
Defines functions shinyloadtest_report

Documented in shinyloadtest_report

if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") {
  # TODO remove and upgrade the dplyr fns to FN_()
  utils::globalVariables(c("max_error", "min_time", "max_time", "mean_time", "lm", "model", "coef", "residuals", "slope", "intercept", "slope_pos", "intercept_pos", "max_error_pos"))

#' Make shinyloadtest Report
#' @param df data.frame returned from [load_runs()]
#' @param output File where HTML output should be saved
#' @param duration_cutoff Cutoff value for session duration plot. Defaults to the recording duration used to simulate `df` or 60 seconds.
#' @param http_latency_cutoff Cutoff value for total http latency plot
#' @param max_websocket_cutoff Cutoff value for max websocket latency plot
#' @param verbose Boolean that determines if progress output is displayed
#' @param self_contained Boolean that determines if the final output should be a self contained html file
#' @param open_browser Whether to open the created output in the browser
#' @return The path to the report, invisibly
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   shinyloadtest_report(slt_demo_data_1)
#' }
#' @export
shinyloadtest_report <- function(
  output = "shinyloadtest_report.html",
  duration_cutoff = c(attr(df, "recording_duration"), 60)[1],
  http_latency_cutoff = 5,
  max_websocket_cutoff = 20,
  open_browser = TRUE,
  self_contained = TRUE,
  verbose = TRUE
) {
  if(!grepl(".html$", output)) {
    stop("'output' should end in '.html'", call. = FALSE)


  verbose <- isTRUE(verbose)
  self_contained <- isTRUE(self_contained)
  missing_duration_cutoff <- missing(duration_cutoff)

  if (self_contained) {
    if (rmarkdown::pandoc_version() < "2.2") {
      stop("Please upgrade your pandoc version to be at least v2.2", call. = FALSE)

  if (verbose) {
    pr <- progress::progress_bar$new(
      format = ":name - :evt [:bar] :current/:total eta::eta",
      total = 0 +
        1 + # move files
        2 + # time tab
        (length(levels(df$run)) * 3) + # per run plots
        length(unique(df$input_line_number)) + # per event boxplot
        1 + # concurrency legend
        length(unique(df$input_line_number)) + # per event concurrency
        1 + # generate html
        1 + # save html
        1, # done
      show_after = 0,
      clear = FALSE
    tick <- function(evt) {
      n <- nchar(evt)
      total_n <- 21
      if (n < total_n && FALSE) {
        evt <- paste0(evt, paste0(rep(" ", total_n - n), collapse = ""))
      pr$tick(tokens = list(evt = evt, name = basename(base_output_name)))
  } else {
    tick <- identity

  # collect base path
  if (self_contained) {
    base_output_name <- file.path(
      paste0("shinyloadtest", floor(stats::runif(1, 1, 10000))),
      basename(sub(paste0(".", tools::file_ext(output)), "", output, fixed = TRUE))
  } else {
    base_output_name <- sub(paste0(".", tools::file_ext(output)), "", output, fixed = TRUE)
  tick("Copy Files")
  svg_folder <- "svg"
  # make sure output location exists
    file.path(base_output_name, svg_folder),
    recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE

  # copy js and css files
  c("js", "css") %>%
    file.path("dist", .) %>%
    system.file(package = "shinyloadtest") %>%
      recursive = TRUE,
      overwrite = TRUE

  save_run_svg <- function(p, run, file, ...) {
    save_svg_file(p, paste0(file, "-", run), ...)
  save_svg_file <- function(p, file, ...) {
    output <- file.path(base_output_name, svg_folder, paste0(file, ".svg"))
    save_svg(p, output, ...)
    file.path(basename(base_output_name), svg_folder, paste0(file, ".svg"))

  df_maintenance <- df %>% filter(maintenance == TRUE)

  latency_height <- 10 * (
        (210.61 + 5.48) * length(unique(df$run))
      ) + 71.73
    ) / 720
  tick("HTTP Latency")
  src_http <- df %>%
    slt_http_latency(cutoff = http_latency_cutoff) %>%
    save_svg_file("http_latency", width = 15, height = latency_height)

  tick("Websocket Latency")
    src_websocket <- df %>%
      slt_websocket_latency(cutoff = max_websocket_cutoff) %>%
      save_svg_file("websocket_latency", width = 15, height = latency_height)

