#' nnfromvertex.R
#' Nearest data point to each vertex of a network
#' $Revision: 1.5 $ $Date: 2022/05/21 09:52:11 $
nnfromvertex <- function(X, what=c("dist", "which"), k=1) {
what <- match.arg(what, several.ok=TRUE)
nX <- npoints(X)
nv <- nvertices(domain(X))
#' k can be a single integer or an integer vector
if(length(k) == 0)
stop("k is an empty vector")
else if(length(k) == 1) {
if(k != round(k) || k <= 0)
stop("k is not a positive integer")
} else {
if(any(k != round(k)) || any(k <= 0))
stop(paste("some entries of the vector",
sQuote("k"), "are not positive integers"))
k <- as.integer(k)
kmax <- max(k)
#' Initialise results
nnd <- matrix(Inf, nrow=nv, ncol=kmax)
nnw <- matrix(NA_integer_, nrow=nv, ncol=kmax)
colnames(nnd) <- colnames(nnw) <- 1:kmax
#' Trivial cases
if(nX > 0) {
#' Unique points, remembering original sequence
ii <- which(!duplicated(X))
uX <- X[ii]
#' local coordinates
coUX <- coords(uX)[, c("seg", "tp")]
#' add label from original sequence index
coUX$lab <- ii
#' reorder
oo <- with(coUX, order(seg, tp))
coUXord <- coUX[oo, , drop=FALSE]
seg <- coUXord$seg
tp <- coUXord$tp
#' network data
L <- domain(X)
nv <- nvertices(L)
ns <- nsegments(L)
seglen <- lengths_psp(as.psp(L))
from <- L$from
to <- L$to
#' upper bound on interpoint distance
huge <- sum(seglen)
#' numerical tolerance for nnwhich
tol <- max(sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), diameter(Frame(L))/2^20)
#' ..............................................
#' number of neighbours that are well-defined
kmaxcalc <- min(nX, kmax)
#' calculate k-nn distances and identifiers for 1 <= k <= kmaxcalc
z <- vnnFind(seg, tp, ns, nv, from, to, seglen, huge, tol, kmax=kmaxcalc)
vnndist <- z$vnndist
vnnwhich <- z$vnnwhich
#' map identifiers back to original data pattern
vnnwhich <- coUXord$lab[vnnwhich]
#' insert results in correct places
nnd[, 1:kmaxcalc] <- vnndist
nnw[, 1:kmaxcalc] <- vnnwhich
#' extract required values
nnd <- nnd[,k, drop=TRUE]
nnw <- nnw[,k, drop=TRUE]
if(identical(what, "dist")) return(nnd)
if(identical(what, "which")) return(nnw)
return(cbind(data.frame(dist=nnd), data.frame(which=nnw)))
vnnFind <- function(seg, tp, ns, nv, from, to, seglen, huge, tol, kmax=1) {
#' Find data point nearest to each vertex of network
#' Assumed 'seg' is sorted in increasing order
#' 'tp' is increasing within 'seg'
nX <- length(seg)
from0 <- from - 1L
to0 <- to - 1L
seg0 <- seg - 1L
if(kmax == 1) {
z <- .C(SL_Clinvwhichdist,
np = as.integer(nX),
sp = as.integer(seg0),
tp = as.double(tp),
nv = as.integer(nv),
ns = as.integer(ns),
from = as.integer(from0),
to = as.integer(to0),
seglen = as.double(seglen),
huge = as.double(huge),
tol = as.double(tol),
dist = as.double(numeric(nv)),
which = as.integer(integer(nv)),
} else {
z <- .C(SL_linvknndist,
kmax = as.integer(kmax),
nq = as.integer(nX),
sq = as.integer(seg0),
tq = as.double(tp),
nv = as.integer(nv),
ns = as.integer(ns),
from = as.integer(from0),
to = as.integer(to0),
seglen = as.double(seglen),
huge = as.double(huge),
tol = as.double(tol),
dist = as.double(numeric(kmax * nv)),
which = as.integer(integer(kmax * nv)),
vnndist <- z$dist
vnnwhich <- z$which + 1L
vnnwhich[vnnwhich == 0] <- NA # possible if network is disconnected
if(kmax > 1) {
vnndist <- matrix(vnndist, ncol=kmax, byrow=TRUE)
vnnwhich <- matrix(vnnwhich, ncol=kmax, byrow=TRUE)
return(list(vnndist=vnndist, vnnwhich=vnnwhich))
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