
#' Latent dependency detection
#' Given two sequences of paired test statistics, tests whether the latent indicators of significance are positively dependent.
#' @param T1,T2 paired vectors of test statistics, both must be the same length; can be p-values or otherwise; if not p-values, must be stochastically larger under the null
#' @param m1,m2 search only up the m1th (m2th) most significant test statistic in T1 (T2); NULL to search through all statistics
#' @param p1,p2 TRUE if T1 (T2) is a vector of p-values
#' @param perm the indices of T1 will be randomly permuted \code{perm} times; the permutation p-value will be calculated as a fraction of \code{perm}+1
#' @param jitter NULL if no jittering is desired to resolve ties, otherwise a jitter of \code{runif(0,jitter)} will be added to all entries of T1 and T2
#' @return
#' \item{D}{value of the test statistic}
#' \item{p.perm}{permutation p-value}
#' \item{p.asymp}{asymptotic approximate p-value}
#' @examples
#' ## generate paired test statistics
#' \donttest{
#' p <- 10^6; ## total number of pairs
#' X <- c(rep(0,p-30),rep(1,10),rep(2,10),rep(3,10));
#' ## X=0: no signal in either sequence of tests
#' ## X=1: signal in sequence 1 only
#' ## X=2: signal in sequence 2 only
#' ## X=3: simultaneous signal
#' set.seed(1);
#' Z1 <- rnorm(p,0,1); Z1[X==1|X==3] <- rnorm(20,3,1);
#' Z2 <- rnorm(p,0,1); Z2[X==2|X==3] <- rnorm(20,4,1);
#' ## convert to p-value
#' P1 <- 2*pnorm(-abs(Z1));
#' P2 <- 2*pnorm(-abs(Z2));
#' ## run different version of ldd()
#' out.pp <- ldd(P1,P2,perm=100);
#' out.zp <- ldd(abs(Z1),P2,p1=FALSE,perm=100);
#' out.pz <- ldd(P1,abs(Z2),p2=FALSE,perm=100);
#' out.zz <- ldd(abs(Z1),abs(Z2),p1=FALSE,p2=FALSE,perm=100);
#' }
#' @import stats
#' @useDynLib ssa
#' @export

ldd <- function(T1,T2,m1=1000,m2=1000,perm=0,p1=TRUE,p2=TRUE,jitter=NULL){
        stop("Test statistic vectors must be of same length");
    if(sum(is.na(T1)) > 0 || sum(is.na(T2)) > 0){
        stop("No missing data allowed");
        warning("Test statistics contain negative values");
    m <- length(T1);
    if(is.null(m1)){ m1 <- m; } else { m1 <- min(m,m1); }
    if(is.null(m2)){ m2 <- m; } else { m2 <- min(m,m2); }
    m1 <- as.integer(m1); m2 <- as.integer(m2);
    ## deal with ties
                T1 <- 10^-(-log10(T1)+runif(m,0,jitter));
            } else {
                T1 <- T1+runif(m,0,jitter);
                T2 <- 10^-(-log10(T2)+runif(m,0,jitter));
            } else {
                T2 <- T2+runif(m,0,jitter);
            ## if still tied after jittering
                warning("Need to increase jitter");
        } else {
            warning("Some test statistics are tied");
    ## the C code is written in terms of empirical CDFs instead of
    ## empirical survival functions
    ## if not a p-value, take negatives to make non-null statistics
    ## stochastically smaller
        T1 <- -as.numeric(T1);
        T2 <- -as.numeric(T2);
    ## calculate test statistics
    Ds <- rep(NA,perm+1);
    for(i in 1:(perm+1)){
            UU <- T1; ## don't permute; this is the observed statistic
        } else {
            UU <- T1[sample(1:m,m,replace=FALSE)]; ## permute the T1
        ord <- sort.list(UU,method="quick",na.last=NA);
        UU <- UU[ord];
        VV <- T2[ord];
        Vord <- sort.list(VV,method="quick",na.last=NA)-1; ## subtract 1 bc C indices start at 0
        ret <- .Call("ldd",as.numeric(UU),as.integer(Vord),m1,m2);
        Ds[i] <- ret[1];
    Ds <- Ds*sqrt(m);
    ## permutation p-value
        p.perm <- NA;
    } else {
        p.perm <- mean(Ds>=Ds[1]);
    ## closed-form asymptotic p-value
    p.asymp <- 1-exp(-(Ds[1]/sqrt(log(m)))^(-2));

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ssa documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:27 p.m.