#' Extract statistics from fitted models
#' @description
#' Extract and calculate various results for fitted models such as BLUEs, BLUPs,
#' unit errors and heritabilities. For a full list of results that can be
#' extracted, see the table below.\cr\cr
#' The result(s) to extract can be specified in \code{what}.\cr
#' If a single result is extracted, this result is returned as a
#' \code{data.frame}, If this is not possible, because the format of the result
#' is incompatible with the \code{data.frame} format, the result is returned as
#' a list. E.g. if BLUEs are extracted, the output of the function is a
#' \code{data.frame} with BLUEs. However if varCompF is extracted, the
#' output of the function is a \code{list}.\cr\cr
#' Results that are returned as \code{data.frame} are marked as such in the
#' asDataFrame column in the table. If the default return value for a result
#' is a \code{data.frame} that can be overridden by the user by specifying
#' \code{asDataFrame = FALSE}. When doing so the result will be returned as a
#' list of data.frames, one per trial. They other way round is not possible.
#' If a result is returned as a \code{list} according to the table, it cannot
#' be returned as a \code{data.frame}.\cr
#' If multiple results are extracted at the same time, these are always
#' returned as a list.
#' \cr\cr
#' Most results can only be calculated if a model is fitted with genotype as
#' fixed or with genotype as random. E.g. to compute heritabilities a model
#' should be fitted with genotype as random effect. This is indicated in the
#' table in the column model with "F" and "R" respectively.
#' Possible options for \code{what} are:
#' ```{r extractOpts, results="", echo=FALSE}
#' ## Generate table of options for extract from internal data.
#' optsTab <- statgenSTA:::extractOptions[, c("result", "model", "description", "asDataFrame")]
#' optsTab$asDataFrame <- factor(ifelse(optsTab$asDataFrame == 0, 2, 1),
#' labels = c("yes", ""))
#' optsTab <- optsTab[order(optsTab[["model"]]), ]
#' knitr::kable(optsTab, align = "l", row.names = FALSE)
# ```
#' @param STA An object of class STA.
#' @param trials A character vector of trials for which the statistics should be
#' computed. If not supplied, statistics are computed for all trials that have
#' been modeled.
#' @param traits A character vector of traits for which the statistics should be
#' computed. If not supplied, statistics are computed for all traits that have
#' been modeled.
#' @param what A character vector indicating which statistics should be
#' computed. Most statistics are available for all models, some only for models
#' fitted using a certain engine. If this is the case, this is indicated in the
#' list with options in details.\cr
#' If \code{what = "all"}, all available statistics are computed.
#' @param asDataFrame Should the output be reshaped to a data.frame. This is
#' only possible if the number of statistics to extract is one.
#' @param keep A character vector of column(s) in the object of class
#' \code{\link{TD}} used for modeling. These columns will be kept as output when
#' computing fitted values, residuals, standardized residuals and rMeans.
#' Columns can also be kept when computing (se)BLUEs and (se)BLUPs but only if
#' the column to keep contains unique values for the modeled variables, i.e. a
#' column repId with several different values per genotype cannot be kept.
#' @param restoreColNames Should the original column names be restored in the
#' output of the extracted data?
#' @return Depending on the input either a data.frame or a list with, per
#' trial for which statistics have been extracted, a list of those statistics.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitTD}}
#' @examples
#' ## Fit model using SpATS.
#' modSp <- fitTD(TD = TDHeat05,
#' design = "res.rowcol",
#' traits = "yield")
#' ## Extract all available statistics from the fitted model.
#' extr <- extractSTA(modSp)
#' ## Extract only the BLUEs from the fitted model.
#' BLUEs <- extractSTA(modSp,
#' what = "BLUEs")
#' ## Extract only the BLUEs from the fitted model and keep trial as variable in
#' ## the output.
