
Defines functions makeProblem

Documented in makeProblem

#' Create a problem instance
#' Function [makeProblem()] is used to create [sdcProblem-class] objects.
#' @param data a data frame featuring at least one column for each desired
#' dimensional variable. Optionally the input data can feature variables
#' that contain information on cell counts, weights that should be used during
#' the cut and branch algorithm, additional numeric variables or variables that
#' hold information on sampling weights.
#' @param dimList a (named) list where the names refer to variable names in
#' input `data`. If the list is not named, it is required to specify argument
#' `dimVarInd`. Each list element can be one of:
#' - `tree`: generated with `hier_*()` functions from package `sdcHierarchies`
#' - `data.frame`: a two column `data.frame` containing the full hierarchy of
#' a dimensional variable using a top-to-bottom approach. The format of this
#' `data.frame` is as follows:
#'     * **first column:** a character vector specifying levels with each vector
#' element being a string only containing of `@@`s from length 1 to n.
#' If a vector element consists of `i`-chars, the corresponding code
#' is of level `i`. The code `@@` (one character) equals the grand
#' total (level=1), the code `@@@@` (two characters) is of level 2 (directly
#' below the overall total).
#'    * **second column:** a character vector specifying level codes
#' - `path`: absolute or relative path to a `.csv` file that
#' contains two columns seperated by semicolons (`;`) having the same structure
#' as the `"@@;levelname"`-structure described above
#' @param dimVarInd if `dimList` is a named list, this argument is
#' ignored (`NULL`). Else either a numeric or character vector
#' defining the column indices or names of dimensional variables
#' (specifying the table) within argument `data` are expected.
#' @param freqVarInd if not `NULL`, a scalar numeric or character vector
#' defining the column index or variable name of a variable holding counts
#' in `data`
#' @param numVarInd if not `NULL`, a numeric or character vector
#' defining the column indices or variable names of additional numeric
#' variables with respect to `data`
#' @param weightInd if not `NULL`, a scalar numeric or character vector
#' defining the column index or variable name holding costs within `data`
#' that should be used as objective coefficients when solving secondary
#' cell suppression problems.
#' @param sampWeightInd if not `NULL`, a scalar numeric or character vector
#' defining the column index or variable name of a variable holding sampling
#' weights within `data`. In case a complete table is provided, this parameter is
#' ignored.
#' @return a [sdcProblem-class] object
#' @rdname makeProblem
#' @export
#' @author Bernhard Meindl
#' @md
#' @examples
#' # loading micro data
#' utils::data("microdata1", package = "sdcTable")
#' # we can observe that we have a micro data set consisting
#' # of two spanning variables ('region' and 'gender') and one
#' # numeric variable ('val')
#' # specify structure of hierarchical variable 'region'
#' # levels 'A' to 'D' sum up to a Total
#' dim.region <- data.frame(
#'  levels=c('@@','@@@@','@@@@','@@@@','@@@@'),
#'  codes=c('Total', 'A','B','C','D'),
#'  stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' # specify structure of hierarchical variable 'gender'
#' # using create_node() and add_nodes() (see ?manage_hierarchies)
#' dim.gender <- hier_create(root = "Total", nodes = c("male", "female"))
#' hier_display(dim.gender)
#' # create a named list with each element being a data-frame
#' # containing information on one dimensional variable and
#' # the names referring to variables in the input data
#' dimList <- list(region = dim.region, gender = dim.gender)
#' # third column containts a numeric variable
#' numVarInd <- 3
#' # no variables holding counts, numeric values, weights or sampling
#' # weights are available in the input data
#' # creating an problem instance using numeric indices
#' p1 <- makeProblem(
#'   data = microdata1,
#'   dimList = dimList,
#'   numVarInd = 3 # third variable in `data`
#' )
#' # using variable names is also possible
#' p2 <- makeProblem(
#'   data = microdata1,
#'   dimList = dimList,
#'   numVarInd = "val"
#' )
#' # what do we have?
#' print(class(p1))
#' # have a look at the data
#' df1 <- sdcProb2df(p1, addDups = TRUE,
#'   addNumVars = TRUE, dimCodes = "original")
#' df2 <- sdcProb2df(p2, addDups=TRUE,
#'   addNumVars = TRUE, dimCodes = "original")
#' print(df1)
#' identical(df1, df2)
makeProblem <- function(data,
                        dimVarInd = NULL,
                        freqVarInd = NULL,
                        numVarInd = NULL,
                        weightInd = NULL,
                        sampWeightInd = NULL) {

