# We compute the least angle regression (LAR) path given
# a response vector y and predictor matrix x. We assume
# that x has columns in general position.
# NOTE: the df estimates at each lambda_k can be thought of as the df
# for all solutions corresponding to lambda in (lambda_k,lambda_{k-1}),
# the open interval to the *right* of the current lambda_k.
# NOTE: x having columns in general position implies that the
# centered x satisfies a modified version of the general position
# condition, where we replace k < min(n,p) by k < min(n-1,p) in
# the definition. This is still sufficient to imply the uniqueness
# of the lasso solution, on the centered x
lar <- function(x, y, maxsteps=2000, minlam=0, intercept=TRUE, normalize=TRUE,
verbose=FALSE) { =
# Center and scale, etc.
obj = standardize(x,y,intercept,normalize)
x = obj$x
y = obj$y
bx = obj$bx
by = obj$by
sx = obj$sx
n = nrow(x)
p = ncol(x)
# Find the first variable to enter and its sign
uhat = t(x)%*%y
ihit = which.max(abs(uhat)) # Hitting coordinate
hit = abs(uhat[ihit]) # Critical lambda
s = Sign(uhat[ihit]) # Sign
if (verbose) {
cat(sprintf("1. lambda=%.3f, adding variable %i, |A|=%i...",
# Now iteratively find the new LAR estimate, and
# the next critical lambda
# Things to keep track of, and return at the end
buf = min(maxsteps,500)
lambda = numeric(buf) # Critical lambdas
action = numeric(buf) # Actions taken
df = numeric(buf) # Degrees of freedom
beta = matrix(0,p,buf) # LAR estimates
lambda[1] = hit
action[1] = ihit
df[1] = 0
beta[,1] = 0
# Gamma matrix!
gbuf = max(2*p*3,2000) # Space for 3 steps, at least
gi = 0
Gamma = matrix(0,gbuf,n)
Gamma[gi+Seq(1,p-1),] = t(s*x[,ihit]+x[,-ihit]); gi = gi+p-1
Gamma[gi+Seq(1,p-1),] = t(s*x[,ihit]-x[,-ihit]); gi = gi+p-1
Gamma[gi+1,] = t(s*x[,ihit]); gi = gi+1
# nk, regression contrast, M plus
nk = mp = numeric(buf)
vreg = matrix(0,buf,n)
nk[1] = gi
vreg[1,] = s*x[,ihit] / sum(x[,ihit]^2)
if (p > 1) {
c = t(as.numeric(Sign(t(x)%*%y)) * t(x))
ratio = t(c[,-ihit])%*%c[,ihit]/sum(c[,ihit]^2)
ip = 1-ratio > 0
crit = (t(c[,-ihit])%*%y - ratio*sum(c[,ihit]*y))/(1-ratio)
mp[1] = max(max(crit[ip]),0)
# Other things to keep track of, but not return
r = 1 # Size of active set
A = ihit # Active set
I = Seq(1,p)[-ihit] # Inactive set
X1 = x[,ihit,drop=FALSE] # Matrix X[,A]
X2 = x[,-ihit,drop=FALSE] # Matrix X[,I]
k = 2 # What step are we at?
