
Defines functions getResponseContentLength maybeInjectAutoreload staticHandler routeWSHandler routeHandler joinHandlers httpResponse

Documented in httpResponse

# This file contains a general toolkit for routing and combining bits of
# HTTP-handling logic. It is similar in spirit to Rook (and Rack, and WSGI, and
# Connect, and...) but adds cascading and routing.
# This file is called "middleware" because that's the term used for these bits
# of logic in these other frameworks. However, our code uses the word "handler"
# so we'll stick to that for the rest of this document; just know that they're
# basically the same concept.
# ## Intro to handlers
# A **handler** (or sometimes, **httpHandler**) is a function that takes a
# `req` parameter--a request object as described in the Rook specification--and
# returns `NULL`, or an `httpResponse`.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Create an HTTP response object
#' @param status HTTP status code for the response.
#' @param content_type The value for the `Content-Type` header.
#' @param content The body of the response, given as a single-element character
#'   vector (will be encoded as UTF-8) or a raw vector.
#' @param headers A named list of additional headers to include. Do not include
#'   `Content-Length` (as it is automatically calculated) or `Content-Type` (the
#'   `content_type` argument is used instead).
#' @examples
#' httpResponse(status = 405L,
#'   content_type = "text/plain",
#'   content = "The requested method was not allowed"
#' )
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
httpResponse <- function(status = 200L,
                         content_type = "text/html; charset=UTF-8",
                         content = "",
                         headers = list()) {
  # Make sure it's a list, not a vector
  headers <- as.list(headers)
  if (is.null(headers$`X-UA-Compatible`))
    headers$`X-UA-Compatible` <- "IE=edge,chrome=1"
  resp <- list(status = status, content_type = content_type, content = content,
               headers = headers)
  class(resp) <- 'httpResponse'

# You can think of a web application as being simply an aggregation of these
# functions, each of which performs one kind of duty. Each handler in turn gets
# a look at the request and can decide whether it knows how to handle it. If
# so, it returns an `httpResponse` and processing terminates; if not, it
# returns `NULL` and the next handler gets to execute. If the final handler
# returns `NULL`, a 404 response should be returned.
# We have a similar construct for websockets: **websocket handlers** or
# **wsHandlers**. These take a single `ws` argument which is the websocket
# connection that was just opened, and they can either return `TRUE` if they
# are handling the connection, and `NULL` to pass responsibility on to the next
# wsHandler.
# ### Combining handlers
# Since it's so common for httpHandlers to be invoked in this "cascading"
# fashion, we'll introduce a function that takes zero or more handlers and
# returns a single handler. And while we're at it, making a directory of static
# content available is such a common thing to do, we'll allow strings
# representing paths to be used instead of handlers; any such strings we
# encounter will be converted into `staticHandler` objects.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
joinHandlers <- function(handlers) {
  # Zero handlers; return a null handler
  if (length(handlers) == 0)
    return(function(req) NULL)

  # Just one handler (function)? Return it.
  if (is.function(handlers))

  handlers <- lapply(handlers, function(h) {
    if (is.character(h))

  # Filter out NULL
  handlers <- handlers[!sapply(handlers, is.null)]

  if (length(handlers) == 0)
    return(function(req) NULL)
  if (length(handlers) == 1)

  function(req) {
    for (handler in handlers) {
      response <- handler(req)
      if (!is.null(response))

# Note that we don't have an equivalent of `joinHandlers` for wsHandlers. It's
# easy to imagine it, we just haven't needed one.
# ### Handler routing
# Handlers do not have a built-in notion of routing. Conceptually, given a list
# of handlers, all the handlers are peers and they all get to see every request
# (well, up until the point that a handler returns a response).
# You could implement routing in each handler by checking the request's
# `PATH_INFO` field, but since it's such a common need, let's make it simple by
# introducing a `routeHandler` function. This is a handler
# [decorator](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decorator_pattern) and it's
# responsible for 1) filtering out requests that don't match the given route,
# and 2) temporarily modifying the request object to take the matched part of
# the route off of the `PATH_INFO` (and add it to the end of `SCRIPT_NAME`).
# This way, the handler doesn't need to figure out about what part of its URL
# path has already been matched via routing.
# (BTW, it's safe for `routeHandler` calls to nest.)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
routeHandler <- function(prefix, handler) {

