
Defines functions SelacHMMSimulator SelacSimulatorEvolvingRates NucSimulator SelonSimulator SelacSimulator OUEvolveParameters BrownianEvolveParameters SingleSiteUpPassEvolvingRates SingleSiteUpPassHMM SingleSiteUpPass

Documented in NucSimulator SelacHMMSimulator SelacSimulator SelacSimulatorEvolvingRates SelonSimulator

### SELAC simulator -- simulator for SELection on Amino acids and/or Codons model

#written by Jeremy M. Beaulieu

SingleSiteUpPass <- function(phy, Q_codon, root.value){
    #Randomly choose starting state at root using the root.values as the probability:
    root.value = sample.int(dim(Q_codon)[2], 1, FALSE, prob=root.value)
    #Reorder the phy:
    phy <- reorder(phy, "postorder")
    ntips <- length(phy$tip.label)
    N <- dim(phy$edge)[1]
    ROOT <- ntips + 1 #perhaps use an accessor to get the root node id
    #Generate vector that contains the simulated states:
    sim.codon.data.site <- integer(ntips + phy$Nnode)
    sim.codon.data.site[ROOT] <- as.integer(root.value)
    anc <- phy$edge[,1]
    des <- phy$edge[,2]
    edge.length <- phy$edge.length
    for (i in N:1) {
        p <- internal_expmt(Q_codon, edge.length[i])[[1]][sim.codon.data.site[anc[i]], ]
        #p <- expm_squaring(Q_codon, edge.length[i], m=30)[sim.codon.data.site[anc[i]], ]
        sim.codon.data.site[des[i]] <- sample.int(dim(Q_codon)[2], size = 1, FALSE, prob = p)
    sim.codon.data.site <- sim.codon.data.site[1:ntips]

SingleSiteUpPassHMM <- function(phy, Q_codon, root.p){
    Q_codon_array_vectored <- c(t(Q_codon)) # has to be transposed
    Q_codon_array_vectored <- Q_codon_array_vectored[-which(Q_codon_array_vectored == 0)]

    #Randomly choose starting state at root using the root.values as the probability:
    root.value <- sample.int(dim(Q_codon)[2], 1, FALSE, prob=root.p)
    #Reorder the phy:
    phy <- reorder(phy, "postorder")
    ntips <- length(phy$tip.label)
    N <- dim(phy$edge)[1]
    ROOT <- ntips + 1 #perhaps use an accessor to get the root node id
    #Generate vector that contains the simulated states:
    yinit <- vector("list", ntips + phy$Nnode)
    y.vec <- rep(0, dim(Q_codon)[2])
    y.vec[root.value] <- 1
    yinit[[ROOT]] <- y.vec

    sim.codon.data.site <- integer(ntips + phy$Nnode)
    sim.codon.data.site[ROOT] <- as.integer(root.value)
    anc <- phy$edge[,1]
    des <- phy$edge[,2]
    edge.length <- phy$edge.length

    for (i in N:1) {
        times <- c(0, edge.length[i])
        p <- lsoda(yinit[[anc[i]]], times, func = "selacHMM", Q_codon_array_vectored, initfunc="initmod_selacHMM", dllname = "selac")[-1,-1]
        neg.vector.pos <- which(p < 0, arr.ind=TRUE)
        p[neg.vector.pos] <- 0
        #p1 <- (expm(Q_codon * edge.length[i], method="Ward77") %*% yinit[[anc[i]]])[,1]
        #yinit[[des[i]]] <- p

        sim.codon.data.site[des[i]] <- sample.int(dim(Q_codon)[2], size = 1, FALSE, prob = p)
        y.vec <- rep(0, dim(Q_codon)[2])
        y.vec[sim.codon.data.site[des[i]]] <- 1
        yinit[[des[i]]] <- y.vec

    sim.codon.data.site <- sim.codon.data.site[1:ntips]

SingleSiteUpPassEvolvingRates <- function(phy, root.value, aa.distances, codon_mutation_matrix, aa.optim, nsites, C, Phi, q, Ne, numcode, diploid, pars.to.evolve="phi"){
    #Randomly choose starting state at root using the root.values as the probability:
    root.value = sample.int(dim(codon_mutation_matrix)[2], 1, FALSE, prob=root.value)
    #Reorder the phy:
    phy <- reorder(phy, "postorder")
    ntips <- length(phy$tip.label)
    N <- dim(phy$edge)[1]
    ROOT <- ntips + 1 #perhaps use an accessor to get the root node id
    unique.aa <- GetMatrixAANames(numcode=numcode)
    #Generate vector that contains the simulated states:
    sim.codon.data.site <- integer(ntips + phy$Nnode)
    sim.codon.data.site[ROOT] <- as.integer(root.value)
    anc <- phy$edge[, 1]
    des <- phy$edge[, 2]
    edge.length <- phy$edge.length
    for (i in N:1) {
            Phi.current <- Phi[des[i]]
            Q_codon_array <- FastCreateAllCodonFixationProbabilityMatrices(aa.distances=aa.distances, nsites=nsites, C=C, Phi=Phi.current, q=q, Ne=Ne, include.stop.codon=TRUE, numcode=numcode, diploid=diploid, flee.stop.codon.rate=0.9999999)
            for(k in 1:21){
                if(diploid == TRUE){
                    Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]] = 2 * Ne * (codon_mutation_matrix * Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]])
                    Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]] = Ne * (codon_mutation_matrix * Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]])
                diag(Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]]) = 0
                diag(Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]]) = -rowSums(Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]])
            Ne.current <- Ne[des[i]]
            Q_codon_array <- FastCreateAllCodonFixationProbabilityMatrices(aa.distances=aa.distances, nsites=nsites, C=C, Phi=Phi, q=q, Ne=Ne.current, include.stop.codon=TRUE, numcode=numcode, diploid=diploid, flee.stop.codon.rate=0.9999999)
            for(k in 1:21){
                if(diploid == TRUE){
                    Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]] = 2 * Ne.current * (codon_mutation_matrix * Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]])
                    Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]] = Ne.current * (codon_mutation_matrix * Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]])
                diag(Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]]) = 0
                diag(Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]]) = -rowSums(Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]])
        Q_codon <- Q_codon_array[,,aa.optim]
        p <- expm(Q_codon * edge.length[i], method="Ward77")[sim.codon.data.site[anc[i]], ]
        sim.codon.data.site[des[i]] <- sample.int(dim(Q_codon)[2], size = 1, FALSE, prob = p)
    sim.codon.data.site <- sim.codon.data.site[1:ntips]

