
Defines functions div_info print.HLfitlist print.HLfit `summary.HLfit` .check_inverse_pred .summary_phi_object .is_unit .table_glm_phi .print_lambda_table .print_adj_ests .lambda_table_fn .display_raw_lambdas .aschar_adhoc .get_compact_cov_mats .prettify_family summary.HLfitlist .REMLmess .MLmess .get_obsInfo .legend_lambda .make_beta_table .get_methods_disp

Documented in div_info print.HLfit print.HLfitlist summary.HLfitlist

## FR->FR accessors : http://glmm.wikidot.com/pkg-comparison

# lists of parameter names estimated by the two methods
.get_methods_disp <- function(object, family=object$family, families=object$families, phi.object=object$phi.object, mv_it=NULL) {
  iterativeEsts <- character(0)
  optimEsts <- character(0)
  if ( ! is.null(families)) {
    for (mv_it in seq_along(families)) {
      methods_disp <- .get_methods_disp(object, family=families[[mv_it]], families=NULL, phi.object=phi.object[[mv_it]], mv_it=mv_it) 
      iterativeEsts <- c(iterativeEsts,methods_disp$iterativeEsts)
      optimEsts <- c(optimEsts,methods_disp$optimEsts)
  ## What the HLfit call says:
  if ( object$models[["eta"]] != "etaGLM") { 
    if ( any(object$lambda.object$type=="outer")) optimEsts <- c(optimEsts,"lambda")
    if ( any(object$lambda.object$type=="inner")) iterativeEsts <- c(iterativeEsts,"lambda")
  if ( (family$family %in% c("gaussian","Gamma"))) { # exponential families with a "phi" dispersion parameter
    if ( ! is.null(phi.object$fixef) ) {
      iterativeEsts <- c(iterativeEsts,"phi")
    } else if ( identical(attr(phi.object$phi_outer,"type"),"var")) {
      if (is.null(mv_it)) {
        optimEsts <- c(optimEsts,"phi")
      } else optimEsts <- c(optimEsts,paste("phi",mv_it,sep="_"))
    # confint (fitme HLfitoide -> 3e cas)
  optimNames <- names(attr(object,"optimInfo")$LUarglist$canon.init) ## will contain eg NB_shape
  corrPars <- get_ranPars(object,which="corrPars")
  optimEsts <- c(optimEsts,intersect(optimNames,c(names(corrPars),"COMP_nu","NB_shape","beta_prec")))
  iterativeEsts <- c(iterativeEsts,setdiff(optimNames,optimEsts))

.make_beta_table <- function(object, p_value="") {
  namesOri <- attr(model.matrix(object),"namesOri")
  nc <- length(namesOri)
  betaOri_cov <- matrix(NA,ncol=nc,nrow=nc,dimnames=list(rownames=namesOri,colnames=namesOri))
  beta_cov <- .get_beta_cov_any_version(object) 
  betaOri_cov[colnames(beta_cov),colnames(beta_cov)] <- beta_cov
  beta_se <- sqrt(diag(betaOri_cov))
  fixef_z <- object$fixef/beta_se
  beta_table <- cbind(Estimate=object$fixef,"Cond. SE"=beta_se,"t-value"=fixef_z)
  if (p_value=="Wald") {
    beta_table <- cbind(beta_table,"p-value"=1-pchisq(fixef_z^2,df=1))
  } else if (p_value) { # t-test for each coefficient
    dft <- df.residual(object)
    beta_table <- cbind(beta_table,"p-value"=2*(1-pt(abs(fixef_z), df=dft)))
  rownames(beta_table) <- names(object$fixef)

.legend_lambda <- function(object, in_table, type="") {
  ## (1) analyse distributions
  randfams <- object$rand.families
  rff <- sapply(randfams, getElement, name="family")
  # info about links:
  rfl <- sapply(rff, switch, 
    #        "Beta" = "log(lambda)", ## u ~ Beta(1/(2lambda),1/(2lambda))
    #        "inverse.Gamma" = "log(lambda)", ## u ~ I-Gamma(1+1/lambda,1/lambda)
    #        "log(lambda)" ## gaussian, or gamma with u ~ Gamma(sh=1/lambda,sc=lambda)
    "log(lambda)" ## currently constant except as modified below for adjd
  check_adjd <- any(unlist(lapply(object$lambda.object$coefficients_lambdaS, names))=="adjd")
  if (check_adjd) {
    if (object$spaMM.version < "2.2.116") {
      whichadj <- attr(attr(object$ZAlist,"ranefs"),"type") %in% c("adjacency")  
    } else whichadj <- attr(object$ZAlist,"exp_ranef_types") %in% c("adjacency")  
    rfl[whichadj] <- "inverse[ lambda_i =var(V'u) ]"
    rff <- rff[!whichadj] # and remove such terms from the family info
  if (type=="family") {
    # print family info except for adjd
    urff <- unique(rff)
    abyss <- lapply(urff, switch,
                    "Beta" = cat("lambda = 4 var(u)/(1 - 4 var(u)) for u ~ Beta[1/(2*lambda),1/(2*lambda)]; \n"),
                    "inverse.Gamma" = cat("lambda = var(u)/(1 + var(u)) for u ~ inverse-Gamma(sh=1+1/lambda, rate=1/lambda); \n"),
                    "Gamma" = cat("lambda = var(u) for u ~ Gamma(sh=1/lambda, sc=lambda); \n"),
                    "gaussian" = cat("lambda = var(u) for u ~ Gaussian; \n")
  } else if (type=="link") {
    # print link info
    urfl <- unique(rfl[in_table])
    cat(paste0("             --- Coefficients for ",paste(urfl,collapse=" or "),":"))

# .degree <- rawToChar(as.raw(c(194L,176L))) # cf HelpersMG::char(). 
# with integers returned by HelpersMG::asc(), which is strtoi(charToRaw(x), 16L) also using only primitive fns.
## string compar by swithch) appears to fail:
# .ML_with_Lap_obs <- paste0("by ML (p",.degree,"_v approximation of logL).")
# .REML_with_Lap_obs <- paste0("by REML (p",.degree,"_bv approximation of restricted logL).")