  if (identical("", prefix))

  if (length(prefix) != 1 || !isTRUE(grepl("^/[^\\]+$", prefix))) {
    stop("Invalid URL prefix \"", prefix, "\"")

  pathPattern <- paste("^\\Q", prefix, "\\E/", sep = "")
  function(req) {
    if (isTRUE(grepl(pathPattern, req$PATH_INFO))) {
      origScript <- req$SCRIPT_NAME
      origPath <- req$PATH_INFO
        req$SCRIPT_NAME <- origScript
        req$PATH_INFO <- origPath
      }, add = TRUE)
      pathInfo <- substr(req$PATH_INFO, nchar(prefix)+1, nchar(req$PATH_INFO))
      req$SCRIPT_NAME <- paste(req$SCRIPT_NAME, prefix, sep = "")
      req$PATH_INFO <- pathInfo
    } else {

# We have a version for websocket handlers as well. Pity about the copy/paste
# job.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
routeWSHandler <- function(prefix, wshandler) {

  if (identical("", prefix))

  if (length(prefix) != 1 || !isTRUE(grepl("^/[^\\]+$", prefix))) {
    stop("Invalid URL prefix \"", prefix, "\"")

  pathPattern <- paste("^\\Q", prefix, "\\E/", sep = "")
  function(ws) {
    req <- ws$request
    if (isTRUE(grepl(pathPattern, req$PATH_INFO))) {
      origScript <- req$SCRIPT_NAME
      origPath <- req$PATH_INFO
        req$SCRIPT_NAME <- origScript
        req$PATH_INFO <- origPath
      }, add = TRUE)
      pathInfo <- substr(req$PATH_INFO, nchar(prefix)+1, nchar(req$PATH_INFO))
      req$SCRIPT_NAME <- paste(req$SCRIPT_NAME, prefix, sep = "")
      req$PATH_INFO <- pathInfo
    } else {

# ### Handler implementations
# Now let's actually write some handlers. Note that these functions aren't
# *themselves* handlers, you call them and they *return* a handler. Handler
# factory functions, if you will.
# Here's one that serves up static assets from a directory.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
staticHandler <- function(root) {
  return(function(req) {
    if (!identical(req$REQUEST_METHOD, 'GET'))

    path <- URLdecode(req$PATH_INFO)

    if (is.null(path))
      return(httpResponse(400, content="<h1>Bad Request</h1>"))

    if (path == '/')
      path <- '/index.html'

    if (grepl('\\', path, fixed = TRUE))

    abs.path <- resolve(root, path)
    if (is.null(abs.path))

    content.type <- getContentType(abs.path)
    response.content <- readBin(abs.path, 'raw', n=file.info(abs.path)$size)
    return(httpResponse(200, content.type, response.content))

# ## Handler manager
# The handler manager gives you a place to register handlers (of both http and
# websocket varieties) and provides an httpuv-compatible set of callbacks for
# invoking them.
# Create one of these, make zero or more calls to `addHandler` and
# `addWSHandler` methods (order matters--first one wins!), and then pass the
# return value of `createHttpuvApp` to httpuv's `startServer` function.
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
HandlerList <- R6Class("HandlerList",
  portable = FALSE,
  class = FALSE,
  public = list(
    handlers = list(),

    add = function(handler, key, tail = FALSE) {
      if (!is.null(handlers[[key]]))
        stop("Key ", key, " already in use")
      newList <- structure(names=key, list(handler))

      if (length(handlers) == 0)
        handlers <<- newList
      else if (tail)
        handlers <<- c(handlers, newList)
        handlers <<- c(newList, handlers)
    remove = function(key) {
      handlers[key] <<- NULL
    clear = function() {
      handlers <<- list()
    invoke = function(...) {
      for (handler in handlers) {
        result <- handler(...)
        if (!is.null(result))