BrownianEvolveParameters <- function(phy, start.value, rate, logspace=TRUE){
    phy <- reorder(phy, "postorder")
    ntips <- length(phy$tip.label)
    N <- dim(phy$edge)[1]
    ROOT <- ntips + 1
    evolved.parameter <- integer(ntips + phy$Nnode)
    evolved.parameter[ROOT] <- start.value
    anc <- phy$edge[,1]
    des <- phy$edge[,2]
    edge.length <- phy$edge.length
    for(i in N:1) {
        evolved.parameter[des[i]] <- rnorm(1, mean=evolved.parameter[anc[i]], sd=sqrt(edge.length[i] * rate))

OUEvolveParameters <- function(phy, alpha, sigma.sq, mean, logspace=TRUE){
    phy <- reorder(phy, "postorder")
    ntips <- length(phy$tip.label)
    N <- dim(phy$edge)[1]
    ROOT <- ntips + 1
    evolved.parameter <- integer(ntips + phy$Nnode)
    evolved.parameter[ROOT] <- mean
    anc <- phy$edge[,1]
    des <- phy$edge[,2]
    edge.length <- phy$edge.length
    for(i in N:1) {
        evolved.parameter[des[i]] = evolved.parameter[anc[i]] * exp(-alpha*edge.length[i])+(mean)*(1-exp(-alpha*edge.length[i]))+sigma.sq*rnorm(1,0,1)*sqrt((1-exp(-2*alpha*edge.length[i]))/(2*alpha))

#' @title Simulate DNA under the SELAC model
#' @description
#' Simulates nucleotide data based on parameters under the SELAC model
#' @param phy The phylogenetic tree with branch lengths.
#' @param pars A vector of parameters used for the simulation. They are ordered as follows: C.q.phi, alpha, beta, Ne, base.freqs for A C G, and the rates for the nucleotide model.
#' @param aa.optim_array A vector of optimal amino acids for each site to be simulated.
#' @param codon.freq.by.aa A matrix of codon frequencies for each possible optimal amino acid. Rows are aa (including stop codon), cols are codons.
#' @param codon.freq.by.gene A matrix of codon frequencies for each gene.
#' @param numcode The ncbi genetic code number for translation. By default the standard (numcode=1) genetic code is used.
#' @param aa.properties User-supplied amino acid distance properties. By default we assume Grantham (1974) properties.
#' @param nuc.model Indicates what type nucleotide model to use. There are three options: "JC", "GTR", or "UNREST".
#' @param include.gamma A logical indicating whether or not to include a discrete gamma model.
#' @param gamma.type Indicates what type of gamma distribution to use. Options are "quadrature" after the Laguerre quadrature approach of Felsenstein 2001 or median approach of Yang 1994.
#' @param ncats The number of discrete categories.
#' @param k.levels Provides how many levels in the polynomial. By default we assume a single level (i.e., linear).
#' @param diploid A logical indicating whether or not the organism is diploid or not.
#' @param site.cats.vector A vector designating the rate category for phi when include.gamma=TRUE.
#' @details
#' Simulates a nucleotide matrix using parameters under the SELAC model. Note that the output can be written to a fasta file using the write.dna() function in the \code{ape} package.
SelacSimulator <- function(phy, pars, aa.optim_array, codon.freq.by.aa=NULL, codon.freq.by.gene=NULL, numcode=1, aa.properties=NULL, nuc.model, include.gamma=FALSE, gamma.type="quadrature", ncats=4, k.levels=0, diploid=TRUE, site.cats.vector=NULL){
    nsites <- length(aa.optim_array)

