
cat(crayon::yellow("\ntest singular design matrices:\n"))

# Singular matrix from ?Matrix::qr :
singX <- cbind(int = 1,
           b1=rep(1:0, each=3), b2=rep(0:1, each=3),
           c1=rep(c(1,0,0), 2), c2=rep(c(0,1,0), 2), c3=rep(c(0,0,1),2))
rownames(singX) <- paste0("r", seq_len(nrow(singX)))
donn <- as.data.frame(singX)
donn$y <- runif(6)
fv1 <- fitted(singlm <- lm(y~int+ b1+b2+c1+c2+c3,data=donn)) # (glmmTMB returns a full vector with numeric values instead of NA's)... vcov will be full of NaN's
fv2 <- (singfit <- fitme(y~int+ b1+b2+c1+c2+c3,data=donn))$fv
fv3 <- fitme(y~int+ b1+b2+c1+c2+c3,data=donn)$fv ## fixef is not unique, but fitted values must be equivalent
testthat::expect_true( max(apply(cbind(fv1,fv2,fv3),1L,var))<1e-16)
crit <- diff(range(anova(singlm) -anova(singfit), na.rm=TRUE))
testthat::test_that("whether anova.lm and spaMM:::.anova.lm give equivalent results for singular X",

# the way singular matrices are handled differ for LM vs GLMs: for the latter there are rows with 0 df in the Table
fv1 <- fitted(singglm <- glm(y~int+ b1+b2+c1+c2+c3,data=donn, family=Gamma(log)))
fv2 <- (singfit <- fitme(y~int+ b1+b2+c1+c2+c3,data=donn, family=Gamma(log)))$fv
fv3 <- fitme(y~int+ b1+b2+c1+c2+c3,data=donn, family=Gamma(log))$fv ## fixef is not unique, but fitted values must be equivalent
testthat::expect_true( max(apply(cbind(fv1,fv2,fv3),1L,var))<1e-9)
# stats::anova(singglm) new default is to return the F test, as by spaMM::anova(singfit, test="F"), but with different result as doc'ed.
crit <- diff(range(anova(singglm, test=FALSE) -anova(singfit), na.rm=TRUE)) 
testthat::test_that("whether anova.glm and spaMM:::.anova.glm give equivalent results for singular X",

donn$dummy<- c(0,0,0,1,1,1) # completely équivalent to b1 or b2!
chk <- try(nlme::lme(y~int+ b1+b2+c1+c2+c3, data = donn, random = ~ 1 | dummy), silent=TRUE)
testthat::test_that("whether nlme::lme does not handle singular X, as stated in the Description of spaMM::rankinfo",

