
Defines functions cvx.lse.reg cvx.lse.reg.default print.cvx.lse.reg plot.cvx.lse.reg predict.cvx.lse.reg

Documented in cvx.lse.reg cvx.lse.reg.default plot.cvx.lse.reg predict.cvx.lse.reg print.cvx.lse.reg

cvx.lse.reg <- function(t, z, w = NULL, ...) UseMethod("cvx.lse.reg")

cvx.lse.reg.default <- function(t, z, w = NULL, ...){
	t <- as.vector(t)
	z <- as.vector(z)
	if (!all(is.finite(c(t, z)))) 
    stop("missing or infinite values in inputs are not allowed")
    if(length(t) != length(z))
      stop("'x' and 'y' must have same length.")
    n = length(t)
    if(n <= 2)
      stop("Number of samples must be greater than 2.")
    w <- if (is.null(w)) 
        rep_len(1, n)
      else {
        if (n != length(w)) 
            stop("lengths of 'x' and 'w' must match")
        if (any(w <= 0)) 
            stop("all weights should be positive")
  A <- cbind(t, z, w)  
	A <- A[order(A[,1]),]
	x <- as.vector(A[,1])
	y <- as.vector(A[,2])
  w <- as.vector(A[,3])
	A <- matrix(0,nrow = n-2,ncol = n)
	for(i in 1:{n-2}){
		A[i,i] <- x[i+2] - x[i+1]
		A[i,i+1] <- x[i] - x[i+2]
		A[i,i+2] <- x[i+1] - x[i]
	G <- t(t(A)/sqrt(w))
	h <- - A%*%y
	E <- rbind(t(G), t(h))
	f <- c(rep(0,n),1)
	tmp <- nnls(E,f)
	u <- tmp$x
	r <- as.vector(E%*%u - f)
	z <- -r[1:n]/r[n+1]
	fit <- y + z/sqrt(w)
	deriv <- diff(fit)/diff(x)
	deriv <- c(deriv, deriv[length(deriv)])
	ret1 <- list(x.values = x, y.values = y, w = w, fit.values = fit, deriv = deriv, iter = 1,
		residuals = y - fit, minvalue = mean({w*{y-fit}^2}), convergence = tmp$mode)
	ret1$call <- match.call()
	class(ret1) <- "cvx.lse.reg" 

print.cvx.lse.reg <- function(x,...){
  cat("Minimum Criterion Value Obtained:\n")
  cat("Number of Iterations:\n")
  cat("Convergence Status:\n")

plot.cvx.lse.reg <- function(x, ...){
  xx <- x$x.values
  yx <- x$y.values
  fitx <- x$fit.values
  resx <- x$residuals
  diagnostics = TRUE
    plot.window(c(0,7), c(0,7))
    par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(1.3,.5,0))
    plot(xx,yx,xlab = 'x',ylab = expression(paste('y and ',hat(y),' values')), 
      type = 'p', pch = "*", cex = 1, main = "Convex Regression using\n Least Squares")
    lines(xx, fitx, lwd = 2,col = "red")
    plot(fitx,resx,xlab = 'Fitted Values',ylab = "Residuals",pch = "*", type = 'p', main = "Fitted vs Residuals")
    abline(h = 0.0, lty = 4,col = "red")
    plot(yx,fitx,xlab = "Actual Values",ylab = "Fitted Values",pch = "*", type = 'p', main = "Actual vs Fitted")
    abline(a = 0, b = 1, lty = 4, col = "red")
  } else{
    plot.window(c(0,7), c(0,7))
    par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(1.3,.5,0))
    plot(xx,yx,xlab = 'x',ylab = expression(paste('y and ',hat(y),' values')), 
      type = 'p', pch = "*", cex = 1, main = "Convex Regression using\n Least Squares")
    lines(xx, fitx, lwd = 2)    
  invisible(list(x = xx, y = yx, fit = fitx))

predict.cvx.lse.reg <- function(object, newdata = NULL, deriv = 0, ...){
  if(deriv == 0 || deriv == 1) f = deriv
  else stop("deriv must either be 0 or 1!")
  t <- unname(object$x.values)
  zhat <- unname(object$fit.values)
  D <- unname(object$deriv)
  n <- length(t)
      warning("No 'newdata' found and so using input 'x' values")
      if(deriv == 0) return(zhat)
      if(deriv == 1) return(D)  
    } else{
      newdata <- as.vector(newdata)
      r <- length(newdata)
      dim <- c(n,r,f)
      out <- .C(derivcvxpec, as.integer(dim), as.double(t), as.double(zhat), as.double(D), as.double(newdata))

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