# Compute a skinny QR decomposition of X1
obj = qr(X1)
Q = qr.Q(obj,complete=TRUE)
Q1 = Q[,1,drop=FALSE];
Q2 = Q[,-1,drop=FALSE]
R = qr.R(obj)
# Throughout the algorithm, we will maintain
# the decomposition X1 = Q1*R. Dimenisons:
# X1: n x r
# Q1: n x r
# Q2: n x (n-r)
# R: r x r
while (k<=maxsteps && lambda[k-1]>=minlam) {
# Check if we've reached the end of the buffer
if (k > length(lambda)) {
buf = length(lambda)
lambda = c(lambda,numeric(buf))
action = c(action,numeric(buf))
df = c(df,numeric(buf))
beta = cbind(beta,matrix(0,p,buf))
nk = c(nk,numeric(buf))
mp = c(mp,numeric(buf))
vreg = rbind(vreg,matrix(0,buf,n))
# Key quantities for the hitting times
a = backsolve(R,t(Q1)%*%y)
b = backsolve(R,backsolve(R,s,transpose=TRUE))
aa = as.numeric(t(X2) %*% (y - X1 %*% a))
bb = as.numeric(t(X2) %*% (X1 %*% b))
# If the inactive set is empty, nothing will hit
if (r==min(n-intercept,p)) hit = 0
# Otherwise find the next hitting time
else {
shits = Sign(aa)
hits = aa/(shits-bb)
# Make sure none of the hitting times are larger
# than the current lambda
hits[hits>lambda[k-1]] = 0
ihit = which.max(hits)
hit = hits[ihit]
shit = shits[ihit]
# Stop if the next critical point is negative
if (hit<=0) break
# Record the critical lambda and solution
lambda[k] = hit
action[k] = I[ihit]
df[k] = r
beta[A,k] = a-hit*b
# Gamma matrix!
if (gi + 2*p > nrow(Gamma)) Gamma = rbind(Gamma,matrix(0,2*p+gbuf,n))
X2perp = X2 - X1 %*% backsolve(R,t(Q1)%*%X2)
c = t(t(X2perp)/(shits-bb))
Gamma[gi+Seq(1,p-r),] = shits*t(X2perp); gi = gi+p-r
Gamma[gi+Seq(1,p-r-1),] = t(c[,ihit]-c[,-ihit]); gi = gi+p-r-1
Gamma[gi+1,] = t(c[,ihit]); gi = gi+1
# nk, regression contrast, M plus
nk[k] = gi
vreg[k,] = shit*X2perp[,ihit] / sum(X2perp[,ihit]^2)
if (ncol(c) > 1) {
ratio = t(c[,-ihit])%*%c[,ihit]/sum(c[,ihit]^2)
ip = 1-ratio > 0
crit = (t(c[,-ihit])%*%y - ratio*sum(c[,ihit]*y))/(1-ratio)
mp[k] = max(max(crit[ip]),0)
# Update all of the variables
r = r+1
A = c(A,I[ihit])
I = I[-ihit]
s = c(s,shit)
X1 = cbind(X1,X2[,ihit])
X2 = X2[,-ihit,drop=FALSE]
# Update the QR decomposition
obj = updateQR(Q1,Q2,R,X1[,r])
Q1 = obj$Q1
Q2 = obj$Q2
R = obj$R
if (verbose) {
cat(sprintf("\n%i. lambda=%.3f, adding variable %i, |A|=%i...",
# Step counter
k = k+1
# Trim
lambda = lambda[Seq(1,k-1)]
action = action[Seq(1,k-1)]
df = df[Seq(1,k-1),drop=FALSE]
beta = beta[,Seq(1,k-1),drop=FALSE]
Gamma = Gamma[Seq(1,gi),,drop=FALSE]
nk = nk[Seq(1,k-1)]
mp = mp[Seq(1,k-1)]
vreg = vreg[Seq(1,k-1),,drop=FALSE]
# If we reached the maximum number of steps
if (k>maxsteps) {
if (verbose) {
cat(sprintf("\nReached the maximum number of steps (%i),",maxsteps))
cat(" skipping the rest of the path.")
completepath = FALSE
bls = NULL
# If we reached the minimum lambda
else if (lambda[k-1]<minlam) {
if (verbose) {
cat(sprintf("\nReached the minimum lambda (%.3f),",minlam))
cat(" skipping the rest of the path.")
