <- paste0("V",1:p)
      labvar[invertind] <- paste0("-",labvar[invertind])

  ##---------------Calculate first b blocks and first d differences-------------

  ## We keep everything (and index by 'I') such that
  ##  quick "back" and "forth" can be used interactively.
  I <- 1
  phase <- as.integer(1)
  P <- list(sortmatrix(S,diag(p)))
  dimnames(P[[I]]) <- list(labvar, paste0("B",1:p))
  crit <- list(NA)
  nextpc <- list(NA)

  if(corblocks > 0) { ## determine b := #{block comp.} from correlations:
    maxcor <- maxmatrix(abs(corcomp(S,P[[I]])))
    while(I < p && maxcor$val > corblocks) {
      phase[I+1] <- 1
      P[[I+1]] <- agglomblock(S,P[[I]],cluster)
      crit[[I+1]] <- NA
      nextpc[[I+1]] <- NA
      I <- I+1
      maxcor <- maxmatrix(abs(corcomp(S,P[[I]])))
    b <- p+1-I
  else { ## check and use the argument 'b'

    b <- round(b)
    if(b < 1) {
      warning("at least one block component required, setting b = 1");
      b <- 1
    else if(b > p) b <- p

    while(I <= (p-b)) { ## ie. (b < p) & !(corblocks > 0)
        phase[I+1] <- 1
        P[[I+1]] <- agglomblock(S,P[[I]],cluster)
        crit[[I+1]] <- NA
        nextpc[[I+1]] <- NA
        I <- I+1

  if(qmin > 0)
      d <- qmin-b
  else { ## check and use the argument 'd' :
    d <- round(d)
    if(b+d > p) ## should give a warning - at least if corblocks = 0 (?)
        d <- p-b

  if(d > 0) {
    phase[I+1] <- 2
    P[[I+1]] <- P[[I]]
    crit[[I+1]] <- NA
    nextpc[[I+1]] <- NA
    I <- I+1
    for(i in 1:d) {
      phase[I+1] <- 2
      tmp <- nextdiff(S,P[[I]],withinblock,criterion)
      P[[I+1]] <- tmp[[1]]
      crit[[I+1]] <- NA
      nextpc[[I+1]] <- tmp[[2]]
      I <- I+1

  if(!interactive) {
    phase[I+1] <- 4 # directly jump to phase 4
    P[[I+1]] <- P[[I]]
    crit[[I+1]] <- allcrit(S,P[[I]],criterion,sortP = TRUE)
    I <- I+1
  else { ##  if(interactive)

    clickvalid <- 0.1
    clickentries <- 0.025
    Imax <- I
    cat("Use your graphics window for interaction with sca() from now on!\n")

  ## phase=1: Definition of block-components
  ## phase=2: Definition of difference-components
  ## phase=3: Deletion of difference-components
  ## phase=4: Final system (non-interactive)

  while(phase[I] < 4) { ##-------- interactive algorithm -----------------------

    ##---------------Initialize the present step--------------------------------

    ## calculate values of criteria if the system has not yet been printed:

	crit[[I]] <- allcrit(S,P[[I]],criterion,sortP = TRUE)

    ## initilaize the screen for this step

    Ptmp <- P[[I]]
    qI <- ncol(Ptmp)
    crittmp <- crit[[I]]
    okcomp <- rep(TRUE, qI)
    messg <- ""
    warn <- ""
    if(I > 1 && phase[I] == (phase[I-1]+1) && !eqmatrix(P[[I]], P[[I-1]])) {
      warn <- "Warning: components have been reordered !"
    r0 <- redrawMatrix(phase[I],I,Imax,Ptmp,crittmp,nextpc[[I]],
    warn <- ""

    ## new   = T : the bottom left  button on the screen has been activated
    ## valid = T : the bottom right button on the screen has been activated
    ## back  = T : the  top   left  button on the screen has been activated
    ## forth = T : the  top   right button on the screen has been activated
    new <- valid <- back <- forth <- FALSE