if (spaMM.getOption("example_maxtime")>0.7) { # a check accumulating possible causes of problems
  { # check on minimal pathological case
    ## b1 is redundant with | dummy ...
    trivml <- fitme(y~b1 + (1 | dummy), data = donn, #verbose=c(TRACE=interactive()), 
                    method="ML") # There is info about lambda, which is estimated as zero
    numInfo(trivml) # the nonzero gradient at the boundary is detected. lambda is removed from target params, so that num derivation does not generate negative lambdas
    trivreml <- fitme(y~b1 + (1 | dummy), data = donn, #verbose=c(TRACE=interactive()), 
                      method="REML") # There is NO info kept in Re.L about lambda
    numInfo(trivreml,which=c("lambda","phi","beta")) # the haphazard 'estimate' of lambda is far from 0, so is included, with vanishing 2nd derivative. 
                      # The phi result is consistent with the next one
                      # The beta result is different from the next one as expected from the different lambda.
    trivreml <- fitme(y~b1 + (1 | dummy), data = donn, control=list(refit=TRUE), method="REML") 
    numInfo(trivreml, which=c("lambda","phi","beta")) # values at boundary are excluded from computation to avoid negative lambda
  ## Each of b1 and b2 are redundant with | dummy ...
  # Here lambda appears unidentifiable by *RE*ML: RE.L is 'completely' flat wrt it (marginal L is not). 
  (singfitF <- fitme(y~int+ b1+b2+c1+c2+c3 + (1 | dummy), data = donn, method="REML", 
                    # verbose=c(TRACE=TRUE), # quite useful to check what's going on in numInfo computation too
                    control=list(refit=FALSE))) ## Final value of lambda dependent on initial value
  # The unit SE for the phi coef is also surprizing but may also be a far-fetched consequence of idiosyncrasies of data and model,
  # combined with the approxs of the SmythHV method (by contrast, cond.SE is not 1 when formula= y~int + (1 | dummy)).
  suppressWarnings(anova(singfitF, type="2")) # lambda not low enough for removal, but numInfo singular since no info on lambda => warning (suppressed here)
  ranef(singfitF) #  =0, which is consistent with the refit below. The latter de facto replaces an undefined lambda estimate ((v=0)/(1-lev=0)) by v/(tiny value) = 0
  (singfitT <- fitme(y~int+ b1+b2+c1+c2+c3 + (1 | dummy), data = donn, method="REML", 
                    # verbose=c(TRACE=TRUE), # quite useful to check what's going on
                    control=list(refit=TRUE))) # Note effect on lambda
  suppressWarnings(anova(singfitT, type="2")) # Distinct warning for removal of lambda at boundary
  suppressWarnings(chk <- lme4::lmer(y~int+ b1+b2+c1+c2+c3 + (1 | dummy), data = donn)) # warnings, but this fits contrary to lme.
  suppressWarnings(anova(lmerTest::as_lmerModLmerTest(chk), type="II")) 
  # Trying to get the same result as lme4... not completely successful, but there are good reasons for that: 
  (singfit <- fitme(y~int+ b1+b2+c1+c2+c3 + (1 | dummy), data = donn, method="REML", 
                    control=list(refit=FALSE))) ## Final value of lambda = initial value
  suppressWarnings(anova(singfit, type="2")) # Again, lambda not low enough for removal, but numInfo singular since no info on lambda => warning
  suppressWarnings(anova(singfit, type="2",transf=FALSE)) # Note the difference in DenDf hence in p-value
  # Since lambda is not quite low, there is no check of the num derivs, despite all the identifiability issues. The difference is on the b1 coeff, redundant with the ranef...

if (spaMM.getOption("example_maxtime")>0.7) { # Test of correct handling of singular fits in anova lead to an odd F test| cX2 test comparison on non-singular fits.
  # Here for devel purposes a single collinearity is retained ('int' is equiv to the Intercept). 
  ## Also b1 was redundant with | dummy and was removed here (this does not prevent lambda -> 0 unless we modify y: see commented-out line. 
  donn$yy <- donn$y
  # donn$yy[donn$dumm==1] <- donn$y[donn$dumm==1]+1 # if we want to avoid the zero lambda estimate
  okchk <- lme4::lmer(yy~int+c1+c2 + (1 | dummy), data = donn, REML=FALSE) 
  (okfit <- fitme(yy~c1+c2 + (1 | dummy), data = donn, method="ML")) 
  (singfit <- fitme(yy~int+ c1+c2 + (1 | dummy), data = donn, method="ML")) 
  # library("lmerTest")
  a1 <- anova(lmerTest::as_lmerModLmerTest(okchk), type="1") # consistent (despite possibly different treatment of lambda) with:
  suppressWarnings(a2 <- anova(okfit, type="1")) 
  suppressWarnings(a3 <- anova(singfit, type="1")) 
  crit <- max(abs(c(a1[1:2,6]-a2[1:2,6],a1[1:2,6]-a3[1:2,6])))
  testthat::test_that("whether LMM type 1 anova for singular X is consistent with trimmed X",
  anova(okfit, type="1", method="t.Chisq")
  # Remarkably, the X2 stats are identical to the previous F stats. 
  # The X2 stat comes from .anova_fallback -> Wald's method, hard to mess with.
  # The F stat is the square of the t-stat computed by lmerTest:::anova.lmerModlmerTest() -> single_anova() -> contest1D() -> [locally defined]mk_ttable()
  # same compar for type 2, quite different from type 1 ...
  a1 <- anova(lmerTest::as_lmerModLmerTest(okchk), type="2")
  suppressWarnings(a2 <- anova(okfit, type="2")) # 
  suppressWarnings(a3 <- anova(singfit, type="2"))
  crit <- max(abs(c(a1[1:2,6]-a2[1:2,6],a1[1:2,6]-a3[1:2,6])))
  testthat::test_that("whether LMM type 2 anova for singular X is consistent with trimmed X",
  anova(okfit, type="2", method="t.Chisq")

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