findFn <- function(string,
maxPages = 100,
sortby = NULL,
verbose = 1, ...) {
## 1. Define internal function
parseLinks <- function(links) {
lnk <- paste0("",sub(".*url=\\\"(.*)\\\" .*$",
"\\1", links, useBytes = TRUE))
desc <- sub(".*title=\\\"(.*)\\\".*$",
"\\1", links, useBytes = TRUE)
nl <- length(lnk)
nd <- length(desc)
if((nd>0) && (nl != nd)){
msg <- paste0('ERROR: length(desc) = ', nd,
' != length(lnk) = ', nl, '\n')
print(list(lnk, desc))
nld <- min(nl, nd)
ild <- seq(1, length=nld)
list(link = lnk[ild], description = desc[ild])
parseHTML <- function(href) {
link <- try(url(href))
if (inherits(link, "try-error")) {
warning("An error occurred opening ", href,
"\nfindFn needs Internet access; is it available?")
ch0 <- character(0)
ans <- data.frame(Package = ch0,
Function = ch0,
Date = ch0,
Score = numeric(0),
Description = ch0,
Link = ch0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
attr(ans, "matches") <- 0
html <- try(readLines(link))
if (inherits(html, "try-error")) {
warning("An error occurred in readLine(link), link = ", link,
"\nfindFn needs Internet access; is it available?")
ch0 <- character(0)
ans <- data.frame(Package = ch0,
Function = ch0,
Date = ch0,
Score = numeric(0),
Description = ch0,
Link = ch0, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
attr(ans, "matches") <- 0
# Find the hit count
hitRows <- html[grep("^<results .* Matches=", html, useBytes = TRUE)]
Hits <- as.numeric(sub("^<results .*Matches=\\\"(.*)\\\" .*$", "\\1", hitRows, useBytes = TRUE))
# Find dates
dateRows <- grep("^<hit .* modtime=", html, useBytes = TRUE)
linkRows <- grep(".*url=", html, useBytes = TRUE)
# Assume linkRows == (dateRows+1)
# Look for links without Dates
linkWdate <- (linkRows %in% (dateRows+1))
nlWOd <- sum(!linkWdate)
cat('Note: found ', nlWOd, ' link(s) without dates:\n')
for(lWOd in linkRows[!linkWdate]){
cat(html[lWOd], '\n')
dateWlink <- (dateRows %in% (linkRows-1))
ndWOl <- sum(!dateWlink)
cat("Note: found ', ndWOl, ' date(s) without links:\n")
for(dWOl in dateRows[!dateWlink]){
cat(html[dWOl], '\n')
DateRows <- html[dateRows[dateWlink]]
Date <- as.numeric(sub("^<hit .*modtime=\\\"(.*)\\\".*$", "\\1", DateRows, useBytes = TRUE))
linksRows <- html[linkRows[linkWdate]]
pattern <-
pac <- sub(pattern, "\\2", linksRows, useBytes = TRUE)
fun <- sub(pattern, "\\3", linksRows, useBytes = TRUE)
scoreCh <- sub(".*relevance=\\\"(.*)%\\\".*", "\\1", html[grep(".*relevance=", html, useBytes = TRUE)], useBytes = TRUE)
score <- as.numeric(scoreCh)
pLinks <- parseLinks(linksRows)
# if (length(pac) < 1 && length(Date) > 0) {
if (length(pac) < 1) {
countDocs <- grep("Too many documents hit. Ignored",
html, useBytes = TRUE)
# tooMany <- length(tooMany) > 0
tooMany <- (length(countDocs)>0)
if (tooMany) {
Hits <- Inf
warning("Too many documents hit. Ignored")
} else {
op <- 'SOFTWARE PROBLEM: dates found without'
oops <- paste(op, 'content; ignored.')