    ##---------------Treat the present step-------------------------------------

    while(!new && !valid && !back && !forth) {

      messg <- ""
      replot <- FALSE
      r <- unlist(locator(1)) ## << User Input  c(x, y)

      j <- which.min(abs(r[1]-r0[[1]]))
      i <- which.min(abs(r[2]-r0[[2]]))

      ##---------------Change the blocks----------------------------------------

      if(phase[I] == 1 && I > 1 && Ptmp[i,j] == 0 &&
	 abs(r[1]-r0[[1]][j]) <= clickentries &&
	 abs(r[2]-r0[[2]][i]) <= clickentries)
	replot <- TRUE
	Ptmp[i,j] <- 1
	Ptmp[i,-j] <- 0
	okcomp <- isblockempty(Ptmp)
	if(all(okcomp)) {
	  messg <- ""
	  crittmp <- allcrit(S,Ptmp,criterion,sortP = TRUE)
	} else messg <- "some block is empty !"

      ##---------------Change the differences-----------------------------------

      if(phase[I] == 2 && j > b &&
	 abs(r[1]-r0[[1]][j]) <= clickentries &&
	 abs(r[2]-r0[[2]][i]) <= clickentries)
	replot <- TRUE
	Ptmp[i,j] <- sign(Ptmp[i,j])-1
	if(Ptmp[i,j] == (-2)) Ptmp[i,j] <- 1
	Ptmp[,j] <- simpvector(Ptmp[,j])
	okcomp[j] <- isdiffcomp(Ptmp[,j]) && (b == 1 || !withinblock ||
	if(!withinblock && sum(okcomp) < qI)
	    messg <- "this is not a difference !"
	if(withinblock && sum(okcomp) < qI)
	    messg <- "this is not a (within-block) difference !"
	if(sum(okcomp) == qI) {
	  messg <- ""
	  crittmp <- allcrit(S,Ptmp,criterion,sortP = TRUE)

      ##---------------Delete difference-components-----------------------------

      if(phase[I] == 3 && j > b &&
	     abs((r[1]-r0[[1]])[j]) <= clickentries &&
	 min(abs((r[2]-r0[[2]]))) <= clickentries)
	new <- TRUE
	Ptmp <- Ptmp[, -j , drop = FALSE]
        qI <- ncol(Ptmp)
	## not needed: if(qI == 1) dimnames(Ptmp)[[2]] <- "B1"
	crittmp <- allcrit(S,Ptmp,criterion,sortP = TRUE)

        ## MM FIXME: shouldn't we break out in this case anyway?
        ##    -----  otherwise can happen that

      ##---------------Select the next step------------------------------------

      if(sum(okcomp) == qI &&
         ((phase[I] == 1 && qI > 1) ||
          (phase[I] == 2 && qI < p)))
        new <- r["x"] < 0 && all(abs(c(0,0) - r) <= clickvalid)

      if(sum(okcomp) == qI)
	valid <- r["x"] > 1 && all(abs(c(1,0) - r) <= clickvalid)

      if(I > 1)
	back  <- r["x"] < 0 && all(abs(c(0,1) - r) <= clickvalid)

      if(I < Imax)
	forth <- r["x"] > 1 && all(abs(c(1,1) - r) <= clickvalid)

      if(phase[I] < 3 && new) messg <- "calculation in progress ..."
      if(messg != "") replot <- TRUE
	  r0 <- redrawMatrix(phase[I],I,Imax,Ptmp,crittmp,nextpc[[I]],
    } ## while(.. present step ..)