#' BLUEs2 <- extractSTA(modSp,
#' what = "BLUEs",
#' keep = "trial")
#' @md
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @export
extractSTA <- function(STA,
trials = names(STA),
traits = NULL,
what = "all",
asDataFrame = length(what) == 1 && what != "all",
keep = NULL,
restoreColNames = FALSE) {
## Checks.
if (missing(STA) || !inherits(STA, "STA")) {
stop("STA has to be an object of class STA.\n")
trials <- chkTrials(trials, STA)
if (asDataFrame) {
if (length(what) > 1) {
stop("Converting output to data.frame is only possible if what has ",
"lenght 1.\n")
## Trial is added to keep columns, but only if a trial column is
## actually present in the data.
keep <- unique(c(if (length(STA) != 1 ||
hasName(STA[[1]]$TD[[1]], "trial")) "trial",
resTot <- sapply(X = trials, FUN = function(trial) {
STATr <- STA[[trial]]
traitsTr <- chkTraits(traits, trial, STATr)
if (!all(keep %in% colnames(STATr$TD[[trial]]))) {
stop("All keep should be columns in ", trial, ".\n")
traitsTr <- traitsTr[sapply(X = traitsTr, FUN = function(trait) {
!is.null(STATr$mRand[[trait]]) || !is.null(STATr$mFix[[trait]])})]
if (length(traitsTr) == 0) {
engine <- STATr$engine
useCheckId <- STATr$useCheckId
## Set useRepId to TRUE when it is used as fixed effect in the model.
useRepId <- STATr$design %in% c("res.ibd", "res.rowcol", "rcbd")
## Extract statistics from fitted model.
result <- = paste0("extractSTA", tools::toTitleCase(engine)),
args = list(STA = STATr, traits = traitsTr, what = what,
useRepId = useRepId, keep = keep,
restore = restoreColNames,
useCheckId = useCheckId))
attr(x = result, which = "traits") <- traitsTr
attr(x = result, which = "design") <- STATr$design
attr(x = result, which = "engine") <- engine
}, simplify = FALSE)
if (asDataFrame) {
## Get type of conversion that needs to be done.
## 1 for simple row binding, 2 for conversion of nested list.
convertType <- extractOptions[extractOptions[["result"]] == what,
if (convertType == 0) {
warning("Conversion to data.frame not possible for ", what, ".\n",
"Returning the unconverted results.\n")
} else if (convertType == 1) {
## Bind data.frames in resTot together to one large data.frame.
resDf <- dfBind(unlist(resTot, recursive = FALSE))
} else if (convertType == 2) {
## Extract nested results.
resNested <- sapply(X = resTot, FUN = `[`, what)
## Get traits from result.
traitsRes <- unique(unlist(sapply(X = resNested, names)))
## Create a base data.frame for the output.
resDf <- data.frame(trial = names(resTot), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (trait in traitsRes) {
## Fill values for current trait.
## This respects missing values.
resDf[[trait]] <- sapply(X = resNested, FUN = `[`, trait)
} else {
#' Extract statistics from model fitted using SpATS
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom SpATS predict.SpATS
#' @keywords internal
extractSTASpATS <- function(STA,
traits = NULL,
what = "all",
keep = NULL,
restore = FALSE,
useCheckId = FALSE) {
mf <- STA$mFix[names(STA$mFix) %in% traits]
mr <- STA$mRand[names(STA$mRand) %in% traits]
TD <- STA$TD[[1]]
renCols <- attr(TD, "renamedCols")
predicted <- STA$predicted
whatPred <- c("BLUEs", "seBLUEs", "BLUPs", "seBLUPs", "ranEf")
what <- extractOptSel(what = what, fixed = !is.null(mf),
random = !is.null(mr), engine = "SpATS")
## Fitted values and residuals are not set to NA by SpATS in case the original
## data is NA. Get missing values per trait to set them to NA later.
naTr <- sapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
}, simplify = FALSE)
## Create baseData and baseDataPred to which further results will be merged.
base <- createBaseData(TD, predicted, keep, useRepId, useCheckId,
bdPred = any(what %in% whatPred))
baseData <- base$baseData
baseDataPred <- base$baseDataPred
## Create empty result list.
result <- setNames(vector(mode = "list", length = length(what)),
## Compute BLUEs and se of BLUEs from fixed model.
if ("BLUEs" %in% what) {
predVals <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
predVal <- predict(mf[[trait]], which = predicted,
predFixed = "marginal")[c(predicted, "predicted.values")]
colnames(predVal) <- c(predicted, trait)
BLUEs <- Reduce(f = function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE),
x = predVals, init = baseDataPred)
result[["BLUEs"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = BLUEs, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
if ("seBLUEs" %in% what) {
predErrs <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
predErr <- predict(mf[[trait]], which = predicted,
predFixed = "marginal")[c(predicted, "standard.errors")]
colnames(predErr) <- c(predicted, trait)
seBLUEs <- Reduce(f = function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE),
x = predErrs, init = baseDataPred)
result[["seBLUEs"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = seBLUEs,
renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Compute BLUPs and se of BLUPs from mixed model.