  # returns an object of class 'sdcProblem'
  # 'doPrep()' is the old function 'newDimInfo()'
  # since it also recodes inputData eventually, it was renamed
  doPrep <- function(inputData, inputDims) {
    if (any(sapply(inputDims, class) != "dimVar")) {
      stop("Not all elements of `inputDims` are of class `dimVar`.", call. = FALSE)

    if (!inherits(inputData, "dataObj")) {
      stop("`inputData` is not of class `dataObj`.", call. = FALSE)

    ## check if all variable names listed in inputDims exist in the
    ## specified dimensions of the input data
    varNames <- g_var_name(inputData)
    varNamesInDims <- sapply(1:length(dimList), function(x) {

    if (!all(varNamesInDims %in% varNames)) {
      e <- "Some dimensional variables are missing in the data."
      stop(e, call. = FALSE)

    rawData <- g_raw_data(inputData)

    # variable names in dataObj
    vNamesInData <- g_var_name(inputData)

    # vNames in inputDims
    vNamesInDimList <- sapply(1:length(inputDims), function(x) {

    # variables not used
    vNotUsed <- setdiff(vNamesInDimList, varNames)
    if (length(vNotUsed) > 0) {
      removeIndex <- match(vNotUsed, vNamesInDimList)
      inputDims <- inputDims[-c(removeIndex)]
      vNamesInDimList <- sapply(1:length(inputDims), function(x) {

      if (any(vNamesInDimList != varNames)) {
        stop("Matching failed.", call. = FALSE)

    posIndex <- match(vNamesInData, vNamesInDimList)
    dimVarInd <- g_dimvar_ind(inputData)
    if (length(posIndex) < 1) {
      stop("Matching of variable names failed.", call. = FALSE)
    if (any(is.na(posIndex))) {
      dimVarInd <- setdiff(dimVarInd, which(is.na(posIndex)))
      vNamesInData <- vNamesInData[dimVarInd]
      inputDims <- inputDims[na.omit(posIndex)]
    } else {
      # correct order
      inputDims <- inputDims[posIndex]

    ss <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(dimVarInd)) {
      remove.vals <- FALSE
      remove_ind <- NULL
      if (!c_has_default_codes(inputDims[[i]], input = rawData[[dimVarInd[i]]])) {
        dups <- g_dups(inputDims[[i]])
        if (length(dups) > 0) {
          dupsUp <- g_dups_up(inputDims[[i]])
          for (k in length(dups):1) {
            ind <- which(rawData[[dimVarInd[i]]] == dups[k])
            if (length(ind) > 0) {
              if (length(which(rawData[[dimVarInd[i]]] == dupsUp[k])) > 0) {
                remove.vals <- TRUE
                remove_ind <- c(remove_ind, ind)
              } else {
                rawData[[dimVarInd[i]]][ind] <- dupsUp[k]
          if (remove.vals) {
            rawData <- rawData[-unique(remove_ind)]
          s_raw_data(inputData) <- list(rawData)
        ss[[i]] <- c_standardize(inputDims[[i]], input = rawData[[dimVarInd[i]]])
      } else {
        ss[[i]] <- rawData[[dimVarInd[i]]]
      # remove entries in ss[[1]...ss[[i-1]]
      if (remove.vals) {
        if (i > 1) {
          for (z in 1:(i - 1)) {
            ss[[z]] <- ss[[z]][-remove_ind]
    strID <- pasteStrVec(as.vector(unlist(ss)), length(posIndex))

