Man pages for singleCellHaystack
A Universal Differential Expression Prediction Tool for Single-Cell and Spatial Genomics Data

dat.expressionSingle cell RNA-seq dataset.
dat.tsneSingle cell tSNE coordingates.
default_bandwidth.nrdDefault function given by function bandwidth.nrd in MASS. No...
extract_row_dgRMatrixReturns a row of a sparse matrix of class dgRMatrix. Function...
extract_row_lgRMatrixReturns a row of a sparse matrix of class lgRMatrix. Function...
get_densityFunction to get the density of points with value TRUE in the...
get_dist_two_setsCalculate the pairwise Euclidean distances between the rows...
get_D_KLCalculates the Kullback-Leibler divergence between...
get_D_KL_continuous_highDCalculates the Kullback-Leibler divergence between...
get_D_KL_highDCalculates the Kullback-Leibler divergence between...
get_euclidean_distanceCalculate the Euclidean distance between x and y.
get_grid_pointsA function to decide grid points in a higher-dimensional...
get_log_p_D_KLEstimates the significance of the observed Kullback-Leibler...
get_log_p_D_KL_continuousEstimates the significance of the observed Kullback-Leibler...
get_parameters_haystackFunction that decides most of the parameters that will be...
get_referenceGet reference distribution
haystackThe main Haystack function
haystack_2DThe main Haystack function, for 2-dimensional spaces.
haystack_continuous_highDThe main Haystack function, for higher-dimensional spaces and...
haystack_highDThe main Haystack function, for higher-dimensional spaces.
hclust_haystackFunction for hierarchical clustering of genes according to...
hclust_haystack_highDFunction for hierarchical clustering of genes according to...
hclust_haystack_rawFunction for hierarchical clustering of genes according to...
kde2d_fasterBased on the MASS kde2d() function, but heavily simplified;...
kmeans_haystackFunction for k-means clustering of genes according to their...
kmeans_haystack_highDFunction for k-means clustering of genes according to their...
kmeans_haystack_rawFunction for k-means clustering of genes according to their...
plot_gene_haystackVisualizing the detection/expression of a gene in a 2D plot
plot_gene_haystack_rawVisualizing the detection/expression of a gene in a 2D plot
plot_gene_set_haystackVisualizing the detection/expression of a set of genes in a...
plot_gene_set_haystack_rawVisualizing the detection/expression of a set of genes in a...
read_haystackFunction to read haystack results from file.
singleCellHaystack-packagesingleCellHaystack: A Universal Differential Expression...
write_haystackFunction to write haystack result data to file.
singleCellHaystack documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:57 a.m.