HandlerManager <- R6Class("HandlerManager",
  portable = FALSE,
  class = FALSE,
  public = list(
    handlers = "HandlerList",
    wsHandlers = "HandlerList",

    initialize = function() {
      handlers <<- HandlerList$new()
      wsHandlers <<- HandlerList$new()

    addHandler = function(handler, key, tail = FALSE) {
      handlers$add(handler, key, tail)
    removeHandler = function(key) {
    addWSHandler = function(wsHandler, key, tail = FALSE) {
      wsHandlers$add(wsHandler, key, tail)
    removeWSHandler = function(key) {
    clear = function() {
    createHttpuvApp = function() {
        onHeaders = function(req) {
          maxSize <- getOption('shiny.maxRequestSize') %||% (5 * 1024 * 1024)
          if (maxSize <= 0)

          reqSize <- 0
          if (length(req$CONTENT_LENGTH) > 0)
            reqSize <- as.numeric(req$CONTENT_LENGTH)
          else if (length(req$HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING) > 0)
            reqSize <- Inf

          if (reqSize > maxSize) {
            return(list(status = 413L,
              headers = list('Content-Type' = 'text/plain'),
              body = 'Maximum upload size exceeded'))
          else {
        call = .httpServer(
          function (req) {
                  error = function(cond) {
                    sanitizeErrors <- getOption('shiny.sanitize.errors', FALSE)
                    if (inherits(cond, 'shiny.custom.error') || !sanitizeErrors) {
                      stop(cond$message, call. = FALSE)
                    } else {
                      stop(paste("An error has occurred. Check your logs or",
                                 "contact the app author for clarification."),
                           call. = FALSE)
                catch = function(err) {
                  httpResponse(status = 500L,
                    content_type = "text/html; charset=UTF-8",
                    content = as.character(htmltools::htmlTemplate(
                      system_file("template", "error.html", package = "shiny"),
                      message = conditionMessage(err)
              function(resp) {
        onWSOpen = function(ws) {
    .httpServer = function(handler, checkSharedSecret) {
      filter <- getOption('shiny.http.response.filter')
      if (is.null(filter))
        filter <- function(req, response) response

      function(req) {
        if (!checkSharedSecret(req$HTTP_SHINY_SHARED_SECRET)) {
            body='<h1>403 Forbidden</h1><p>Shared secret mismatch</p>',
            headers=list('Content-Type' = 'text/html')))

        # Catch HEAD requests. For the purposes of handler functions, they
        # should be treated like GET. The difference is that they shouldn't
        # return a body in the http response.
        head_request <- FALSE
        if (identical(req$REQUEST_METHOD, "HEAD")) {
          head_request <- TRUE
          req$REQUEST_METHOD <- "GET"

        response <- handler(req)

        res <- hybrid_chain(response, function(response) {
          if (is.null(response))
            response <- httpResponse(404, content="<h1>Not Found</h1>")

          if (inherits(response, "httpResponse")) {
            headers <- as.list(response$headers)
            headers$'Content-Type' <- response$content_type

            response <- filter(req, response)
            if (head_request) {

              headers$`Content-Length` <- getResponseContentLength(response, deleteOwnedContent = TRUE)

                status = response$status,
                body = "",
                headers = headers
            } else {
                status = response$status,
                body = response$content,
                headers = headers

          } else {
            # Assume it's a Rook-compatible response

maybeInjectAutoreload <- function(resp) {
  if (get_devmode_option("shiny.autoreload", FALSE) &&
      isTRUE(grepl("^text/html($|;)", resp$content_type)) &&
      is.character(resp$content)) {

    resp$content <- gsub(
      "<script src=\"shared/shiny-autoreload.js\"></script>\n</head>",
      fixed = TRUE


# Safely get the Content-Length of a Rook response, or NULL if the length cannot
# be determined for whatever reason (probably malformed response$content).
# If deleteOwnedContent is TRUE, then the function should delete response
# content that is of the form list(file=..., owned=TRUE).
getResponseContentLength <- function(response, deleteOwnedContent) {

  result <- if (is.character(response$content) && length(response$content) == 1) {
    nchar(response$content, type = "bytes")
  } else if (is.raw(response$content)) {
  } else if (is.list(response$content) && !is.null(response$content$file)) {
    if (deleteOwnedContent && isTRUE(response$content$owned)) {
      on.exit(unlink(response$content$file, recursive = FALSE, force = FALSE), add = TRUE)
  } else {
    warning("HEAD request for unexpected content class ", class(response$content)[[1]])

  if (is.na(result)) {
    # Mostly for missing file case
  } else {

# ## Next steps
# See server.R and middleware-shiny.R to see actual implementation and usage of
# handlers in the context of Shiny.

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shiny documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:47 a.m.