    ##---------------Prepare the next step when new=TRUE------------------------

    if(new) {
      if(phase[I] == 1) {
	if(eqmatrix(Ptmp,P[[I]])) {
	  J <- I+1
	else {
	  phase[I+1] <- 1
	  P[[I+1]] <- Ptmp
	  crit[[I+1]] <- crittmp
	  nextpc[[I+1]] <- NA
	  J <- I+2
	phase[J] <- 1
	P[[J]] <- agglomblock(S,Ptmp,cluster)
	crit[[J]] <- allcrit(S,P[[J]],criterion,sortP = TRUE)
	nextpc[[J]] <- NA
      else if(phase[I] == 2) {
	if(eqmatrix(Ptmp,P[[I]])) {
	  J <- I+1
	} else { ## !eqmatrix(Ptmp,P[[I]])
	  phase[I+1] <- 2
	  P[[I+1]] <- Ptmp
	  crit[[I+1]] <- crittmp
	  nextpc[[I+1]] <- nextpc[[I]]
	  J <- I+2
	phase[J] <- 2
	tmp <- nextdiff(S,Ptmp,withinblock,criterion)
	P[[J]] <- tmp[[1]]
	crit[[J]] <- allcrit(S,P[[J]],criterion,sortP = TRUE)
	nextpc[[J]] <- tmp[[2]]
      else if(phase[I] == 3) {
	J <- I+1
	phase[J] <- 3
	P[[J]] <- Ptmp
	crit[[J]] <- crittmp
	nextpc[[J]] <- NA
    } ## if(new)

    ##---------------Prepare the next step when valid=TRUE----------------------

    if(valid) {
      if(phase[I] < 3) {
	if(eqmatrix(Ptmp,P[[I]])) {
	  J <- I+1
	} else {
	  phase[I+1] <- phase[I]
	  P[[I+1]] <- Ptmp
	  crit[[I+1]] <- crittmp
	  nextpc[[I+1]] <- nextpc[[I]]
	  J <- I+2
	phase[J] <- phase[I]+1
	P[[J]] <- sortmatrix(S,Ptmp)
	crit[[J]] <- allcrit(S,P[[J]], criterion, sortP = TRUE)
	nextpc[[J]] <- NA
      else if(phase[I] == 3) {
	J <- I+1
	phase[J] <- 4
	P[[J]] <- Ptmp
	crit[[J]] <- crittmp
	nextpc[[J]] <- NA

    }## if(valid)

    ##---------------Prepare the next step when back=TRUE or forth=TRUE---------

      J <- if(eqmatrix(Ptmp,P[[I]])) I - 1 else I
    if(forth) J <- I+1

    ##---------------End of the step--------------------------------------------

    if(valid && phase[I] == 1) b <- dim(P[[I]])[2]
    if(new || valid) Imax <- J
    I <- J

  } ## while( phase[] < 4 )

  ##---------------End of the process-------------------------------------------

  if(interactive) {
    okcomp <- rep(TRUE,dim(P[[I]])[2])
    messg <- ""
    r0 <- redrawMatrix(phase[I],I,Imax,P[[I]],crit[[I]],nextpc[[I]],

  dimnames(S0) <- list(labvar,labvar)
  cNam <- dimnames(P[[I]])[[2]]
  dimnames(crit[[I]]$corsc) <- list(cNam,cNam)
  crit[[I]]$maxcor$row <- cNam[crit[[I]]$maxcor$row]
  crit[[I]]$maxcor$col <- cNam[crit[[I]]$maxcor$col]

  r <- list(simplemat = P[[I]],
	    loadings = normmatrix(P[[I]]),
	    allcrit  = crit[[I]],
	    nblock   = b,
	    ndiff    = dim(P[[I]])[2] - b,
	    criterion = criterion,
	    cluster  = cluster,
	    withinblock = withinblock,
	    invertsigns = invertsigns,
	    vardata  = S0)
  class(r) <- "simpcomp"
} ## sca()

##-------------------PRINTING SCREEN PROCEDURE--------------------------------

redrawMatrix <- function(phase, I, Imax, P, crit, nextpc,
			 okcomp, messg, warn)
  ## print the screen for a given system

  if(0 > (phase <- as.integer(phase)) || phase > 4)
      stop("'phase' must be in 1:4")
  if(is.null(dP <- dim(P))) stop("'P' must be a component matrix")
  p <- dP[1]
  q <- dP[2]
  if(q > p) stop("q > p : should never happen")
  if(length(okcomp) != q)
      warning("** okcomp[] has wrong length ", length(okcomp),
              " instead of ", q)

  ## determine  b := #{block components} <= q
  if(phase == 1)
    b <- q
  else {
    b <- 1
    while(b < q && okcomp[b+1] && !isdiffcomp(P[,b+1]))
      b <- b+1

  dn <- dimnames(P)