.get_obsInfo <- function(object) { # back-compatibility utility
  obsInfo <- object$how$obsInfo
  if (is.null(obsInfo)) obsInfo <- FALSE

.MLmess <- function(object,ranef=FALSE) {
  if (object$models[["eta"]]=="etaGLM") {
    return("by ML.")
  } else if (identical(attr(object$models,"LMMbool"),TRUE)) { # v3.5.9+
    return("by ML.")
  } else if (object$spaMM.version < "3.5.9" && ## back compat
             object$family$family=="gaussian" && 
             object$family$link=="identity" && 
             all(attr(object$rand.families,"lcrandfamfam")=="gaussian")) {  
    return("by ML.") 
  } else {
    if (object$HL[1]=='SEM')  {
      return("by stochastic EM.")
    } else if (object$HL[1L]==1L)  {
      if (.get_obsInfo(object)) {
        return("by ML (P_v approximation of logL).")
      } else return("by ML (p_v approximation of logL).")
    } else if (object$HL[1L]==0L)  {
      if (ranef) { # info for inner-estimated ranPars objective fn
        if (.get_obsInfo(object)) {
          return("by ML (P_v approximation of logL).")
        } else return("by ML (p_v approximation of logL).")
      } else return("by h-likelihood approximation.")
## FR->FR il faudrait distinguer EQL approx of REML ?
.REMLmess <- function(object,return_message=TRUE) {
  ## 'object' has no 'processed' element but its processed$REMLformula was copied to 'REMLformula' element.
  ## ./. It is by default NULL if REML was used, but may be an explicit non-default formula
  ## ./. It is an explicit formula if ML was used
  if (return_message) {
    if (is.null(object$REMLformula)) { ## default REML case
      if (object$HL[1]=='SEM')  {
        resu <- ("by stochastic EM.")
      } else if (object$models[["eta"]]=="etaGLM" && object$family$family =="gaussian") { 
        resu <- ("by REML.") 
      } else if ( identical(attr(object$models,"LMMbool"),TRUE))  {
        resu <- ("by REML.")
      } else if (object$spaMM.version < "3.5.9" && 
                 object$family$family=="gaussian" && 
                 object$family$link=="identity" && 
                 all(attr(object$rand.families,"lcrandfamfam")=="gaussian")) {
        resu <- ("by REML.")
      } else if (.get_obsInfo(object)) {
        resu <- "by REML (P_bv approximation of restricted logL)."
      } else resu <- "by REML (p_bv approximation of restricted logL)." 
    } else {
      if (identical(attr(object$REMLformula,"isML"),TRUE)) { ## FALSE also if object created by spaMM <1.9.15 
        resu <- (.MLmess(object, ranef=TRUE))
      } else { ## if nontrivial REML formula was used...
        resu <- ("by non-standard REML")
        attr(resu,"fixeformFromREMLform") <- .stripRanefs(object$REMLformula)
  } else return( is.null(object$REMLformula) && object$HL[1]!='SEM')

summary.HLfitlist <- function(object, ...) {
  if (object[[1]]$spaMM.version<"1.11.57") {
    warning("This fit object was created with spaMM version<1.11.57, and is no longer supported.\n Please recompute it.")
  } ## warning added in v2.2.43 2017/10/28
  cumlvls <- character(0)
  for (it in seq_along(object)) {
    lvl <- attr(object[[it]]$data,"identifier")
    cat(crayon::underline(paste0("Category ",lvl," vs. other one(s)")))
    if (it>1L) cat(crayon::underline(paste0(" except ",paste(cumlvls, collapse=", "))))
    cumlvls <- c(cumlvls,lvl)
  cat(" ======== Global likelihood values  ========\n")    
  zut <- attr(object,"APHLs")
  cat(paste0(names(zut),": ",signif(unlist(zut),6), collapse="; "),"\n")

.prettify_family <- function(family,linkstring="") {
  famfam <- family$family
  if ( ! is.null(withArgs <- attr(famfam,"withArgs"))) {
    withArgs <- eval(withArgs,envir=environment(family$aic))
    legend <- paste0(withArgs, "( ",linkstring, family$link," )")
  } else legend <- paste0(famfam, "( ",linkstring, family$link," )")
  if (identical(family$zero_truncated, TRUE)) legend <- paste("0-truncated", legend)

.get_compact_cov_mats <- function(strucList) {
  isRandomSlope <- attr(strucList,"isRandomSlope")
  if (any(isRandomSlope)) {
    cov.mats <- vector("list",length(strucList))
    for (it in seq_along(strucList)) {
      if ( isRandomSlope[it] ) {
        cov.mats[[it]] <- attr(strucList[[it]],"latentL_blob")$compactcovmat
      ## keep NULL slots for other elements as expected by summary.HLfit
  } else return(NULL)

# conversion of columns of data frames:
.aschar_adhoc <- function(data, digits=4) {
  for (colit in seq_len(ncol(data))) if (is.numeric(colval <- data[,colit])) {
    charvec <- as.character(signif(colval,digits))
    charvec[is.na(charvec)] <- "" ## the reason why we create an ad hoc fn.
    data[,colit] <- charvec