if ("BLUPs" %in% what) {
whichPred <- c(predicted, if (useCheckId) "checkId")
predVals <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
predVal <- predict(mr[[trait]], which = whichPred,
predFixed = "marginal")[c(whichPred, "predicted.values")]
colnames(predVal) <- c(whichPred, trait)
BLUPs <- Reduce(f = function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE),
x = predVals, init = baseDataPred)
result[["BLUPs"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = BLUPs, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
if ("seBLUPs" %in% what) {
whichPred <- c(predicted, if (useCheckId) "checkId")
predErrs <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
predErr <- predict(mr[[trait]], which = whichPred,
predFixed = "marginal")[c(whichPred, "standard.errors")]
colnames(predErr) <- c(whichPred, trait)
seBLUPs <- Reduce(f = function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE),
x = predErrs, init = baseDataPred)
result[["seBLUPs"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = seBLUPs,
renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Compute generalized heritability.
if ("heritability" %in% what) {
result[["heritability"]] <- sapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
## Extract variance components for genotype fixed.
if ("varCompF" %in% what) {
result[["varCompF"]] <- lapply(X = mf, FUN = extractVarComp,
engine = "SpATS")
## Extract variance components for genotype random.
if ("varCompR" %in% what) {
result[["varCompR"]] <- lapply(X = mr, FUN = extractVarComp,
engine = "SpATS")
## Extract genetic variance.
if ("varGen" %in% what) {
result[["varGen"]] <- sapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
## Extract residual variance.
if ("varErr" %in% what) {
result[["varErr"]] <- sapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
## Extract spatial variance.
if ("varSpat" %in% what) {
result[["varSpat"]] <- sapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
mr0$var.comp[grep(pattern = "Coord", x = names(mr0$var.comp))]
## Extract fitted values.
if ("fitted" %in% what) {
fitVal <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
fitVals <- fitted(mf[[trait]])
fitVals[naTr[[trait]]] <- NA
result[["fitted"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = fitVal, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract residuals.
if ("residF" %in% what) {
resVal <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
resVals <- residuals(mf[[trait]])
resVals[naTr[[trait]]] <- NA
result[["residF"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = resVal, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract standardized residuals.
if ("stdResF" %in% what) {
stdRes <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = mf, FUN = function(mf0) {
residuals(mf0) / sd(residuals(mf0), na.rm = TRUE)
result[["stdResF"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = stdRes, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract rMeans.
if ("rMeans" %in% what) {
rMeans <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
fitVals <- fitted(mr[[trait]])
fitVals[naTr[[trait]]] <- NA
result[["rMeans"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = rMeans, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract random effects.
if ("ranEf" %in% what) {
ranEffs <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
effs <- mr[[trait]]$coeff[names(mr[[trait]]$coeff) %in%
ranEff <- data.frame(names(effs), effs)
colnames(ranEff) <- c(predicted, trait)
ranEf <- Reduce(f = function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE),
x = ranEffs, init = baseDataPred)
result[["ranEf"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = ranEf, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract residuals for genotype random.
if ("residR" %in% what) {
resVal <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
resVals <- residuals(mr[[trait]])
resVals[naTr[[trait]]] <- NA
result[["residR"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = resVal,
renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract standardized residuals for genotype random.
if ("stdResR" %in% what) {
stdRes <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
residuals(mr0) / sd(residuals(mr0), na.rm = TRUE)
result[["stdResR"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = stdRes,
renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
if ("CV" %in% what) {
## Compute Coefficient of Variation.
result[["CV"]] <- sapply(X = mf, FUN = function(mf0) {
100 * sqrt(mf0$psi[1]) / mean(fitted(mf0), na.rm = TRUE)
## Extract residual degrees of freedom.
if ("rDfF" %in% what) {
result[["rDfF"]] <- sapply(X = mf, FUN = function(mf0) {
round(mf0[["nobs"]] - sum(mf0[["eff.dim"]]))
## Extract residual degrees of freedom.
if ("rDfR" %in% what) {
result[["rDfR"]] <- sapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
round(mr0[["nobs"]] - sum(mr0[["eff.dim"]]))
## Extract effective dimensions.
if ("effDim" %in% what) {
result[["effDim"]] <- lapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
## Get row order for effective dimensions in SpATS summary output.
capture.output(effDimOrd <- rownames(summary(mr0)$p.table.dim))
effDimOrd <- effDimOrd[1:(length(effDimOrd) - 4)]
## Extract directly from model since summary rounds the numbers.
effDim <- data.frame(effDim = mr0[["eff.dim"]])
## order rows as in SpATS summary output.
effDim <- effDim[effDimOrd, , drop = FALSE]