    #Start organizing the user input parameters:
    C.q.phi.Ne <- pars[1]
    Ne <- 5e6
    Phi.q.Ne <- C.q.phi.Ne / C
    Phi.Ne <- Phi.q.Ne / q
    Phi <- Phi.Ne / Ne
    alpha <- pars[2]
    beta <- pars[3]
    gamma <- GetAADistanceStartingParameters(aa.properties)[3]

    if(include.gamma == TRUE){
        shape <- pars[length(pars)]
        pars <- pars[-length(pars)]

    if(k.levels > 0){
        if(nuc.model == "JC") {
            base.freqs=c(pars[4:6], 1-sum(pars[4:6]))
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(1, model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
            poly.params <- pars[7:8]
        if(nuc.model == "GTR") {
            base.freqs=c(pars[4:6], 1-sum(pars[4:6]))
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[9:length(pars)], model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
            poly.params <- pars[7:8]
        if(nuc.model == "UNREST") {
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[6:length(pars)], model=nuc.model, base.freqs=NULL)
            poly.params <- pars[4:5]
        if(nuc.model == "JC") {
            base.freqs=c(pars[4:6], 1-sum(pars[4:6]))
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(1, model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
        if(nuc.model == "GTR") {
            base.freqs=c(pars[4:6], 1-sum(pars[4:6]))
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[7:length(pars)], model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
        if(nuc.model == "UNREST") {
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[4:length(pars)], model=nuc.model, base.freqs=NULL)

    #Generate our codon matrix:
    codon.index.matrix <- CreateCodonMutationMatrixIndex()
    codon_mutation_matrix <- matrix(nuc.mutation.rates[codon.index.matrix], dim(codon.index.matrix))
    codon_mutation_matrix[is.na(codon_mutation_matrix)] <- 0
    #Generate our fixation probability array:
    unique.aa <- GetMatrixAANames(numcode)

    #We rescale the codon matrix only -- this is the issue!
    diag(codon_mutation_matrix) = 0
    diag(codon_mutation_matrix) = -rowSums(codon_mutation_matrix)
    scale.factor <- -sum(diag(codon_mutation_matrix) * codon.freq.by.gene, na.rm=TRUE)
    codon_mutation_matrix_scaled = codon_mutation_matrix * (1/scale.factor)

    if(include.gamma == TRUE){
        if(gamma.type == "median"){
            rates.k <- DiscreteGamma(shape=shape, ncats=ncats)
            weights.k <- rep(1/ncats, ncats)
        if(gamma.type == "quadrature"){
            rates.and.weights <- LaguerreQuad(shape=shape, ncats=ncats)
            rates.k <- rates.and.weights[1:ncats]
            weights.k <- rates.and.weights[(ncats+1):(ncats*2)]
        rate.Q_codon.list <- as.list(ncats)
        for(cat.index in 1:ncats){
            if(k.levels > 0){
                aa.distances <- CreateAADistanceMatrix(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, aa.properties=aa.properties, normalize=FALSE, poly.params=poly.params, k=k.levels)
                aa.distances <- CreateAADistanceMatrix(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, aa.properties=aa.properties, normalize=FALSE, poly.params=NULL, k=k.levels)
            rate.Q_codon.list[[cat.index]] <- FastCreateAllCodonFixationProbabilityMatrices(aa.distances=aa.distances, nsites=nsites, C=C, Phi=Phi*rates.k[cat.index], q=q, Ne=Ne, include.stop.codon=TRUE, numcode=numcode, diploid=diploid, flee.stop.codon.rate=0.9999999)
        for(cat.index in 1:ncats){
            Q_codon_array <- rate.Q_codon.list[[cat.index]]
            for(aa.index in 1:21){
                if(diploid == TRUE){
                    Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[aa.index]] <- 2 * Ne * (codon_mutation_matrix_scaled * Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[aa.index]])
                    Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[aa.index]] <- Ne * (codon_mutation_matrix_scaled * Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[aa.index]])
                diag(Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[aa.index]]) <- 0
                diag(Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[aa.index]]) <- -rowSums(Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[aa.index]])
                Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[aa.index]] <- Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[aa.index]]
            rate.Q_codon.list[[cat.index]] <- Q_codon_array
        if(k.levels > 0){
            aa.distances <- CreateAADistanceMatrix(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, aa.properties=aa.properties, normalize=FALSE, poly.params=poly.params, k=k.levels)
            aa.distances <- CreateAADistanceMatrix(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, aa.properties=aa.properties, normalize=FALSE, poly.params=NULL, k=k.levels)
        Q_codon_array <- FastCreateAllCodonFixationProbabilityMatrices(aa.distances=aa.distances, nsites=nsites, C=C, Phi=Phi, q=q, Ne=Ne, include.stop.codon=TRUE, numcode=numcode, diploid=diploid, flee.stop.codon.rate=0.9999999)
        for(k in 1:21){
            if(diploid == TRUE){
                Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]] = 2 * Ne * (codon_mutation_matrix_scaled * Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]])
                Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]] = Ne * (codon_mutation_matrix_scaled * Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]])
            diag(Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]]) = 0
            diag(Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]]) = -rowSums(Q_codon_array[,,unique.aa[k]])
    root.p_array <- NA

    if(is.null(codon.freq.by.aa)) {
        codon.freq.by.aa <- rep(1/1344, by=64*21)

    #Generate matrix of root frequencies for each optimal AA:
    root.p_array <- matrix(codon.freq.by.aa, nrow=dim(Q_codon_array)[2], ncol=21) #make sure user gives you root.codon.frequencies in the right order
    root.p_array <- t(root.p_array)
    root.p_array <- root.p_array / rowSums(root.p_array)
    rownames(root.p_array) <- unique.aa
    root.p_array[is.na(root.p_array)] <- 0

