Defines functions AICcompatible.secr AICcompatible.secrlist logLik.secr

Documented in AICcompatible.secr AICcompatible.secrlist logLik.secr

## package 'secr'
## AIC.R
## 2018-01-10

oneline.secr <- function (secr, k, chat = NULL) {
    if (ms(secr$capthist)) {
        n <- sum(sapply (secr$capthist, nrow))
        ncapt <- sum(sapply (secr$capthist, function (x) sum(abs(x>0))))
    else  {
        n  <- nrow(secr$capthist)     # number caught
        ncapt <- sum( abs( secr$capthist)>0)
    ## 2015-03-31, 2017-02-10, 2023-05-21
    if (is.null(chat)) chat <- 1.0
    Npar <- nparameters(secr)   ## see utility.R
    nLL <- secr$fit$value
    AICval <- 2*nLL/chat + k *Npar
    AICcval <- ifelse ((n - Npar - 1)>0,
                       2*(nLL/chat + Npar) + 2 * Npar * (Npar+1) / (n - Npar - 1),
    c (
        model  = model.string(secr$model, secr$details$userDfn),
        detectfn = detectionfunctionname(secr$detectfn),
        npar   = Npar,
        logLik = -secr$fit$value,
        AIC    = round(AICval, 3),
        AICc   = round(AICcval, 3),
        fitted = secr$fitted

logLik.secr <- function(object, ...) {
    npar <- length(object$fit$par)
    structure (-object$fit$value, df = npar, class = 'logLik')


AIC.secr <- function (object, ..., sort = TRUE, k = 2, dmax = 10, 
                      criterion = c('AICc','AIC'), chat = NULL) {
    allargs <- list(...)
    modelnames <- (c ( as.character(match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$object),
                       as.character(match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$...) ))
    allargs <- secrlist(object, allargs)
    names(allargs) <- modelnames
    if (!all(AICcompatible(allargs))) {
        warning ("models not compatible for AIC")
    AIC(allargs, sort=sort, k=k, dmax=dmax, criterion=criterion, chat=chat)

AIC.secrlist <- function (object, ..., sort = TRUE, k = 2, dmax = 10, 
                          criterion = c('AICc','AIC'), chat = NULL) {
    if (k != 2)
        warning ("k != 2 and AIC.secr output may be mis-labelled")
    if (length(list(...)) > 0)
        warning ("... argument ignored in 'AIC.secrlist'")
    if (length(object) > 1) {
        ## check added 2013-10-14
        hcovs <- sapply(object, function(x) if (is.null(x$hcov)) '' else x$hcov)
        if (length(unique(hcovs)) > 1)
            stop ("AIC invalid when models use different hcov")
    criterion <- match.arg(criterion)
    quasi <- !is.null(chat)
    modelnames <- names(object)
    allargs <- object
    if (any(sapply(allargs,class) != 'secr'))
        stop ("components of 'object' must be 'secr' objects")
    output <- data.frame(t(sapply(allargs, oneline.secr, k = k, chat = chat)), 
                         stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    for (i in 3:6)
        output[,i] <- as.numeric(output[,i])
    output$delta <- output[,criterion] - min(output[,criterion])
    OK <- abs(output$delta) < abs(dmax)
    sumdelta <- sum(exp(-output$delta[OK]/2))
    output$wt <- ifelse ( OK, round(exp(-output$delta/2) / sumdelta,4), 0)
    row.names(output) <- modelnames
    if (sort) output <- output [order(output[,criterion]),]
    names(output)[7] <- paste('d',criterion,sep='')
    names(output)[8] <- paste(criterion,'wt',sep='')
    if (nrow(output)==1) { output[,8] <- NULL; output[,7] <- NULL}
    if (quasi) names(output) <- gsub('AIC','QAIC', names(output))

AICcompatible.secrlist <- function(object, ...) {
    allargs <- list(...)
    if (length(allargs)>0) {
        allargs <- secrlist(object, allargs)
    else {
        allargs <- object
    stopifnot(inherits(allargs, "secrlist"))
    if (length(allargs)==1) {
        dataOK <- groupsOK <- CLOK <- hcovOK <- binomNOK <- TRUE   
    else {
        dataOK <- sapply(allargs[-1], function(x) identical(x$capthist, allargs[[1]]$capthist))
        groupsOK <- sapply(allargs[-1], function(x) identical(x$groups, allargs[[1]]$groups))
        CLOK <- sapply(allargs[-1], function(x) identical(x$CL, allargs[[1]]$CL))
        hcovOK <- sapply(allargs[-1], function(x) identical(x$hcov, allargs[[1]]$hcov))
        binomNOK <- sapply(allargs[-1], function(x) identical(x$details$binomN, allargs[[1]]$details$binomN))
    c(data=all(dataOK),  CL=all(CLOK), groups=all(groupsOK),hcov=all(hcovOK), binomN =all(binomNOK) ) 

AICcompatible.secr <- function(object, ...) {
    allargs <- list(...)
    if (length(allargs)>0) {
        allargs <- secrlist(object, allargs)
    else {
        allargs <- secrlist(object)
    stopifnot(inherits(allargs, "secrlist"))

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secr documentation built on Oct. 18, 2023, 1:07 a.m.