  ## control the size of the loadings and the variables labels
  maxvar <- 20
  cex <- min(1, maxvar/p)
  maxchar <- 8
  cexlab <- cex* min(1, maxchar/ nchar(dn[[1]]))

  ## colors for block-, difference-, and error - components and commands
  col <- c(b = 2, d = 4, e = 6, c = 4)

  ## create messg
  if(messg == "")
    messg <- paste(q,"components:    SCA =", percent(crit$cumsc,1),
                     "    PCA =", percent(crit$cumpc,1),
                     "    Opt =", percent(crit$opt,1),
                     "    Max cor =", round(crit$maxcor$val,2),
                     "(", dn[[2]][crit$maxcor$row],
                     "-", dn[[2]][crit$maxcor$col],")")

  ## coordinates strictly inside (0,1) (will be returned)
  xcord <- seq(0,1,len = q+2)[-c(1,q+2)] # length q
  ycord <- seq(1,0,len = p+2)[-c(1,p+2)] # length p

  ## plot the labels

  plot(0,1,xlim = c(-0.05,1.05), ylim = c(0,1),
       type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")

  par(adj = 1)
  text(rep(0,p),ycord,dn[[1]],cex = cexlab)
  par(adj = 0.5)
  text(xcord,1,dn[[2]],cex = cex)

  ## plot the system

  for(j in 1:q) {
    if(okcomp[j]) {
      par(adj = 1)
      text(rep(xcord[j],p), ycord, P[,j],
	   col = col[if(j <= b) "b" else "d"], cex = cex)
      par(adj = 0.5)
      text(rep(xcord[j],p),rep(0,p), paste(percent(crit$varsc[j],1)),
	   cex = cex)
    else { ## !okcomp[j]
      par(adj = 1)
      text(rep(xcord[j],p),ycord,P[,j],col = col["e"],cex = cex)
  if(phase == 2 && !is.na(nextpc[1])) {
    par(adj = 1)
    text(rep(1,p),ycord, round(100 * nextpc), cex = cex)

  ## plot the buttons

  par(adj = 1)
  if(phase < 4 && I > 1)
      text(0,1,"BACK",cex = 1,col = col["c"])
  if(phase == 1 && sum(okcomp) == q && q > 1)
      text(0,0,"GROUP",cex = 1,col = col["c"])
  else if(phase == 2 && sum(okcomp) == q && q < p)
      text(0,0,"NEXT",cex = 1,col = col["c"])

  par(adj = 0)
  if(phase < 4 && I < Imax)
      text(1,1,"FORW",cex = 1,col = col["c"])
  if(phase < 4 && sum(okcomp) == q)
      text(1,0,"VALID",cex = 1,col = col["c"])

  ## create titles

  if(phase <= 3)
      tit1 <- paste0("Stage ",phase," (Step ",I,"):")
  tit1 <-
	     paste(tit1,"Definition of block-components"),	## 1
	     paste(tit1,"Definition of difference-components"),	## 2
	     paste(tit1,"Deletion of difference-components"),	## 3
	     "Simple components - Final system")	## 4

  cl1 <- "Click on 0s to modify blocks"
  cl2 <- paste0("Click on entries of ",dn[[2]][b+1]," to change signs")
  cl3 <- paste0("Click on entries of ",dn[[2]][b+1],"-",dn[[2]][q]," to change signs")
  cl4 <- paste0("Click on entries of ",dn[[2]][b+1]," to delete component")
  cl5 <- paste0("Click on entries of ",dn[[2]][b+1],"-",dn[[2]][q]," to delete component")
  cl6 <- "Click on GROUP to agglomerate blocks"
  cl7 <- paste0("Click on NEXT to calculate D", q+1)

  cl11 <- "There is only one block"
  cl12 <- "Maximum number of components attained"
  cl13 <- "No difference-components to delete"

  tit2 <-
	 { ## phase 1:
	   cl8 <- "Click on VALID to go to Stage 2"
	   if(q > 1 && q == p)	paste(cl6,"-",cl8)
	   else if(q > 1 && q < p)  paste(cl1,"-",cl6,"-",cl8)
	   else if(q == 1)  paste(cl11,"-",cl8)
	   else warning("q (= ncol(P)) is invalid in phase 1")