.display_raw_lambdas <- function(in_pointLambda, row_map, lambda.object, hy_ranges) {
  # if (details$ranCoefs) {
  #   displaypos <- innerlambda_pos
  # } else displaypos <- setdiff(innerlambda_pos, random_slope_pos)
  # displayrows <- unlist(row_map[displaypos])
  #if ( ! details$ranCoefs) displaypos <- setdiff(displaypos, random_slope_pos)
  displaypos <- which(in_pointLambda)
  displayrows <- unlist(row_map[displaypos])
  nicertypes <- lambda.object$type[displaypos]
  posf <- ( nicertypes=="fixed")
  posfh <- ( nicertypes=="fix_hyper") # see paste0(hy_lam_type,"_hyper") in .calc_initial_init_lambda()
  posoh <- ( nicertypes=="outer_hyper") # again, see paste0(hy_lam_type,"_hyper") in .calc_initial_init_lambda()
  nicertypes[posf] <- "[fixed]"
  nicertypes[posfh] <- "[fixed]" # "[fix_hyper]" # need to distinguish in summary not obvious
  for (it in seq_along(hy_ranges)) {
    hy_range <- hy_ranges[[it]]
    if (nicertypes[hy_range[1L]] == "outer_hyper") {
      nicertypes[hy_range[1L]] <- "" ## outer-optim
      nicertypes[hy_range[-1L]] <- ("[set by hyper]")
  nicertypes[ ! (posf | posfh | posoh )] <- ""
  nicertypes <- rep(nicertypes, unlist(lapply(row_map[displaypos], length)))
  if ( ! is.null(displayrows)) {
    lambda_list <- lambda.object$lambda_list # this includes a vector of 1's for ranCoefs with Xi_ncol>1L, and the actual lambda for Xi_ncol=1
    if (is.null(lambda_list)) lambda_list <- lambda.object$lambda # back-compatibility fix (from test on v2.5.0 object stored in package vullioud2018)
    print_lambda <- unlist(lambda_list)
    cat(paste("  ",
              names(displayrows)," : ", 

.lambda_table_fn <- function(namesTerms, object, lambda.object, linklam_coeff_list=lambda.object$coefficients_lambdaS) {
  nrand <- length(namesTerms)
  nrows <- unlist(lapply(namesTerms,length))
  cum_nrows <- cumsum(c(0,nrows))
  names(cum_nrows) <- NULL
  row_map <- lapply(nrows,seq)
  for (it in seq_len(length(row_map))) row_map[[it]] <- row_map[[it]]+cum_nrows[it]
  # first construct a table including NA's for some coefficients (not "inner" estimated), then remove these rows
  term_names <- names(namesTerms)
  repGroupNames <- rep(term_names, sapply(namesTerms,length))
  ## i.e. for namesTerms = list(Subject=c("(Intercept)", "Days")), repGroupNames[[1]] is c("Subject", "Subject")
  lambda_table <- data.frame(Group=repGroupNames,Term=unlist(namesTerms))
  in_table <- rep(FALSE,nrand)
  in_pointLambda <- rep(TRUE,nrand)
  maxnrow <- cum_nrows[nrand+1] ## maxnrow should = nrow(lambda_table)
  ############### better initialization of the table (03/2021)
  template <- lambda.object$lambda_list # RHS has elements for each of the rows of the table, except the "adjd" coeff. Hence: 
  if (is.null(template)) template <- lambda.object$lambda # back compat fix (pointed by fits in vullioud2018 by version 2.5.0)
  for (it in seq_len(length(namesTerms))) {
    if ("adjd" %in% namesTerms[[it]]) {
      template[[it]][2] <- NA
  summ_variances <- data.frame("Var."=matrix(.unlist(template),ncol=1L,nrow=maxnrow))
  # So now this df has a col with: 
  # lambda values for 'simple lambdas', and ranCoefs without corr matrix (Xi_ncol=1L) 
  # '1's for the lambdas of ranCoefs with corr matrix (Xi_ncol>1)
  # a variance and an NA for adjacency terms
  # Previously the column was initiated with NA's and lambdas for ranCoefs without corr matrix (Xi_ncol=1L) were never filled in => defective VarCorr().
  cov.mats <- .get_compact_cov_mats(object$strucList)
  if ( length(cov.mats)) { ## fixme ? rename cov.mats to refer to ranCoefs ?
    #.varcorr <- function(nrows, maxnrow, cov.mats, in_table, in_pointLambda, cum_nrows) {
    summ_corr_cols <- data.frame(matrix(NA,ncol=max(nrows-1L),nrow=maxnrow))
    for (mt in seq_len(length(cov.mats))) { 
      m <- cov.mats[[mt]]
      if ( ! is.null(m)) { # Xi_ncol>1L...
        # if ( # kappa(m)>1e14 || 
        #   min(eigen(m,only.values = TRUE)$values)<1e-6) { # lme4:::rePCA.merMod uses svd() [less assuming but beware of sign]
        #   # Motivations for the check discussed in Bates et al 2015 on arXiv, but other views are possible...  
        #   message(paste0("Random-coefficient term '",term_names[[mt]],"' has a practically singular covariance matrix")) 
        # }
        in_table[mt] <- TRUE
        in_pointLambda[mt] <- FALSE
        inrows <-  cum_nrows[mt]+(1:nrow(m))
        summ_variances[inrows,1] <- diag(m)
        m <- cov2cor(m)
        for (it in (2:nrow(m))) {
          for (jt in (1:(it-1))) {
            summ_corr_cols[cum_nrows[mt]+it,jt] <- m[it,jt]
    colnames(summ_corr_cols) <- rep("Corr.",ncol(summ_corr_cols))
    # }
    random_slope_ncol_geq_1_pos <- which(attr(object$strucList,"isRandomSlope")) 
    random_slope_ncol_geq_1_rows <- unlist(row_map[ random_slope_ncol_geq_1_pos ])
  } else {
    random_slope_ncol_geq_1_rows <- random_slope_ncol_geq_1_pos <- integer(0)
    summ_corr_cols <- NULL
  if ( ! is.null(linklam_coeff_list)) {
    in_table[which( ! unlist(lapply(linklam_coeff_list,is.null)))] <- TRUE
    lambda_table <- cbind(lambda_table, Estimate=unlist(linklam_coeff_list), 
    info_rows <- which(! is.na(lambda_table$Estimate)) ## must be evaluated before the next line sets more NAs
  } else info_rows <- NULL
  for (it in seq_len(length(namesTerms))) {
    if ("adjd" %in% namesTerms[[it]]) {
      in_pointLambda[it] <- FALSE
      in_table[it] <- TRUE 
  lambda_table <- cbind(lambda_table, summ_variances)
  if ( length(cov.mats)) lambda_table <- cbind(lambda_table, summ_corr_cols)
  lambda_table <- structure(lambda_table, 
                            class=c("lambda_table",class(lambda_table)), info_rows=info_rows,
                            random_slope_ncol_geq_1_rows=random_slope_ncol_geq_1_rows, # rows of terms with Xi_ncol>1
                            in_pointLambda=in_pointLambda, # defines which ranefs in the "Variance parameters ('lambda')" table in summary 
                                                           # (not adjd nor Xi_ncol>1-ranCoefs)