    info <- lapply(inputDims, function(x) {
    strInfo <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(inputDims)) {
      sumCur <- info[[i]]
      if (i == 1) {
        strInfo[[i]] <- c(1, sumCur)
      } else {
        strInfo[[i]] <- c(1 + max(strInfo[[c(i - 1)]]), max(strInfo[[c(i - 1)]]) + sumCur)

    dimInfoObj <- new(
      Class = "dimInfo",
      dimInfo = inputDims,
      strID = strID,
      strInfo = strInfo,
      vNames = vNamesInData,
      # because of ordering
      posIndex = dimVarInd # because dimVars are re-ordered according to input data!
    return(list(inputData = inputData, dimInfoObj = dimInfoObj))

  cn <- names(data)
  # cn: column names of data
  # make sure, indices are returned even when variable names
  # were provided
  .convert_to_ind <- function(cn, v) {
    if (!is.character(v)) {
    ind <- match(v, cn)
    if (any(is.na(ind))) {
      stop("A non-existing variable name was provided.", call. = FALSE)

  reserved <- c("id", "freq", "Freq", "sdcStatus")
  if (any(reserved %in% names(dimList))) {
    stop("please do not use either 'id','freq','Freq' or 'sdcStatus' as names for dimensional variables!\n")

  # check/calculate dimVarInd
  if (!all(names(dimList) %in% names(data))) {
    stop("For at least one dimensional variable specified in 'dimList', we do not have a corresponding variable in 'data'!\n")

  # convert from tree- to standard format
  hierinfo_sdchier <- vector("list", length = length(dimList))
  for (i in 1:length(dimList)) {
    if (inherits(dimList[[i]], "sdc_hierarchy")) {
      hierinfo_sdchier[[i]] <- dimList[[i]]
      dimList[[i]] <- sdcHierarchies::hier_convert(dimList[[i]], as = "df")
    } else {
      hierinfo_sdchier[[i]] <- sdcHierarchies::hier_import(inp = dimList[[i]], from = "df")
  names(hierinfo_sdchier) <- names(dimList)

  if (is.null(dimVarInd)) {
    # we need to calculate dimVarInd from names in dimList
    dimVarInd <- .convert_to_ind(cn, v = names(dimList))
  } else {
    # we just need to check the names match
    if (!all(names(dimList) == names(data)[dimVarInd])) {
      e <- c(
        "Variable names specified in `dimList` do not match with variable",
        "names in `data` as specified in `dimVarInd`."
      stop(paste(e, collapse = " "), call. = FALSE)

  for (i in seq_along(dimList)) {
    dimList[[i]] <- init.dimVar(
      input = list(
        input = dimList[[i]],
        vName = names(dimList)[i]

  ## generate inputData from data
  inputData <- init.dataObj(
    input = list(
      inputData = data,
      dimVarInd = dimVarInd,
      freqVarInd = .convert_to_ind(cn, v = freqVarInd),
      numVarInd = .convert_to_ind(cn, v = numVarInd),
      weightInd = .convert_to_ind(cn, v = weightInd),
      sampWeightInd = .convert_to_ind(cn, v = sampWeightInd)

  ## calculate the dimInfoObj and eventually recode inputData
  ## (eventually recode rawData slot of inputData if "rawData" contains "wrong" dups)
  out <- doPrep(inputData, dimList)

  ## compute the full sdcProblem object
  out <- c_calc_full_prob(
    input = list(
      objectA = out$inputData,
      objectB = out$dimInfoObj
  attr(out, "hierinfo") <- hierinfo_sdchier

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sdcTable documentation built on Aug. 11, 2023, 9:06 a.m.