	 { ## phase 2 :
	   cl9 <- "Click on VALID to go to Stage 3"
	   if(q > b+1) {
	     if(q < p)	paste(cl3,"-",cl7,"-",cl9)
	     else ## q == p
	   else if(q == b+1) {
	     if(q < p)	paste(cl2,"-",cl7,"-",cl9)
	     else ## q == p
	   else if(q == b) {
	     if(q < p)	paste(cl7,"-",cl9)
	     else ## q == p
	   ## else q < b : impossible

	 { ## phase 3 :
	   cl10 <- "Click on VALID to end the program"
	   if(q >  b+1)	 paste(cl5,"-",cl10)
	   else if(q == b+1)  paste(cl4,"-",cl10)
	   else if(q == b)  paste(cl13,"-",cl10)
	   ## else q < b : impossible
	 { ## phase 4 :

  ## print titles and messgs
  par(adj = 0.5)

  title(main = paste(tit1,"\n",tit2),	cex = 0.7)
  ## FIXME: use mtext() instead
  title(sub = messg, mgp = c(1,1,0),  cex = 1)
  title(sub = warn,  mgp = c(2.5,1,0), cex = 1)

  list(x= xcord, y=ycord)
} ## redrawMatrix()

##-------------------SCA PROCEDURES-------------------------------------------

agglomblock <- function(S, P, cluster = c("median","single","complete"))
## agglomerate the two block-components according to cluster

  S <- as.matrix(S)
  P <- as.matrix(P)
  p <- dim(P)[1]
  b <- dim(P)[2]
  if(b == 1) return(P)
  cluster <- match.arg(cluster)

  R <- cov2cor(S)
  g <- vector("list", b)
  for(i in 1:b) g[[i]] <- (1:p)[P[,i] == 1]
  cormax <- -Inf
  for(i in 1:(b-1)) {
    for(j in (i+1):b) {
      newcor <-
		 "single"  = max   (R[g[[i]],g[[j]]]),
		 "median"  = median(R[g[[i]],g[[j]]]),
		 "complete"= min   (R[g[[i]],g[[j]]]))
      if(newcor >= cormax) {
	cormax <- newcor
	i0 <- i
	j0 <- j
  P[,i0] <- P[,i0]+P[,j0]
  P <- sortmatrix(S, P[,-j0])
  dimnames(P)[[2]] <- paste0("B",1:(b-1))


nextdiff <- function(S,P, withinblock, criterion = c("csv", "blp"))
  ## calculate the next simple difference-component
  S <- as.matrix(S)
  P <- as.matrix(P)
  criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
  zcomp <- firstpcres(S,P)
  ## Eigen vectors are only unique up to  * (+- 1)
  ## make sure the component is "unique": first (non-zero) entry positive:
  k <- 1; while(zcomp[k] == 0) k <- k + 1
  if(zcomp[k] < 0) zcomp <- -zcomp

  q <- ncol(P)

  if(!withinblock) {
    scompmax <- shrinkdiff(zcomp,S,P,criterion)$scompmax
    nextpc <- zcomp
  else { ## withinblock :
    k <- 1
    critmax <- 0
    while(k <= q && !isdiffcomp(P[,k])) {
      not0 <- P[,k] != 0
      if(sum(not0) >= 2) {
	zc0 <- zcomp
	zc0[!not0] <- 0
	sd.z <- shrinkdiff(zc0, S,P, criterion)
	if(sd.z$critmax >= critmax) {
	  critmax <- sd.z$critmax
	  scompmax <- sd.z$scompmax
	  nextpc <- zc0
      k <- k+1

  P <- cbind(P,scompmax)
  dimnames(P)[[2]][q+1] <- paste0("D",q+1)

  list(P=P, nextpc=nextpc)


shrinkdiff <- function(zcomp,S,P, criterion) {
## shrink a component towards a simple difference-component

