plot.segmented.lme<-function(x, level=1, id = NULL, res = TRUE, pop = FALSE,
yscale = 1, xscale = 1, n.plot, pos.leg = "topright", vline = FALSE, lines = TRUE,
by=NULL, add=FALSE, conf.level=0, withI=TRUE, vcov.=NULL, shade=FALSE, drop.var=NULL, text.leg=NULL,, ...) {
# plotting fitted segmented relationships for multiple subjects
# obj: a 'segmented.lme' object
# id: the subject id to be plotted
# n.plot: a vector to be passed to par(mfrow= (should be coherent with length(id)). If missing, it is computed \epending on
# length(id).
# If add=TRUE, it is expected that the plotting area is already split in different plots..
# if prod(n.plot)<length(id), just the *first* `prod(n.plot)' units will be drawn.
# pop: if TRUE the population (fixed effects only) lines are added. In this case it could be useful to set the
# same x-range (use xlim
# leg: where the id should be printed. Set to NULL for no id on the plot. yscale=1 => y range for all
# subjects xscale=1 => x range for all subjects
# ...: arguments to pass to plotSegLme(), especially col.l, lwd.l, lty.l for the
# individual lines, and col.p, lty.p, lwd.p for the population
# lines (provided 'pop=T'). NB 'col' refers to points (provided that 'res=TRUE')
# col, col.l and col.p may be *vectors* (will be recycled)
# lines: if FALSE, points (rather than lines) are plotted (useful if the segmented profile depends on
# additional covariates and cannot be displayed) x11() #quartz()?
#vline: if TRUE, a (dashed) vertical line is drawn to emphasize the individual breakpoint.
return.psi <- function(obj, level) {
# restituisce predizioni dei RE cahngepoints per diversi livelli
# di nested. NON completa
#-------------------- <- function(obj) {
# restituisce un array n x n.ranef x terms n ? il n. totale
# delle misurazioni.. n.ranef ? il n. dei random effects
# (tipicamente ? 1, >1 con nested..) terms ? il n. dei
# termini coinvolti nei random effects (ad es., intercept, x
# ..)
ro <- ranef(obj)
n.levels <- ncol(obj$groups) #n. dei livelli casuali (ad es., se nested..)
if (n.levels <= 1) {
ro <- list(ro)
names(ro) <- names(obj$groups)
nomi.levels <- names(obj$groups) #nomi degli effetti casuali names(ranef(obj))
n.terms <- sapply(ro, ncol)
nomiTermini <- unique(as.vector(unlist(sapply(ro, colnames))))
tutti <- array(0, c(nrow(obj$groups), ncol(obj$groups), max(n.terms)),
dimnames = list(NULL, names(obj$groups), nomiTermini))
for (nome in nomiTermini) {
for (j in nomi.levels) {
if (nome %in% names(ro[[j]])) {
for (i in unique(obj$groups[, j])) tutti[obj$groups[,
j] == i, j, nome] <- ro[[j]][rownames(ro[[j]]) == i,
if (missing(level)) level <- ncol(obj[[2]]$groups)
psi <- rowSums(obj$misc$matrix.psi[, 1:(level + 1), drop = FALSE])
if (level == 0) {
names(psi) <- NULL
} else {
if (level < ncol(obj[[2]]$groups))
