
Defines functions class.accuracy.rasch

Documented in class.accuracy.rasch

## File Name: class.accuracy.rasch.R
## File Version: 0.17

#*** classification accuracy in the Rasch model
class.accuracy.rasch <- function( cutscores, b, meantheta, sdtheta, theta.l,
    dat0 <- matrix( 1, ncol=length(b), nrow=length(theta.l))
    cat("Cut Scores \n")
    print( cutscores, digits=3 )

    CC <- length(cutscores)+1 # number of classes
    L <- length(theta.l)    # number of theta points
    cutscores.long <- c(-Inf, cutscores, Inf )
    # MLE standard error
    semle <- rasch.info.mle(dat=dat0, theta=theta.l, b=b )
    wgttheta <- sirt_dnorm_discrete( theta.l, mean=meantheta, sd=sdtheta )
    # distribution of estimated theta values
    m1 <- matrix( NA, nrow=L, ncol=L )
    for (tt in 1:L ){
        w.tt <- sirt_dnorm_discrete( theta.l, mean=theta.l[tt], sd=semle[tt] )
        m1[tt,] <- w.tt
    # calculate probability classification
    m2 <- matrix( NA, CC, CC )
    classes <- paste("Class", 1:CC, sep="")
    rownames(m2) <- paste("True", classes,sep="_" )
    colnames(m2) <- paste("Est", classes,sep="_")
    m0 <- matrix( wgttheta, L, L, byrow=FALSE  )
    for (cc in 1:CC){
        for (ee in 1:CC){
            ind.cc <- which( ( theta.l >=cutscores.long[cc] ) & ( theta.l < cutscores.long[cc+1] ) )
            ind.ee <- which( ( theta.l >=cutscores.long[ee] ) & ( theta.l < cutscores.long[ee+1] ) )
            m2[cc,ee] <- sum( m0[ind.cc, ind.ee ] * m1[ ind.cc, ind.ee ] )
    stats <- data.frame( "agree0"=sum( diag(m2)) )
    stats$agree1 <- sum( m2 * ( abs( outer( 1:CC, 1:CC, "-" ) ) <=1 ) )

    # calculate kappa calculation
    chance.prob <- rep(NA, CC)
    for (cc in 1:CC){
        ind.cc <- which( ( theta.l >=cutscores.long[cc] ) & ( theta.l < cutscores.long[cc+1] ) )
        chance.prob[cc] <- sum( m0[ ind.cc, 1 ] )
    phi.c <- sum( chance.prob^2 )
    stats$kappa <- ( stats$agree0 - phi.c ) / ( 1 - phi.c )
    rownames(stats) <- "analytical"

    #*** accuracy by simulation
    if ( n.sims > 0 ){
        theta0 <- stats::rnorm(n.sims, mean=meantheta, sd=sdtheta )
        theta.sim <- data.frame( "theta.true"=theta0 )
        theta.sim$true.class <- as.numeric( paste( cut( theta0, breaks=cutscores.long, labels=1:CC) ))
        theta.sim$random.class <- sample( theta.sim$true.class )
        dat.sim <- sim.raschtype( theta=theta0, b=b )
        dat.sim2 <- sim.raschtype( theta=theta0, b=b )
        wle1 <- wle.rasch( dat.sim, b=b )
        theta.sim$WLE <- wle1$theta
        theta.sim$WLE.class <- as.numeric( paste( cut( theta.sim$WLE, breaks=cutscores.long, labels=1:CC )) )
        wle2 <- wle.rasch( dat.sim2, b=b )
        theta.sim$WLE2 <- wle2$theta
        theta.sim$WLE2.class <- as.numeric( paste( cut( theta.sim$WLE2, breaks=cutscores.long, labels=1:CC )) )
        # calculate WLE reliability
        v2 <- mean( ( theta.sim$WLE - theta0)^2 )
        wle.rel <- stats::var( theta0) / ( var( theta0) + v2 )
        stats2 <- stats
        rownames(stats2) <- "simulated"
        stats2$agree0 <- mean( theta.sim$true.class==theta.sim$WLE.class )
        stats2$agree1 <- mean( abs( theta.sim$true.class - theta.sim$WLE.class ) <=1 )
        phi.c <- mean( theta.sim$true.class==theta.sim$random.class )
        stats2$kappa <- ( stats$agree0 - phi.c ) / ( 1 - phi.c )
        stats <- round( rbind( stats, stats2 ), 3 )
        cat("\nWLE reliability (by simulation)=", round( wle.rel, 3), "\n" )
        stats[2,"consistency"] <- mean( theta.sim$WLE2.class==theta.sim$WLE.class )
        cat("WLE consistency (correlation between two parallel forms)=" )
        cat( round( stats::cor( theta.sim$WLE, theta.sim$WLE2 ), 3 ), "\n")
    cat("\nClassification accuracy and consistency\n")
    print( stats, digits=3 )
    cat("\nProbability classification table \n")
    print( round(m2,3), digits=3 )
    res <- list( "class.stats"=stats, "class.prob"=m2)

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