
Defines functions derivative.scam.miso derivative.scam

Documented in derivative.scam

## (c) Natalya Pya (2012-2024). Provided under GPL 2

## function to get derivatives of the smooth model terms ....  ##
## (currently only univariate smooths)                         ##
## analytic derivatives for P-, SCOP-splines                   ##
## finite differencing using predict.gam() for others          ##                    

derivative.scam <- function(object, smooth.number=1,deriv=1){
 ## object - fitted scam object
 ## smooth.number - number of the smooth model term which derivative is needed to be calculated
 ## deriv - either 1 if the 1st derivative is required, or 2 if the 2nd

 sn <- smooth.number
 if (length(object$smooth[[sn]]$term)!=1) stop("derivative.smooth() currently handles only 1D smooths")
 if (deriv!=1 & deriv!=2) 
       stop(paste("deriv can be either 1 or 2"))
 n <- length(object$y)
 q <- object$smooth[[sn]]$bs.dim ## smooth basis dimension
 first <- object$smooth[[sn]]$first.para
 last <- object$smooth[[sn]]$last.para
 beta.t <- object$coefficients.t[first:last]
 Vp <- object$Vp.t[first:last,first:last] 

 if (inherits(object$smooth[[sn]], c("mpi.smooth","mpd.smooth", "cv.smooth", "cx.smooth",   
      "mdcv.smooth","mdcx.smooth","micv.smooth", "micx.smooth", "mpiBy.smooth", "mpdBy.smooth",
       "mdcvBy.smooth", "mdcxBy.smooth","micvBy.smooth", "micxBy.smooth","cvBy.smooth",
       "cxBy.smooth", "po.smooth"))) {
      Sig <- object$smooth[[sn]]$Sigma 
      if (deriv==1){ ## 1st order derivatives
             P <- if (inherits(object$smooth[[sn]], c("miso.smooth", "mifo.smooth"))) diff(diag(q-3),difference=1)
                  else diff(diag(q-1),difference=1) 
             Xd <- object$smooth[[sn]]$Xdf1%*%P%*%Sig   
          else { ## 2nd order derivative
             P <- if (inherits(object$smooth[[sn]], c("miso.smooth", "mifo.smooth"))) diff(diag(q-3),difference=2)
                  else diff(diag(q-1),difference=2)
             Xd <- object$smooth[[sn]]$Xdf2%*%P%*%Sig   
   # } else if (inherits(object$smooth[[sn]], "pspline.smooth")){ ## unconstrained P-splines
   #         if (deriv==1)  ## 1st order derivatives
   #                Xd <- object$smooth[[sn]]$Xdf1%*%diff(diag(q-1),difference=1)
   #         else ## 2nd order derivative
   #               Xd <- object$smooth[[sn]]$Xdf2%*%diff(diag(q-1),difference=2) 
   # }
   } else {   ## for other unconstrained smooths via finite differencing using predict.gam() 
          xx <- object$model[object$smooth[[sn]]$term]   ## find the data
          if (object$smooth[[sn]]$by != "NA") {
                  by <- rep(1, n)
                  newd <- data.frame(x = xx, by = by)
                  names(newd) <- c(object$smooth[[sn]]$term, object$smooth[[sn]]$by)
                else {
                  newd <- data.frame(x = xx)
                  names(newd) <- object$smooth[[sn]]$term
          X0 <- PredictMat(object$smooth[[sn]], newd)
          eps <- 1e-7 ## finite difference interval
          xx <- xx + eps 
          if (object$smooth[[sn]]$by != "NA") {
                  newd <- data.frame(x = xx, by = by)
                  names(newd) <- c(object$smooth[[sn]]$term, object$smooth[[sn]]$by)
                else {
                  newd <- data.frame(x = xx)
                  names(newd) <- object$smooth[[sn]]$term
          X1 <- PredictMat(object$smooth[[sn]], newd)
          Xd <- (X1-X0)/eps ## maps coefficients to (fd approx.) derivatives
          if (deriv==2){ ## for 2nd oder derivative
                  xx <- xx + eps 
                  if (object$smooth[[sn]]$by != "NA") {
                           newd <- data.frame(x = xx, by = by)
                           names(newd) <- c(object$smooth[[sn]]$term, object$smooth[[sn]]$by)
                        else {
                           newd <- data.frame(x = xx)
                           names(newd) <- object$smooth[[sn]]$term
                   X2 <- PredictMat(object$smooth[[sn]], newd)
                   Xd <- (X2-2*X1+X0)/eps^2
          if (inherits(object$smooth[[sn]], c("miso.smooth", "mifo.smooth"))) {
                 ind.con  <- object$smooth[[sn]]$n.zero
                 Xd <- Xd[,-ind.con]
 df <- Xd%*%beta.t ## values of the derivatives 
 df.sd <- rowSums(Xd%*%Vp*Xd)^.5  ## standard errors of the derivative of smooth 
}  ## end of derivative.scam

