
## Copyright Marius Hofert

### Goal: Simulation study for determining superadditivity of VaR
### Submit via (for example):
### bsub -N -W 01:00 -n 48 -R "select[model==Opteron8380]" -R "span[ptile=16]" \
### mpirun -n 1 R CMD BATCH Brutus_demo.R

### 0) Setup ###################################################################

usr <-[["user"]] # better portability than  Sys.getenv("USER")
if(exists("n.obs")   && is.numeric(n.obs) &&
   exists("n.alpha") && is.numeric(n.alpha)) {
    cat(">>> Using n.obs=", n.obs, ", n.alpha=", n.alpha, " <<<\n", sep="")
} else {
    ## user specific settings
    n.obs <- 100                        # default
    n.alpha <- 32
	   "hofertj" =  {               # ETH Brutus
	       n.obs <- 1e4
	       n.alpha <- 128
	   "mhofert" = {
	       n.obs <- 1e4             # n=1e4 ~ 4min (standard notebook)
	       n.alpha <- 128
	   "maechler" = {}
if(n.alpha > n.obs)
    stop("number of quantiles, n.alpha, must be smaller than the sample size, n.obs")

if(!exists("doExtras")) doExtras <- simsalapar:::doExtras()

## load packages

## list of variables
varList <-
        ## sample size
        n = list(value = n.obs),
        ## dimensions, and weights (vector) for each d
        d = list(type="grid", value = c(4, 20, 100)),
        ## copula family names
        family = list(type="grid", expr = quote(C),
                      value = c("normal", "t", "Clayton", "Gumbel")), # t = t_4
        ## dependencies by Kendall's tau
        tau = list(type="grid", value = c(0.2, 0.5, 0.8)),
        ## margins
        qmargin = list(type="inner", expr = quote(F[j]),
                       value = c(norm = qnorm,
                       t4   = function(p) qt(p, df=4),
                       Par2 = function(p) (1-p)^(-1/2))), # Pareto(2)
        ## VaR confidence levels
        alpha = list(type="inner", value = 0:n.alpha/n.alpha))

### 1) Functions ###############################################################

##' @title Function to Compute F_{X_1+..+X_d}(d*F_1^-(\alpha))
##' @author Marius Hofert
doOne <- function(n, d, family, tau, qmargin, alpha)
    ## checks (and load required packages here for parallel computing later on)
    ## stopifnot(require(copula))
    ## Note: This require() affects run time due to loading copula once on each
    ##       node, but this can easily be identified by *robust* analysis of all
    ##       run times (or is negligible due to much larger run times of the jobs)
    ##       or, as another alternative, can be avoided by using initExpr (see below)

    cop <- switch(family,
                "normal" =
                  ellipCopula("normal", param=iTau(ellipCopula("normal"), tau=tau),
                "t" =
                  ellipCopula("t", param=iTau(ellipCopula("t"), tau=tau), dim=d),
                "Clayton" =
                  onacopulaL("Clayton", list(th=iTau(archmCopula("clayton"), tau),
                "Gumbel" =
                  onacopulaL("Gumbel", list(th=iTau(archmCopula("gumbel"), tau),
                stop("unsupported 'family'"))
    U <- rCopula(n, copula=cop)

    ## compute F_{X_1+..+X_d}(d*F_1^-(\alpha)) for all confidence levels alpha
    ## => VaR_alpha superadditive <=> F_{X_1+..+X_d}(d*F_1^-(\alpha)) - alpha < 0
    t(sapply(qmargin, function(FUN) ecdf(rowSums(FUN(U)))(d*FUN(alpha)) - alpha))
    ## note: t() is important here, since, otherwise, the order of the variables
    ## ----  would not be correct (=> check should reveal this)

### 2) Main ####################################################################

## check doOne

## manually
require(copula) # for the following call of doOne()
nonGr <- get.nonGrids(varList)$nonGrids
dd <- doOne(n= min(nonGr$n, 100), d=4, family="Clayton", tau=0.5,
            qmargin=nonGr$qmargin, alpha=nonGr$alpha)
stopifnot(dim(dd) == with(nonGr, c(length(qmargin), length(alpha))))

## with doCheck
doCheck(doOne, varList)

## if simsalapar no longer *depends* on parallel:
makeCluster <- parallel::makeCluster
## to be CRAN check compatible and as called from tests with explicit doExtras <- FALSE:
nc <- simsalapar:::nCores4test(); nc <- if(doExtras) nc else min(nc, 2)
nc <- if(.Platform$OS.type=="windows") 1 else nc # otherwise win-builder fails

## computation
system.time(res <-
            doClusterApply(varList, cluster=makeCluster(nc, type="PSOCK"),
                           sfile = if(n.obs > 1000) "VaR_superadd.rds" else NULL,
                           doOne=doOne, monitor = printInfo[["gfile"]],
                           ## load copula once on each worker, to not affect run time
                           initExpr = require("copula"),
                           timer=mkTimer(gcFirst=TRUE) ))

if(doExtras) {
    ## doMclapply() ------------------------------------------------------------
    ## "init expression" for mclapply can happen here locally (see above)
    print(system.time(res2 <- doMclapply(varList,, doOne=doOne)))
    stopifnot( doRes.equal(res, res2) )

    ## doRmpi() ----------------------------------------------------------------
    ## => passing an init expression does not (easily) work

    ## doForeach() -------------------------------------------------------------
    print(system.time(res3 <- {
        doForeach(varList, cluster=makeCluster(nc, type="PSOCK"),
                  doOne=doOne, extraPkgs = "copula",
                  timer=mkTimer(gcFirst=TRUE) )
    stopifnot( doRes.equal(res, res3) )

### 3) Analysis ################################################################

## extract results
val  <- getArray(res) # array of values
err  <- getArray(res, "error") # array of error indicators
warn <- getArray(res, "warning") # array of warning indicators
time <- getArray(res, "time") # array of user times in ms

## warnings, errors
if(any(err > 0))
ftable(100* err, col.vars="tau") # percentage of errors
if(any(warn > 0))
ftable(100*warn, col.vars="tau") # percentage of warnings

## run time
ftable(time, row.vars=c("family", "d"), col.vars="tau")

## add 'tau==' (just nicer)
dimnames(val)[["tau"]] <- paste0("tau==", dimnames(val)[["tau"]])

## plot of VaR estimates
## plotting to pdf if not interactive graphics (=> R CMD BATCH VaRsuperadd.R)
doPDF <- if(usr=="mhofert") TRUE else !dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)
if(!doPDF) par(ask=TRUE)

names(varList[["qmargin"]][["value"]]) # "norm" , "t4", "Par2"
for(m in names(varList[["qmargin"]][["value"]])) {
    if(doPDF) pdf(paste0("VaR_superadd_", m, ".pdf"), width=6, height=6)
    mayplot(val[qmargin=m,,,,], varList, row.vars="family", col.vars="tau",
            xvar="alpha", ylim=if(n.obs > 1000) "local" else "global",
            panel.first = function(...) abline(h=0, col="gray40"), # gray line
            panel.last = function(x,y, col, ...) {
                ## For demo: write the 'panel.last' string, dependent on (x,y)
                rx <- range(x); dx <- diff(rx)
                ry <- range(y); dy <- diff(ry)
                text(rx[1]+.7*dx, ry[1]+.2*dy, "< 0: superadd.", col=col)

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simsalapar documentation built on April 27, 2023, 9:05 a.m.