    #Perform simulation by looping over desired number of sites. The optimal aa for any given site is based on the user-input vector of optimal AA:
    sim.codon.data <- matrix(0, nrow=Ntip(phy), ncol=nsites)

    if(include.gamma == TRUE){
        for(site in 1:nsites){
                site.rate <- sample(1:4, 1, prob=weights.k)
                site.rate <- site.cats.vector[site]
            Q_codon_array <- rate.Q_codon.list[[site.rate]]
            Q_codon <- Q_codon_array[,,aa.optim_array[site]]
            sim.codon.data[,site] <- SingleSiteUpPass(phy, Q_codon=Q_codon, root.value=root.p_array[aa.optim_array[site],])
        for(site in 1:nsites){
            Q_codon <- Q_codon_array[,,aa.optim_array[site]]
            sim.codon.data[,site] <- SingleSiteUpPass(phy, Q_codon=Q_codon, root.value=root.p_array[aa.optim_array[site],])
    codon.names <- rownames(Q_codon_array[,,aa.optim_array[site]])
    #Finally, translate this information into a matrix of nucleotides -- this format allows for write.dna() to write a fasta formatted file:
    nucleotide.data <- c()
    for(codon.sequence in seq(1, nsites, by=1)){
        nucleotide.data <- cbind(nucleotide.data, t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(codon.names[sim.codon.data[,codon.sequence]], split="")), 3,length(phy$tip.label))))
    rownames(nucleotide.data) <- phy$tip.label


#' @title Simulate DNA under the SELON model
#' @description
#' Simulates nucleotide data based on parameters under the SELAC model
#' @param phy The phylogenetic tree with branch lengths.
#' @param pars A vector of parameters used for the simulation. They are ordered as follows: a0, a1, a2, Ne, base.freqs for A C G, and the nucleotide rates.
#' @param nuc.optim_array A vector of optimal nucleotide for each site to be simulated.
#' @param nuc.model Indicates what type nucleotide model to use. There are three options: "JC", "GTR", or "UNREST".
#' @param diploid A logical indicating whether or not the organism is diploid or not.
#' @param start.vals_array A vector of nucleotides to be used as the starting nucleotide for each site in the simulation.
#' @details
#' Simulates a nucleotide matrix using parameters under the SELON model. Note that the output can be written to a fasta file using the write.dna() function in the \code{ape} package.
SelonSimulator <- function(phy, pars, nuc.optim_array, nuc.model, diploid=TRUE, start.vals_array=NULL){

    nsites <- length(nuc.optim_array)

    #Start organizing the user input parameters:
    Ne = 5e4
    scalor = pars[1]/Ne
    site.index <- 1:nsites
    #position.multiplier.vector <- scalor * PositionSensitivityMultiplierSigmoid(left.slope, right.slope, mid.point, nsites)
    position.multiplier.vector <- PositionSensitivityMultiplierNormal(a0=scalor, a1=pars[2], a2=pars[3], site.index=1:nsites)
    if(nuc.model == "JC") {
        base.freqs=c(pars[4:6], 1-sum(pars[4:6]))
        nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(1, model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
    if(nuc.model == "GTR") {
        base.freqs=c(pars[4:6], 1-sum(pars[4:6]))
        nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[7:length(pars)], model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
    if(nuc.model == "UNREST") {
        nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrixSpecial(pars[4:length(pars)])
        #base.freqs <- tmp$base.freq
        #nuc.mutation.rates <- tmp$nuc.mutation.rates

    if(diploid == TRUE){
        ploidy = 2
        ploidy = 1

    #Perform simulation by looping over desired number of sites. The optimal aa for any given site is based on the user input vector of optimal AA:
    sim.nuc.data <- matrix(0, nrow=Ntip(phy), ncol=nsites)
    for(site.index in 1:nsites){
        weight.matrix <- GetNucleotideFixationMatrix(position.multiplier=position.multiplier.vector[site.index], optimal.nucleotide=nuc.optim_array[site.index], Ne=Ne, diploid=diploid)
        diag(nuc.mutation.rates) = 0
        diag(nuc.mutation.rates) <- -rowSums(nuc.mutation.rates)
        Q_position <- (ploidy * Ne) * nuc.mutation.rates * weight.matrix
        diag(Q_position) <- 0
        diag(Q_position) <- -rowSums(Q_position)
        base.freqs <- Null(Q_position)
        #Rescale base.freqs so that they sum to 1:
        base.freqs.scaled <- c(base.freqs/sum(base.freqs))

        scale.factor <- -sum(diag(Q_position) * base.freqs.scaled)

