
Defines functions make_all_plots

Documented in make_all_plots

#' make_all_plots.R
#' Makes all the plots for the quality control of the list(s) of genes in a specified output directory (out_dir). Plots (PDFs) are made for all combinations of gene expression datasets and gene signatures inputted. For the purposes of this protocol, gene signatures are defined as sets of genes for which there is a coherent pattern of expression, in conjunction with a biological process or clinical outcome. The methodology is based on the sigQC protocol defined in the manuscript by Dhawan et al. at: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2017/11/13/203729.
#' @param gene_sigs_list A list object, for the gene signatures. The name reference for each list element should correspond to the name of the gene signature. This list consists of k-by-1 character matrices of k gene names, which comprise the gene signature. Genes must be annotated in the same manner as the rows of the data matrix; at least one gene name must be present in the rownames of the gene expression matrices for the signature to be evaluated on that dataset.
#' @param mRNA_expr_matrix A list of matrices of expression values for the datasets to be considered, which must contain at least 2 samples per dataset. One numeric matrix entry per dataset. Name reference of each list entry should correspond to the name of the dataset. The rows are to be labelled as the genes, all annotated in the same way, and columns are sample IDs. Expression values should be normalised, batch-corrected, standardised, and log-transformed if needed, prior to use in sigQC. We recommend normalisation, batch correction, and log-transformation prior to use. Care must be taken to remove samples displaying a high proportion of NA values, especially for signature genes.
#' @param names_sigs The names of the gene signatures (e.g. Hypoxia, Invasiveness), one name per each signature in gene_sigs_list. Corresponds to the names of the entries of the list.
#' @param names_datasets The names of the different datasets contained in mRNA_expr_matrix. Corresponds to the names of the entries of the list.
#' @param covariates A list containing a sub-list of 'annotations' and 'colors' which contains the annotation matrix for the given dataset and the associated colours with which to plot in the expression heatmap. This is in the same form as used by the ComplexHeatmap package. One sub-list per dataset is used, referenced by the same name as given by the dataset in the mRNA_expr_matrix list.
#' @param thresholds A list of expression thresholds to be considered for each data set, default is median of the data set. A gene is considered expressed if above the threshold, non-expressed otherwise. One threshold per dataset, in the same order as the dataset list. Note that this is only used for the reporting of the genes showing supra-threshold expression across each dataset. Genes are not removed from computation based on expression; but proportion above this threshold is reported to the user. This is defaulted to the median level of all genes across all samples for a given dataset.
#' @param out_dir A path to the directory where the resulting output files are written. Default is R temporary directory, given by tempdir().
#' @param showResults Tells if R should open plot windows showing the computed results. Default is TRUE. Regardless of value, all plots are saved to PDF files in the output directory.
#' @param origin Tells if datasets have come from different labs/experiments/machines. This is a vector of characters, with same character representing same origin. Default is assumption that all datasets come from the same source. Used in the correction of batch effects during the RankProduct computation for poorly auto-correlated signature genes. Only to be used if multiple datasets are present.
#' @param doNegativeControl Logical, tells the function if negative and permutation controls should be computed. TRUE by default. Note that depending on the number of resamplings, setting this parameter to TRUE may result in much longer runtimes. Negative controls in this context refers to resampling based on random genes selected with the same length as the gene signatures in question. Permutation controls are generated by considering the same genes as each signature in each dataset, but with labels of the genes permuted for each sample. 
#' @param numResampling Number of bootstrap re-samplings of random gene signatures of the same length as the signature from which to compute null distribution of each metric, for each dataset and gene signature combination. This is the same value used for the nubmer of permutations of dataset values to consider in the permutation controls as described above, where in each dataset the labels of the signature genes are permuted for each sample. The default value for this parameter is set to 50.
#' @keywords make_all_plots
#' @import mclust 
#' @export
#' @examples

