
Defines functions make_radar_chart_loc

# make_radar_chart_loc.R
# This function creates the final summary radar plot, adding in all of the metrics that have been pre-computed
# in each of the functions called before it in the code. Also computes the ratio of the area contained within
# each of the signature/dataset radar plots to the ratio of the area of the full polygon, and outputs these proportions
# within the legend, as a potential summarizing metric that can be used to compare signatures/datasets in a more quantitative fashion.
# @param radar_plot_values A list of values that store computations that will be used in the final summary radarplot
# @param showResults Tells if open dialog boxes showing the computed results. Default is FALSE
# @param names_sigs The names of the gene signatures (one name per gene signature, in gene_sigs_list)
# @param names_datasets The names of the different datasets contained in mRNA_expr_matrix
# @param out_dir A path to the directory where the resulting output files are written
# @param file File representing the log file where errors can be written
# @keywords make_radar_chart_loc

make_radar_chart_loc <- function(radar_plot_values,showResults = FALSE,names_sigs,names_datasets, out_dir = '~',file){
  radar_plot_mat <- c()
  colours_array <- grDevices::rainbow(length(names_datasets))
  # first we need to flatten this list into a matrix that we can use with the radar plot plotting function
  # grDevices::dev.new()

  # graphics::par(cex.main=0.8,cex.lab = 0.8,oma=c(4,2,2,2),mar=c(4,4,4,4)) #set graphics parameters

  all_metrics <- c('sd_median_ratio','abs_skewness_ratio','prop_top_10_percent','prop_top_25_percent',

  #ensure that all metrics are accounted for
  for(k in 1:length(names_sigs)){
    for(i in 1:length(names_datasets)){
      diff_names <- base::setdiff(all_metrics,names(radar_plot_values[[names_sigs[k]]][[names_datasets[i]]]))
        for(j in 1:length(diff_names)){
          radar_plot_values[[names_sigs[k]]][[names_datasets[i]]][diff_names[j]] <- 0

  for(k in 1:length(names_sigs)){
    t <- lapply(radar_plot_values[[names_sigs[k]]],function(x) radar_plot_mat <<- rbind(radar_plot_mat,x))
  radar_plot_mat <- rbind(rep(1,length(radar_plot_values[[1]][[1]])),rep(0,length(radar_plot_values[[1]][[1]])),radar_plot_mat) #we must store the top 2 rows of the radar plot matrix as the max and min of each ray of the plot
  radar_plot_mat <- abs(radar_plot_mat) #consider only absolute value of correlation coefficients
  legend_labels <- c() #set up the legend
  legend_cols <- c()
  legend_lty <- c()
  #the following creates the legend
  for(k in 1:length(names_sigs) ){
    for(i in 1:length(names_datasets)){
      legend_labels <- c(legend_labels,paste0(names_datasets[i],' ',names_sigs[k],' (XXXX)'))
      legend_cols <- c(legend_cols,colours_array[i])
      legend_lty <- c(legend_lty, k)
  row.names(radar_plot_mat) <- c('max','min',legend_labels) 

#find the max number of characters in the title for legend fontsize
  max_title_length <- -999
  for(k in 1:length(names_sigs)){
    for( i in 1:length(names_datasets)){
      if(max_title_length < nchar(paste0(names_datasets[i],' ',names_sigs[k]))){
        max_title_length <- nchar(paste0(names_datasets[i],' ',names_sigs[k]))

  #for calculating the legend box size
  l <-  graphics::legend(0.05,0, legend=legend_labels, seg.len=2, title="Datasets",lty=legend_lty,
                   bty="n" ,lwd=1, col=legend_cols,cex=min(0.8,3*10/max_title_length),plot=F)

  # # calculate right margin width in ndc
  # w <- graphics::grconvertX(l$rect$w, to='ndc') - graphics::grconvertX(0, to='ndc')
  # print(graphics::grconvertY(l$rect$h, to='ndc')) - graphics::grconvertY(0, to='ndc')

  radius <- 1.5
  if (graphics::grconvertX(l$rect$h,from="ndc",to="device") > radius){
    x_dist <- radius
    x_dist <- sqrt((radius^2) - ((radius - graphics::grconvertX(l$rect$h,from="ndc",to="device"))^2))

  padding <-  (graphics::grconvertX(x_dist,from="user",to="device") + graphics::grconvertX(l$rect$w,from="ndc",to="device")) - graphics::grconvertX(radius,from="user",to="device") #for the legend

  padding <- padding * (padding > 0) #needs to be positive
  padding <- graphics::grconvertX(padding,from='device',to="inches")

  #set up plotting area
  if (showResults){

  # graphics::par(omd=c(0, 1-w, 0, 1 ),xpd=T)
  orig_par <- graphics::par('mai')
  graphics::par(xpd=TRUE,mai=(graphics::par('mai') + c(0,0,0,padding)))