  # gantt chart plots
  min_gantt_time <- min(df$start)
  max_gantt_time <- max(df$end)

  session_rel <- df %>%
    filter(maintenance) %>%
  max_duration <- max(session_rel$end, duration_cutoff)
  gantt <- lapply(levels(df$run), function(run_val) {
    run_val_clean <-
      run_val %>%
      tolower() %>%
      gsub("[^a-z0-9]", "-", .) %>%
      paste0("run-", .)
    df_run <-
      df %>%
      filter(run == run_val)

    tick(paste0(run_val, " Session Gantt"))
    src_gantt <- {
        slt_user(df_run) + xlim(min_gantt_time, max_gantt_time)
      } %>%
      save_run_svg(run_val_clean, "gantt", height = 7 * (26.625 * length(unique(df_run$user_id)) + 78) / 504)

    tick(paste0(run_val, " Session Duration"))
    src_duration <- {
        slt_session_duration(df_run, cutoff = duration_cutoff) + xlim(0, max_duration)
      } %>%
      save_run_svg(run_val_clean, "duration")

    tick(paste0(run_val, " Event Waterfall"))
    src_waterfall <- {
        slt_waterfall(df_run, limits = c(0, max(df_maintenance$concurrency, na.rm = TRUE))) + xlim(min_gantt_time, max_gantt_time)
      } %>%
        width = 15,
        height = 7 * (
            340 / 37 * length(levels(df$label)) +
          ) +
        ) / 430

      n = length(unique(df_run$user_id)),
      n_session = length(unique(df_run$session_id)),
      missing_duration_cutoff = missing_duration_cutoff,
      duration_cutoff = duration_cutoff,
      id = run_val_clean,
      id_gantt = paste0(run_val_clean, "-gantt"),
      id_duration = paste0(run_val_clean, "-duration"),
      id_waterfall = paste0(run_val_clean, "-waterfall"),
      name = run_val,
      src_gantt = src_gantt,
      src_duration = src_duration,
      src_waterfall = src_waterfall,
      idx = which(levels(df$run) %in% run_val)

  df_boxplot <- df_maintenance %>%
    group_by(label, run, input_line_number) %>%
      min_time = min(time, na.rm = TRUE),
      mean_time = mean(time, na.rm = TRUE),
      max_time = max(time, na.rm = TRUE)
    ) %>%
    group_by(label, input_line_number) %>%
      min_time = min(min_time, na.rm = TRUE),
      max_time = max(max_time, na.rm = TRUE),
      mean_diff = diff(range(mean_time, na.rm = TRUE))
    ) %>%
    arrange(input_line_number) %>%

  format_num <- function(x, ...) {
    if (is.infinite(x) && x < 0) return("")
    formatC(x, format = "f", digits = 3, ...)

  # event boxplots
  has_mean_diff <- length(levels(df$run)) > 1
  boxplot <- lapply(df_boxplot$input_line_number, function(input_line_val) {
    df_event <- df %>% filter(input_line_number == input_line_val)
    tick(paste0("Event ", input_line_val, " Boxplot"))
    src_boxplot <- df_event %>%
      slt_time_boxplot() %>%
      save_run_svg(input_line_val, "boxplot", height = 4, width = 4)
    df_boxplot_event <- df_boxplot %>% filter(input_line_number == input_line_val)
      label = htmltools::htmlEscape(df_boxplot_event$label[[1]]),
      src = src_boxplot,
      has_mean_diff = has_mean_diff,
      min_time_val = df_boxplot_event$min_time[[1]] %>% format_num(),
      max_time_val = df_boxplot_event$max_time[[1]] %>% format_num(),
      mean_diff_val = df_boxplot_event$mean_diff[[1]] %>% format_num(),
      min_time = df_boxplot_event$min_time[[1]],
      max_time = df_boxplot_event$max_time[[1]],
      mean_diff = df_boxplot_event$mean_diff[[1]]

  df_model <- df_maintenance %>%
    group_by(label, run, input_line_number) %>%
      model = list(lm(time ~ concurrency))
    ) %>%
      slope = vapply(model, function(mod){ coef(mod)[2] }, numeric(1)),
      intercept = vapply(model, function(mod){ coef(mod)[1] }, numeric(1)),
      max_error = vapply(model, function(mod){ max(abs(c(residuals(mod), 0)), na.rm = TRUE) }, numeric(1)),
    ) %>%
    group_by(label, input_line_number) %>%
      slope_pos = which.max(c(abs(slope), -Inf)),
      slope_val = c(slope, -Inf)[slope_pos] %>% format_num(),
      slope = c(abs(slope), -Inf)[slope_pos],
      intercept_pos = which.max(c(abs(intercept), -Inf)),
      intercept_val = c(intercept, -Inf)[intercept_pos] %>% format_num(),
      intercept = c(abs(intercept), -Inf)[intercept_pos],
      max_error_pos = which.max(c(max_error, -Inf)),
      max_error_val = c(max_error, -Inf)[max_error_pos] %>% format_num(),
      max_error = c(max_error, -Inf)[max_error_pos]
    ) %>%
    arrange(input_line_number) %>%

