
Defines functions representativeRows check.anySparseVector mapSparseEntries expandSparse sparseVectorCumul inside3Darray

Documented in check.anySparseVector expandSparse inside3Darray mapSparseEntries representativeRows sparseVectorCumul

#'    sparsecommon.R
#'  Utilities for sparse arrays
#'  Copyright (c) Adrian Baddeley, Ege Rubak and Rolf Turner 2016-2020
#'  GNU Public Licence >= 2.0
#'  $Revision: 1.19 $  $Date: 2023/02/28 01:52:43 $

#'  .............. completely generic ....................

inside3Darray <- function(d, i, j, k) {
  stopifnot(length(d) == 3)
  if(length(dim(i)) == 2 && missing(j) && missing(k)) {
    stopifnot(ncol(i) == 3)
    j <- i[,2]
    k <- i[,3]
    i <- i[,1]
  ans <- inside.range(i, c(1, d[1])) &
         inside.range(j, c(1, d[2])) &
         inside.range(k, c(1, d[3]))

#'  .............. depends on Matrix package ................

sparseVectorCumul <- function(x, i, length) {
  #' extension of 'sparseVector' to allow repeated indices 
  #'   (the corresponding entries are added)
  z <- tapply(x, list(factor(i, levels=1:length)), sum)
  z <- z[!is.na(z)]
  sparseVector(i=as.integer(names(z)), x=as.numeric(z), length=length)

#'  .............. code that mentions sparse3Darray ................

expandSparse <- function(x, n, across) {
  #' x is a sparse vector/matrix; replicate it 'n' times
  #' and form a sparse matrix/array
  #' in which each slice along the 'across' dimension is identical to 'x'
  #' Default is across = length(dim(x)) + 1
  stopifnot(n >= 1)
  dimx <- dim(x)
  if(is.null(dimx)) {
    if(inherits(x, "sparseVector")) dimx <- x@length else
    if(is.vector(x)) dimx <- length(x) else
    stop("Format of x is not understood", call.=FALSE)
  nd <- length(dimx)
  if(missing(across)) across <- nd + 1L else {
    if(!(across %in% (1:(nd+1L))))
      stop(paste("Argument 'across' must be an integer from 1 to", nd+1L),
  if(nd == 1) {
    if(inherits(x, "sparseVector")) {
      m <- length(x@x)
      y <- switch(across,
                  sparseMatrix(i=rep(1:n, times=m),
		               j=rep(x@i, each=n),
			       x=rep(x@x, each=n),
			       dims=c(n, dimx)),
                  sparseMatrix(i=rep(x@i, each=n),
		  	       j=rep(1:n, times=m),
			       x=rep(x@x, each=n),
			       dims=c(dimx, n)))
    } else {
      y <- switch(across,
                  outer(1:n, x, function(a,b) b),
                  outer(x, 1:n, function(a,b) a))
  } else if(nd == 2) {
    if(inherits(x, "sparseMatrix")) {
      z <- as(x, "TsparseMatrix")
      m <- length(z@x)
      y <- switch(across,
                  sparse3Darray(i=rep(1:n, times=m),
		                j=rep(z@i + 1L, each=n),
				k=rep(z@j + 1L, each=n),
				x=rep(z@x, each=n),
				dims=c(n, dimx)),
                  sparse3Darray(i=rep(z@i + 1L, each=n),
		                j=rep(1:n, times=m),
				k=rep(z@j + 1L, each=n),
				x=rep(z@x, each=n),
				dims=c(dimx[1], n, dimx[2])),
                  sparse3Darray(i=rep(z@i + 1L, each=n),
		                j=rep(z@j + 1L, each=n),
				k=rep(1:n, times=m),
				x=rep(z@x, each=n),
				dims=c(dimx, n)))
    } else stop("Not yet implemented for full arrays")
  } else 
     stop("Not implemented for arrays of more than 2 dimensions", call.=FALSE)