Date <- Date[numeric(0)]
Ans <- data.frame(Package = pac,
Function = fun,
Date = as.POSIXct(Date, origin="1970-01-01"),
Score = score,
Description = pLinks$description,
Link = pLinks$link, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
oops <- (substring(pac, 1, 1)=='<')
ans <- Ans[!oops,]
attr(ans, "matches") <- Hits
ans # end parseHTML
## end internal functions
quiet <- (verbose < 2)
## 2. Set up query
## the following no longer works properly with R 4.1.0:
# if (substr(string, 1, 1) != "{") {
# string <- gsub(" ", "+", string)
# } else {
# ## scan(url(...)) fails with spaces
# string <- gsub(" ", "%20", string)
# }
## With R 4.1.0, the previous code for parseHTML
## no longer worked with "{...}" to search for
## a string, not multiple words.
## However, RSiteSearch('{...}') worked ...
## by searching for '"..."'.
## SO if string begins with "{" and ends woth "}",
## wrap that in double quotes
## UNLESS it contains a double quote,
## in which case give a warning.
ns <- nchar(string)
if((substring(string, 1, 1) == '{') &&
(substring(string, ns, ns) == "}")){
String <- gsub(" ", "%20", string)
substring(String, 1, 1) <- '"'
substring(String, ns+2, ns+2) <- '"'
} else {
String <- gsub(" ", "+", string)
fmt <- paste("",
sep = "")
href <- sprintf(fmt, String)
## 3. Query
## 3.1. Set up
ans <- parseHTML(href)
hits. <- attr(ans, "matches")
if (length(hits.) < 1) {
warning("HIT not found in HTML; processing one page only.")
hits. <- nrow(ans)
attr(ans, "matches") <- hits.
} else {
if (length(hits.) > 1) {
warning("HIT found more than once in first HTML page; ",
"first 2 = ", hits.[1], ", ", hits.[2],
"; processing one page only")
hits. <- nrow(ans)
attr(ans, "matches") <- hits.
if ( {
warning("HIT found, not numeric, in the first HTML page; ",
"processing one page only")
hits. <- nrow(ans)
attr(ans, "matches") <- hits.
if (verbose) {
es <- if (hits. == 1) "" else "es"
cat("found ", hits., " match", es, sep = "")
## 3.2. Retrieve
n <- min(ceiling(hits./20), maxPages)
if((hits.<Inf) && (nrow(ans) < hits.)) {
if (verbose)
cat("; retrieving", n, c("page", "pages")[1 + (n > 1)])
if (verbose) {
if ((20 * n) < hits.) {
cat(",", 20 * n, "matches.\n")
} else {
for(i in seq(2, length = n - 1)) {
if (!quiet) {
cat("retrieving page ", i, " of ", n, "\n", sep = "")
} else if (verbose > 0) {
cat(i, "")
if((i%%10)==0) cat('\n')
href.i <- sprintf("%s&[=%d", href, i)
ans.i <- parseHTML(href.i)
ans <- rbind(ans, ans.i)
if (verbose>0) cat("\n")
} else {
## 4. Compute Summary
ans$Score <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Score))
pkgSum <- PackageSummary(ans)
if((hits.<Inf) && (hits.>0)){
nlk <- sum(pkgSum$Count)
cat('Downloaded', nlk, 'links in', nrow(pkgSum), 'packages.\n')
## 5. Sort order
s0 <- c("Count", "MaxScore", "TotalScore", "Package",
"Score", "Function", "Date", "Description", "Link")
s0. <- tolower(s0)
if (is.null(sortby)) {
sortby <- s0
} else {
s1 <- match.arg(tolower(sortby), s0., TRUE)
s1. <- c(s1, s0.[!(s0. %in% s1)])
names(s0) <- s0.
sortby <- s0[s1.]
## 6. Merge(packageSum, ans)
packageSum <- pkgSum
rownames(pkgSum) <- as.character(pkgSum$Package)
pkgSum$Package <- NULL
pkgSum$Date <- NULL
pkgS2 <- pkgSum[as.character(ans$Package), , drop = FALSE]
rownames(pkgS2) <- NULL
Ans <- cbind(, ans)
## 7. Sort Ans by "sort."
Ans.num <- Ans[, c("Count", "MaxScore", "TotalScore", "Score")]
ans.num <- cbind(as.matrix(Ans.num), Date=as.numeric(Ans$Date) ) <- Ans[, c("Package","Function", "Description", "Link")] <-
ansKey <- cbind(,
oSch <-"order", ansKey[sortby])
AnSort <- Ans[oSch, ]
## 8. attributes
rownames(AnSort) <- NULL
attr(AnSort, "matches") <- hits.
attr(AnSort, "PackageSummary") <- packageSum
attr(AnSort, "string") <- String
attr(AnSort, "call") <-
class(AnSort) <- c("findFn", "data.frame")
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.