  # compute the area ratios
  areas <- c()
  #first we calculate the area of each dataset/gene signature drawn on the radar plot
  for (i in 3:dim(radar_plot_mat)[1]){
    areas<- c(areas,sum(sapply(1:length(radar_plot_mat[i,]),function(x) if(x < length(radar_plot_mat[i,])){radar_plot_mat[i,x] * radar_plot_mat[i,x+1]}else{radar_plot_mat[i,x]* radar_plot_mat[i,1]})))
  areas <- areas /dim(radar_plot_mat)[2] #then we consider the area ratio of this to the total area of the radar plot polygon

  #next, add in the area ratio values to the legend labels
  count <-1
  legend_labels <-c()
  for(k in 1:length(names_sigs) ){
    for(i in 1:length(names_datasets)){
      legend_labels <- c(legend_labels,paste0(names_datasets[i],' ',names_sigs[k],' (',format(areas[count],digits=2),')'))
      count <- count + 1
  # graphics::layout(rbind(1,2), heights=c(7,1))  # put legend on bottom 1/8th of the chart
  #the following draws the radarplot
                   maxmin = T,axistype = 1,
                   cglcol = 'grey',axislabcol = 'black',
                   caxislabels = seq(0,1,length.out = 5),
                   cglty = 1,cglwd = 1,calcex = 0.5,
                   vlabels = c('Relative Med. SD','Skewness',expression(sigma["">="10%"]),expression(sigma["">="25%"]),expression(sigma["">="50%"]),'Coef. of Var.',
                               'Non-NA Prop.','Prop. Expressed',
                               'Intra-sig. Corr.',expression(rho["Mean,Med"]),
                               expression(rho["PCA1,Med"]),expression(rho["Mean,PCA1"]), expression(sigma["PCA1"]),
                   vlcex = 0.6,
                   title='Signature Summary',
                   pty=16, plty=legend_lty,pcol=legend_cols,plwd = 2)
  # fmsb::radarchart(as.data.frame(radar_plot_mat),
  #                  maxmin = T,axistype = 1,
  #                  cglcol = 'grey',axislabcol = 'black',
  #                  caxislabels = seq(0,1,length.out = 5),
  #                  cglty = 1,cglwd = 1,calcex = 0.5,
  #                  vlabels = c('Relative\nMed. SD','Skewness',expression(sigma["">="10%"]),expression(sigma["">="25%"]),expression(sigma["">="50%"]),'Coef. of Var.',
  #                              'Non-NA\nProp.','Prop.\nExpressed',
  #                              'Autocor.',expression(rho["Mean,Med"]),
  #                              expression(rho["PCA1,Med"]),expression(rho["Mean,PCA1"]), expression(sigma["PCA1"]),
  #                              expression(rho["Med,Z-Med"])),
  #                  vlcex = 0.6,
  #                  title='Signature Summary',
  #                  pty=16, plty=legend_lty,pcol=legend_cols,plwd = 2)
  legend_labels <- legend_labels[order(-areas)]
  legend_cols <- legend_cols[order(-areas)]
  legend_lty <- legend_lty[order(-areas)]
  # graphics::par(mar=c(0, 0, 0, 0))

  # graphics::plot.new()
  #then we output the legend

  graphics::legend(x_dist , 1.25, xpd=NA,legend=legend_labels, seg.len=2, title="Datasets",lty=legend_lty,
                   bty="n" ,lwd=1, col=legend_cols,cex=min(0.8,3*10/max_title_length))
  #save the plot
    g <- grDevices::dev.off() # to reset the graphics pars to defaults

  #output the radarchart table to file

  #the following creates the radarplot rownames
  radarplot_rownames <- c()
  for(k in 1:length(names_sigs) ){
    for(i in 1:length(names_datasets)){
      radarplot_rownames <- c(radarplot_rownames,paste0(gsub(' ','.', names_datasets[i]),'_',gsub(' ','.', names_sigs[k])))
  radar_plot_mat <- radar_plot_mat[3:(dim(radar_plot_mat)[1]),]
  radar_plot_mat <- as.matrix(radar_plot_mat)

    new_colnames <- rownames(radar_plot_mat)
    dim(radar_plot_mat) <- c(1,length(radar_plot_mat))
    colnames(radar_plot_mat) <- new_colnames
  row.names(radar_plot_mat) <- radarplot_rownames

  utils::write.table(radar_plot_mat,file=file.path(out_dir,'radarchart_table', paste0('radarchart_table','.txt')),quote=F,sep='\t',row.names=T,col.names=T)

  cat('Radar chart made successfully.\n', file=file) #output to log


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