#' library(sigQC)
#' names = c("dataset1")
#' data.matrix = replicate(10, rnorm(50))#random matrix - 50 genes x 10 samples
#' mRNA_expr_matrix = list()
#' mRNA_expr_matrix[["dataset1"]] = data.matrix
#' row.names(mRNA_expr_matrix$dataset1) <- as.character(1:(dim(mRNA_expr_matrix$dataset1)[1]))
#' colnames(mRNA_expr_matrix$dataset1) <- as.character(1:(dim(mRNA_expr_matrix$dataset1)[2]))
#' #Define the signature
#' gene_sigs_list = list()
#' signature = "hypoxiaSig"
#' gene_sig = c('1', '4', '5')#gene ids
#' gene_sigs_list[[signature]] = as.matrix(gene_sig)
#' names_sigs = c(signature)
#' \donttest{make_all_plots(gene_sigs_list = gene_sigs_list, mRNA_expr_matrix = mRNA_expr_matrix, 
#'     doNegativeControl=FALSE, out_dir = tempdir(), showResults=FALSE)}

make_all_plots <- function(gene_sigs_list, mRNA_expr_matrix,names_sigs=NULL,names_datasets=NULL , covariates=NULL, thresholds=NULL, out_dir = tempdir(), showResults = TRUE,origin=NULL, doNegativeControl=TRUE, numResampling=50){
  #### print version number
  #### encoding scheme: major.minor
  #### major for large change
  #### minor for small change, whose results are expected to be similar as previous version. (two digits)
  print("-----sigQC Version 0.1.24-----")

  ###########Check the input
 radar_plot_values <- list();
  #check that there is a list of gene signatures
    stop("Need to specify a list of gene signatures. The IDs must match those in the expression matrices.")
  #check that there is a/are dataset(s)
    stop("Need to specify a list of expression matrices.
         Please note that each element of the list must have a
         name matching a value in the 'names' input parameter.")

  #check that datasets have names, otherwise give them same names as in names_datasets
      stop("Need to specify a list of names. Each value must match a
           name in the mRNA_expr_matrix list of expression matrices.")
    } else {
      names_datasets <- names(mRNA_expr_matrix)
  } else {
       names(mRNA_expr_matrix) <- names_datasets;
  #check that signatures have names, otherwise give them same names as in names_sigs
      stop("Need to specify a list of names. Each value must match a
           name in the gene_sigs_list list of gene signatures.")
    } else {
      names_sigs <- names(gene_sigs_list)
  #set up the variable that will hold values for the final radarplot
  for(i in 1:length(names_sigs)){
    radar_plot_values[[names_sigs[i]]] <- list();

   #need to check that the length of the origins variable is the same as the number of datasets
   if (!is.null(origin)){
    if (length(origin)!=length(names_datasets)){
      stop("Need to specify an origin for each dataset present, in the order the datasets are listed.")
    if(sum(as.numeric(table(origin)) < 2) > 0){
      stop("Need to ensure that there are at least 2 datasets from each origin.")
    #Check if the OS is windows and allow longer path in this case
    os.name = Sys.info()["sysname"]
    os.release = Sys.info()["release"]
    useVirDrive = F
    if(doNegativeControl && nchar(out_dir)>100 && os.name=="Windows" && grepl(paste0(".*(7|8|10).*"), os.release, ignore.case=TRUE)){
       #Check if there is a letter not already in use to create a virtual drive
      freeLetter = FALSE;
      for(letter in letters){
           freeLetter = TRUE;
         virD = paste0(letter, ":")
         system(paste0("subst ",virD, " ", out_dir), intern=T)
         out_dir = virD
         # outDir.file = file.path(outDir, paste0(paste(sample(letters, 251, TRUE), collapse = ''), '.txt'))
         # write(1, file = outDir.file)
         useVirDrive = T;
         stop("ERROR: There is a problem with the output path length. Try to change the output directory (look for a short path) or use a different OS.");
     # #out_dir = path.expand("~")
      # # out_dir1 = file.path("/?", out_dir)
      # #
      # # out_dir1 = paste("\\?\\", out_dir, sep="")
      # # out_dir2 = file.path("\\\\?\\C:\\Users\\Alessandro\\Documents")
      # virD = "y:"
      # system(paste0("subst ",virD, " ", out_dir), intern=T)
      # out_dir = virD
      # # outDir.file = file.path(outDir, paste0(paste(sample(letters, 251, TRUE), collapse = ''), '.txt'))
      # # write(1, file = outDir.file)
      # useVirDrive = T;