## Rename rows for more user readable output.
## Extract ratio's of effective dimensions.
if ("ratEffDim" %in% what) {
result[["ratEffDim"]] <- lapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
capture.output(ratTot <- summary(mr0)$p.table.dim[, "Ratio"])
ratTot <- setNames(as.numeric(ratTot[1:(length(ratTot) - 4)]),
names(ratTot[1:(length(ratTot) - 4)]))
ratTot <- data.frame(ratEffDim = ratTot)
## Rename rows for more user readable output.
#' Extract statistics from model fitted using lme4
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
extractSTALme4 <- function(STA,
traits = NULL,
what = "all",
keep = NULL,
restore = FALSE,
useCheckId = FALSE) {
mf <- STA$mFix[names(STA$mFix) %in% traits]
mr <- STA$mRand[names(STA$mRand) %in% traits]
TD <- STA$TD[[1]]
renCols <- attr(TD, "renamedCols")
predicted <- STA$predicted
whatPred <- c("BLUEs", "seBLUEs", "BLUPs", "seBLUPs", "ranEf")
what <- extractOptSel(what = what, fixed = !is.null(mf),
random = !is.null(mr), engine = "lme4")
## Create baseData and baseDataPred to which further results will be merged.
base <- createBaseData(TD, predicted, keep, useRepId, useCheckId,
bdPred = any(what %in% whatPred))
baseData <- base$baseData
baseDataPred <- base$baseDataPred
## Create empty result list.
result <- setNames(vector(mode = "list", length = length(what)),
## Use emmeans to convert mf to emmGrid per trait.
## Option lmer.df = "asymptotic" for speed. Default options gives
## exact the same results as asreml but is very slow.
em <- sapply(X = mf, FUN = function(mf0) {
emmeans::emmeans(mf0, specs = predicted, lmer.df = "asymptotic")
}, simplify = FALSE)
## Summarize emGrid to calculate BLUEs en se per trait.
emStats <- sapply(X = em, FUN = summary, simplify = FALSE)
## Extract BLUEs and se of BLUEs from emStats.
if ("BLUEs" %in% what) {
predVals <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
setNames(emStats[[trait]][c(predicted, "emmean")],
c(predicted, trait))
BLUEs <- Reduce(f = function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE),
x = predVals, init = baseDataPred)
result[["BLUEs"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = BLUEs, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
if ("seBLUEs" %in% what) {
predErrs <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
setNames(emStats[[trait]][c(predicted, "SE")],
c(predicted, trait))
seBLUEs <- Reduce(f = function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE),
x = predErrs, init = baseDataPred)
result[["seBLUEs"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = seBLUEs,
renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Compute BLUPs and se of BLUPs from mixed model.
if ("BLUPs" %in% what) {
predVals <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
## Extract fixed effects.
fixEfMr <- lme4::fixef(mr[[trait]])
## Get positions of 'repId' within fixed effects.
repIdPos <- grep(pattern = "repId",
x = names(fixEfMr))
repIdMix <- fixEfMr[repIdPos]
## Compute Blups.
coefs <- coef(mr[[trait]])[[predicted]]
predVal <- data.frame(rownames(coefs),
coefs[, "(Intercept)"] + mean(c(repIdMix, 0)))
colnames(predVal) <- c(predicted, trait)
BLUPs <- Reduce(f = function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE),
x = predVals, init = baseDataPred)
result[["BLUPs"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = BLUPs, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
if ("seBLUPs" %in% what) {
predErrs <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
ranEffs <- lme4::ranef(mr[[trait]], condVar = TRUE)[[predicted]]
predErr <- data.frame(rownames(ranEffs),
as.vector(sqrt(attr(ranEffs, "postVar"))))
colnames(predErr) <- c(predicted, trait)
seBLUPs <- Reduce(f = function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE),
x = predErrs, init = baseDataPred)
result[["seBLUPs"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = seBLUPs,
renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Compute unit errors.