.print_adj_ests <- function(object, namesTerms, linklam) {
  ncoeffs <- attr(object$ZAlist,"Xi_cols") ## Xi_cols elements may be not 1 for ranCoefs terms
  any_adjd <- FALSE
  for (it in seq_len(length(namesTerms))) if ("adjd" %in% namesTerms[[it]]) {
    ncoeffs[it] <- 2L
    any_adjd <- TRUE
  if (any_adjd) {
    cat("           --- Variance parameters ('lambda'):\n") ## NOT the (Gamma-GLM) coefficients and SEs
  cum_ncoeffs <- c(0,cumsum(ncoeffs))
  for (it in seq_len(length(namesTerms))) {
    if ("adjd" %in% namesTerms[[it]]) {
      namenames <- names(namesTerms[it])
      pos <- cum_ncoeffs[it]+1L
      cat(paste("Estimate of rho (",namenames,"CAR): ",
                signif( - linklam[pos+1L]/linklam[pos],4),"\n"))
      cat(paste("Estimate of lambda factor (",namenames,"CAR): ",

.print_lambda_table <- function(object,lambda_table, details, namesTerms, linklam_coeff_list, digits=4) {
  attribs <- attributes(lambda_table) 
  # strings for screen output:
  lambda_table <- .aschar_adhoc(lambda_table, digits=digits)
  if (length(attribs$random_slope_ncol_geq_1_rows)) {
    keep <- which( ! colnames(lambda_table) %in% c("Estimate","Cond.SE")) ## may be null if only outer... + fixed
    cov_table <- lambda_table[attribs$random_slope_ncol_geq_1_rows,keep] ## EXCLUDES the "Estimate","Cond.SE" cols
    cat("         --- Random-coefficients Cov matrices:\n")
    print(cov_table, digits = 4, row.names = FALSE)
  keep <- which( colnames(lambda_table) %in% c("Group","Term","Estimate","Cond.SE")) ## may be null if only outer... + fixed
  lambda_table <- lambda_table[,keep] 
  # point lambda's (+adjd rho) estimates, NOT the (Gamma-GLM) coefficients and SEs
  linklam <- unlist(linklam_coeff_list)
  any_adjd <- .print_adj_ests(object, namesTerms, linklam)
  if (any(attribs$in_pointLambda)) {
    if ( ! any_adjd) cat("           --- Variance parameters ('lambda'):\n") 
    .legend_lambda(object, type="family") ## print info about the meaning of lambda according to the rand family (not rand link)
                         ) ## not the table with SEs / covariances
  # NOW the (Gamma-GLM) coefficients and SEs
  info_rows <- attribs$info_rows
  if ( ! details$ranCoefs) info_rows <- setdiff(info_rows, attribs$random_slope_ncol_geq_1_rows) ## removes random-coef info except if detaisl are requested
  lambda_table <- lambda_table[ info_rows ,]
  in_table <- attribs$in_table
  if (nrow(lambda_table)) { 
    if (any(in_table) && ! is.null(linklam_coeff_list[in_table])) { ## (mixed cov.mat and) coefficients_lambdaS output
      .legend_lambda(object, in_table, type="link")
    # } else { ## only ranCoefs
    #   cat("Variances and correlation for random-coefficient terms:\n")
    } ## else only other terms with outer lambda (eg Matern term) 
  invisible(lambda_table) ## not currently correct as it is truncated

# # Nice names for the raw lambda vector in the HLfit object:
# .rename_res_lambda <- function (object) {
#   lambda.object <- object$lambda.object
#   namesTerms <- lambda.object$print_namesTerms ## list of vectors of variable length
#   linklam_coeff_list <- lambda.object$coefficients_lambdaS 
#   lambda_table <- .lambda_table_fn(namesTerms, object, lambda.object,linklam_coeff_list) ## uses object$strucList
#   attribs <- attributes(lambda_table)
#   displayrows <- unlist(attribs$row_map)
#   lambda <- unlist(lambda.object$lambda_list)
#   structure(lambda, names=names(displayrows))
# }
# # => this function is not used. Later I wrote:
# .print_lambda <- function(lambda_list) { # to have the right names for a 'lambda' vector by unlisting à 'lambda_list'.
#   for (rd in seq_along(lambda_list)) {
#     if (length(lambda_list[[rd]])==1L && names(lambda_list[[rd]])=="(Intercept)") names(lambda_list[[rd]]) <- NULL
#     # in which case unlisting will paste the group label (say "Subject2") and NULL => "Subject2. 
#     # In all other cases unlisting lambda_list will paste the unique group label 
#     #   (say "Subject1") and the coefficient names (say "(Intercept)" and "age") => "Subject1.(Intercept)" and "Subject1.age"
#   }
#   unlist(lambda_list)
# }