  S <- as.matrix(S)
  P <- as.matrix(P)
  scompmax <- simpvector(sign(zcomp))
  critmax <- quickcrit(scompmax,S,P,criterion)
  abs.z <- abs(zcomp)
  cut <- sort(abs.z[abs.z > 0])
  if(length(cut) > 2) {
    for(i in 2:(length(cut)-1)) {
      newscomp <- simpvector(sign(zcomp*(abs.z >= cut[i])))
      newcrit <- quickcrit(newscomp,S,P,criterion)
      if(isdiffcomp(newscomp) && newcrit >= critmax) {
	critmax <- newcrit
	scompmax <- newscomp
  list(scompmax=scompmax, critmax=critmax)

##-------------------MATRICES AND VECTORS PROCEDURES--------------------------

simpvector <- function(x) {
## simplify the vector x

  x <- sign(x)
  npos <- sum(x > 0)
  nneg <- sum(x < 0)
  if(nneg > 0) x[x > 0] <- nneg
  if(npos > 0) x[x < 0] <- -npos
  ## MM: ensure we use exact integer arithmetic
  if(nneg > 0 || npos > 0) {
    while(sum(x%%2) == 0) x <- x %/% 2
    while(sum(x%%3) == 0) x <- x %/% 3
    while(sum(x%%5) == 0) x <- x %/% 5
    while(sum(x%%7) == 0) x <- x %/% 7
    if(nneg > 1) while(sum(x%%nneg) == 0) x <- x %/% nneg
    if(npos > 1) while(sum(x%%npos) == 0) x <- x %/% npos


eqmatrix <- function(A,B) {
  A <- as.matrix(A)
  B <- as.matrix(B)
  all(dim(A) == dim(B)) && all(A == B)


isblockempty <- function(P)
  apply(as.matrix(P), 2, function(v) max(v) > 0)


isdiffcomp <- function(x) { prod(range(x)) < 0 }


iswithinblock <- function(d,P) {
  P <- as.matrix(P)
  b <- ncol(P)
  ## FIXME: faster using partial sort() :
  return(sort(crossprod(abs(d), abs(P)))[b-1] == 0)

##-------------------COMPUTATIONAL PROCEDURES---------------------------------

allcrit <- function(S,P, criterion, sortP = TRUE)
## calculate all kinds of criteria

  S <- as.matrix(S)
  P <- normmatrix(P)
  q <- ncol(P)
  tr.S <- sum(diag(S))
  varpc <- eigen(S, symmetric = TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values[1:q] / tr.S
  varsc <- diag(covcomp(S,P)) / tr.S
  cumpc <- sum(varpc)## == cumsum(varpc)[q]
  cumsc <- sccrit(S,P,criterion,sortP)[q]
  opt <- cumsc/cumpc
  corsc <- corcomp(S,P)
  maxcor <- maxmatrix(abs(corsc))
  list(varpc=varpc, varsc=varsc,
       cumpc=cumpc, cumsc=cumsc,
       opt=opt, corsc=corsc, maxcor=maxcor)


sccrit <- function(S,P, criterion, sortP = TRUE) {
## return value of criterion for components P on S (cumulative)

  S <- as.matrix(S)
  if(sortP) P <- sortmatrix(S,P)
  P <- normmatrix(P)
  q <- ncol(P)
  varsc <- numeric(q)
  for(k in 1:q) {
    Ak <- if(k > 1) {
      Pk <- P[,1:(k-1)]
      P.S <- crossprod(Pk, S)
      S - crossprod(P.S, solve(P.S %*% Pk, P.S))
    } else S
    pk <- P[,k]
    varsc[k] <-
	       "csv" = crossprod(pk,Ak) %*% pk,
	       "blp" = (crossprod(pk, Ak %*% Ak) %*% pk) / (crossprod(pk,Ak) %*% pk))

  cumsum(varsc) / sum(diag(S))


quickcrit <- function(newcomp,S,P, criterion) {
## return additional contribution of a new component to the system P on S

  S <- as.matrix(S)
  Pk <- normmatrix(P)
  Ak <- crossprod(Pk, S)
  Ak <- S - crossprod(Ak, solve(Ak %*% Pk, Ak))

  pk <- normmatrix(newcomp)
	 "csv" = crossprod(pk, Ak)%*% pk,
	 "blp" = (crossprod(pk, Ak %*% Ak) %*% pk) / (crossprod(pk, Ak)%*% pk)


firstpcres <- function(S,P) {
## return the first principal component of residuals of S given components P