if ("ue" %in% what) {
unitErrs <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
## Extract and invert variance covariance matrix.
V <- vcov(em[[trait]])
Vinv <- try(chol2inv(chol(V)), silent = TRUE)
## Compute unit errors.
if (!inherits(Vinv, "try-error")) {
ue <- 1 / diag(Vinv)
} else {
ue <- 1 / diag(solve(V))
unitErr <- data.frame(levels(em[[trait]]), ue)
colnames(unitErr) <- c(predicted, trait)
ue <- Reduce(f = function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE),
x = unitErrs, init = baseDataPred)
result[["ue"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = ue, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract variance components for genotype fixed.
if ("varCompF" %in% what) {
result[["varCompF"]] <- lapply(X = mf, FUN = extractVarComp,
engine = "lme4")
## Extract variance components for genotype random.
if ("varCompR" %in% what) {
result[["varCompR"]] <- lapply(X = mr, FUN = extractVarComp,
engine = "lme4")
## Extract variances.
if (any(c("varGen", "varErr", "heritability") %in% what)) {
varCor <- lapply(X = mr, FUN = lme4::VarCorr)
varGen <- sapply(X = varCor, FUN = function(vc) {
vc[[predicted]][1, 1]
varErr <- sapply(X = varCor, FUN = "attr", "sc") ^ 2
if ("varGen" %in% what) {
result[["varGen"]] <- varGen
if ("varErr" %in% what) {
result[["varErr"]] <- varErr
if ("heritability" %in% what) {
## Estimate heritability on a line mean basis.
if (useRepId) {
result[["heritability"]] <- round(varGen /
(varGen + (varErr / length(unique(TD$repId)))), 2)
} else {
result[["heritability"]] <- round(varGen / (varGen + varErr), 2)
## Extract fitted values.
if ("fitted" %in% what) {
fitVal <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = mf, FUN = fitted))
result[["fitted"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = fitVal, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract residuals.
if ("residF" %in% what) {
resVal <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = mf, FUN = residuals))
result[["residF"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = resVal, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract standardized residuals.
if ("stdResF" %in% what) {
stdRes <- cbind(baseData,
sapply(X = mf, FUN = function(mf0) {
if (inherits(mf0, "lm")) {
stdRes <- rstandard(mf0)
} else if (inherits(mf0, "lmerMod")) {
stdRes <- residuals(mf0, scaled = TRUE)
result[["stdResF"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = stdRes, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Compute rMeans.
## Use napredict to fill in NAs in data with NAs.
if ("rMeans" %in% what) {
rMeans <- cbind(baseData,
sapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
napredict(attr(model.frame(mr0), "na.action"),
x = lme4::getME(mr0, "mu"))
result[["rMeans"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = rMeans, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract random effects.
if ("ranEf" %in% what) {
ranEffs <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
effs <- lme4::ranef(mr[[trait]], drop = TRUE)[[predicted]]
ranEff <- data.frame(names(effs), effs)
colnames(ranEff) <- c(predicted, trait)
ranEf <- Reduce(f = function(x, y) merge(x, y, all = TRUE),
x = ranEffs, init = baseDataPred)
result[["ranEf"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = ranEf, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract residuals for genotype random.
if ("residR" %in% what) {
resVal <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = mr, FUN = residuals))
result[["residR"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = resVal,
renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract standardized residuals for genotype random.
if ("stdResR" %in% what) {
stdRes <- cbind(baseData,
sapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
if (inherits(mr0, "lm")) {
stdRes <- rstandard(mr0)
} else if (inherits(mr0, "lmerMod")) {
stdRes <- residuals(mr0, scaled = TRUE)
result[["stdResR"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = stdRes,
renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Compute wald test.
if ("wald" %in% what) {
result[["wald"]] <- lapply(X = em, FUN = emmeans::test, joint = TRUE)