.table_glm_phi <- function(glm_phi, loc_p_phi, phi.object, summ, object, family, # 'family' is response fam (of mv_it submodel if mv)
                           phiform=.get_phiform(object), resid.family=eval(.get_phifam(object))
                           ) { 
  phi_se <- summary(glm_phi,dispersion=1)$coefficients[(loc_p_phi+1L):(2L*loc_p_phi)] 
  ## note dispersion set to 1 to match SmythHV's 'V_1' method, which for a log link has steps:
  #SmythHVsigd <- as.vector(sqrt(2)*phi_est);SmythHVG <- as.vector(phi_est); tmp <- SmythHVG / SmythHVsigd 
  ## tmp is here sqrt(2) !
  #if (length(tmp)>1) {SmythHVZstar <- diag(tmp) %*% X_disp} else SmythHVZstar <- tmp * X_disp
  #SmythHVcovmat <- solve(.ZtWZ(SmythHVZstar,(1-lev_phi))); phi_se <- sqrt(diag(SmythHVcovmat)) print(phi_se)
  phi_table <- cbind(phi.object$fixef,phi_se)
  colnames(phi_table) <- c("Estimate", "Cond. SE")
  rownames(phi_table) <- namesX_disp <- names(phi.object$fixef)
  summ$phi_table <- phi_table
  phiinfo <- resid.family$link 
  if (phiinfo=="identity") {phiinfo="phi "} else {phiinfo <- paste0(phiinfo,"(phi) ")}
  phiinfo <- paste("Coefficients for",phiinfo,paste0(phiform,collapse=" ")," :\n")
  dispOffset <- attr(phiform,"off")
  if (!is.null(dispOffset)) dispOffset <- unique(dispOffset)
  if (length(namesX_disp)==1 && namesX_disp[1]=="(Intercept)" && length(dispOffset)<2L) {
    # constant phi: we can display it
    phi_est <- (phi.object$fixef)
    if (length(dispOffset)==1L) phi_est <- phi_est+dispOffset
    phi_est <- resid.family$linkinv(phi_est)
    if (family$family=="Gamma") {
      cat(paste("Estimate of phi: ",signif(phi_est,4),"\n"))
      ## la var c'est phi mu^2...
    } else cat(paste("Estimate of phi=residual var: ",signif(phi_est,4),"\n"))
  } ## else phi not constant; We don't try to display it
  wa <- glm_phi$warnmess
  if ( ! is.null(wa)) {
    if (wa=="glm.fit: algorithm did not converge") {
      cat("glm.fit for estimation of phi SE did not converge; this suggests\n")
      cat(" non-identifiability of some phi (and possibly also lambda) coefficients.\n")
    } else {
      cat("warning in glm.fit for estimation of phi SE: \n")

.is_unit <- function(pw) {
  if (is.null(is_unit <- attr(pw, "is_unit"))) {
    is_unit <- (identical(attr(pw,"unique"),TRUE) && pw[1]==1L)