completepath = FALSE
bls = NULL
# Otherwise, note that we completed the path
else {
completepath = TRUE
# Record the least squares solution. Note that
# we have already computed this
bls = rep(0,p)
bls[A] = a
if (verbose) cat("\n")
# Adjust for the effect of centering and scaling
if (intercept) df = df+1
if (normalize) beta = beta/sx
if (normalize && completepath) bls = bls/sx
# Assign column names
colnames(beta) = as.character(round(lambda,3))
out = list(lambda=lambda,action=action,sign=s,df=df,beta=beta,
class(out) = "lar"
# Downdate the QR factorization, after a column has
# been deleted. Here Q1 is m x n, Q2 is m x k, and
# R is n x n.
downdateQR <- function(Q1,Q2,R,col) {
m = nrow(Q1)
n = ncol(Q1)
a = downdate1_(as.matrix(Q1), R, col, m, n) # Rcpp call
Q1 = matrix(a$Q1,nrow=m)
R = matrix(a$R,nrow=n)
# Re-structure: add a column to Q2, delete one from
# Q1, and trim R
Q2 = cbind(Q2,Q1[,n])
Q1 = Q1[,-n,drop=FALSE]
R = R[-n,-col,drop=FALSE]
# Coefficient function for lar
coef.lar <- function(object, s, mode=c("step","lambda"), ...) {
mode = match.arg(mode)
if (object$completepath) {
k = length(object$action)+1
lambda = c(object$lambda,0)
beta = cbind(object$beta,object$bls)
} else {
k = length(object$action)
lambda = object$lambda
beta = object$beta
if (mode=="step") {
if (min(s)<0 || max(s)>k) stop(sprintf("s must be between 0 and %i",k))
knots = 1:k
decreasing = FALSE
} else {
if (min(s)<min(lambda)) stop(sprintf("s must be >= %0.3f",min(lambda)))
knots = lambda
decreasing = TRUE
# Prediction function for lar
predict.lar <- function(object, newx, s, mode=c("step","lambda"), ...) {
beta = coef.lar(object,s,mode)
if (missing(newx)) newx = scale(object$x,FALSE,1/object$sx)
else {
newx = matrix(newx,ncol=ncol(object$x))
newx = scale(newx,object$bx,FALSE)
return(newx %*% beta + object$by)
coef.lasso <- coef.lar
predict.lasso <- predict.lar
# Lar inference function
larInf <- function(obj, sigma=NULL, alpha=0.1, k=NULL, type=c("active","all","aic"),
gridrange=c(-100,100), bits=NULL, mult=2, ntimes=2, verbose=FALSE) { =
type = match.arg(type)
if (class(obj) != "lar") stop("obj must be an object of class lar")
if (is.null(k) && type=="active") k = length(obj$action)
if (is.null(k) && type=="all") stop("k must be specified when type = all")
if (!is.null(bits) && !requireNamespace("Rmpfr",quietly=TRUE)) {
warning("Package Rmpfr is not installed, reverting to standard precision")
bits = NULL
k = min(k,length(obj$action)) # Round to last step
x = obj$x
y = obj$y
p = ncol(x)
n = nrow(x)
G = obj$Gamma
nk = obj$nk
sx = obj$sx
if (is.null(sigma)) {
if (n >= 2*p) {
oo = obj$intercept
sigma = sqrt(sum(lsfit(x,y,intercept=oo)$res^2)/(n-p-oo))
else {
sigma = sd(y)
warning(paste(sprintf("p > n/2, and sd(y) = %0.3f used as an estimate of sigma;",sigma),
"you may want to use the estimateSigma function"))
pv.spacing = pv.modspac = pv.covtest = khat = NULL
if (type == "active") {
pv = vlo = vup = numeric(k)