       #check that the legnths of the names are all equal
    if ((length(names_datasets)== length(mRNA_expr_matrix)) && (length(names_sigs)==length(gene_sigs_list))){

      ###########Check if the needed package exists otherwise install it
     # utils::write.table('',file=file.path(out_dir, "log.log"))
      #LOG file path
      logfile.path = file.path(out_dir, "log.log")
      #Log conn
      log.con = file(logfile.path, open = "a") #open the logfile
      #run each of the sub functions
      cat(paste("LOG FILE CREATED: ",Sys.time(), sep=""), file=log.con, sep="\n") #start the log file

      #check that the signatures are of length >= 2, if not, we remove it
      sigs_to_remove_ind <- c()
      for (k in 1:length(names_sigs)){
        gene_sig <- gene_sigs_list[[names_sigs[k]]] #load in the gene signature
        if(length(gene_sig) < 2){
          sigs_to_remove_ind <- c(sigs_to_remove_ind,k)
  #        stop("Every signature must contain at least 2 elements.")
      #remove the offending signatures
      if (length(sigs_to_remove_ind) > 0){
        gene_sigs_list[names_sigs[k]] <- NULL
        for(j in 1:length(sigs_to_remove_ind)){
          cat(paste0("Need at least 2 elements per signature (signature removed): ",names_sigs[sigs_to_remove_ind[j]]), file=log.con, sep="\n")
        names_sigs <- names_sigs[-sigs_to_remove_ind]#NULL

      if(length(names_sigs) == 0){
        stop("No signatures contained at least 2 signature elements.") #if all signatures have been removed, then we have to stop

      datasets_to_remove_ind <- c()
      #here is a check to have at least 2 samples in a dataset
      for(i in 1:length(names_datasets)){
        if(dim(as.matrix(mRNA_expr_matrix[[names_datasets[i]]]))[2] < 2){
            datasets_to_remove_ind <- c(datasets_to_remove_ind,i)

      datasets_to_remove_ind <- unique(datasets_to_remove_ind)
      if(length(datasets_to_remove_ind) > 0) {
        #now we do the removal
        mRNA_expr_matrix[names_datasets[datasets_to_remove_ind]] <- NULL
        #write it out that we've removed these datasets
        for(j in 1:length(datasets_to_remove_ind)){
          cat(paste0("Not enough samples (need at least 2 in each dataset) - dataset removed: ",names_datasets[datasets_to_remove_ind[j]]), file=log.con, sep="\n")
        names_datasets <- names_datasets[-datasets_to_remove_ind]#NULL

      if(length(names_datasets) == 0){
        stop("No datasets expressed at least 2 samples.") #if all datasets have been removed, then we have to stop

      #first we must check that the genes of the signature are actually present in the datasets...
      datasets_to_remove_ind <- c()
      for (k in 1:length(names_sigs)){
        gene_sig <- gene_sigs_list[[names_sigs[k]]] #load in the gene signature
        for(i in 1:length(names_datasets)){
          data.matrix = mRNA_expr_matrix[[names_datasets[i]]] #load in the data matrix
          inter <- intersect(gene_sig, row.names(data.matrix)) #make sure the genes are present in the dataset
          if(length(inter) < 2){
            #we need to exclude this dataset from further analysis because not enough signature genes are present
            datasets_to_remove_ind <- c(datasets_to_remove_ind,i)