  S <- as.matrix(S)
  P <- normmatrix(P)
  A <- crossprod(P, S)
  A <- S - crossprod(A, solve(A %*% P, A))

  ## Return first eigen vector :
  eigen(A, symmetric = TRUE)$vectors[,1]

corcomp <- function(S,P) {
## return the correlation matrix of the components P on S

  P <- normmatrix(P)
  A <- crossprod(P, as.matrix(S)) %*% P ## the covariance


## FIXME: efficiency : this is only used as  diag(covcomp(S,P)) !!!
## .../MATRIX/TODO:   if A %*% B is square,  diag(A %*% B) === colSums(t(A) * B)
covcomp <- function(S,P) {
## return the variance-covariance matrix of the components P on S

  P <- normmatrix(P)
  ## return
  crossprod(P, as.matrix(S)) %*% P


normmatrix <- function(P) {
## normalize the matrix P

  P <- as.matrix(P)
  sweep(P,2,apply(P,2,function(v) { sqrt(sum(v^2)) }),"/")

##-------------------SORTING PROCEDURES---------------------------------------

maxmatrix <- function(R) {
## return position and value of the largest element of a correlation matrix R
## (without taking into account the diagonal elements)

  R <- as.matrix(R)
  p <- dim(R)[1]
  if(p <= 1) {
    row <- NA
    col <- NA
    val <- NA
  } else { ## (p > 1)
    i <- sort.list(R)[p*(p-1)]
    row <- i%%p+p*(i%%p == 0)
    col <- 1+i%/%(p+1/p)
    val <- R[row,col]
    if(row > col) { ## swap
      tmp <- col; col <- row; row <- tmp
  list(row=row, col=col, val=val)


sortmatrix <- function(S,P) {
## sort a matrix P by decreasing variances of components
## (where the block-components are first)

  S <- as.matrix(S)
  P <- as.matrix(P)
  q <- ncol(P)
  diffcomp <- apply(P,2,isdiffcomp)
  iblock <- (1:q)[!diffcomp]
  i.diff <- (1:q)[diffcomp]
  d <- diag(covcomp(S,P))
  P[,] <- P[,c(iblock[sort.list(-d[iblock])],

##-------------------PRINTING CRITERIA PROCEDURE------------------------------

percent <-  {
  if(is.R())## work around R's format(*, nsmall = . ) bug:
      function(p, d = 0, sep=" ")
          paste(formatC(round(100 * p, d), format="f", digits= d), "%",
                sep = sep)
      function(p, d = 0, sep=" ")
          paste(format(round(100 * p, d), nsmall= d), "%", sep = sep)

print.simpcomp <- function(x, ndec = 2, ...) {

  ## print method for the result list of the sca() function above

  catn <- function(...) cat(..., "\n")

  labcrit <-
             "csv" = "corrected sum of variances",
             "blp" = "best linear predictor")

  catn("Simple Component Analysis")
  catn("Optimality criterion        :",labcrit)
  catn("Clustering procedure        :",paste(x$cluster,"linkage"))
  catn("Within-block differences    :",x$withinblock)
  catn("Possible invertion of signs :",x$invertsigns)
  catn("Number of block-components  :",x$nblock)
  catn("Number of diff.-components  :",x$ndiff)
  catn("Simple matrix:")

  AC <- x$allcrit
  catn("Variance principal components:\n", percent(AC$varpc,ndec))
  catn("Variance simple components   :\n", percent(AC$varsc,ndec))
  catn("Extracted variability PCA:", percent(AC$cumpc,ndec))
  catn("Extracted variability SCA:", percent(AC$cumsc,ndec))
  catn("Optimality SCA           :", percent(AC$opt,ndec))
  catn("Correlations simple components:")
  cat("Max (abs) correlation: ")
  catn(round(AC$maxcor$val,ndec), "(",AC$maxcor$row,"-",AC$maxcor$col,")")

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