names(psi) <- sapply(strsplit(names(psi), "/"), function(.x) .x[max(level,
# obj<-obj[[1]] RE< if(! 'G0' %in% dimnames(RE)[[3]])
# stop('no 'G0' term!') n.ranef<-dim(RE)[2] psi.i<-vector('list',
# ncol(obj$groups)) for(j in 1:n.ranef) { valori.sum<-
# rowSums(RE[, 1:j,'G0',drop=FALSE]) valori<- tapply(valori.sum,
# obj$groups[,j], function(x)x[1])
# names(valori)<-names(tapply(obj$groups[,j], obj$groups[,j],
# function(x)x[1])) psi.i[[j]]<-valori } names(psi.i) <-
# colnames(obj$groups) attr(psi.i, 'grpNames') <-
# attr(ranef(obj), 'grpNames') return(psi.i) kappa0i <- kappa0+ki
# etai<-kappa0i if(id.z.psi) { kappa.old<-kappa #length=1
# kappa<-fixed.effects(obj)[nomiG] #esclude G0..
# etai<-etai+drop(Z.psi%*%kappa) } psi.ex<-if('logit')
# inv.logit(etai,min.Z,max.Z) else etai
plotSegLme <- function(obj, id = stop("'id' should be provided"), add = FALSE, res = TRUE,
pop = FALSE, yscale = -1, xscale = -1, text.leg = paste("id =", id), pos.leg = NULL, vline = FALSE,
xLab, yLab, level, lines = TRUE, opzione = 1, ...) { #line.col=1, res.col=grey(.7),
# Simply plots (or adds) the observed data and the segmented fitted lines for subject
# 'id'
# obj: an object of class 'segmented.lme' id: the subject 'id' add: if FALSE, a new
# plot is produced with observations and fitted lines superimposed. res: if TRUE the
# observations (partial residuals) are added; otherwise only the fitted lines pop: if
# TRUE the population-level estimate of the segmented relationship is added.. yscale
# if <0, the y-scale refers to the values of 'id' only; otherwise the overall range
# relevant to *all* subjects (useful for comparisons) main: the plot title. It can be
# '' leg: if !NULL it can be one of 'top', 'topright',... and the id subject is put
# on the plot. vline: if TRUE lines: if FALSE, points (rather than lines) are plotted
# (useful if the segmented profile depends on additional covariates and cannot be
# displayed)
#...: argomenti da passare al plot, compresi 'col.l' e 'lwd.l' 'lty.l'
# che servono per le segmented lines individuali e col.p, lty.p, lwd.p che servono
# per le linee di pop (se pop=TRUE) Problema: se ci sono nested re i levels dell
# innermost factor vengono modificati 'lev1/lev2' (che rappresentano i nomi dei
# coef() o ranef) dove lev1 e' il livello dell'altro fattore. Quindi o in 'id' si
# specifica il livello costruito 'lev1/lev2' oppure i nomi dei coef() si devono
# modificare estraendo solo il valore dopo il '\'
rnfGrp <- obj$$groups
if (missing(level)) level <- ncol(rnfGrp)
# con nested funziona ma i valori dei fitted sono 'strani..', cio? dovrebbero essere
# comunque una relazione segmented S? ? giusto solo i psi sono diversi...
if (level != ncol(rnfGrp))
stop("Currently only the innermost level (i.e., ", ncol(rnfGrp), ") is allowed")
if (level > ncol(rnfGrp) || level < 0)
stop(" 'level' should be an integer in [0, ", ncol(rnfGrp), "]")
# rownames(coef(obj[[2]])) sono the innermost levels
nomi <- levels(rnfGrp[, max(1, level)]) #level 0 non funziona
if (!(id %in% nomi))
stop("the specified 'id' is not consistent with 'level' (should be ", nomi[1], ",",
nomi[2], ",..,", nomi[length(nomi)], ")")
# psi<- obj$psi.i[[paste(id)]] in realt? si possono ottenere i psi a diversi livelli
# di nested
psi <- if (ncol(obj$misc$matrix.psi) <= 1)
obj$misc$matrix.psi[, 1] else rowSums(obj$misc$matrix.psi[, 1:(level + 1)])
# se ci sono nested, i nomi di psi saranno sempre con '/' che non e' coerente se
# level=1
if (level < ncol(rnfGrp)) {
if (ncol(rnfGrp) >= 2) {
names(psi) <- sapply(strsplit(names(psi), "/"), function(.x) .x[level])
psi <- psi[[paste(id)]]
nameID <- names(rnfGrp)[level]
y <- resid(obj$ + fitted(obj$ #
if (level < ncol(rnfGrp))
names(y) <- obj$$groups[, max(level, 0)]
range.ok <- range(y)
XY <- cbind(obj$Z, y)
x <- XY[names(y) == id, 1]
y <- XY[names(y) == id, 2]
if (yscale < 0) range.ok <- range(y)
range.ok[1] <- if (sign(range.ok[1]) > 0)
range.ok[1] * 0.98 else range.ok[1] * 1.03
range.ok[2] <- if (sign(range.ok[2]) > 0)
range.ok[2] * 1.03 else range.ok[2] * 0.98
# x<-obj$Z
rangeX.ok <- range(obj$Z)
# x<-x[names(obj$Z)==id]
if (xscale < 0) rangeX.ok <- range(x)
opz <- list(...)
