
Defines functions mafastWORK mafast

Documented in mafast

#' Fast and Simple Microaggregation
#' Function to perform a fast and simple (primitive) method of
#' microaggregation. (for large datasets)
#' @name mafast
#' @docType methods
#' @param obj either a \code{\link{sdcMicroObj-class}}-object or a \code{data.frame}
#' @param variables variables to microaggregate. If obj is of class sdcMicroObj
#' the numerical key variables are chosen per default.
#' @param by grouping variable for microaggregation. If obj is of class
#' sdcMicroObj the strata variables are chosen per default.
#' @param aggr aggregation level (default=3)
#' @param measure aggregation statistic, mean, median, trim, onestep (default =
#' mean)
#' @return If \sQuote{obj} was of class \code{\link{sdcMicroObj-class}} the corresponding
#' slots are filled, like manipNumVars, risk and utility.  If \sQuote{obj} was
#' of class \dQuote{data.frame} or \dQuote{matrix} an object of the same class
#' is returned.
#' @author Alexander Kowarik
#' @seealso \code{\link{microaggregation}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Tarragona)
#' m1 <- mafast(Tarragona, variables=c("GROSS.PROFIT","OPERATING.PROFIT","SALES"),aggr=3)
#' data(testdata)
#' m2 <- mafast(testdata,variables=c("expend","income","savings"),aggr=50,by="sex")
#' summary(m2)
#' ## for objects of class sdcMicro:
#' data(testdata2)
#' sdc <- createSdcObj(testdata2,
#'   keyVars=c('urbrur','roof','walls','water','electcon','relat','sex'),
#'   numVars=c('expend','income','savings'), w='sampling_weight')
#' sdc <- dRisk(sdc)
#' sdc@@risk$numeric
#' sdc1 <- mafast(sdc,aggr=4)
#' sdc1@@risk$numeric
#' sdc2 <- mafast(sdc,aggr=10)
#' sdc2@@risk$numeric
#' \donttest{
#' ### Performance tests
#' x <- testdata
#' for(i in 1:20){
#'   x <- rbind(x,testdata)
#' }
#' system.time({
#'   xx <- mafast(
#'     obj = x,
#'     variables = c("expend", "income", "savings"),
#'     aggr = 50,
#'     by = "sex"
#'   )
#' })
#' }
mafast <- function(obj, variables=NULL, by=NULL, aggr=3, measure=mean) {
  mafastX(obj=obj, variables=variables, by=by, aggr=aggr, measure=measure)

setGeneric("mafastX", function(obj, variables=NULL, by=NULL, aggr=3, measure=mean) {

setMethod(f="mafastX", signature=c("sdcMicroObj"), definition=function(obj, variables=NULL, by=NULL, aggr=3, measure=mean) {
  x <- get.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="manipNumVars")
  if (is.null(by)) {
    if (!is.null(obj@strataVar))
      by <- colnames(obj@origData)[obj@strataVar]
  } else if (!all(by %in% colnames(x))) {
    tmp <- obj@manipKeyVars[, by[by %in% colnames(obj@manipKeyVars) & !by %in% colnames(x)],
    x <- cbind(x, tmp)
    if (!all(by %in% colnames(x))) {
      tmp <- obj@origData[, by[!by %in% colnames(x)], drop=FALSE]
      x <- cbind(x, tmp)

  if (is.null(variables)) {
    variables <- colnames(obj@origData)[obj@numVars]
    variables <- variables[!variables %in% by]
  res <- mafastWORK(x, variables=variables, by=by, aggr=aggr, measure=measure)
  obj <- nextSdcObj(obj)
  obj <- set.sdcMicroObj(obj, type="manipNumVars", input=list(as.data.frame(res[, colnames(get.sdcMicroObj(obj,
  obj <- dRisk(obj)
  obj <- dUtility(obj)

setMethod(f="mafastX", signature=c("data.frame"),
definition=function(obj, variables=NULL, by=NULL, aggr=3, measure=mean) {
  mafastWORK(x=obj, variables=variables, by=by, aggr=aggr, measure=measure)

mafastWORK <- function(x, variables=colnames(x), by=NULL, aggr=3, measure=mean) {
  vectoraggr <- function(y, aggr) {
    ergy <- id <- NA  #for CHECK-NOTES
    ngroup <- floor(length(y)/aggr)
    g <- rep(1:ngroup, each=aggr)
    nadd <- length(y) - length(g)
    if (nadd > 0)
      g <- c(g, rep(g[length(g)], nadd))
    ord <- order(y)
    ord2 <- order(ord)
    yy <- data.table(y=y, g=g[ord2], id=1:length(y))
    setkey(yy, "g")
    erg <- merge(yy, yy[, j=list(ergy=measure(y)), by=g])
    setkey(erg, "id")
    return(erg[, ergy, by=id]$ergy)
  BYVARIABLEFORSPLIT <- idvariableforresorting <- NA  #for CHECK-NOTES
  if (!is.null(by))
    if (any(!by %in% colnames(x)))
      stop(paste("Cannot find variable:", by[!by %in% colnames(x)]))
  if (any(!variables %in% colnames(x)))
    stop(paste("Cannot find variable:", variables[!variables %in% colnames(x)]))
  if (is.null(by)) {
    x$BYVARIABLEFORSPLIT <- factor(1)
  } else if (length(by) > 1) {
    x$BYVARIABLEFORSPLIT <- as.factor(apply(x, 1, function(x) paste(x[by], collapse="-")))
  } else {
    x[, "BYVARIABLEFORSPLIT"] <- as.factor(x[, by])
  x$idvariableforresorting <- 1:nrow(x)
  xdat <- data.table(x[, c(variables, by, "idvariableforresorting")])
  setkey(xdat, cols=BYVARIABLEFORSPLIT)
  idf <- function(x) x
  # TODO: Is there an better way to do this than to paste a cmd, it is fast though.
  cmd <- paste("erg <- xdat[,j=list(idvariableforresorting=idf(idvariableforresorting),",
    paste(variables, "= vectoraggr(", variables, ",aggr=aggr)", collapse=",", sep=""),
  erg <- vector()  #To get no NOTE
  x <- x[, !colnames(x) %in% c("BYVARIABLEFORSPLIT", "idvariableforresorting"), drop=FALSE]
  setkey(erg, "idvariableforresorting")
  x[, variables] <- data.frame(erg)[, variables]

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sdcMicro documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:24 a.m.