if ("CV" %in% what) {
## Compute Coefficient of Variation.
result[["CV"]] <- sapply(X = mf, FUN = function(mf0) {
100 * sigma(mf0) / mean(fitted(mf0), na.rm = TRUE)
if ("rDfF" %in% what) {
result[["rDfF"]] <- sapply(X = mf, FUN = df.residual)
if ("rDfR" %in% what) {
result[["rDfR"]] <- sapply(X = mr, FUN = df.residual)
#' Extract statistics from model fitted using asreml
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
extractSTAAsreml <- function(STA,
traits = NULL,
what = "all",
keep = NULL,
restore = FALSE,
useCheckId = FALSE) {
if (!requireNamespace("asreml", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("asreml cannot be successfully loaded.\n")
mf <- STA$mFix[names(STA$mFix) %in% traits]
mr <- STA$mRand[names(STA$mRand) %in% traits]
TD <- STA$TD[[1]]
renCols <- attr(TD, "renamedCols")
predicted <- STA$predicted
whatPred <- c("BLUEs", "seBLUEs", "BLUPs", "seBLUPs", "ranEf")
what <- extractOptSel(what = what, fixed = !is.null(mf),
random = !is.null(mr), engine = "asreml")
## Create baseData and baseDataPred to which further results will be merged.
base <- createBaseData(TD, predicted, keep, useRepId, useCheckId,
bdPred = any(what %in% whatPred))
baseData <- base$baseData
baseDataPred <- base$baseDataPred
## Create empty result list.
result <- setNames(vector(mode = "list", length = length(what)), what)
## Construct assocForm for use in associate in predict.
if (length(grep(pattern = "+ checkId +", x = getCall(mf[[1]]))) > 0) {
#assocForm <- formula("~ checkId:genotype")
assocForm <- formula("~ NULL")
} else {
assocForm <- formula("~ NULL")
## Extract BLUEs and se of BLUEs from fixed model.
if ("BLUEs" %in% what) {
## asreml3 saves the predictions inside the asreml object.
## asreml4 creates a list containing nothing but the predictions.
predVals <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
mfPred <- predictAsreml(mf[[trait]], TD = TD, associate = assocForm)
setNames(if (asreml4()) {
mfPred$pvals[c(predicted, "predicted.value")]
} else {
mfPred$predictions$pvals[c(predicted, "predicted.value")]
}, c(predicted, trait))
BLUEs <- Reduce(f = merge, x = predVals, init = baseDataPred)
result[["BLUEs"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = BLUEs, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
if ("seBLUEs" %in% what) {
## asreml3 saves the predictions inside the asreml object.
## asreml4 creates a list containing nothing but the predictions.
predErrs <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
mfPred <- predictAsreml(mf[[trait]], TD = TD, associate = assocForm)
setNames(if (asreml4()) {
mfPred$pvals[c(predicted, "std.error")]
} else {
mfPred$predictions$pvals[c(predicted, "standard.error")]
}, c(predicted, trait))
seBLUEs <- Reduce(f = merge, x = predErrs, init = baseDataPred)
result[["seBLUEs"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = seBLUEs,
renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract BLUPs and se of BLUPs from fixed model.
if ("BLUPs" %in% what) {
## asreml3 saves the predictions inside the asreml object.
## asreml4 creates a list containing nothing but the predictions.
predVals <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
mrPred <- predictAsreml(mr[[trait]], TD = TD)
setNames(if (asreml4()) {
mrPred$pvals[c(predicted, "predicted.value")]
} else {
mrPred$predictions$pvals[c(predicted, "predicted.value")]
}, c(predicted, trait))
BLUPs <- Reduce(f = merge, x = predVals, init = baseDataPred)
result[["BLUPs"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = BLUPs, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
if ("seBLUPs" %in% what) {
## asreml3 saves the predictions inside the asreml object.
## asreml4 creates a list containing nothing but the predictions.
predErrs <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
mrPred <- predictAsreml(mr[[trait]], TD = TD)
setNames(if (asreml4()) {
mrPred$pvals[c(predicted, "std.error")]
} else {
mrPred$predictions$pvals[c(predicted, "standard.error")]
}, c(predicted, trait))
seBLUPs <- Reduce(f = merge, x = predErrs, init = baseDataPred)
result[["seBLUPs"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = seBLUPs, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Compute unit errors.
if ("ue" %in% what) {
ue <- cbind(baseDataPred, sapply(X = mf, FUN = function(mf0) {
## asreml3 saves the predictions inside the asreml object.
## asreml4 creates a list containing nothing but the predictions.
mfPred <- predictAsreml(mf0, TD = TD)
## Extract V from mf.
V <- if (asreml4()) {
} else {
## Remove NA genotype.
## Introduced by adding extra rows/columns to do spatial analysis.
V <- V[![["genotype"]])), ![["genotype"]]))]
## Remove columns and rows containing NA.
VMiss <- apply(X = V, MARGIN = 2, FUN = anyNA)
V <- V[!VMiss, !VMiss]
Vinv <- try(chol2inv(chol(V)), silent = TRUE)
## Compute unit errors.
ue <- rep(x = NA, times = nrow(baseDataPred))
if (!inherits(Vinv, "try-error")) {
ue[!VMiss] <- 1 / diag(Vinv)
} else {
ue[!VMiss] <- 1 / diag(solve(V))
result[["ue"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = ue, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract variance components for genotype fixed.
