
Defines functions hier_import

Documented in hier_import

#' Imports a nested data structure
#' This function creates a nested sdc hierarchy from various
#' input structures.
#' @param inp an object that should be imported. Argument `from` specifies
#' the input format.
#' @param from (character) from which format should be imported.
#' Possible choices are:
#' - `"json"`: a json-encoded string as created using
#' [hier_convert()] with argument `as = "json")`
#' - `"df"`: a `data.frame` in `@;level`-format or an input created
#' with [hier_convert()] with argument `as = "df")`
#' - `"dt"`: a `data.frame` in `@;level`-format or an input created
#' with [hier_convert()] with argument `as = "dt")`
#' - `"argus"`: a json-encoded string as created using
#' [hier_convert()] with argument `as = "argus")`
#' - `"code"`: a json-encoded string as created using
#' [hier_convert()] with argument `as = "code")`
#' - `"hrc"`: text-files in tau-argus hrc-format
#' - `"sdc"`: a json-encoded string as created using
#' [hier_convert()] with argument `as = "sdc")`
#' @param root optional name of overall total
#' @param keep_order if `TRUE`, the original order of nodes
#' is kept from the input object; if `FALSE`, the nodes are
#' sorted lexicographically within each leaf.
#' @return a (nested) hierarchy
#' @export
#' @seealso [hier_to_tree()]
#' @md
#' @examples
#' h <- hier_create(root = "Total", nodes = LETTERS[1:2])
#' h <- hier_add(h, root = "A", nodes = c("a1", "a2"))
#' h <- hier_add(h, root = "B", nodes = c("b1", "b2"))
#' h <- hier_add(h, root = "b1", nodes = "b1a")
#' hier_display(h)
#' df <- hier_convert(h, as = "df")
#' hier_display(df)
#' h2 <- hier_import(df, from = "df")
#' hier_display(h2)
#' # check order
#' df <- data.frame(
#'   level = c("@@", "@@@@", "@@@@"),
#'   name = c("T", "m", "f")
#' )
#' hier_display(hier_import(df, from = "df")) # automatically sorted (T, f, m)
#' hier_display(hier_import(df, from = "df", keep_order = TRUE)) # original order (T, m, f)
hier_import <- function(inp, from="json", root=NULL, keep_order = FALSE) {
  .from_json <- function(json, root=NULL) {
    .lab_from_attr <- function(json, root) {
      if (!is.null(root)) {
      root <- attributes(json)$totlev
      if (is.null(root) || root == "") {
        root <- "rootnode"
    tab <- fromJSON(json)
    if (length(tab) == 0) {
      return(hier_create(root = .lab_from_attr(json, root)))
    tab <- tab[, c(2, 1)]
    colnames(tab) <- c("from", "to")
    if (!is.null(root)) {
      tab$from[tab$from == "#"] <- root
    } else {
      tab$from[tab$from == "#"] <- .lab_from_attr(json, root)

    tree <- hier_create(root = .lab_from_attr(json, root))
    if (nrow(tab) > 0) {
      subtots <- unique(tab$from)
      new <- vector("list", length(subtots))
      names(new) <- subtots
      for (v in subtots) {
        new[[v]] <-
        tree <- .add_nodes(
          tree = tree,
          new = data.table(
            root = v,
            leaf = tab$to[tab$from == v],
            level = tree$level[tree$leaf == v] + 1
  .from_dt <- function(dt, root=NULL) {
    index <- level <- NULL
    stopifnot(ncol(dt) == 2)
    setnames(dt, c("levels", "labs"))
    rr <- unique(unlist(strsplit(dt$levels, "")))
    stopifnot(length(rr) == 1, rr == "@")
    stopifnot(dt$levels[1] == "@")
    stopifnot(sum(dt$levels[1] == "@") == 1)
    dt$labs <- as.character(dt$labs)

    tree <- hier_create(root = dt$labs[1])
    if (nrow(dt) == 1) {
      tree <- .add_class(tree)
    dt$level <- nchar(dt$levels)
    dt$index <- 1:nrow(dt)

    dt$todo <- TRUE
    dt$todo[1] <- FALSE

    while (sum(dt$todo) > 0) {
      row <- which(dt$todo)[1]
      code <- dt$labs[row]
      tmp <- dt[1:(row - 1)]
      index_parent <- tmp[level == dt$level[row] - 1, max(index)]
      parent <- dt$labs[index_parent]
      tree <- .add_nodes(
        tree = tree,
        new = data.table(root = parent, leaf = code, level = dt$level[row])
      dt$todo[row] <- FALSE
  .from_argus <- function(df, root=NULL) {
    stopifnot(attributes(df)$hier_format == "argus")
    return(.from_dt(data.table(df), root = root))
  .from_code <- function(code, root=NULL) {
    tree <- NULL
    stopifnot(attributes(code)$hier_convert == TRUE)
    stopifnot(attributes(code)$hier_format == "code")
    code <- paste(code[-c(1, length(code))], collapse = ";")
    eval(parse(text = code))
  .from_hrc <- function(hrc, root=NULL) {
    dt <- data.table(inp = readLines(hrc))
    dt$inp <- paste0("@", dt$inp)

    # compute levels and names
    rr <- strsplit(dt$inp, "@")
    dt$level <- sapply(rr, function(x) {
      paste(rep("@", times = length(x)), collapse = "")
    dt$names <- sapply(rr, function(x) {
      trimws(x = tail(x, 1), which = "both")

    dt$inp <- NULL

    if (is.null(root)) {
      root <- "Total"
    dt <- rbind(
        level = "@",
        names = root
    return(.from_dt(dt, root = NULL))
  .from_sdc <- function(inp) {
    stopifnot(attributes(inp)$hier_format == "sdc")

    dt <- data.table(
      levels = inp$codes$level,
      labs = inp$codes$orig
    dt$levels <- sapply(1:nrow(dt), function(x) {
      paste(rep("@", dt$levels[x]), collapse = "")

    tree <- .from_dt(dt)
    bogus <- inp$bogus
    if (!is.null(bogus$bogus_codes)) {
      for (i in seq_len(length(bogus$bogus_codes))) {
        tree <- .add_nodes(
          tree = tree,
          new = data.table(
            root = bogus$bogus_parents[i],
            leaf = bogus$bogus_codes[i],
            level = tree$level[tree$leaf == bogus$bogus_parents[i]] + 1

  stopifnot(from %in% c("json", "df", "dt", "argus", "hrc", "code", "sdc"))
  if (!is.null(root)) {

  if (from == "json") {
    tree <- .from_json(json = inp, root = root)
  if (from %in% c("df", "dt")) {
    if (from == "df") {
      inp <- as.data.table(inp)
    tree <- .from_dt(dt = inp)
  if (from == "argus") {
    tree <- .from_argus(df = inp)
  if (from == "code") {
    tree <- .from_code(code = inp)
  if (from == "hrc") {
    tree <- .from_hrc(hrc = inp, root = root)
  if (from == "sdc") {
    tree <- .from_sdc(inp = inp)

  if (!keep_order) {
    tree <- .sort(tree)

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sdcHierarchies documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:01 a.m.