opz$x <- x
opz$y <- y
if (is.null(opz$col)) opz$col <- grey(.7)
if (is.null(opz$cex)) opz$cex <- 1.5
if (is.null(opz$pch)) opz$pch <- 19
if (is.null(opz$ylim)) opz$ylim <- range.ok
if (is.null(opz$xlim)) opz$xlim <- rangeX.ok
if (!res) opz$type <- "n"
if (is.null(opz$ylab)) opz$ylab<- all.vars(formula(obj[[2]]))[1]
if (is.null(opz$xlab)) opz$xlab<- obj$namesGZ$nameZ
#if (missing(yLab)) yLab <- "response"
#if (missing(xLab)) xLab <- obj$namesGZ$nameZ
#opz$ylab <- yLab
#opz$xlab <- xLab
# set col.p, lwd.p, lty.p for *population* lines (provided pop=TRUE)
if (!is.null(opz$p.col)) {
p.col <- opz$p.col
opz$p.col <- NULL
} else {
p.col <- 1
if (!is.null(opz$p.lty)) {
lty.p <- opz$p.lty
opz$p.lty <- NULL
} else {
p.lty <- 2
if (!is.null(opz$p.lwd)) {
p.lwd <- opz$p.lwd
opz$p.lwd <- NULL
} else {
p.lwd <- 1.5
# set col.l, lwd.l, lty.l for *individual* lines (or points if 'lines=FALSE')
if (!is.null(opz$l.pch)) {
l.pch <- opz$l.pch
opz$l.pch <- NULL
} else {
l.pch <- 3
if (!is.null(opz$l.lty)) {
l.lty <- opz$l.lty
opz$l.lty <- NULL
} else {
l.lty <- 1
if (!is.null(opz$l.col)) {
l.col <- opz$l.col
opz$l.col <- NULL
} else {
l.col <- 1
if (!is.null(opz$l.lwd)) {
l.lwd <- opz$l.lwd
opz$l.lwd <- NULL
} else {
l.lwd <- 2
if (!is.null(opz$t.col)) {
t.col <- opz$t.col
opz$t.col <- NULL
} else {
t.col <- 1
if (!add), opz)
if (!is.null(pos.leg)){
legg <- if( paste(nameID, id, sep = " = ") else id
legend(pos.leg, legend = legg, bty = "n", text.col=t.col)
ff <- fitted(obj$, level = level)
mu <- ff[names(ff) == id] #? fitted.segmented.lme(fit,1)
m <- cbind(x, mu)
m <- m[order(m[, 1]), ]
if (!lines) {
points(m, col = l.col, pch = l.pch, lwd = l.lwd), opz)
} else {
if (opzione == 1) {
mL <- m[m[, 1] <= psi, , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(mL) > 1) {
# if(length(unique(round(diff(mL[,1])/diff(mL[,2]), 6)))>1)
# stop('Apparently non-segmented profile for unit #', id, '.. try
# 'lines=FALSE'\n')
fL <- splinefun(mL[, 1], mL[, 2])
f.psi <- fL(psi)
} else {
mR <- m[m[, 1] >= psi, , drop = FALSE]
# if(length(unique(round(diff(mR[,1])/diff(mR[,2]), 6)))>1)
# stop('Apparently non-segmented profile for unit #', id,'.. try
# 'lines=FALSE'\n')
fR <- splinefun(mR[, 1], mR[, 2])
f.psi <- fR(psi)
# lines(c( mL[,1], psi, mR[,1]), c( mL[,2], f.psi, mR[,2]), col=col.l,
# lwd=lwd.l, lty=lty.l)
lines(c(m[1, 1], psi, m[nrow(m), 1]), c(m[1, 2], f.psi, m[nrow(m), 2]), col = l.col,
lwd = l.lwd, lty = l.lty)
} else {
nomiCoef.ok <- intersect(c("(Intercept)", obj$namesGZ$nameZ, "U"), colnames(coef(obj$
nomiCoef.ok <- c(nomiCoef.ok, obj$namesGZ$nomiUx)
coef.ok <- coef(obj$, level = level)[id, nomiCoef.ok]
psi.ok <- return.psi(obj, level = level)[id] #dipende da eventuali termini fissi in z.psi, e dal livello di nesting.