        #Rescaling Q matrix in order to have a 1 nucleotide change per site if the branch length was 1:
        Q_position_scaled <- Q_position * (1/scale.factor)

            sim.nuc.data[,site.index] = SingleSiteUpPass(phy, Q_codon=Q_position_scaled, root.value=base.freqs.scaled)
            initial.val <- numeric(4)
            initial.val[start.vals_array[site.index]] <- 1
            sim.nuc.data[,site.index] = SingleSiteUpPass(phy, Q_codon=Q_position_scaled, root.value=initial.val)
    nuc.names <- n2s(0:3)
    #Finally, translate this information into a matrix of nucleotides -- this format allows for write.dna() to write a fasta formatted file:
    nucleotide.data <- c()
    for(nuc.sequence in seq(1, nsites, by=1)){
        nucleotide.data <- cbind(nucleotide.data, nuc.names[sim.nuc.data[,nuc.sequence]])
    rownames(nucleotide.data) <- phy$tip.label


#' @title Simulate DNA under General-Time Reversible model
#' @description
#' Simulates nucleotide data based on parameters under the GTR+G model
#' @param phy The phylogenetic tree with branch lengths.
#' @param pars A vector of parameters used for the simulation. They are ordered as follows: gamma shape and the rates for the nucleotide model.
#' @param nsites The number of sites to simulate.
#' @param nuc.model Indicates what type nucleotide model to use. There are three options: "JC", "GTR", or "UNREST".
#' @param base.freqs The base frequencies for A C G T (in that order).
#' @param include.gamma Boolean on whether to use a gamma model
#' @param gamma.type How the gamma bins are used
#' @param ncats The number of discrete gamma categories.
#' @param start.vals_array A vector of nucleotides to be used as the starting nucleotide for each site in the simulation.
#' @param user.rate.cats The user supplied gamma categories to use instead of choosing at random.
#' @param user.rates The user supplied rates to use instead of choosing categories at random.
#' @details
#' Simulates a nucleotide matrix using parameters under the GTR+G model. Note that the output can be written to a fasta file using the write.dna() function in the \code{ape} package.
NucSimulator <- function(phy, pars, nsites, nuc.model, base.freqs, include.gamma=TRUE, gamma.type="median", ncats=4, start.vals_array=NULL, user.rate.cats=NULL, user.rates=NULL){

    if(nuc.model == "JC") {
        nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(1, model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
    if(nuc.model == "GTR") {
        nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[2:6], model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
    if(nuc.model == "UNREST") {
        nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[2:12], model=nuc.model)

    diag(nuc.mutation.rates) = 0
    diag(nuc.mutation.rates) <- -rowSums(nuc.mutation.rates)
    scale.factor <- -sum(diag(nuc.mutation.rates) * base.freqs)
    Q_mat <- nuc.mutation.rates * (1/scale.factor)

    if(include.gamma == TRUE){
        if(gamma.type == "median"){
            rate.vector <- DiscreteGamma(pars[1], ncats)
            weights.k <- rep(1/ncats, ncats)
            rate.indicator <- sample.int(dim(Q_mat)[2], nsites, TRUE, prob=weights.k)
                rate.indicator <- user.rate.cats
                rate.indicator <- sample.int(dim(Q_mat)[2], nsites, TRUE, prob=weights.k)
        if(gamma.type == "quadrature"){
            rates.and.weights <- LaguerreQuad(shape=pars[1], ncats=ncats)
            rate.vector <- rates.and.weights[1:ncats]
            weights.k <- rates.and.weights[(ncats+1):(ncats*2)]
                rate.indicator <- user.rate.cats
                rate.indicator <- sample.int(dim(Q_mat)[2], nsites, TRUE, prob=weights.k)
        # Perform simulation by looping over desired number of sites. The optimal aa for any given site is based on the user input vector of optimal AA:
        sim.nuc.data <- matrix(0, nrow=Ntip(phy), ncol=nsites)
        for(site in 1:nsites){
                Q_tmp <- Q_mat * user.rates[site]
                Q_tmp <- Q_mat * rate.vector[rate.indicator[site]]
                sim.nuc.data[,site] = SingleSiteUpPass(phy, Q_codon=Q_tmp, root.value=base.freqs)
                start.site <- start.vals_array[site,]
                sim.nuc.data[,site] = SingleSiteUpPass(phy, Q_codon=Q_tmp, root.value=start.site)
        # Perform simulation by looping over desired number of sites. The optimal aa for any given site is based on the user input vector of optimal AA:
        sim.nuc.data <- matrix(0, nrow=Ntip(phy), ncol=nsites)
        for(site in 1:nsites){
                sim.nuc.data[,site] = SingleSiteUpPass(phy, Q_codon=Q_mat, root.value=base.freqs)
                start.site <- start.vals_array[site,]
                sim.nuc.data[,site] = SingleSiteUpPass(phy, Q_codon=Q_tmp, root.value=start.site)

    nuc.names <- n2s(0:3)
    # Finally, translate this information into a matrix of nucleotides -- this format allows for write.dna() to write a fasta formatted file:
    nucleotide.data <- c()
    for(nuc.sequence in seq(1, nsites, by=1)){
        nucleotide.data <- cbind(nucleotide.data, nuc.names[sim.nuc.data[,nuc.sequence]])
    rownames(nucleotide.data) <- phy$tip.label
    # Done.