## checking 'miso' and 'mpi' derivatives with finite differencing derivatives...

derivative.scam.miso <-  function(object, smooth.number=1,deriv=1){
 ## object - fitted scam object
 ## smooth.number - number of the smooth model term which derivative is needed to be calculated
 ## deriv - either 1 if the 1st derivative is required, or 2 if the 2nd

 sn <- smooth.number
 if (length(object$smooth[[sn]]$term)!=1) stop("derivative.smooth() currently handles only 1D smooths")
 if (deriv!=1 & deriv!=2) 
       stop(paste("deriv can be either 1 or 2"))
 n <- length(object$y)
 q <- object$smooth[[sn]]$bs.dim ## smooth basis dimension
 first <- object$smooth[[sn]]$first.para
 last <- object$smooth[[sn]]$last.para
 beta.t <- object$coefficients.t[first:last]
 Vp <- object$Vp.t[first:last,first:last] 

 if (inherits(object$smooth[[sn]], c("mpd.smooth", "cv.smooth", "cx.smooth",   
      "mdcv.smooth","mdcx.smooth","micv.smooth", "micx.smooth", "mpiBy.smooth", "mpdBy.smooth",
       "mdcvBy.smooth", "mdcxBy.smooth","micvBy.smooth", "micxBy.smooth","cvBy.smooth",
       "cxBy.smooth", "po.smooth"))) {
      Sig <- object$smooth[[sn]]$Sigma 
      if (deriv==1){ ## 1st order derivatives
             P <- diff(diag(q-1),difference=1) 
             Xd <- object$smooth[[sn]]$Xdf1%*%P%*%Sig   
          else { ## 2nd order derivative
             P <- diff(diag(q-1),difference=2)
             Xd <- object$smooth[[sn]]$Xdf2%*%P%*%Sig   
   # } else if (inherits(object$smooth[[sn]], "pspline.smooth")){ ## unconstrained P-splines
   #         if (deriv==1)  ## 1st order derivatives
   #                Xd <- object$smooth[[sn]]$Xdf1%*%diff(diag(q-1),difference=1)
   #         else ## 2nd order derivative
   #               Xd <- object$smooth[[sn]]$Xdf2%*%diff(diag(q-1),difference=2) 
   # }
   } else {   ## for other unconstrained smooths via finite differencing using predict.gam() 
          xx <- object$model[object$smooth[[sn]]$term]   ## find the data
          if (object$smooth[[sn]]$by != "NA") {
                  by <- rep(1, n)
                  newd <- data.frame(x = xx, by = by)
                  names(newd) <- c(object$smooth[[sn]]$term, object$smooth[[sn]]$by)
                else {
                  newd <- data.frame(x = xx)
                  names(newd) <- object$smooth[[sn]]$term
          X0 <- PredictMat(object$smooth[[sn]], newd)
          eps <- 1e-7 ## finite difference interval
          xx <- xx + eps 
          if (object$smooth[[sn]]$by != "NA") {
                  newd <- data.frame(x = xx, by = by)
                  names(newd) <- c(object$smooth[[sn]]$term, object$smooth[[sn]]$by)
                else {
                  newd <- data.frame(x = xx)
                  names(newd) <- object$smooth[[sn]]$term
          X1 <- PredictMat(object$smooth[[sn]], newd)
          Xd <- (X1-X0)/eps ## maps coefficients to (fd approx.) derivatives
          if (deriv==2){ ## for 2nd oder derivative
                  xx <- xx + eps 
                  if (object$smooth[[sn]]$by != "NA") {
                           newd <- data.frame(x = xx, by = by)
                           names(newd) <- c(object$smooth[[sn]]$term, object$smooth[[sn]]$by)
                        else {
                           newd <- data.frame(x = xx)
                           names(newd) <- object$smooth[[sn]]$term
                   X2 <- PredictMat(object$smooth[[sn]], newd)
                   Xd <- (X2-2*X1+X0)/eps^2
 if (inherits(object$smooth[[sn]], c("miso.smooth", "mifo.smooth"))) {
  ind.con  <- object$smooth[[sn]]$n.zero
  Xd <- Xd[,-ind.con]
 } else if (inherits(object$smooth[[sn]], c("mpi.smooth"))) 
    Xd <- Xd[,-1]
 df <- Xd%*%beta.t ## values of the derivatives 
 df.sd <- rowSums(Xd%*%Vp*Xd)^.5  ## standard errors of the derivative of smooth 
}  ## end of derivative.scam.miso

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scam documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:43 a.m.