vmat = matrix(0,k,n)
ci = tailarea = matrix(0,k,2)
pv.spacing = pv.modspac = pv.covtest = numeric(k)
vreg = obj$vreg[1:k,,drop=FALSE]
sign = obj$sign[1:k]
vars = obj$action[1:k]
for (j in 1:k) {
if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Inference for variable %i ...\n",vars[j]))
Aj = -G[1:nk[j],]
bj = -rep(0,nk[j])
vj = vreg[j,]
mj = sqrt(sum(vj^2))
vj = vj / mj # Standardize (divide by norm of vj) = TG.limits(y, Aj, bj, vj, Sigma=diag(rep(sigma^2, n)))
a = TG.pvalue.base(, bits=bits)
pv[j] = a$pv
sxj = sx[vars[j]]
vlo[j] = a$vlo * mj / sxj # Unstandardize (mult by norm of vj / sxj)
vup[j] = a$vup * mj / sxj # Unstandardize (mult by norm of vj)
vmat[j,] = vj * mj / sxj # Unstandardize (mult by norm of vj / sxj)
a = TG.interval.base(,
ci[j,] = a$int * mj / sxj # Unstandardize (mult by norm of vj / sxj)
tailarea[j,] = a$tailarea
pv.spacing[j] = spacing.pval(obj,sigma,j)
pv.modspac[j] = modspac.pval(obj,sigma,j)
pv.covtest[j] = covtest.pval(obj,sigma,j)
khat = forwardStop(pv,alpha)
else {
if (type == "aic") {
out = aicStop(x,y,obj$action[1:k],obj$df[1:k],sigma,mult,ntimes)
khat = out$khat
m = out$stopped * ntimes
G = rbind(out$G,G[1:nk[khat+m],]) # Take ntimes more steps past khat
u = c(out$u,rep(0,nk[khat+m])) # (if we need to)
kk = khat
else {
G = G[1:nk[k],]
u = rep(0,nk[k])
kk = k
pv = vlo = vup = numeric(kk)
vmat = matrix(0,kk,n)
ci = tailarea = matrix(0,kk,2)
sign = numeric(kk)
vars = obj$action[1:kk]
xa = x[,vars]
M = pinv(crossprod(xa)) %*% t(xa)
for (j in 1:kk) {
if (verbose) cat(sprintf("Inference for variable %i ...\n",vars[j]))
vj = M[j,]
mj = sqrt(sum(vj^2))
vj = vj / mj # Standardize (divide by norm of vj)
sign[j] = sign(sum(vj*y))
vj = sign[j] * vj
Aj = -rbind(G,vj)
bj = -c(u,0) = TG.limits(y, Aj, bj, vj, Sigma=diag(rep(sigma^2, n)))
a = TG.pvalue.base(, bits=bits)
pv[j] = a$pv
sxj = sx[vars[j]]
vlo[j] = a$vlo * mj / sxj # Unstandardize (mult by norm of vj / sxj)
vup[j] = a$vup * mj / sxj # Unstandardize (mult by norm of vj / sxj)
vmat[j,] = vj * mj / sxj # Unstandardize (mult by norm of vj / sxj)
a = TG.interval.base(,
ci[j,] = a$int * mj / sxj # Unstandardize (mult by norm of vj / sxj)
tailarea[j,] = a$tailarea
out = list(type=type,k=k,khat=khat,pv=pv,ci=ci,
class(out) = "larInf"
spacing.pval <- function(obj, sigma, k) {
v = obj$Gamma[obj$nk[k],]
sd = sigma*sqrt(sum(v^2))
a = obj$mp[k]
if (k==1) b = Inf
else b = obj$lambda[k-1]
modspac.pval <- function(obj, sigma, k) {
v = obj$Gamma[obj$nk[k],]
sd = sigma*sqrt(sum(v^2))
if (k < length(obj$action)) a = obj$lambda[k+1]
else if (obj$completepath) a = 0
else {
warning(sprintf("Modified spacing p-values at step %i require %i steps of the lar path",k,k+1))
if (k==1) b = Inf
else b = obj$lambda[k-1]
covtest.pval <- function(obj, sigma, k) {
A = which(obj$beta[,k]!=0)
sA = sign(obj$beta[A,k])
lam1 = obj$lambda[k]
j = obj$action[k]
if (k < length(obj$action)) {
lam2 = obj$lambda[k+1]