  # event concurrency
  concurrency <- lapply(df_model$input_line_number, function(input_line_val) {
    df_event <- df %>% filter(input_line_number == input_line_val)
    tick(paste0("Event ", input_line_val, " Concurrency"))
    src_boxplot <- df_event %>%
        slt_time_concurrency(.) + theme(legend.position = "none")
      } %>%
      save_run_svg(input_line_val, "concurrency", height = 4, width = 4)
    df_concurrency_event <- df_model %>% filter(input_line_number == input_line_val)
      label = htmltools::htmlEscape(df_concurrency_event$label[[1]]),
      src = src_boxplot,
      slope = df_concurrency_event$slope[[1]],
      intercept = df_concurrency_event$intercept[[1]],
      max_error = df_concurrency_event$max_error[[1]],
      slope_val = df_concurrency_event$slope_val[[1]],
      intercept_val = df_concurrency_event$intercept_val[[1]],
      max_error_val = df_concurrency_event$max_error_val[[1]]

  tick("Concurrency Legend")
  src_legend <- df %>%
    filter(input_line_number == df_model$input_line_number[[1]]) %>%
      slt_time_concurrency(.) +
        theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
        labs(fill = "", color = "")
    } %>%
    extract_legend() %>%
      legend_info  <- .
      # ratio <- legend_info$width_inches / legend_info$height_inches
        height = legend_info$height_inches, width = legend_info$width_inches

  tick("Generate HTML")
  output_txt <- glue_index(list(
    folder_name = basename(base_output_name),
    src_http = src_http,
    src_websocket = src_websocket,
    src_legend = if (length(levels(df$run)) > 1) src_legend else NULL,
    gantt = gantt,
    run_length = length(levels(df$run)),
    http_latency_cutoff = http_latency_cutoff,
    max_websocket_cutoff = max_websocket_cutoff,
    boxplot = list(
      min_time = boxplot[order(df_boxplot$min_time, decreasing = TRUE)],
      max_time = boxplot[order(df_boxplot$max_time, decreasing = TRUE)],
      mean_diff = boxplot[order(df_boxplot$mean_diff, decreasing = TRUE)]
    concurrency = list(
      slope = concurrency[order(df_model$slope, decreasing = TRUE)],
      intercept = concurrency[order(df_model$intercept, decreasing = TRUE)],
      max_error = concurrency[order(df_model$max_error, decreasing = TRUE)]

  tick("Saving HTML")

  if (self_contained) {
    tmp_file <- tempfile(tmpdir = dirname(base_output_name), fileext = ".html")
    writeLines(output_txt, tmp_file)

    dir.create(dirname(output), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
    cat("", file = output)
    output_path <- normalizePath(output)
    rmarkdown::pandoc_convert(input = tmp_file, output = output_path, options = c("--self-contained", "--template", tmp_file))
  } else {
    writeLines(output_txt, output)

  if (open_browser) utils::browseURL(output)

# helper functions to save a ggplot2 to an svg
to_svgz <- function(in_path, out_path = tempfile()) {
  out <- gzfile(out_path, "w")
  writeLines(readLines(in_path), out)

save_svg <- function(p, output, width = 15, height = 10, units = "in", ...) {
  if (file.exists(output)) return(output)
  output_tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".svg")
      filename = output_tmp,
      plot = p,
      width = width,
      height = height,
      limitsize = FALSE, # image size is programmatically increased and can be very tall
    # TODO make file smaller!
  # to_svgz(output_tmp, output)
  file.copy(output_tmp, output)

extract_legend <- function(p) {
  first_grob <- function(x) {
  legend_grob <- ggplot2::ggplot_build(p) %>%
    ggplot2::ggplot_gtable() %>%
    gtable::gtable_filter("guide-box") %>%
    first_grob() %>%
    gtable::gtable_filter("guides") %>%
    # %>%
    # gtable::gtable_filter("key|label")

    legend_grob = legend_grob,
    height_inches = legend_grob$heights %>% grid::convertUnit("inches") %>% as.numeric() %>% sum(),
    width_inches = legend_grob$widths %>% grid::convertUnit("inches") %>% as.numeric() %>% sum()

# Use imports so they are believed to be used
ignore <- function() {
  # Used within ggsave when saving an svg

Try the shinyloadtest package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

shinyloadtest documentation built on Feb. 11, 2021, 5:05 p.m.