      datasets_to_remove_ind <- unique(datasets_to_remove_ind)
      if(length(datasets_to_remove_ind) > 0) {
        #now we do the removal
        mRNA_expr_matrix[names_datasets[datasets_to_remove_ind]] <- NULL
        #write it out that we've removed these datasets
        for(j in 1:length(datasets_to_remove_ind)){
          cat(paste0("Not enough signature genes present in dataset (dataset removed): ",names_datasets[datasets_to_remove_ind[j]]), file=log.con, sep="\n")
        names_datasets <- names_datasets[-datasets_to_remove_ind]#NULL

      if(length(names_datasets) == 0){
        stop("No datasets expressed at least 2 signature elements.") #if all datasets have been removed, then we have to stop

      tryCatch(radar_plot_values <- eval_var_loc(gene_sigs_list,names_sigs, mRNA_expr_matrix,names_datasets,out_dir,file=log.con,showResults,radar_plot_values),
                 cat(paste0("Error occurred in eval_var_loc: ",err), file=log.con, sep="\n")
      tryCatch(radar_plot_values <- eval_expr_loc(gene_sigs_list,names_sigs,mRNA_expr_matrix,names_datasets,thresholds, out_dir,file=log.con,showResults,radar_plot_values ),
                 cat(paste0("Error occurred in eval_expr_loc: ",err), file=log.con, sep="\n")
      tryCatch(radar_plot_values <- eval_compactness_loc(gene_sigs_list,names_sigs,mRNA_expr_matrix,names_datasets,out_dir,file=log.con,showResults,radar_plot_values,logged=T,origin ),
                 cat(paste0("Error occurred during the evaluation of compactness: ",err), file=log.con, sep="\n")
      tryCatch({radar_plot_values <- compare_metrics_loc(gene_sigs_list,names_sigs,mRNA_expr_matrix,names_datasets,out_dir,file=log.con,showResults,radar_plot_values )},
              #  print(paste0("Error, likely due to inability to calculate PCA, because of missing values: ", err))
                 cat(paste0("Error occurred, likely due to inability to calculate PCA, because of missing values:  ",err), file=log.con, sep="\n")
      tryCatch({radar_plot_values <- eval_stan_loc(gene_sigs_list,names_sigs,mRNA_expr_matrix,names_datasets,out_dir,file=log.con,showResults,radar_plot_values )},
             cat(paste0("Error occurred in eval_stan_loc: ",err), file=log.con, sep="\n")
      tryCatch(radar_plot_values <- eval_struct_loc(gene_sigs_list,names_sigs,mRNA_expr_matrix,names_datasets,covariates,out_dir,file=log.con,showResults,radar_plot_values ),
                 cat(paste0("Error occurred in eval_struct_loc: ",err), file=log.con, sep="\n")
      # print(radar_plot_values)
      tryCatch(make_radar_chart_loc(radar_plot_values,showResults,names_sigs, names_datasets,out_dir,file=log.con),
                 cat(paste0("Error occurred in make_radar_chart_loc: ",err), file=log.con, sep="\n")
        tryCatch(.sigsQcNegativeControl(genesList=gene_sigs_list, expressionMatrixList=mRNA_expr_matrix, outputDir=out_dir, logFile=logfile.path, numResampling=numResampling),
            cat(paste0("Error occurred during the execution of negative controls: ",err), file=log.con, sep="\n")

      # if(!showResults){
      #   if(!is.null(grDevices::dev.list())){
      #    g<- grDevices::dev.off(grDevices::dev.list())
      #   }
      # }
      # close(log.con) #close connection to the file
      print("Error: the length of names is not matching the number of elements in the expression matrices list.
            You need to have a name for every dataset and signature used.")
  }, error = function(err) {
    #cat("", file=log.con, sep="\n")
    #cat(paste(Sys.time(),"Errors occurred during in sigQcNegativeControl:", err, sep=" "), file=log.con, sep="\n")
    #stop("Errors occurred during the computation of negative controls")
  }, finally = {
    #cat("---------------------------------------------------------------------------", file=log.con, sep="\n")
      system(paste0("subst ",virD," /D"), intern =T)
  })#END tryCatch

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sigQC documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:35 p.m.