
Defines functions monthlyWB_summary monthlyWB

Documented in monthlyWB monthlyWB_summary

## TODO: need a monthly + daily WB summary

## TODO: found a bug: https://github.com/josephguillaume/hydromad/issues/190

#' @title Monthly Water Balances
#' @description Perform a monthly water balance by "leaky bucket" model, inspired by code from `bucket.sim` of `hydromad` package, as defined in Bai et al., (2009) (model "SMA_S1"). The plant available water-holding storage (soil thickness * awc) is used as the "bucket capacity". All water in excess of this capacity is lumped into a single "surplus" term.
#' @details See the [monthly water balance tutorial](http://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/sharpshootR/monthly-WB.html) for further examples and discussion.
#' A number of important assumptions are made by this style of water balance modeling:
#'    * the concept of field capacity is built into the specified bucket size
#'    * the influence of aquitards or local terrain cannot be integrated into this model
#'    * interception is not used in this model
#' @param AWC available water-holding capacity (mm), typically thickness (mm) * awc (fraction)
#' @param PPT time-series of monthly PPT (mm), calendar year ordering
#' @param PET time-series of monthly PET (mm), calendar year ordering
#' @param S_init initial fraction of `AWC` filled with water (values 0-1)
#' @param starting_month starting month index, 1=January, 9=September
#' @param rep number of cycles to run water balance
#' @param keep_last keep only the last iteration of the water balance
#' @references 
#' Arkley R, Ulrich R. 1962. The use of calculated actual and potential evapotranspiration for estimating potential plant growth. Hilgardia 32(10):443-469.
#' Bai, Y., T. Wagener, P. Reed (2009). A top-down framework for watershed model evaluation and selection under uncertainty. Environmental Modelling and Software 24(8), pp. 901-916.
#' Farmer, D., M. Sivapalan, Farmer, D. (2003). Climate, soil and vegetation controls upon the variability of water balance in temperate and semiarid landscapes: downward approach to water balance analysis. Water Resources Research 39(2), p 1035.
#' @return a `data.frame` with the following elements:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{PPT: }{monthly PPT (mm)}
#' \item{PET: }{monthly PET (mm)}
#' \item{U: }{monthly surplus (mm)}
#' \item{S: }{monthly soil moisture storage (mm)}
#' \item{ET: }{monthly AET (mm)}
#' \item{D: }{monthly deficit (mm)}
#' \item{month: }{month number}
#' \item{mo: }{month label}   
#' }
monthlyWB <- function(AWC, PPT, PET, S_init = 1, starting_month = 1, rep = 1, keep_last = FALSE) {
  # number of time steps in the original series
  n <- length(PPT)
  # re-order monthly data according to starting month
  if(starting_month == 1) {
    idx <- seq(from = starting_month, to = 12, by = 1)
  } else {
    idx <- c(seq(from = starting_month, to = 12, by = 1), seq(from = 1, to = (starting_month - 1), by = 1))
  # replicate as needed
  idx <- rep(idx, times = rep)
  # re-index months as needed
  PPT <- PPT[idx]
  PET <- PET[idx]
  # combine into format suitable for simulation
  d <- data.frame(P = PPT, E = PET)
  # add month index
  d$month <- idx
  d$mo <- c('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec')[idx]
  ## crazy idea: spread-out PPT and PET over k bins within a month
  # dd <- lapply(1:nrow(d), function(i, k = 10) {
  #   .idx <- rep(i, times = k)
  #   .dr <- d[.idx, ]
  #   .dr$P <- .dr$P / k
  #   .dr$E <- .dr$E / k
  #   return(.dr)
  # }
  # )
  # dd <- do.call('rbind', dd)
  ## hydromad interface
  # note that first two columns are P, E
  # at the monthly time-step: a.ss = 0.01
  m <- hydromad::hydromad(d[, 1:2], sma = "bucket", routing = NULL)
  m <- update(m, Sb = AWC, fc = 1, S_0 = S_init, a.ss = 0.01, M = 0, etmult = 1, a.ei = 0)
  res <- predict(m, return_state = TRUE)
  # ## custom implementation of "model S2" from Bai et al., 2009
  # # soil moisture accounting "SMA_S2"
  # # routing "R1"
  # # SMA_S2 + R1 
  # #
  # # important change:
  # # ET[t] <- Eintc + min(S[t], (Etrans + Ebare))
  # res <- .monthlyBucket(d, Sb = AWC, S_0 = S_init, fc = 1, a.ss = 0.01, M = 0, etmult = 1, a.ei = 0)
  # combine original PPT, PET with results
  res <- data.frame(d, res)
  # cleanup names
  names(res) <- c('PPT', 'PET', 'month', 'mo', 'U', 'S', 'ET')
  # compute deficit: AET - PET
  res$D <- with(res, ET - PET)
  # re-arrange
  res <- res[, c('PPT', 'PET', 'U', 'S', 'ET', 'D', 'month', 'mo')]
  ## flatten k bins / month -> 12 months
  # s <- split(res, res$month)
  # lapply(s, function(i, k = 10) {
  #   .res <- data.frame(
  #     PPT = sum(i$PPT),
  #     PET = sum(i$PET),
  #     U = sum(i$U),
  #     S = i$S[k],
  #     ET = sum(i$ET),
  #     D = sum(i$ET - i$PET),
  #     month = i$month[1],
  #     mo = i$mo[1]
  #   )
  #   # .res$D <- .res$ET - .res$PET 
  #   return(.res)
  # })
  # optionally keep the last cycle
  if(keep_last) {
    keep.idx <- seq(from = nrow(res) - (n-1), to = nrow(res), by = 1)
    res <- res[keep.idx, ]
  # reset row names
  row.names(res) <- NULL
  # add original AWC used as an attribute
  attr(res, 'AWC') <- AWC
  # done