#' @title Simulate DNA under the SELAC model and evolving rates
#' @description
#' Simulates nucleotide data based on parameters under the SELAC model but assumes either Phi or Ne evolves along the tree.
#' @param phy The phylogenetic tree with branch lengths.
#' @param pars A vector of parameters used for the simulation. They are ordered as follows: C.q.phi, alpha, beta, and Ne.
#' @param aa.optim_array A vector of optimal amino acids for each site to be simulated.
#' @param root.codon.frequencies A vector of codon frequencies for each possible optimal amino acid. Thus, the vector is of length 64x64.
#' @param numcode The The ncbi genetic code number for translation. By default the standard (numcode=1) genetic code is used.
#' @param aa.properties User-supplied amino acid distance properties. By default we assume Grantham (1974) properties.
#' @param nuc.model Indicates what type nucleotide model to use. There are three options: "JC", "GTR", or "UNREST".
#' @param k.levels Provides how many levels in the polynomial. By default we assume a single level (i.e., linear).
#' @param diploid A logical indicating whether or not the organism is diploid or not.
#' @param pars.to.evolve Indicates which parameters to assume evolve along the tree. Only two options: "phi" or "Ne".
#' @param evolve.type The process by which the focal parameter evovles. There are two options: Brownian motion ("BM") or Ornstein-Uhlenbeck ("OU").
#' @param evolve.pars The process parameters used to simulate focal parameter evolution. Under "BM", the order is root.state, rate; under "OU", the order is alpha, sigma.sq, and the mean.
#' @param Ne.vals.evolved Under selac we assume a global Ne for all genes. Thus, when the focal parameter to evolve is "Ne", then a user specified vector of simulated Ne values are provided here.
#' @details
#' Simulates a nucleotide matrix using parameters under the SELAC model, but allows either Phi or Ne to evolve along the tree. Note that the output can be written to a fasta file using the write.dna() function in the \code{ape} package.
SelacSimulatorEvolvingRates <- function(phy, pars, aa.optim_array, root.codon.frequencies, numcode=1, aa.properties=NULL, nuc.model, k.levels=0, diploid=TRUE, pars.to.evolve="phi", evolve.type="BM", evolve.pars=c(1,0), Ne.vals.evolved=NULL){
    nsites <- length(aa.optim_array)
    # Start organizing the user input parameters:
    C.q.phi <- pars[1]
    Phi.q <- C.q.phi / C
    Phi.values <- Phi.q / q
    alpha <- pars[2]
    beta <- pars[3]
    gamma <- GetAADistanceStartingParameters(aa.properties)[3]
    Ne.values <- pars[4]
    if(pars.to.evolve == "phi"){
        if(evolve.type == "BM"){
            Phi.values <- BrownianEvolveParameters(phy=phy, start.value = evolve.pars[1], rate=evolve.pars[2])
        if(evolve.type == "OU"){
            Phi.values <- OUEvolveParameters(phy=phy, alpha=evolve.pars[1], sigma.sq=evolve.pars[2], mean=evolve.pars[3])
    if(pars.to.evolve == "Ne"){
        Ne.values = Ne.vals.evolved
    if(k.levels > 0){
        if(nuc.model == "JC") {
            base.freqs=c(pars[5:7], 1-sum(pars[5:7]))
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(1, model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
        if(nuc.model == "GTR") {
            base.freqs=c(pars[5:7], 1-sum(pars[5:7]))
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[10:length(pars)], model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
        if(nuc.model == "UNREST") {
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[10:length(pars)], model=nuc.model)
        if(nuc.model == "JC") {
            base.freqs=c(pars[5:7], 1-sum(pars[5:7]))
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(1, model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
        if(nuc.model == "GTR") {
            base.freqs=c(pars[5:7], 1-sum(pars[5:7]))
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[8:length(pars)], model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
        if(nuc.model == "UNREST") {
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[8:length(pars)], model=nuc.model)
    #Generate our codon matrix:
    codon.index.matrix = CreateCodonMutationMatrixIndex()
    codon_mutation_matrix <- matrix(nuc.mutation.rates[codon.index.matrix], dim(codon.index.matrix))
    #Generate our fixation probability array:
    unique.aa <- GetMatrixAANames(numcode)
    aa.distances <- CreateAADistanceMatrix(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, aa.properties=aa.properties, normalize=FALSE)
    #Generate matrix of root frequencies for each optimal AA:
    root.p_array <- matrix(root.codon.frequencies, nrow=dim(codon.index.matrix)[2], ncol=21) #make sure user gives you root.codon.frequencies in the right order
    root.p_array <- t(root.p_array)
    root.p_array <- root.p_array / rowSums(root.p_array)
    rownames(root.p_array) <- unique.aa
    root.p_array[is.na(root.p_array)] = 0
    #Perform simulation by looping over desired number of sites. The optimal aa for any given site is based on the user input vector of optimal AA:
    sim.codon.data <- matrix(0, nrow=Ntip(phy), ncol=nsites)
    for(site in 1:nsites){
        sim.codon.data[,site] = SingleSiteUpPassEvolvingRates(phy, root.value=root.p_array[aa.optim_array[site],], aa.distances=aa.distances, codon_mutation_matrix=codon_mutation_matrix, aa.optim=aa.optim_array[site], nsites=nsites, C=C, Phi=Phi.values, q=q, Ne=Ne.values, numcode=numcode, diploid=diploid, pars.to.evolve=pars.to.evolve)
    codon.names <- rownames(codon.index.matrix)
    #Finally, translate this information into a matrix of nucleotides -- this format allows for write.dna() to write a fasta formatted file:
    nucleotide.data <- c()
    for(codon.sequence in seq(1, nsites, by=1)){
        nucleotide.data <- cbind(nucleotide.data, t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(codon.names[sim.codon.data[,codon.sequence]], split="")), 3,length(phy$tip.label))))
    rownames(nucleotide.data) <- phy$tip.label