if ("varCompF" %in% what) {
result[["varCompF"]] <- lapply(X = mf, FUN = extractVarComp,
engine = "asreml")
## Extract variance components for genotype random.
if ("varCompR" %in% what) {
result[["varCompR"]] <- lapply(X = mr, FUN = extractVarComp,
engine = "asreml")
## Extract variances.
## In asreml3 variances are stored in gammas, in asreml4 in vparameters.
## Also the naming is different.
varGen <- sapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
if (asreml4()) {
unname(mr0$vparameters[predicted] * mr0$sigma2)
} else {
unname(mr0$gammas[pattern = paste0(predicted, "!", predicted, ".var")] *
if ("varGen" %in% what) {
result[["varGen"]] <- varGen
if ("varErr" %in% what) {
result[["varErr"]] <- sapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
if (asreml4()) {
if ("units" %in% names(mr0$vparameters)) {
paramVal <- unname(mr0$vparameters["units"])
} else {
paramVal <- unname(mr0$vparameters[names(mr0$vparameters) %in%
c("units!R", "rowId:colId!R",
} else {
paramVal <- unname(mr0$gammas[c("R!variance", "units!units.var")])
paramVal * mr0$sigma2
## Estimate heritability on a line mean basis.
## asreml3 saves the predictions inside the asreml object.
## asreml4 creates a list containing nothing but the predictions.
if ("heritability" %in% what) {
result[["heritability"]] <- sapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
mrPred <- predictAsreml(model = mr[[trait]], classify = predicted,
vcov = FALSE, TD = TD, only = predicted,
sed = TRUE)
sedSq <- if (asreml4()) {
mrPred$sed ^ 2
} else {
mrPred$predictions$sed ^ 2
round(unname(1 - mean(sedSq[lower.tri(sedSq)]) /
(2 * varGen[[trait]])), 2)
## Extract fitted values.
if ("fitted" %in% what) {
fitVal <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = mf, FUN = function(mf0) {
fitted(mf0)[genoOrCheck(mf0$call$data, "genotype", useCheckId)]
result[["fitted"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = fitVal, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract residuals.
if ("residF" %in% what) {
resVal <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = mf, FUN = function(mf0) {
residuals(mf0, type = "response")[genoOrCheck(mf0$call$data,
"genotype", useCheckId)]
result[["residF"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = resVal, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract standardized residuals.
if ("stdResF" %in% what) {
stdRes <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = mf, FUN = function(mf0) {
residuals(mf0, type = "stdCond")[genoOrCheck(mf0$call$data,
"genotype", useCheckId)]
result[["stdResF"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = stdRes, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract rMeans.
if ("rMeans" %in% what) {
rMeans <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
fitted(mr0)[genoOrCheck(mr0$call$data, "genotype", useCheckId)]
result[["rMeans"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = rMeans, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract random effects.
if ("ranEf" %in% what) {
ranEffs <- lapply(X = traits, FUN = function(trait) {
coefs <- mr[[trait]]$coe$random
## In asreml3 coefficients are stored as a vector,
## in asreml4 as a data.frame.
coefNames <- if (asreml4()) rownames(coefs) else names(coefs)
ranEff <- data.frame(gsub(pattern = paste0(predicted, "_"),
replacement = "",
x = coefNames[grep(pattern = predicted,
x = coefNames)]),
coefs[grep(pattern = predicted, x = coefNames)])
colnames(ranEff) <- c(predicted, trait)
ranEf <- Reduce(f = merge, x = ranEffs, init = baseDataPred)
result[["ranEf"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = ranEf, renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract residuals for genotype random.
if ("residR" %in% what) {
resVal <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
residuals(mr0, type = "response")[genoOrCheck(mr0$call$data,
"genotype", useCheckId)]
result[["residR"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = resVal,
renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Extract standardized residuals.
