
Defines functions print.summary.miSem summary.miSem print.miSem miSem.semmodList miSem.semmod miSem

Documented in miSem miSem.semmod miSem.semmodList print.miSem summary.miSem

# last modified 2015-06-09 by J. Fox
# some changes by Benjamin K Goodrich 2015-01-20

miSem <- function(model, ...){

miSem.semmod <- function(model, ..., data, formula = ~., raw=FALSE, fixed.x=NULL, objective=objectiveML,
                  n.imp=5, n.chains=n.imp, n.iter=30, seed=sample(1e6, 1), mi.args=list(), show.progress=TRUE){
    cls <- gsub("\\.", "", deparse(substitute(objective)))
    cls <- gsub("2", "", cls)
    cls <- c(cls, "sem")
    warn <- options(warn=-1)
    initial.fit <- sem(model, ..., data=data, formula=formula, raw=raw, fixed.x=fixed.x,
                       objective = if (raw) objectiveFIML else objective)
    class(initial.fit) <- if (raw) c("objectiveFIML", "sem") else cls
    coefficients <- coefficients(initial.fit)
    coef.names <- names(coefficients)
    var.names <- initial.fit$var.names 
    ram <- initial.fit$ram 
    ram[coef.names, "start value"] <- coefficients 
    N <- nrow(data)
    if (!is.null(fixed.x)) fixed.x <- apply(outer(var.names, fixed.x, "=="), 2, which)
    mi.args$n.chains <- n.chains
    mi.args$n.iter <- n.iter
    mi.args$seed <- seed
    mi.args$y <- data
    if (show.progress) cat("\n Beginning", n.imp, "imputations\n")
    mi.data <- do.call("mi", mi.args)
    if (show.progress) cat("\n Imputations complete\n")
#     has.tcltk <- require("tcltk")
# 	  if (has.tcltk) pb <- tkProgressBar("Fitting", "Imputation no.: ", 0, n.imp)
    if (show.progress) {
        cat("\n Fitting model to imputations:\n")
        pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=n.imp, style=3)
    fits <- complete(mi.data, m = n.imp, include_missing = FALSE)
    for (i in seq_along(fits)) {
#        if (has.tcltk) setTkProgressBar(pb, i, label=sprintf("Imputation no.: %d", i))
        if (show.progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
        data.i <- model.frame(formula, data=fits[[i]])
        data.i <- model.matrix(formula, data=fits[[i]])
        colnames(data.i)[colnames(data.i) == "(Intercept)"] <- "Intercept"
    	  S <- if (raw) rawMoments(data.i) else {
			    data.i <-  data.i[, colnames(data.i) != "Intercept"]
        fit <- sem(ram, S=S, N=N, data=data.i, raw=raw, param.names=coef.names, var.names=var.names, fixed.x=fixed.x,
                              optimizer=initial.fit$optimizer, objective=objective, ...)
        class(fit) <- cls   
	      fits[[i]] <- fit
#    if (has.tcltk) close(pb)
    if (show.progress) close(pb)
    result <- list(initial.fit=initial.fit, mi.fits=fits, imputations=mi.data, seed=seed, mi.data=mi.data)
    class(result) <- "miSem"

miSem.semmodList <- function(model, ..., data, formula = ~., group, raw=FALSE, 
        fixed.x=NULL, objective=msemObjectiveML,
        n.imp=5, n.chains=n.imp, n.iter=30, seed=sample(1e6, 1), mi.args=list(),
    if (missing(formula)) formula <- as.formula(paste("~ . -", group))
    warn <- options(warn=-1)
    initial.fit <- sem(model, ..., data=na.omit(data), formula=formula, group=group, raw=raw, fixed.x=fixed.x,
                       objective = objective)
    coefficients <- coefficients(initial.fit)
    coef.names <- names(coefficients)
    var.names <- initial.fit$var.names 
    ram <- initial.fit$ram 
    groups <- initial.fit$groups
    group <- initial.fit$group
    G <- length(groups)
    for (g in 1:G){
        pars <- ram[[g]][, "parameter"]
        free <- pars != 0
        ram[[g]][free, "start value"] <- coefficients[pars[free]]
    mi.args$n.chains <- n.chains
    mi.args$n.iter <- n.iter
    mi.args$seed <- seed
    mi.args$y <- data
    if (show.progress) cat("\n Beginning", n.imp, "imputations\n")
    mi.data <- do.call("mi", mi.args)
    if (show.progress) cat("\n Imputations complete\n")
    fits <- complete(mi.data, m = n.imp, include_missing = FALSE)
#     has.tcltk <- require("tcltk")
#     if (has.tcltk) pb <- tkProgressBar("Fitting", "Imputation no.: ", 0, n.imp)
    if (show.progress) {
        cat("\n Fitting model to imputations:\n")
        pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=n.imp, style=3)
    for (i in 1:n.imp){
#        if (has.tcltk) setTkProgressBar(pb, i, label=sprintf("Imputation no.: %d", i))
        if (show.progress) setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
        data.i <- fits[[i]]
        group.i <- data.i[, group]
        data.i <- model.frame(formula, data=data.i)
        data.i <- model.matrix(formula, data=data.i)
        colnames(data.i)[colnames(data.i) == "(Intercept)"] <- "Intercept"
        S <- data.out <- vector(G, mode="list")
        N <- numeric(G)
        for (g in 1:G){
            data.g <- data.i[group.i == groups[g], ]
            data.out[[g]] <- data.g
            N[g] <- nrow(data.g)
            S[[g]] <- if (raw) rawMoments(data.g) else {
    			  data.g <-  data.g[, colnames(data.g) != "Intercept"]
        fit <- sem(ram, S=S, N=N, group=group, groups=groups, raw=raw, data=data.out, 
                  fixed.x=initial.fit$fixed.x, param.names=coef.names, var.names=var.names,
                  optimizer=initial.fit$optimizer, objective=objective, ...)
	    fits[[i]] <- fit
#    if (has.tcltk) close(pb)
    if (show.progress) close(pb)
    result <- list(initial.fit=initial.fit, mi.fits=fits, imputations=mi.data, seed=seed, mi.data=mi.data)
    class(result) <- "miSem"

print.miSem <- function(x, ...){
    coefs <- sapply(x$mi.fits, coef)
    vars <- sapply(x$mi.fits, function(x) diag(vcov(x)))
    table <- matrix(0, NROW(coefs), 4)
    table[, 1] <- rowMeans(coefs)
    ses <- sqrt(rowMeans(vars) + apply(coefs, 1, var) * (1 + 1/NCOL(coefs)))
    table[, 2] <- ses
    table[, 3] <- table[, 1]/table[, 2]
    table[, 4] <- 2*pnorm(abs(table[, 3]), lower.tail=FALSE)
    rownames(table) <- rownames(coefs)
    colnames(table) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "z value", "Pr(>|z|)")
    printCoefmat(table, ...)

summary.miSem <- function(object, digits=max(3, getOption("digits") - 2), ...){
    coefs <- lapply(object$mi.fits, coef)
    table <- do.call("cbind", coefs)
    rownames(table) <- names(coefs[[1]])
    table <- cbind(table, rowMeans(table), coef(object$initial.fit))
    colnames(table) <- c(paste("Imputation", 1:length(coefs)), "Averaged", "Initial Fit")
    result <- list(object=object, mi.results=table, digits=digits)
    class(result) <- "summary.miSem"

print.summary.miSem <- function(x, ...){
    cat("\nCoefficients by imputation:\n")
    print(x$mi.results, digits=x$digits, ...)
    print(x$object, digits=x$digits, ...)

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