.summary_phi_object <- function(object, phi.object=object$phi.object, family=object$family, 
                                pw=object$prior.weights, summ, phimodel, mv_it=NULL) { # 'mv_it' needed for non-trivial  .get_glm_phi(object, it=it)
  if (family$family %in% c("gaussian","Gamma")) {
    if (! is.null(mv_it)) {
      cat(crayon::underline("* response", mv_it))
      if (family$family=="Gamma") {
        cat(" (Gamma) residual var = phi * mu^2:\n")
      } else cat(" (gaussian) residual variance:  \n")    
    } else {
      cat(" -")
      if (family$family=="Gamma") {
        cat("-- Residual variation ( var = phi * mu^2 )  --\n")
      } else cat("------------- Residual variance  ------------\n")    
    if ( ! .is_unit(pw)) cat(paste("Prior weights:",
                                   paste(signif(pw[1:min(5,length(pw))],6),collapse=" "),
    if ( ! is.null(phi_outer <- phi.object$phi_outer)) {
      if ( identical(attr(phi_outer,"type"),"fix") ) {
        if (length(phi_outer)==1L) {
          cat(paste("phi was fixed to",signif(phi_outer,6),"\n"))
        } else if (phimodel=="phiGLM") { # fixed by an offset in a resid.formula (see .preprocess_phi_model)
          phiform <- .get_phiform(object, mv_it)
          if (length(phiform)==2) phiform <- as.formula(paste('"phi"',paste(phiform,collapse=" "))) 
          cat(paste("phi was fixed [through ",deparse(phiform),"] to", 
                    paste(signif(phi_outer[1:min(5,length(phi_outer))],6),collapse=" "),"...\n"))
        } else cat(paste("phi was fixed to",paste(signif(phi_outer[1:min(5L,length(phi_outer))],6),collapse=" "),"...\n"))
      } else {
        if (length(phi_outer)==1L) {
          cat(paste("phi estimate was",signif(phi_outer,6),"\n"))
        } else  cat(paste("phi was estimated.\n"))
      #summ$phi_outer <- phi.object$phi_outer ## mv: {actually from phi.object[[mv_it]]; overwrites previous mv_it} 
                                              # spaMM does nothing of it anyway so I remove
    } else {
      if (! is.null(mv_it)) {
        is_hlfit <- ! is.null(object$resid_fits[[mv_it]])
      } else  is_hlfit <- ! is.null(object$resid_fit)
      if (is_hlfit) {
        if (phimodel=="phiHGLM") {
          if (! is.null(mv_it)) {
            cat(paste0("Residual dispersion model includes random effects:\n  use summary(<fit object>$resid_fits[[",mv_it,"]]) to display results.\n"))
          } else cat("Residual dispersion model includes random effects:\n  use summary(<fit object>$resid_fit) to display results.\n")       
        } else  if (! is.null(mv_it)) {
          cat(paste0("Residual dispersion model is HLfit object:\n  use summary(<fit object>$resid_fits[[",mv_it,"]]) to display results.\n"))
        } else cat("Residual dispersion model is HLfit object:\n  use summary(<fit object>$resid_fit) to display results.\n") # _F I X M E__ that is reasonable output but try extracting info from the fits?       
      } else if ((loc_p_phi <- length(phi.object$fixef))) { # there are phi params (possibly outer estimated), 
        glm_phi <- .get_glm_phi(object, mv_it=mv_it) 
        summ <- .table_glm_phi(glm_phi, loc_p_phi, phi.object, summ, object, family=family,
                               phiform=.get_phiform(object,mv_it), resid.family=eval(.get_phifam(object,mv_it)))
      } else {
        # Other cases should have been handled by  identical(attr(phi_outer,"type"),"fix") && phimodel=="phiGLM" above
        warning("Unexpected case in .summary_phi_object(): maybe harmless, but please contact the maintainer.") # warning set on 3.7.24 03/2021
  } else if (family$family %in% c("beta_resp","betabin", "COMPoisson", "negbin1", "negbin2")) {
    not_pw_1 <- ! .is_unit(pw) # But relevant only for beta_resp and betabin (which have pw)? (__F I X M E___?? Don't confuse with resid.model feature which works for negbin[] models too)
    has_dispenv_beta <- ( ! is.null(beta <- (disp_env <- family$resid.model)$beta)) 
    if (not_pw_1 || has_dispenv_beta) {
      if (! is.null(mv_it)) {
        cat(crayon::underline("* response", mv_it))
        info <- switch(family$family,
                       "beta_resp" = " dispersion model for beta_resp\n",
                       "betabin"   = " dispersion model for betabin\n",
                       "COMPoisson"= " dispersion model for COMPoisson\n",
                       "negbin1"   = " dispersion model for negbin1\n",
                       "negbin2"   = " dispersion model for negbin2\n",
                       "family dispersion parameter"
      } else info <- switch(family$family,
                            "beta_resp" = "------- Dispersion model for beta_resp --------\n",
                            "betabin"   = "------- Dispersion model for betabin ----------\n",
                            "COMPoisson"= "------- Dispersion model for COMPoisson -------\n",
                     "negbin1"   = "------- Dispersion model for negbin1 ----------\n",
                     "negbin2"   = "------- Dispersion model for negbin2 ----------\n",
                     "family dispersion parameter"
    if (not_pw_1) cat(paste("Prior weights:",
                    paste(signif(pw[1:min(5,length(pw))],6),collapse=" "),
    if (has_dispenv_beta) {
      info <- switch(family$family,
                     "beta_resp" = "prec",
                     "betabin" = "prec",
                     "COMPoisson"= "nu",
                     "family dispersion parameter"
      info <- paste0("Coefficients for log(",info,")", deparse(disp_env$resid.formula)," :\n")     
      dispcoef_table <- cbind(disp_env$beta, NA)
      colnames(dispcoef_table) <- c("Estimate", "Cond. SE")
      summ$dispcoef_table <- dispcoef_table
  }  ## else binomial or poisson, no dispersion param

.check_inverse_pred <- function(object, family=object$family) {
  if (family$link=="inverse") {
    if (family$family=="Gamma" && 
    ) {
      "Non-positive predictions implied by final fitted coefficients in Gamma(inverse)-response model.\n"
    } else if (family$family=="gaussian" && 
    ) {
      "Practically zero predictions implied by final fitted coefficients in gaussian(inverse)-response model.\n"
} # returns NULL or message

