
Defines functions `%||%` zeroPadInts .log2Prob .hasValue .isError .genQuantU .genPosSkew .findPoisVar .buildCorMat .isValidVarName .isFormulaScalar .getDists .adjustProbs .evalWith .parseDotVars

#' Parse value of external variables
#' @description This function fetches the value of variables that lie
#'  outside the scope of the definition table so that they can be used in data
#'  generation.
#' @param formula Some object or literal containing data definition formula(s).
#' @return A named list with the value of the external variables.
#' @examples
#' extVar1 <- 23
#' extVar2 <- 42
#' .parseDotVars("a + ..extVar1 | b + ..extVar2")
#' .parseDotVars(c("a + ..extVar1", "b + ..extVar2"))
#' .parseDotVars(data.frame("a + ..extVar1", "b + ..extVar2"))
#' @noRd
.parseDotVars <- function(formula, envir = parent.frame()) {
  vars <- all.vars(parse(text = formula))
  dotVars <- startsWith(vars, "..")
  # TODO clarify inheritance in case of non globalEnvs in documentation
  varValues <- mget(
    sub("..", "", vars[dotVars]),
    envir = envir,
    inherits = TRUE,
    ifnotfound = NA
  names(varValues) <- vars[dotVars]
  notFound <- is.na(varValues)

  if (any(notFound)) {
    noValueError(sub("..", "", names(varValues)[notFound]),
      call = NULL,
      msg = list(
        "External variable(s) not defined",
        " or NA: {names*}"


#' Evaluate data frame with external variables
#' @param formula A data definition formula.
#' @param extVars Named list with values of ..vars in `formula`
#' @param dtSim data.table with previously generated data.
#' @param n Number of observations to be generated
#' @return A matrix of the generated Data.
#' @noRd
.evalWith <- function(formula,
                      dtSim = data.table(),
                      n = nrow(dtSim)) {
  if (missing(dtSim) && missing(n)) {
    n <- 1

  if (!missing(dtSim) && !is.null(dtSim) && n != nrow(dtSim)) {
      "Both 'dtSim' and 'n' are set but are of different length: ",
      "{nrow(dtSim)} != {n}"

  e <- list2env(extVars)

  if (!missing(dtSim) && !is.null(dtSim)) {
    e$dtSim <- as.data.table(dtSim)
    # e$def_id <- names(dtSim)[[1]] # original, but incorrect
    e$def_id <- key(dtSim)

  if (missing(dtSim) || is.null(dtSim)) {
    e$dtSim <- genData(n)
    e$def_id <- "id"
  if (!is.null(e$formula2parse)) {
    stop("'formula2parse' is a reserved variable name!")

  evalFormula <- function(formula) {
    e$formula2parse <- formula
    if ( grepl("%.*%|\\[.*,.*\\]", formula) )  {
      res <- with(e, {
        expr <- parse(text = as.character(formula2parse))
          expr = dtSim[, newVar := eval(expr), keyby = def_id],
          error = function(err) stop(gettext(err))
    } else {
      res <- with(e, {
        expr <- parse(text = as.character(formula2parse))
          expr = dtSim[, newVar := eval(expr)],
          error = function(err) stop(gettext(err))
    if (length(res) == 1) {
      rep(res, n)
    } else {

  parsedValues <- sapply(formula, evalFormula)

  # If only a single formula with 1 rep is eval'ed output would be not be
  # matrix, so transpose for uniform output.
  if (!is.matrix(parsedValues)) {
  } else {

#' Adjust probabilities so they sum to 1
#' @description The probabilities will be normalized for sum(probs) > 1 or an
#' additional probability will be added if sum(probs) < 1. For matrices the
#' probabilities will be assumed to be row wise!
#' @param probs numeric vector or matrix of probabilities
#' @return  The adjusted probabilities.
#' @noRd
.adjustProbs <- function(probs) {
  assertNotMissing(probs = missing(probs))

  if (is.matrix(probs)) {
    sumProbs <- rowSums(probs)
  } else {
    sumProbs <- sum(probs)

  if (any(probs < 0)) {
    valueError("", "Probabilities can not be negative!", call = NULL)

  if (isTRUE(all.equal(mean(sumProbs), 1))) {
  } else if (any(sumProbs < 1)) {
    remainder <- 1 - sumProbs

    if (is.matrix(probs)) {
          "Probabilities do not sum to 1. ",
          "Adding category to all rows!"
        call = NULL

      return(cbind(probs, remainder))
    } else {
          "Probabilities do not sum to 1. ",
          "Adding category with p = { var }"
        ), remainder,
        call = NULL
      return(c(probs, remainder))
  } else if (any(sumProbs > 1)) {
      "Sum of probabilities > 1. Probabilities will be normalized.",
      call = NULL
    return(probs / sumProbs)

#' Get Distributions
#' @return A character vector containing the names of all valid distributions.
#' @noRd
.getDists <-
  function() {

#' Is Formula Scalar?
#' @param formula String or Number
#' @return Boolean
#' @details currently not in use
#' @noRd
.isFormulaScalar <- function(formula) {
  if (is.character(formula)) {
    if (";" %in% strsplit(formula, "")[[1]]) {
    } else {
        try(is.numeric(eval(parse(text = formula),
          envir = NULL, enclos = NULL
        )), silent = TRUE)
  } else if (is.numeric(formula)) {
  } else {