# adesso devi copstruire la matrice del disegno.
### GUARDARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xvar<-seq(min(x), max(x), l=100)
coef.ok<- as.numeric(coef.ok)
if(!is.null(obj$namesGZ$nomiUx)) {
coef.ok[3] <- coef.ok[3]+ coef.ok["bUx"]* obj$$data[,obj$namesGZ$nomiUx]
mu.ok <- cbind(1, xvar, pmax(xvar-psi.ok,0))%*%coef.ok
lines(xvar, mu.ok, col = l.col, lwd = l.lwd, lty = l.lty)
# come fare se ci sono variabili U.x? coef.ok include il coef ma c'? bisogno
# del valore corrispondente all'unita' id..
# obj$$data[,obj$namesGZ$nomiUx] e poi selezionare per l'unita'
# 'id' E se ci sono interazioni con intercetta e left slope???
if(vline) segments(psi, par()$usr[3], psi, f.psi, lty = 3, col = l.col)
points(psi, par()$usr[3] * 1, pch = "X", col = l.col, cex = 1.2)
points(psi, f.psi, pch = "x", col = l.col, cex = 1, lwd=1.5)
# codici vecchi.. #left side mL<-m[m[,1]<=psi, ,drop=FALSE] fL<-splinefun(mL[,1],
# mL[,2]) new.xL<- c(min(mL[,1]), psi) #right side mR<-m[m[,1]>=psi, ,drop=FALSE]
# fR<-splinefun(mR[,1], mR[,2]) new.xR<- c(psi, max(mR[,1])) lines(new.xL,
# fL(new.xL), col=1, lwd=2) lines(new.xR, fR(new.xR), col=1, lwd=2) if(vline)
# segments(psi, par()$usr[3], psi, fR(psi), lty=3, col=1)
if (pop) {
# mu<-fitted(obj[[2]])[names(fitted(obj[[2]]))==id] #e'
# fitted.segmented.lme(fit,1)
# mu<-fitted(obj[[2]],0)[names(fitted(obj[[2]],0))==id] #e'
# fitted.segmented.lme(fit,0)
# mu<-fitted(obj, level=0)[names(fitted(obj, level=0))==id] #funziona solo se i
# dati sono ordinati (osservazioni dello stesso individuo vicine..). Per cui il
# 14/7 messo la seguente: browser() mu<-fitted(obj[[2]],
# level=0)[names(fitted(obj[[2]], level=ncol(obj[[2]]$groups)))==id]
mu <- fitted(obj, level = 0)
mu <- mu[names(mu) == id]
# mu<-mu[names(fitted(obj, level=ncol(obj[[2]]$groups)))==id]
psi <- obj$fixed.psi[[paste(id)]]
m <- cbind(x, mu)
m <- m[order(m[, 1]), ]
# mL<-m[m[,1]<=psi, ,drop=FALSE] if(nrow(mL)>1){ fL<-splinefun(mL[,1], mL[,2])
# f.psi<-fL(psi) } else { mR<-m[m[,1]>=psi, ,drop=FALSE] fR<-splinefun(mR[,1],
# mR[,2]) f.psi<-fR(psi) } lines(c( m[1,1], psi, m[nrow(m),1]), c( m[1,2], f.psi,
# m[nrow(m),2]), col=col.l, lwd=lwd.l) left side
m1 <- m[m[, 1] <= psi, , drop = FALSE]