`summary.HLfit` <- function(object, details=FALSE, max.print=100L, verbose=TRUE, ...) { 
  parent_from_there <- parent.frame()
  if ( ! verbose) {
    mc <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
    mc$verbose <- TRUE
    capture.output({silent <- eval(mc, envir=parent_from_there)})
  oldopt <- options(max.print=max.print)
  if (is.null(names(details))) details <- structure(rep(details,2),names=c("ranCoefs","p_value")) ## handle FALSE or TRUE input
  details <- as.list(details)
  if (is.null(details[["ranCoefs"]])) details["ranCoefs"] <- FALSE
  if (is.null(details[["p_value"]])) details["p_value"] <- "" ## a string such as "Wald"
  if (is.null(details[["digits"]])) details["digits"] <- 4 # _F I X M E__ document this? Only used in .print_lambda_table() so rather cryptic.
  models <- object$models
  lcrandfamfam <- attr(object$rand.families,"lcrandfamfam") 
  randfamfamlinks <- unlist(lapply(object$rand.families, .prettify_family))
  randfamlinks <- unlist(lapply(object$rand.families, getElement, name="link"))
  summ <- list()
  form <- formula.HLfit(object, which="hyper")
  if (is.list(form)) {
    for (mv_it in seq_along(form)) {cat("formula_",mv_it,": ",sep=""); print(form[[mv_it]],showEnv=FALSE)}
  } else {
    cat("formula: ")
  #  HLchar <- paste(as.character(object$HL),collapse="")
  #  cat(paste0("[code: ",HLchar,"]"," method: "))
  messlist <- list()
  if (length(object$fixef)) messlist[["fixed"]] <- .MLmess(object)
  messlist[["ranef"]] <- .REMLmess(object)
  summ$formula <- object$formula
  summ$REMLformula <- object$REMLformula
  ## Distinguishing iterative algo within HLfit and numerical maximization outside HLfit 
  locblob <- .get_methods_disp(object)
  iterativeEsts <- locblob$iterativeEsts
  optimEsts <- locblob$optimEsts
  RE_Ests <- c(iterativeEsts,optimEsts)
  RE_Ests <- gsub("phi_.*", "phi", RE_Ests) # for mv
  RE_Ests <- unique(RE_Ests)
  len <- length(RE_Ests)
  lenIt <- length(iterativeEsts) ## p_v maxim, or p_bv(X.Re)
  lenOpt <- length(optimEsts) ## p_v maxim, or p_bv(X.Re)
  if (len > 1) RE_Ests <- paste(c(paste(RE_Ests[-len],collapse=", "),RE_Ests[len]),collapse=" and ")
  #if (lenIt > 1) iterativeEsts <- paste(c(paste(iterativeEsts[-lenIt],collapse=", "),iterativeEsts[lenIt]),collapse=" and ") # nothing is done of that
  ## The next block outputs classes of estimated parameters and method, and further code prints apart those that are outer estimated
  ## However, if there is no iterative est, only the latter 'outer' message (without the words 'Laplace... approximation') is output 
  ## So if no fixed effect is estimated, no message with the words 'Laplace... approximation' is output (subliminal imperfection)
  if (lenIt) { # if there are inner estimated parameter,s we output a message distinct from the 'outer' pars message, listing all estimated disp params
    if (messlist[["ranef"]]=="by REML.") {## REMLmess has checked that this is a LMM
      cat("REML: Estimation of ")
      tab <- "      "
    } else if (messlist[["ranef"]]=="by ML.") {
      cat("ML: Estimation of ")      
      tab <- "    "
    } else {
      cat("Estimation of ")
      tab <-""
    ## the aim of the tab is to align "Estimation of..." vertically
    cat(" ")
    if ( messlist[["ranef"]]=="by non-standard REML") {
      cat("\n");cat(tab);cat(" based on fixed-effects model: ")
    } else cat("\n") ## normal output for standard REML formula
  } else tab <- ""
  if (length(object$fixef)) {
    cat("Estimation of fixed effects ")
  if (lenOpt > 1) optimEsts <- paste(c(paste(optimEsts[-lenOpt],collapse=", "),optimEsts[lenOpt]),collapse=" and ")
  if (lenOpt > 0) { 
    objective <- attr(object,"optimInfo")$objective  
    if(is.null(objective)) {
      #stop("attr(object,'optimInfo')$objective is missing: malformed object.")
      ## may happen when one refits an HLCorcall =>
      ## optimEsts ultimately deduced by its $processed$ranPars as in the original fit,
      ## but no optimInfo in the refit.
    } else {
      objString <- switch(objective,
                          p_bv= "'outer' REML, maximizing restricted logL",
                          p_v= "'outer' ML, maximizing logL",
                          cAIC= "'outer' minimization of cAIC",
                          paste("'outer' maximization of",objective)
      outst <- paste0("Estimation of ",optimEsts," by ",objString,".\n")
  if (is.null(object$family)) {
    cat("Families: ")
    nfam <- length(object$families)
    famst <- character(nfam)
    inverse_pred_mess <- vector("list", nfam)
    for (mv_it in seq_along(object$families)) {
      famst[mv_it] <- paste0(mv_it,": ", .prettify_family(object$families[[mv_it]], linkstring = "") , sep="") 
      inverse_pred_mess[[mv_it]] <- .check_inverse_pred(object=object, family=object$families[[mv_it]]) 
      # : not elegant: assumes that .muetafn() passes the attrs checked by .check_inverse_pred (OK so far...),
      # and that they correspond to a single family-link combination (OK so far...).
    inverse_pred_mess <- .unlist(inverse_pred_mess) # NULL of "character" vector
    cat(paste0(famst, collapse="; ")) 
  } else {
    inverse_pred_mess <- .check_inverse_pred(object)
    cat("family:", .prettify_family(object$family, linkstring = "link = ") , "\n") 
  summ$family <- object$family
  if (length(object$fixef)==0L) {
    cat("No fixed effect\n")
  } else {
    cat(" ------------ Fixed effects (beta) ------------\n")
    beta_table <- .make_beta_table(object, p_value=details$p_value)
    if (prod(dim(beta_table))>max.print && missing(max.print) ) {
      cat(' [ Use the summary.HLfit() "max.print" argument\n   to control getOption("max.print") at this point ].\n')
      #: problem dealt here is that the print() message referring to getOption("max.print") suggests  
      # that the user can control this by setting the option globally, but this will fail 'locally'.
    summ$beta_table <- beta_table
  if (models[["eta"]]=="etaHGLM") {
    cat(" --------------- Random effects ---------------\n") 
    urff <- unique(lcrandfamfam)
    urffl <- unique(randfamfamlinks)
    if (length(urffl)==1L) { 
      cat("Family:", .prettify_family(object$rand.families[[1]], linkstring = "link = ") , "\n") 
    } else {
      cat("Families(links):", paste(randfamfamlinks,collapse=", "), "\n")
    corrPars <- get_ranPars(object,which="corrPars")
    corrPars <- corrPars[sort(names(corrPars))]
    cP <- unlist(corrPars)
    if ( ! is.null(cP) ) {
      moreargs <- .get_moreargs(object)
      control_dists <- lapply(moreargs,getElement,name="control.dist")
      dist_methods <- lapply(control_dists,getElement,name="dist.method")
      if (any((udm <- unlist(dist_methods))!="Euclidean")) {
        ocd <- rep("Euclidean",length(dist_methods))
        names(ocd) <- names(dist_methods)
        ocd[names(udm)] <- udm
        cat("Distance(s):",paste(ocd, collapse=","),"\n")
      cat("                   --- Correlation parameters:")
      corrFixNames <- names(unlist(corrPars[which(attr(corrPars,"type")=="fix")]))
      if (length(corrFixNames)>1) {
        cat(" [",paste0(corrFixNames,collapse=",")," were fixed]")
      } else if (length(corrFixNames)==1L) cat(" [",corrFixNames," was fixed]")
    lambda.object <- object$lambda.object
    namesTerms <- lambda.object$print_namesTerms ## list of vectors of variable length
    if (any(object$models[["lambda"]] == "lamHGLM")) { 
      stop("voir ici dans summary.HLfit")
    } else {
      linklam_coeff_list <- lambda.object$coefficients_lambdaS ## used beyond the next line
      summ$lambda_table <- lambda_table <- .lambda_table_fn(namesTerms, object, lambda.object,linklam_coeff_list)
      .print_lambda_table(object,lambda_table, details=details, namesTerms, linklam_coeff_list,
    groups_n <- unlist(lapply(object$ZAlist,ncol))/attr(object$ZAlist,"Xi_cols")
    cat(paste0("# of obs: ",nrow(object$data),"; # of groups: ",
              paste0(names(namesTerms),", ",groups_n, collapse="; ")
              ), "\n")
  if (length(vec_nobs <- object$vec_nobs)) { # fitmv case; then object$phi.object must be a list of phi objects 
    if (any(.unlist(lapply(object$families,`[[`, "family")) %in% c("gaussian","Gamma")) ||
        ! all(sapply(object$prior.weights, attr, "is_unit")) ||
        length(setdiff(object$models$rdispar, c("","rdiOff")))) {
      cat("-------------- Residual variation -------------\n")    
      for (mv_it in seq_along(form)) {
        summ <- .summary_phi_object(object, phi.object=object$phi.object[[mv_it]], 
                                    summ=summ, phimodel=models[["phi"]][[mv_it]], mv_it=mv_it)
  } else summ <- .summary_phi_object(object, summ=summ, phimodel=models[["phi"]])
  if (object$HL[1]==0L) { 
    validnames <- intersect(names(object$APHLs),c("hlik","p_v","p_bv"))
  } else validnames <- intersect(names(object$APHLs),c("p_v","p_bv"))
  if (length(validnames)) { ## may be 0 in SEM...
    likelihoods <- unlist(object$APHLs[validnames]) # NULL if no validnames
    if ( models[["eta"]]=="etaHGLM"){
      APHLlegend <- c(hlik="       h-likelihood:",
                      p_v= if (.get_obsInfo(object)) {
                             paste0("logL      (P_v(h)):")
                      } else "logL       (p_v(h)):",
                      p_bv= if (.get_obsInfo(object)) {
                             paste0("Re.logL (P_b,v(h)):")
                      } else "Re.logL  (p_b,v(h)):")
    } else APHLlegend <- c(p_v="logL               :",
                           p_bv="log restricted-lik :")
    names(likelihoods) <- APHLlegend[validnames]
    if ( is.null(object$distinctX.Re)) {
      ## standard REML 
    } else {
      whichp_bv <- which(validnames=="p_bv")
      if (ncol(object$distinctX.Re)==0L) {
        likelihoods <- likelihoods[-whichp_bv] ## ML 
      } else names(likelihoods)[whichp_bv] <- "(Non-standard?)  ReL:"
  } else likelihoods <- numeric(0)
  # messlist[["ranef"]]
  logLapp <- object$APHLs$logLapp
  if (!is.null(logLapp)) {
    locli <- list(logLapp[1]) ## [1] removes attribute
    names(locli)[1] <- attr(logLapp,"method")
    likelihoods <- c(likelihoods,locli)
  cat(" ------------- Likelihood values  -------------\n")    
  astable <- as.matrix(likelihoods);colnames(astable)<-"logLik";
  summ$likelihoods <- likelihoods
  if (length(object$warnings) ) silent <- sapply(object$warnings, cat, "\n") 
  cat(paste(inverse_pred_mess, collapse="\n"))

