
Defines functions ellipse.origo ellipse.coord ellipse.axis map.ellipse

Documented in map.ellipse

######################### ELLIPSES
#' Concentration ellipses
#' Add ellipses for each level in a factor to a plot made from a \link{soc.ca} 
#' object.
#' @param object is a \link{soc.ca} class object.
#' @param ca.plot is a plot made from a \link{soc.ca} object.
#' @param variable is a factor of the same length and in the same order as the 
#'   active varibles used for the \link{soc.ca} object.
#' @param ellipse.label if TRUE the labels are included in the map.
#' @param ellipse.color defines the color of the ellipses. If "default" the globally defined default colors are used. Ellipse.color can be either length of 1 or equal to the number of drawn levels.
#' @param label.size defines the size of the labels.
#' @param draw.levels indicates the levels in the variable for which a ellipse is drawn.
#' @param ellipse.line defines the type of line used for the ellipses.
#' @return a plot with a concentration ellipse containing 80\% of the 
#'   individuals for each modality.
#' @seealso \link{map.ind}, \link{map.ctr}
#' @examples
#' example(soc.ca)
#' map <- map.ind(result)
#' map.ellipse(result, map, active[,2])
#' @export

map.ellipse <- function(object, ca.plot = map.ind(object), variable, ellipse.label = TRUE,
                        ellipse.color = "default", label.size = 4, draw.levels = 1:nlevels(variable), ellipse.line = "solid"
  dim         <- ca.plot$dimensions 
  id.coord    <- as.data.frame(object$coord.ind[, dim])
  lev.var     <- levels(variable)[draw.levels]
  levels(variable)[-which(levels(variable) %in% lev.var)] <- NA
  id          <- object$names.ind
  if(identical(ellipse.color, "default")){
    ellipse.color        <- getOption(x = "soc.ca.colors")
    ellipse.color        <- ellipse.color[1:length(draw.levels)]
  ellipse.colors   <- vector(length=length(draw.levels))
  ellipse.colors[] <- ellipse.color
  coord.list       <- split(id.coord, variable)
  ellipse.data              <- function(coord, id){
    out.list                <- list()
    out.list$ellipse.coord  <- ellipse.coord(id, coord)
    out.list$ellipse.axis   <- ellipse.axis(out.list$ellipse.coord)
    out.list$ellipse.origo  <- ellipse.origo(out.list$ellipse.axis)
  ellipse.list              <- lapply(coord.list, ellipse.data, id = id)
  for ( i in 1:length(ellipse.list)){
    ellipse.list[[i]]$color <- ellipse.colors[i] 
    ellipse.list[[i]]$label <- lev.var[i]
  ellipse.annotate          <- function(ellipse.data, ca.plot, ellipse.label = TRUE, label.size = 4, ellipse.line = "solid"){
    e.plot     <- ca.plot + annotate(geom = "path", x = ellipse.data$ellipse.coord[,1], y = ellipse.data$ellipse.coord[,2],
                                     color = ellipse.data$color, linetype = ellipse.line)
    e.plot     <- e.plot + annotate(geom = "line", x = ellipse.data$ellipse.axis[[1]]$x, y = ellipse.data$ellipse.axis[[1]]$y,
                                    color = ellipse.data$color, , linetype = ellipse.line)
    e.plot     <- e.plot + annotate(geom = "line", x = ellipse.data$ellipse.axis[[2]]$x, y = ellipse.data$ellipse.axis[[2]]$y,
                                    color = ellipse.data$color, linetype = ellipse.line)
    e.plot     <- e.plot + annotate(geom = "point", x = ellipse.data$ellipse.origo[[1]], y = ellipse.data$ellipse.origo[[2]],
                                    color = ellipse.data$color)
    if(identical(ellipse.label, TRUE)){
      e.plot     <- e.plot + annotate(geom = "text", x = ellipse.data$ellipse.origo[[1]], y = ellipse.data$ellipse.origo[[2]],
                                      label = ellipse.data$label, hjust = -0.15, fontface = "italic", size = label.size)
  for (i in 1:length(ellipse.list)) ca.plot <- ellipse.annotate(ellipse.list[[i]], ca.plot,
                                                                ellipse.label = ellipse.label, label.size = label.size,
                                                                ellipse.line = ellipse.line)

################### Ellipse akser funktionen
ellipse.axis <- function(el.dat){
n            <- length(na.omit(el.dat[, 1]))
p.pairs      <- el.dat[1, ]
  for (i in 1:(n/2)){
p.pairs[i, ] <- c(i, i + (n / 2))
p.pairs      <- cbind(p.pairs, rep(0, n / 2))
colnames(p.pairs) <- c("x", "y", "distance")

for (i in 1:(n / 2)){
a             <- el.dat[i, ]
b             <- el.dat[i + (n / 2), ]
p.pairs[i, 3] <- ((b$x - a$x)^2 + (b$y - a$y)^2)^0.5
p.min         <- which.min(p.pairs[, 3])
p.max         <- which.max(p.pairs[, 3])

mintemp       <- p.pairs[p.min, 1:2]
minpath       <- as.data.frame(el.dat[c(mintemp$x, mintemp$y), ], row.names = c("1","2"))

maxtemp       <- p.pairs[p.max, 1:2]
maxpath       <- as.data.frame(el.dat[c(maxtemp$x, maxtemp$y), ], row.names = c("1","2"))

ellipse.axis.points <- list(maxpath, minpath)

############## Ellipse.coord
ellipse.coord <- function(id, id.coord.var){
id.var        <- as.data.frame(id.coord.var)
colnames(id.var) <- c("x", "y")

xdata         <- with(as.data.frame(id.var), xyTable(x, y))
xframe        <- cbind.data.frame(x = xdata$x, y = xdata$y, n = xdata$number)
data.ell      <- as.data.frame(with(id.var, ellipse(cor(x, y), 
                                    scale = c(sd(x), sd(y)), 
                                    centre = c(mean(x), mean(y)), npoints = 1000)))

#############################3#### Ellipse origo
ellipse.origo <- function(el.axis){
 temp         <- el.axis[[1]][c(1, 2), ]
 x1           <- temp[1, 1]
 x2           <- temp[2, 1]
 y1           <- temp[1, 2]
 y2           <- temp[2, 2]
el.origo      <- c((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2)

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soc.ca documentation built on Sept. 5, 2021, 5:21 p.m.