# right side
m2 <- m[m[, 1] >= psi, , drop = FALSE]
if (nrow(m1) > 0) {
f1 <- splinefun(m1[, 1], m1[, 2])
estremo <- if (nrow(m2) > 0)
psi else min(psi, max(m1[, 1]))
new.x1 <- c(min(m1[, 1]), estremo)
if (nrow(m2) > 0) {
f2 <- splinefun(m2[, 1], m2[, 2])
# new.x1<- seq(psi, max(m1[,1]), l=200)
estremo <- if (nrow(m1) > 0)
psi else max(psi, min(m2[, 1]))
new.x2 <- c(estremo, max(m2[, 1]))
if (nrow(m1) > 0) {
if (nrow(m1) > 1)
lines(new.x1, f1(new.x1), col = p.col, lwd = p.lwd, lty = p.lty) else lines(new.x1, c(f1(new.x1)[1], f2(new.x2)[1]), col = p.col, lwd = p.lwd, lty = p.lty)
if (nrow(m2) > 0) {
if (nrow(m2) > 1)
lines(new.x2, f2(new.x2), col = p.col, lwd = p.lwd, lty = p.lty) else lines(new.x2, c(f1(new.x1)[2], f2(new.x2)[2]), col = p.col, lwd = p.lwd, lty = p.lty)
points(psi, par()$usr[3] * 1.015, pch = 4, col = p.col)
# segments(psi, par()$usr[3], psi, f1(psi), lty=3, col=1)
plotmarg<-function(obj, by=NULL, add=FALSE, conf.level=0, pos.leg=NULL, withI=TRUE, vcov.=NULL,
shade=FALSE, drop.var=NULL, text.leg, ... ){
#=========>> da provare con by con piu' termini e se leftSlope=0
#obj: the segmented.lme object
#by: a named list indicating covariate names and corresponding values affecting the fitted segmented relationship.
# Example: by=list(group="2",z2=.2)
#conf.level: for pointwise CI..
#pos.leg if different from NULL, a legend is added on the plot at "pos.leg"
# (which should be one a single keyword from the list "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right" and "center")
#withI: if TRUE, the fitted lines are plotted with intercept (if included in the model)
#vcov.: the fixed effect cov matrix. If NULL is computed by vcov.segmented.lme
#shade: logical (ignored if conf.level=0)
#drop.var: possible coefficient names to be removed before computing the segmented relationship (E.g. the group-specific intercept..)
#...: further arguments (col, lty, lwd, xlim, ylim, xlab,..) to be passed to matplot()/matlines(). Can be vectors (e.g. lty=c(2,1,2) and lwd=c(1,2,1)
#text.leg: if specified, it is legend to be added, provided pos.leg has been specified.