#' @title Simulate DNA under the SELAC model
#' @description
#' Simulates nucleotide data based on parameters under the SELAC model
#' @param phy The phylogenetic tree with branch lengths.
#' @param pars A vector of parameters used for the simulation.
#' They are ordered as follows: C.q.phi, alpha, beta, Ne, base.freqs for A C G,
#' and the rates for the nucleotide model the very last parameter is always the switching rate of the optimal AA.
#' @param nsites Length of the alignment to be simulated
#' @param codon.freq.by.aa A matrix of codon frequencies for each possible optimal amino acid. Rows are aa (including stop codon), cols are codons.
#' @param codon.freq.by.gene A matrix of codon frequencies for each gene.
#' @param numcode The ncbi genetic code number for translation. By default the standard (numcode=1) genetic code is used.
#' @param aa.properties User-supplied amino acid distance properties. By default we assume Grantham (1974) properties.
#' @param nuc.model Indicates what type nucleotide model to use. There are three options: "JC", "GTR", or "UNREST".
#' @param include.gamma A logical indicating whether or not to include a discrete gamma model.
#' @param gamma.type Indicates what type of gamma distribution to use.
#' Options are "quadrature" after the Laguerre quadrature approach of Felsenstein 2001 or median approach of Yang 1994.
#' @param ncats The number of discrete categories.
#' @param k.levels Provides how many levels in the polynomial. By default we assume a single level (i.e., linear).
#' @param diploid A logical indicating whether or not the organism is diploid or not.
#' @param site.cats.vector A vector designating the rate category for phi when include.gamma=TRUE.
#' @details
#' Simulates a nucleotide matrix using parameters under the SELAC model.
#' Note that the output can be written to a fasta file using the write.dna() function in the \code{ape} package.
SelacHMMSimulator <- function(phy, pars, nsites, codon.freq.by.aa=NULL, codon.freq.by.gene=NULL, numcode=1,
aa.properties=NULL, nuc.model, include.gamma=FALSE,
gamma.type="quadrature", ncats=4, k.levels=0, diploid=TRUE, site.cats.vector=NULL)

    importance.of.aa.dist.in.selective.environment.change = pars[length(pars)]
    rate.for.selective.environment.change = pars[length(pars)-1]
    pars = pars[-( (length(pars) - 1):length(pars) )]

    #Start organizing the user input parameters:
    C.q.phi.Ne <- pars[1]
    Ne <- 5e6
    Phi.q.Ne <- C.q.phi.Ne / C
    Phi.Ne <- Phi.q.Ne / q
    Phi <- Phi.Ne / Ne
    alpha <- pars[2]
    beta <- pars[3]
    gamma <- GetAADistanceStartingParameters(aa.properties)[3]

    if(include.gamma == TRUE){
        shape <- pars[length(pars)]
        pars <- pars[-length(pars)]

    if(k.levels > 0){
        if(nuc.model == "JC") {
            base.freqs=c(pars[4:6], 1-sum(pars[4:6]))
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(1, model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
            poly.params <- pars[7:8]
        if(nuc.model == "GTR") {
            base.freqs=c(pars[4:6], 1-sum(pars[4:6]))
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[9:length(pars)], model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
            poly.params <- pars[7:8]
        if(nuc.model == "UNREST") {
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[6:length(pars)], model=nuc.model, base.freqs=NULL)
            poly.params <- pars[4:5]
        if(nuc.model == "JC") {
            base.freqs=c(pars[4:6], 1-sum(pars[4:6]))
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(1, model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
        if(nuc.model == "GTR") {
            base.freqs=c(pars[4:6], 1-sum(pars[4:6]))
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[7:length(pars)], model=nuc.model, base.freqs=base.freqs)
        if(nuc.model == "UNREST") {
            nuc.mutation.rates <- CreateNucleotideMutationMatrix(pars[4:length(pars)], model=nuc.model, base.freqs=NULL)

    #Generate our codon matrix:
    nuc.mutation.rates.vector <- c(nuc.mutation.rates, rate.for.selective.environment.change)
    codon.index.matrix <- CreateCodonMutationMatrixIndexEvolveAA()
    codon_mutation_matrix <- matrix(nuc.mutation.rates.vector[codon.index.matrix], dim(codon.index.matrix))
    codon_mutation_matrix[is.na(codon_mutation_matrix)] <- 0
    #Generate our fixation probability array:
    unique.aa <- GetMatrixAANames(numcode)

    #We rescale the codon matrix only -- this is the issue!
    diag(codon_mutation_matrix) = 0
    diag(codon_mutation_matrix) = -rowSums(codon_mutation_matrix)
    scale.factor <- -sum(diag(codon_mutation_matrix) * codon.freq.by.gene, na.rm=TRUE)
    codon_mutation_matrix_scaled = codon_mutation_matrix * (1/scale.factor)