sj = sign(obj$beta[j,k+1])
} else if (obj$completepath) {
lam2 = 0
sj = sign(obj$bls[j])
} else {
warning(sprintf("Cov test p-values at step %i require %i steps of the lar path",k,k+1))
x = obj$x
if (length(A)==0) term1 = 0
else term1 = x[,A,drop=F] %*% solve(crossprod(x[,A,drop=F]),sA)
term2 = x[,c(A,j),drop=F] %*% solve(crossprod(x[,c(A,j),drop=F]),c(sA,sj))
c = sum((term2 - term1)^2)
t = c * lam1 * (lam1-lam2) / sigma^2
print.lar <- function(x, ...) {
cat("\nSequence of LAR moves:\n")
nsteps = length(x$action)
tab = cbind(1:nsteps,x$action,x$sign)
colnames(tab) = c("Step","Var","Sign")
rownames(tab) = rep("",nrow(tab))
print.larInf <- function(x, tailarea=TRUE, ...) {
cat(sprintf("\nStandard deviation of noise (specified or estimated) sigma = %0.3f\n",
if (x$type == "active") {
cat(sprintf("\nSequential testing results with alpha = %0.3f\n",x$alpha))
tab = cbind(1:length(x$pv),x$vars,
colnames(tab) = c("Step", "Var", "Coef", "Z-score", "P-value",
"LowConfPt", "UpConfPt", "Spacing", "CovTest")
if (tailarea) {
tab = cbind(tab,round(x$tailarea,3))
colnames(tab)[(ncol(tab)-1):ncol(tab)] = c("LowTailArea","UpTailArea")
rownames(tab) = rep("",nrow(tab))
cat(sprintf("\nEstimated stopping point from ForwardStop rule = %i\n",x$khat))
else if (x$type == "all") {
cat(sprintf("\nTesting results at step = %i, with alpha = %0.3f\n",x$k,x$alpha))
tab = cbind(x$vars,
colnames(tab) = c("Var", "Coef", "Z-score", "P-value", "LowConfPt", "UpConfPt")
if (tailarea) {
tab = cbind(tab,round(x$tailarea,3))
colnames(tab)[(ncol(tab)-1):ncol(tab)] = c("LowTailArea","UpTailArea")
rownames(tab) = rep("",nrow(tab))
else if (x$type == "aic") {
cat(sprintf("\nTesting results at step = %i, with alpha = %0.3f\n",x$khat,x$alpha))
tab = cbind(x$vars,
colnames(tab) = c("Var", "Coef", "Z-score", "P-value", "LowConfPt", "UpConfPt")
if (tailarea) {
tab = cbind(tab,round(x$tailarea,3))
colnames(tab)[(ncol(tab)-1):ncol(tab)] = c("LowTailArea","UpTailArea")
rownames(tab) = rep("",nrow(tab))
cat(sprintf("\nEstimated stopping point from AIC rule = %i\n",x$khat))
plot.lar <- function(x, xvar=c("norm","step","lambda"), breaks=TRUE,
omit.zeros=TRUE, var.labels=TRUE, ...) {
if (x$completepath) {
k = length(x$action)+1
lambda = c(x$lambda,0)
beta = cbind(x$beta,x$bls)
} else {
k = length(x$action)
lambda = x$lambda
beta = x$beta
p = nrow(beta)
xvar = match.arg(xvar)
if (xvar=="norm") {
xx = colSums(abs(beta))
xlab = "L1 norm"
} else if (xvar=="step") {
xx = 1:k
xlab = "Step"
} else {
xx = lambda
xlab = "Lambda"
if (omit.zeros) {
good.inds = matrix(FALSE,p,k)
good.inds[beta!=0] = TRUE
changes = t(apply(beta,1,diff))!=0
good.inds[cbind(changes,rep(F,p))] = TRUE
good.inds[cbind(rep(F,p),changes)] = TRUE
beta[!good.inds] = NA
xlab=xlab,ylab="Coefficients",main="Least angle regression path",...)
if (breaks) abline(v=xx,lty=2)
if (var.labels) axis(4,at=beta[,k],labels=1:p,cex=0.8,adj=0)
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