#obj[[1]] -> obj$
#obj[[2]] -> obj$
if((conf.level<0 || conf.level>=1)) stop(" 'conf.level' is meaningless'")
V<- if(is.null(vcov.)) vcov.segmented.lme(obj) else vcov. #object$$varFix
} #s
# if(conf.level!=0 && !is.null(by)) stop("Not yet implemented..")
if(!is.null(by) && !is.list(by)) stop("if provided, 'by' should be a (named) list of scalars")
if("pos.legend" %in% names(opz)) warning("'pos.legend' ignored.. Do you mean 'pos.leg'?", call.=FALSE)
if(!is.null(pos.leg)) pos.leg<- match.arg(pos.leg, c("bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft",
"left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right", "center"))
beta.noG<- fixef(obj$
beta.G<-beta.all[setdiff(names(fixef(obj$, names(beta.noG))]
if(!is.null(by)) {
#isZero<-sapply(a, function(x) x==0)
if(!all(sapply(a, length)==1)) stop("vectors in 'by' are not allowed")
nomiOK<-const<-idList<-vector("list", length(a))
for(i in 1:length(a)) {
nomiOK[i]<-nomeOK <- if(is.character(a[[i]])) paste(names(a[i]),a[[i]], sep="") else names(a[i])
#replace 0
if(a[[i]]==0) a[[i]]<- 1e-16
#per l'intercetta
bInterc<- beta.noG[nomeOK]
if(!is.character(a[[i]])) bInterc<-bInterc*a[[i]]
#per la left slope
bLeftSlope<-c(beta.noG[paste(obj$namesGZ$nameZ,":",nomeOK, sep="")],
beta.noG[paste(nomeOK, ":", obj$namesGZ$nameZ, sep="")])
if(!is.character(a[[i]])) bLeftSlope<-bLeftSlope*a[[i]]
if(length(bLeftSlope)<=0) bLeftSlope<-NA
#per la slope-diff
bU<-beta.noG[paste("U", nomeOK, sep=".")]
if(!is.character(a[[i]])) bU <-bU*a[[i]]
#per il changepoint
bG<-beta.G[paste("G", nomeOK, sep=".")]
if(!is.character(a[[i]])) bG <-bG*a[[i]]
const[[i]]<-c(bInterc, bLeftSlope, bU, bG)
const[[i]]<- ifelse([[i]]),0,const[[i]])
idList[[i]]<-names(c(bInterc, bLeftSlope, bU, bG))
const<-matrix(unlist(const),4, byrow=FALSE)
nomiNOdiff <- names(which(colSums(const)==0))
if(length(nomiNOdiff)>0) warning("The", paste(" '", nomiNOdiff,"' ",sep=""), "value supplied in 'by' does not modify the baseline line", call. = FALSE)
nomiCoef<- c("(Intercept)", nomeZ, "U", "G0", unlist(idList))
} else { #se 'by' e' NULL
nomiCoef<- c("(Intercept)", nomeZ, "U", "G0")
#prepara la matrice del disegno..
est.psi.fixed <-fixef(obj$["G0"]+ sum(const[4,])
if(obj$call$"logit") est.psi.fixed <- plogis(est.psi.fixed)<-as.numeric(sort(c(seq(min(Z),max(Z),l=100), est.psi.fixed)))
X<-cbind(1,,U) #colnames(X)<-c("(Intercept)",nomeZ,"U")
M<-vector("list", length=ncol(const))
for(j in 1:ncol(const)) M[[j]]<-values[j]*Ident[, which(const[-4,j]!=0), drop=FALSE]
M<-cbind(Ident,"cbind", M))
if(!withI) {
nomiCoef <-setdiff(nomiCoef, "(Intercept)")
final.names<-setdiff(nomiCoef, c("G0",obj$namesGZ$nomiG,""))
final.names <-setdiff(final.names, drop.var)
M<-M[, final.names]
XX<- X%*%M
r<-fit<- XX %*% beta.noG[final.names]
if (conf.level > 0) {
zalpha<- -qnorm((1-conf.level)/2)
V<-V[final.names,final.names]<-sqrt(rowSums((XX %*% V) * XX)) #sqrt(diag(X%*%Var%*%t(X)))
