spNetwork: Spatial Analysis on Network

Perform spatial analysis on network. Implement several methods for spatial analysis on network: Network Kernel Density estimation, building of spatial matrices based on network distance ('listw' objects from 'spdep' package), K functions estimation for point pattern analysis on network, k nearest neighbours on network, reachable area calculation, and graph generation References: Okabe et al (2019) <doi:10.1080/13658810802475491>; Okabe et al (2012, ISBN:978-0470770818);Baddeley et al (2015, ISBN:9781482210200).

Package details

AuthorJeremy Gelb [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7114-2714>), Philippe Apparicio [ctb] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6466-9342>)
MaintainerJeremy Gelb <jeremy.gelb@ucs.inrs.ca>
URL https://jeremygelb.github.io/spNetwork/
Package repositoryView on CRAN
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:

Try the spNetwork package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

spNetwork documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:40 a.m.