mapSparseEntries <- function(x, margin, values, conform=TRUE, across) {
  # replace the NONZERO entries of sparse vector, matrix or array
  # by values[l] where l is one of the slice indices
  dimx <- dim(x)
  if(is.null(dimx)) {
    if(inherits(x, "sparseVector")) dimx <- x@length else
    if(is.vector(x)) dimx <- length(x) else
    stop("Format of x is not understood", call.=FALSE)
  if(length(dimx) == 1) {
    x <- as(x, "sparseVector")
    i <- x@i
    if(length(i) == 0) {
      # no entries
    if(!missing(margin) && !is.null(margin)) stopifnot(margin == 1)
    check.anySparseVector(values, dimx, things="entries", oneok=TRUE)
    nv <- if(inherits(values, "sparseVector")) values@length else length(values)
    yvalues <- if(nv > 1) as.vector(values[i]) else rep(values[1], length(i))
    y <- sparseVector(i=i, x=yvalues, length=dimx)
  if(inherits(x, "sparseMatrix")) {
    x <- as(x, Class="TsparseMatrix")
    if(length(x@i) == 0) {
      # no entries
    stopifnot(margin %in% 1:2)
    check.anySparseVector(values, dimx[margin],
    nv <- if(inherits(values, "sparseVector")) values@length else length(values)
    i <- x@i + 1L
    j <- x@j + 1L
    yindex <- switch(margin, i, j)
    yvalues <- if(nv > 1) values[yindex] else rep(values[1], length(yindex))
    y <- sparseMatrix(i=i, j=j, x=yvalues, dims=dimx, dimnames=dimnames(x))
    y <- drop0(y)
  if(inherits(x, "sparse3Darray")) {
    if(length(x$i) == 0) {
      # no entries
    ijk <- cbind(i=x$i, j=x$j, k=x$k)
    if(conform) {
      #' ensure common pattern of sparse values
      #' in each slice on 'across' margin
      nslice <- dimx[across]
      #' pick one representative of each equivalence class
      ## ---- old code ---------
      ## dup <- duplicated(ijk[,-across,drop=FALSE])
      ## ijk <- ijk[!dup, , drop=FALSE]
      ## ---------------------
      use <- representativeRows(ijk[,-across,drop=FALSE])
      ijk <- ijk[use, , drop=FALSE]
      npattern <- nrow(ijk)
      #' repeat this pattern in each 'across' slice
      ijk <- apply(ijk, 2, rep, times=nslice)
      ijk[, across] <- rep(seq_len(nslice), each=npattern)
    if(is.vector(values) || inherits(values, "sparseVector")) {
      # vector of values matching margin extent
      check.anySparseVector(values, dimx[margin],
      nv <- if(inherits(values, "sparseVector")) values@length else length(values)
      yindex <- ijk[,margin]
      yvalues <- if(nv > 1) values[yindex] else rep(values[1], length(yindex))
      y <- sparse3Darray(i=ijk[,1],
                         dims=dimx, dimnames=dimnames(x))
    } else if(is.matrix(values) || inherits(values, "sparseMatrix")) {
      #' matrix of values.
      stopifnot(across != margin) 
      #' rows of matrix must match 'margin'
      if(nrow(values) != dimx[margin])
        stop(paste("Number of rows of values", paren(nrow(values)),
                   "does not match array size in margin", paren(dimx[margin])),
      #' columns of matrix must match 'across'
      if(ncol(values) != dimx[across])
        stop(paste("Number of columns of values", paren(ncol(values)),
                   "does not match array size in 'across'",
      # map
      yindex <- ijk[,margin]
      zindex <- ijk[,across]
      y <- sparse3Darray(i=ijk[,1], j=ijk[,2], k=ijk[,3],
                         dims=dimx, dimnames=dimnames(x))
    } else stop("Format of values not understood", call.=FALSE)
  stop("Format of x not understood", call.=FALSE)

applySparseEntries <- local({

  applySparseEntries <- function(x, f, ...) {
    ## apply vectorised function 'f' only to the nonzero entries of 'x'
    if(inherits(x, "sparseMatrix")) {
      x <- applytoxslot(x, f, ...)
    } else if(inherits(x, "sparse3Darray")) {
      x <- applytoxentry(x, f, ...)
    } else {
      x <- f(x, ...)

  applytoxslot <- function(x, f, ...) {
    xx <- x@x
    n <- length(xx)
    xx <- f(xx, ...)
    if(length(xx) != n)
      stop(paste("Function f returned the wrong number of values:",
                 length(xx), "instead of", n),
    x@x <- xx
  applytoxentry <- function(x, f, ...) {
    xx <- x$x
    n <- length(xx)
    xx <- f(xx, ...)
    if(length(xx) != n)
      stop(paste("Function f returned the wrong number of values:",
                 length(xx), "instead of", n),
    x$x <- xx

check.anySparseVector <- function(v, npoints=NULL, fatal=TRUE, things="data points",
                                  naok=FALSE, warn=FALSE, vname, oneok=FALSE) {
  # vector, factor or sparse vector of values for each point/thing
    vname <- sQuote(short.deparse(substitute(v)))
  whinge <- NULL
  isVector <- is.atomic(v) && is.null(dim(v))
  isSparse <- inherits(v, "sparseVector")
  nv <- if(isSparse) v@length else length(v)
  if(!isVector && !isSparse) 
    whinge <- paste(vname, "is not a vector, factor or sparse vector")
  else if(!(is.null(npoints) || (nv == npoints)) &&
          !(oneok && nv == 1)) 
    whinge <- paste("The length of", vname,
                    paren(paste0("=", nv)), 
                    "should equal the number of", things,
                    paren(paste0("=", npoints)))
  else if(!naok && anyNA(v))
    whinge <- paste("Some values of", vname, "are NA or NaN")
  if(!is.null(whinge)) {
    if(fatal) stop(whinge)
    if(warn) warning(whinge)
    ans <- FALSE
    attr(ans, "whinge") <- whinge

representativeRows <- function(x) {
  ## select a unique representative of each equivalence class of rows,
  ## in a numeric matrix or data frame of numeric values.
  nr <- nrow(x)
  if(nr == 1L) return(TRUE)
  if(nr == 2L) {
    agree <- all(x[1,] == x[2,])
    ans <- c(TRUE, !agree)
  ord <- do.call(order, as.list(as.data.frame(x)))
  y <- x[ord, , drop=FALSE]
  dy <- apply(y, 2, diff)
  answer <- logical(nrow(y))
  answer[ord] <- c(TRUE, !matrowall(dy == 0))

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spatstat.sparse documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:49 a.m.