r<-cbind(fit-zalpha*, fit, fit+zalpha*
# b<-beta.noG[c("(Intercept)",nomeZ,"U")]
# b<-b+ rowSums(const[1:3,,drop=FALSE])
# b<-b[!]
# r<-fit<- drop(X %*% b)
if(is.null(opz$col)) opz$col<-"1"
if(is.null(opz$type)) opz$type<-"l"
if(is.null(opz$lty)) opz$lty<-1
if(is.null(opz$lwd)) opz$lwd<-1.8
if(is.null(opz$xlab)) opz$xlab<-obj$namesGZ$nameZ
if(is.null(opz$ylab)) opz$ylab<-all.vars(formula(obj[[1]]))[1]
if(!is.null(opz$alpha.f)) {alpha.f<-opz$alpha.f;opz$alpha.f<-NULL} else {alpha.f<-.15}
if(add), opz) else, opz)
if (shade && conf.level>0) polygon(c(, rev(, c(r[, 1], rev(r[, 3])),
col = adjustcolor(opz$col, alpha.f), border = NA)
if(!is.null(pos.leg)) {
id<-apply(const,2,function(.x) any(.x!=0)) #funziona sempre?
#se sono tutti 0, significa che stai disegnando la segmented baseline..
#Ma perche' questo dovrebbe influenzare la scelta di mettere la legenda? proviamo a metterlo sempre TRUE
leg<-paste(names(by)[id],unlist(by)[id],sep="=",collapse=" ")
} else {
if(!is.null(text.leg)) leg <- text.leg
try(legend(pos.leg, leg, bty="n", col=min(opz$col), lty=min(opz$lty), lwd=max(opz$lwd)), silent=TRUE)
#inizio funzione
plotmarg(x, by=by, add=add, conf.level=conf.level, pos.leg = pos.leg, withI=withI, vcov.=vcov.,
shade=shade, drop.var=drop.var, text.leg=text.leg, ...)
} else {
obj <- x
rnfGrp <- obj$$groups
if (missing(level))
level <- ncol(rnfGrp)
if (level != ncol(rnfGrp))
stop("Currently only the innermost level (i.e., ", ncol(rnfGrp), ") is allowed")
opz <- list(...)
Ylab <- if (is.null(opz$ylab))
all.vars(formula(obj[[1]]))[1] else opz$ylab
Xlab <- if (is.null(opz$xlab))
obj$namesGZ$nameZ else opz$xlab
opz$xlab <- opz$ylab <- NULL
opz$pop <- pop
opz$res <- res
opz$xLab <- ""
opz$yLab <- ""
opz$main <- ""
opz$xaxt <- "n"
opz$yaxt <- "n"
opz$pos.leg <- pos.leg
opz$yscale <- yscale
opz$xscale <- xscale
opz$vline <- vline
opz$level <- level
opz$lines <- lines
opz$obj <- quote(obj)
if (is.null(id))
id <- names(obj$psi.i) #levels(rnfGrp[,ncol(rnfGrp)])
if (missing(n.plot))
n.plot <- if (length(id) <= 1)
c(1, 1) else c(3, ceiling(length(id)/3))
if(prod(n.plot)!=1) id <- id[1:min(prod(n.plot), length(id))]
# color of individual lines
l.col <- if (!is.null(opz$l.col)) opz$l.col else 1
l.col <- rep(l.col, length(id))
l.lwd <- if (!is.null(opz$l.lwd)) opz$l.lwd else 1
l.lwd <- rep(l.lwd, length(id))
l.lty <- if (!is.null(opz$l.lty)) opz$l.lty else 1
l.lty <- rep(l.lty, length(id))
col <- if (!is.null(opz$col)) opz$col else grey(.7) #for residuals..
col <- rep(col, length(id))
p.col <- if (!is.null(opz$p.col)) opz$p.col else 1
p.lty <- if (!is.null(opz$p.lty)) opz$p.lty else 3
p.lwd <- if (!is.null(opz$p.lwd)) opz$p.lwd else 1
#p.col <- rep(p.col, length(id))
t.col <- if (!is.null(opz$t.col)) opz$t.col else 1 #for legend text..