#' Check if variable name is valid.
#' @param x Name(s) to check for validity.
#' @param allowReserved Should reserved names be allowed (..., ..1 etc.)
#' @param unique Should the names be unique?
#' @return A boolean value for each checked name.
#' @details Adapted from:
#' \url{https://4dpiecharts.com/2011/07/04/testing-for-valid-variable-names/}
#' @noRd
.isValidVarName <- function(x, allowReserved = FALSE, unique = FALSE) {
  ok <- rep.int(TRUE, length(x))

  # is name too long?
  maxLength <- if (getRversion() < "2.13.0") 256L else 10000L
  ok[nchar(x) > maxLength] <- FALSE

  # is it a reserved variable, i.e.
  # an ellipsis or two dots then a number?
  if (!allowReserved) {
    ok[x == "..."] <- FALSE
    ok[grepl("^\\.{2}[[:digit:]]+$", x)] <- FALSE

  # are names valid (and maybe unique)
  ok[x != make.names(x, unique = unique)] <- FALSE


#' Check or create correlation matrix
#' @param nvars Number of new variables to generate
#' @param corMatrix Correlation matrix
#' @param rho Correlation coefficient
#' @param corstr Correlation structure
#' @return A correlation matrix
#' @details  Internal function called by genCorData and addCorGen
#' @noRd
.buildCorMat <- function(nvars, corMatrix, corstr, rho) {
  if (is.null(corMatrix)) {
    corMatrix <- diag(nvars) # do not modify if indepdendent

    if (corstr == "cs") {
      corMatrix <- rho^(row(corMatrix) != col(corMatrix))
    } else if (corstr == "ar1") {
      corMatrix <- rho^abs(row(corMatrix) - col(corMatrix))
  } else if (!is.null(corMatrix)) { # check if positive definite/symmetric

    if (nvars != length(diag(corMatrix))) {
      stop("Length of mean vector mismatched with correlation matrix")

    if (!isSymmetric(corMatrix)) {
      stop("Correlation matrix not symmetric")

    if (!all(eigen(corMatrix)$values > 0)) {
      stop("Correlation matrix not positive definite")

  assertPositiveSemiDefinite(corMatrix = corMatrix, call = sys.call(-2))

#' Find variance associated with ICC
#' @param j Value of function
#' @return inverse of Poisson ICC function
#' @noRd
.findPoisVar <- function(icc, lambda) {

  l <- log( ( 1 / lambda ) + 1 )
  return(icc/(1-icc) * l)


#' Gamma distribution - variation to generate positive skew
#' @param n The number of observations required in the data set
#' @param mean The mean
#' @param variance The variance
#' @return A data.frame column with the updated simulated data
#' @details Internal function called by .generate - returns gamma data
#' @noRd
.genPosSkew <- function(n, mean, dispersion = 0) {
  if (dispersion == 0) {
    new <- rep(mean, n)
  } else {
    variance <- mean^2 * dispersion

    shape <- (mean^2) / variance
    rate <- mean / variance

    new <- stats::rgamma(n, shape = shape, rate = rate)


#' Quantile for copula data generation
#' @param nvars Number of new variables to generate
#' @param n Number records to generate
#' @param rho Correlation coefficient
#' @param corstr Correlation structure
#' @param corMatrix Correlation matrix
#' @param idname Name of id variable
#' @return A data.frame column with correlated uniforms
#' @details Internal function called by genCorGen and addCorGen
#' @noRd
.genQuantU <- function(nvars, n, rho, corstr, corMatrix, idname = "id") {

  # "Declare" vars to avoid R CMD warning
  seqid <- NULL
  period <- NULL
  Unew <- NULL
  Y <- NULL

  mu <- rep(0, nvars)
  if (is.null(corMatrix)) {
    dt <- genCorData(n, mu, sigma = 1, rho = rho, corstr = corstr, idname = idname)
  } else {
    dt <- genCorData(n, mu, sigma = 1, corMatrix = corMatrix, idname = idname)

  dtM <- melt(dt, id.vars = idname, variable.factor = TRUE, value.name = "Y", variable.name = "seq")

  dtM[, period := as.integer(seq) - 1]
  setkeyv(dtM, idname)
  dtM[, seqid := .I]
  dtM[, Unew := stats::pnorm(Y)]

  return(dtM[, -"Y"])

#' Check if error
#' @param tryObject the result of a try() call.
#' @return TRUE or FALSE
#' @noRd
.isError <- function(tryObject) {
  methods::is(tryObject, "try-error")

#' Check for value
#' @param x object to test
#' @return Boolean
#' @noRd
.hasValue <- function(x) {
  !missing(x) && !is.null(x)

#' Convert log odds to probability
#' @param logodds Log odds
#' @return Probability
#' @noRd
.log2Prob <- function(logOdds) {
  exp(logOdds) / (1 + exp(logOdds))

#' Zero Padding Integers
#' @description description
#' @param ints Integers to padd.
#' @param width Up to which width to padd (inlcuding the integer digits).
#' @return The padded integers as glue character vector.
#' @noRd
zeroPadInts <- function(ints, width = max(nchar(ints))) {
  stopifnot(width <= max(nchar(ints)))
  glueFormat <- glue("[i:0{s}d]", s = width)
  glueFmt(glueFormat, i = ints, .open = "[", .close = "]")

#' if x is.null y "%||%"
#' @return x unless thats NULL then y
#' @noRd
`%||%` <- function(x, y) {
  if (is.null(x)) {
  } else {

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