
Defines functions fit.logistic

## File Name: fit.logistic.R
## File Version: 2.15

#-- fit logistic model
fit.logistic <- function( freq.correct, wgt, scores, item.p,
    conv=.0001, maxit=100, progress=TRUE )
    sc.adj <- min( diff(scores) ) / 3
    scores1 <- scores
    freq.correct <- as.matrix(freq.correct)
    RR <- nrow(freq.correct)
    CC <- ncol(freq.correct)
    scores1[ scores==0 ] <- sc.adj
    scores1[ scores==1 ] <- 1 - sc.adj
    dfr0 <- data.frame( stud.index=rep(1:RR, CC),
                stud.p=rep( scores1,CC),
                item.p=rep( item.p, each=RR ),
                wgt=matrix( as.matrix( wgt ), RR*CC, 1 ),
                p0=matrix( as.matrix(freq.correct ), RR*CC, 1 ) )
    if (progress){
        cat("\n*******Logistic Model***********\n")
    theta <- stats::qlogis( scores1 )
    b <- stats::qlogis( item.p )

    #*** begin algorithm
    numdiff.parm <- .001
    max.increment <- 1
    deviation <- 1000
    iter <- 0
    # adjust freq.correct if necessary
    adj <- min( c( min( freq.correct[ freq.correct > 0 ] ),
            1-max( freq.correct[ freq.correct < 1 ] ) ) ) / 3
    freq.correct1 <- freq.correct
    freq.correct1[ freq.correct==0 ] <- adj
    freq.correct1[ freq.correct==1 ] <- 1-adj
    while( ( iter < maxit) & ( deviation > conv ) ){
        b0 <- b
        theta0 <- theta
        # update theta
        res <- .update.theta.logistic( theta, b, freq.correct=freq.correct1, wgt,
                    numdiff.parm, max.increment=max.increment)
        theta <- res$theta
        ll <- res$ll
        # update b
        res <- .update.b.logistic( theta, b, freq.correct=freq.correct1, wgt,
                    numdiff.parm, max.increment=max.increment)
        b <- res$b
        b <- b - mean(b)
        deviation <- max( abs( c( theta-theta0, b - b0 )) )
        if (progress){
            cat( "Iteration", iter, "- Deviation=",  round( deviation, 6 ), "\n")
        iter <- iter + 1
    }  # end algorithm
    dfr0$irtfitted <- matrix( plogis( outer(theta, b, "+") ), RR*CC, 1 )[,1]
    Y <- 0*freq.correct
    Y <- as.matrix(Y)
    Y[ as.matrix(dfr0[, c("stud.index", "item.index" ) ] ) ] <- dfr0$irtfitted
    G <- Y
    # fitted frequency table
    dfr0$stud.p <- rep( theta,CC)
    dfr0$item.p <- rep( b, each=RR )
    colnames(dfr0)[ colnames(dfr0)=="stud.p" ] <- "person.sc"
    colnames(dfr0)[ colnames(dfr0)=="item.p" ] <- "item.sc"
    colnames(dfr0)[ colnames(dfr0)=="p0" ] <- "freq"
    colnames(dfr0)[ colnames(dfr0)=="irtfitted" ] <- "freq.fitted"
    dfr0 <- dfr0[ order( dfr0$stud.index * 1000 + dfr0$item.index ), ]
    # deviation criterion
    wgt1 <- ( wgt / colSums( wgt ) ) / ncol(wgt)
    fit <- sqrt( sum( ( freq.correct - G  )^2 * wgt1  ) )
    # calculate likelihood
    ll <- list( ll.ind=.calc.ll.isop( freq.correct, wgt, irtfitted=freq.correct ) )
    ll$ll.logistic <- .calc.ll.isop( freq.correct, wgt, irtfitted=G )
    NW <- mean( colSums(wgt) )
    ll$llcase.ind <- ll$ll.ind/NW
    ll$llcase.logistic <- ll$ll.logistic/NW

    # output
    res <- list( "fX"=G, "ResX"=freq.correct - G,
                "fit"=fit, "item.sc"=b,
                "person.sc"=theta, "ll"=ll, "freq.fitted"=dfr0)

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