t.col <- rep(t.col, length(id))
# if(dev.cur()==1) { #se non e' aperto alcun device..
#unico grafico con tutti i profili individuali..
xlim<- if(!is.null(opz$xlim)) opz$xlim else range(x$Z)
ylim<- if(!is.null(opz$ylim)) opz$ylim else NULL
if(prod(n.plot)==1 && length(id)>1){
plotSegLme(obj=x, id=id[k], add=FALSE, pop=FALSE, res=FALSE, xLab='', yLab='',
l.col=l.col[k], l.lwd=l.lwd[k], l.lty=l.lty[k], xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
for (i in id[-1]) {
plotSegLme(obj=x, id=i, add=TRUE, pop=FALSE, res=FALSE, xLab='', yLab='',
l.col=l.col[k], l.lwd=l.lwd[k], l.lty=l.lty[k])
# main='', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', leg=leg, yscale=yscale,
# vline=vline, xscale=xscale, level=level, ...)
#opz$id <- i
#if ( opz$col.l <- col.l[k]
#if ( opz$col.p <- col.p[k]
#if ( opz$col <- col[k]
#guarda bene il discorso della stima sella relazione only-fixed-effects..
#opz$pop<-FALSE, opz)
if(pop) plotmarg(obj, add=TRUE, col=p.col, lwd=p.lwd, lty=p.lty)
old.mar<- par()$mar
old.oma<- par()$oma
old.mfrow<- par()$mfrow
par(mfrow = n.plot) <- 1 + n.plot[2] * (0:(n.plot[1] - 1)) #i grafici di sx <- (prod(n.plot):1)[1:n.plot[2]] #i grafici di sotto
if(yscale>=0) {
if(xscale>=0) {
par(mar = rep(0, 4))
} else {
par(mar = c(0,0,2.2,0))
} else {
if(xscale>=0) {
par(mar = c(0,0,0,2.5))
} else {
par(mar = c(0,0,2,2.5))
par(oma = c(5, 5, 1, 1))
out <- TRUE
} else { <- 1:length(id) <- 1:length(id)
out <- FALSE
k <- 0
opz$add<- add
#col.l lo prende anche sui punti????
for (i in id) {
k <- k + 1
# plotSegLme(obj, id=i, pop=pop, res=res, xLab='', yLab='',
# main='', xaxt='n', yaxt='n', leg=leg, yscale=yscale,
# vline=vline, xscale=xscale, level=level, ...)
opz$id <- i
opz$l.col <- l.col[k]
opz$p.col <- p.col[k]
opz$col <- col[k]
#guarda bene il discorso della stima sella relazione only-fixed-effects..
opz$pop<-FALSE, opz)
if(pop) plotmarg(obj, add=TRUE, lty=2)
# tt<-axTicks(1) las=2
#if((xscale>=0)&&(k %in% axis(1, cex.axis = 0.7, at = NULL) else axis(1, labels = FALSE)
#if((yscale>=0)&&( axis(2, labels = TRUE, cex.axis = 0.7) else axis(2, labels = FALSE)
#if((k %in% axis(1, cex.axis = 0.7, at = NULL) else axis(1, labels = FALSE)
#if(xscale>=0) {
# if((k %in% axis(1, cex.axis = 0.7, at = NULL)
# axis(1, labels = FALSE)
if((xscale<0)|| ((xscale>=0)&&( axis(1, labels = TRUE, cex.axis = 0.7) else axis(1, labels = FALSE)
#if(((xscale>=0)&&( axis(1, labels = TRUE, cex.axis = 0.7) else axis(1, labels = FALSE)
if((yscale<0)|| ((yscale>=0)&&( axis(2, labels = TRUE, cex.axis = 0.7) else axis(2, labels = FALSE)
if(length(id)>1) {
mtext(Xlab, 1, line = 3, outer = out)
mtext(Ylab, 2, line = 3, outer = out)
par(mar=old.mar, oma=old.oma, mfrow=old.mfrow)
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