    Q_codon_array_vectored <- 0
    if(include.gamma == TRUE){
        Q_codon_sum <- 0
        if(gamma.type == "median"){
            rates.k <- DiscreteGamma(shape=shape, ncats=ncats)
            weights.k <- rep(1/ncats, ncats)
        if(gamma.type == "quadrature"){
            rates.and.weights <- LaguerreQuad(shape=shape, ncats=ncats)
            rates.k <- rates.and.weights[1:ncats]
            weights.k <- rates.and.weights[(ncats+1):(ncats*2)]
        rate.Q_codon.list <- as.list(ncats)
        for(cat.index in 1:ncats){
            if(k.levels > 0){
                aa.distances <- CreateAADistanceMatrix(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma,
                aa.properties=aa.properties, normalize=FALSE,
                poly.params=poly.params, k=k.levels)
                aa.distances <- CreateAADistanceMatrix(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma,
                aa.properties=aa.properties, normalize=FALSE,
                poly.params=NULL, k=k.levels)
            Q_codon <- FastCreateEvolveAACodonFixationProbabilityMatrix(aa.distances=aa.distances,
            nsites=nsites, C=C, Phi=Phi*rates.k[cat.index], q=q, Ne=Ne,
            include.stop.codon=TRUE, numcode=numcode, diploid=diploid,
            importance = importance.of.aa.dist.in.selective.environment.change)
            if(diploid == TRUE){
                Q_codon <- 2 * Ne * (codon_mutation_matrix_scaled * Q_codon)
                Q_codon <- Ne * (codon_mutation_matrix_scaled * Q_codon)
            diag(Q_codon) <- 0
            diag(Q_codon) <- -rowSums(Q_codon)
            Q_codon_sum <- Q_codon_sum + Q_codon
            rate.Q_codon.list[[cat.index]] <- Q_codon
        Q_codon_array_vectored <- c(t(Q_codon_sum/ncats)) # has to be transposed
        Q_codon_array_vectored <- Q_codon_array_vectored[-which(Q_codon_array_vectored == 0)]
        if(k.levels > 0){
            aa.distances <- CreateAADistanceMatrix(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma,
            aa.properties=aa.properties, normalize=FALSE,
            poly.params=poly.params, k=k.levels)
            aa.distances <- CreateAADistanceMatrix(alpha=alpha, beta=beta, gamma=gamma,
            aa.properties=aa.properties, normalize=FALSE,
            poly.params=NULL, k=k.levels)
        Q_codon <- FastCreateEvolveAACodonFixationProbabilityMatrix(aa.distances=aa.distances,
        nsites=nsites, C=C, Phi=Phi, q=q, Ne=Ne,
        include.stop.codon=TRUE, numcode=numcode, diploid=diploid,
        importance = importance.of.aa.dist.in.selective.environment.change)
        if(diploid == TRUE){
            Q_codon = 2 * Ne * (codon_mutation_matrix_scaled * Q_codon)
            Q_codon = Ne * (codon_mutation_matrix_scaled * Q_codon)
        diag(Q_codon) = 0
        diag(Q_codon) = -rowSums(Q_codon)
        #Generate matrix of root frequencies from stationary distribution of substitution matrix
        Q_codon_array_vectored <- c(t(Q_codon)) # has to be transposed
        Q_codon_array_vectored <- Q_codon_array_vectored[-which(Q_codon_array_vectored == 0)]

    if(is.null(codon.freq.by.aa)) {
        codon.freq.by.aa <- rep(1/1344, by=64*21)

    root.p <- lsoda(codon.freq.by.aa, c(0,1000), func = "selacHMM", Q_codon_array_vectored, initfunc="initmod_selacHMM", dllname = "selacHMM")[-1,-1]
    root.p <- root.p/sum(root.p)
    #root.p <- rep(1, length(codon.freq.by.aa))
    # get root frequencies from "codon.freq.by.aa" to be consistent with regular SelAC
    #root.p <- codon.freq.by.aa / sum(codon.freq.by.aa)

    #Perform simulation by looping over desired number of sites. The optimal aa for any given site is based on the user-input vector of optimal AA:
    sim.codon.data <- matrix(0, nrow=Ntip(phy), ncol=nsites)

    if(include.gamma == TRUE){
        for(site in 1:nsites){
                site.rate <- sample(1:ncats, 1, prob=weights.k)
                site.rate <- site.cats.vector[site]
            Q_codon <- rate.Q_codon.list[[site.rate]]
            sim.codon.data[,site] <- SingleSiteUpPassHMM(phy, Q_codon=Q_codon, root.p=root.p)
        for(site in 1:nsites){
            sim.codon.data[,site] <- SingleSiteUpPassHMM(phy, Q_codon=Q_codon, root.p=root.p)
    codon.names <- rownames(Q_codon)
    #Finally, translate this information into a matrix of nucleotides -- this format allows for write.dna() to write a fasta formatted file:
    nucleotide.data <- c()
    for(codon.sequence in seq(1, nsites, by=1)){
        nucleotide.data <- cbind(nucleotide.data, t(matrix(unlist(strsplit(codon.names[sim.codon.data[,codon.sequence]], split="")), 4,length(phy$tip.label)))[,-4])
    rownames(nucleotide.data) <- phy$tip.label


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