## TODO: this needs information about PWP and SAT
## TODO: w must be in sync with the water-year if appropriate (e.g. xeric SMR)

#' @param w used for for `monthlyWB_summary()`: a data.frame, such as result of `monthlyWB()`; 
#' @rdname monthlyWB
#' @return `monthlyWB_summary()`: a `data.frame` containing:
#'   * cumulative (`dry`, `moist`, `wet`) days 
#'   * consecutive (`dry_con`, `moist_con`, `wet_con`) days 
#'   * total deficit (`total_deficit`) in mm
#'   * total surplus (`total_surplus`) in mm
#'   * total actual evapotranspiration (`total_AET`) in mm
#'   * annual actual evapotranspiration to potential evapotranspiration ratio (`annual_AET_PET_ratio`)
#' @export
monthlyWB_summary <- function(w) {
  # convert months -> days
  .months2days <- function(m) {
    round(m * (365.25 / 12))
  # get count of max consecutive days where condition is TRUE
  # m: RLE object
  .rle_max_true <- function(m) {
    # index to TRUE condition
    # may not be present
    idx <- which(m$values)
    # if there was a TRUE condition
    if(length(idx) > 0) {
      # return max consecutive days
      res <- max(m$lengths[idx])
    } else {
      # otherwise 0 days
      res <- 0
  ## rough estimate of soil moisture states
  # dry: storage < 0.1mm
  dry.rules <- w$S < 0.1
  # moist: storage >= 0.1mm AND excess < 0.1mm
  moist.rules <- w$S >= 0.1 & w$U < 0.1
  # wet: excess >= 0.1m
  wet.rules <- w$U >= 0.1
  ## months at given states
  .dry <- which(dry.rules)
  .moist <- which(moist.rules)
  .wet <- which(wet.rules)
  ## RLE of states
  .dry_conn <- rle(dry.rules)
  .moist_conn <- rle(moist.rules)
  .wet_conn <- rle(wet.rules)
  ## consecutive summary
  res.consecutive <- data.frame(
    dry_con = .months2days(.rle_max_true(.dry_conn)),
    moist_con = .months2days(.rle_max_true(.moist_conn)),
    wet_con = .months2days(.rle_max_true(.wet_conn))
  ## cumulative summary
  res.cumulative <- data.frame(
    dry = .months2days(length(.dry)),
    moist = .months2days(length(.moist)),
    wet = .months2days(length(.wet))
  ## combine
  res <- data.frame(
    total_deficit = sum(w$D), 
    total_surplus = sum(w$U), 
    total_AET = sum(w$ET),
    annual_AET_PET_ratio = sum(w$ET) / sum(w$PET)

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