print.HLfit <- function(x,...) {

print.HLfitlist <- function(x,...) {

div_info <- function(object, ...) { 
  ranges <- NULL # avoid bug when no divinfo
  if ( ! is.null(ranFixes <- object$divinfo$high_kappa$ranFixes)) { # remains NULL if problem too large for fast condnum computation
    corr_info <- .get_from_ranef_info(object)
    ranFixes <- lapply(ranFixes, .canonizeRanPars, corr_info=corr_info,checkComplete = FALSE, rC_transf = .spaMM.data$options$rC_transf)
    if (length(ranFixes)>1L) {
      ranges <- t(apply(do.call(rbind,lapply(ranFixes,unlist)),2L,range))
      if (is.null(ranges)) {
        message("Near-singular Hessian matrix, but could not be related to specific parameter values.")
      } else {
        message("Near-singular Hessian matrix for the following ranges of parameters:")
        colnames(ranges) <- c("lower","upper") 
        message("It may be worth refitting in a constrained parameter space excluding some of these ranges.")
    } else if (length(ranFixes)) {
      message("Near-singular Hessian matrix for the following parameters:")
      message("It may be worth refitting in a constrained parameter space excluding these parameters.")
  if ( ! is.null(ranFixes <- object$divinfo$unknown$ranFixes)) { # if processed$envir$ranFix was NULL there are explicit list(NULL) here
    corr_info <- .get_from_ranef_info(object)
    ranFixes <- lapply(ranFixes, .canonizeRanPars, corr_info=corr_info,checkComplete = FALSE, rC_transf = .spaMM.data$options$rC_transf)
    if (length(ranFixes)>1L) {
      ranges <- t(apply(do.call(rbind,lapply(ranFixes,unlist)),2L,range))
      if (is.null(ranges)) {
        message("A non-convergence issue was detected but could not be diagnosed\n  nor related to specific parameter values.")
      } else {
        message("Uncharacterized numerical issue for the following ranges of parameters:")
        colnames(ranges) <- c("lower","upper") 
        message("It may be worth refitting in a constrained parameter space excluding some of these ranges.")
    } else if (length(ranFixes)) {
      message("Uncharacterized numerical issue for the following parameters:")
      message("It may be worth refitting in a constrained parameter space excluding these parameters.")

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