if ("stdResR" %in% what) {
stdRes <- cbind(baseData, sapply(X = mr, FUN = function(mr0) {
residuals(mr0, type = "stdCond")[genoOrCheck(mr0$call$data,
"genotype", useCheckId)]
result[["stdResR"]] <- restoreColNames(renDat = stdRes,
renamedCols = renCols,
restore = restore)
## Compute wald test.
if ("wald" %in% what) {
result[["wald"]] <- lapply(X = mf, function(mf0) {
capture.output(wtt <- asreml::wald.asreml(mf0, ssType = "conditional",
denDF = "numeric", maxiter = 200,
data = TD, trace = FALSE),
file = tempfile())
pos <- grep(pattern = predicted, x = row.names(wtt$Wald))
chi2 <- wtt$Wald$F.con[pos] * wtt$Wald$Df[pos]
prob <- 1 - pchisq(q = chi2, df = wtt$Wald$Df[pos])
list(chi2 = c(chi2 = chi2, df = wtt$Wald$Df[pos], P = prob),
Ftest = c(Fstat = wtt$Wald$F.con[pos],
df1 = wtt$Wald$Df[pos],
df2 = wtt$Wald$denDF[pos],
P = wtt$Wald$Pr[pos]))
## Compute Coefficient of Variation.
if ("CV" %in% what) {
result[["CV"]] <- sapply(X = mf, function(mf0) {
100 * summary(mf0)$sigma / mean(fitted(mf0), na.rm = TRUE)
## Extract residual degrees of freedom.
if ("rDfF" %in% what) {
result[["rDfF"]] <- sapply(X = mf, FUN = "[[", "nedf")
## Extract residual degrees of freedom for genotype random.
if ("rDfR" %in% what) {
result[["rDfR"]] <- sapply(X = mr, FUN = "[[", "nedf")
## Extract standard error of difference.
## asreml3 saves the predictions inside the asreml object.
## asreml4 creates a list containing nothing but the predictions.
if ("sed" %in% what) {
result[["sed"]] <- lapply(X = mf, FUN = function(mf0) {
mfPred <- predictAsreml(mf0, TD = TD)
if (asreml4()) {
} else {
## Compute lsd with significance level 5%.
## asreml3 saves the predictions inside the asreml object.
## asreml4 creates a list containing nothing but the predictions.
if ("lsd" %in% what) {
result[["lsd"]] <- lapply(X = mf, FUN = function(mf0) {
mfPred <- predictAsreml(mf0, TD = TD)
if (asreml4()) {
qt(p = .975, df = mf0$nedf) * mfPred$avsed
} else {
qt(p = .975, df = mf0$nedf) * mfPred$predictions$avsed
#' Helper function for determining if an observation is a valid
#' genotype of check genotype.
#' Used for excluding columns that have been added to create rectangular
#' row-column data required for asreml.
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
genoOrCheck <- function(dat,
predicted = "genotype",
useCheckId = FALSE) {
geno <- ![[predicted]]))
if (useCheckId) {
check <-[[predicted]])) &
return(geno | check)
#' Helper function for creating baseData
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
createBaseData <- function(TD,
keep = NULL,
useRepId = FALSE,
useCheckId = FALSE,
bdPred = FALSE) {
## Create baseData consisting of predicted variable, possibly repId and
## selected keep columns.
baseData <- TD[, colnames(TD) %in% c(predicted,
ifelse(useRepId, "repId", ""),
ifelse(useCheckId, "checkId", ""),
keep), drop = FALSE]
## Remove NA values for predicted.
## Possibly inserted when adding empty lines for missing row/column info.
baseData <- baseData[genoOrCheck(baseData, predicted, useCheckId), ,
drop = FALSE]
## Create baseData for predictions with predicted variable(s).
if (bdPred) {
baseDataPred <- unique(TD[![[predicted]])),
predicted, drop = FALSE])
## Add columns in keep one-by-one. Only data that is constant within
## predicted is actually kept. Other columns are dropped with a warning.
for (col in keep) {
TDKeep <- unique(TD[, c(predicted, col)])
if (!anyDuplicated(TDKeep[, predicted])) {
baseDataPred <- merge(baseDataPred, TDKeep, by = predicted)
} else {
warning("Duplicate values for ", deparse(substitute(col)), ". ",
"Column dropped.\n", call. = FALSE)
} else {
baseDataPred <- NULL
return(list(baseData = baseData, baseDataPred = baseDataPred))
#' Helper function for adding back original colnames
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
restoreColNames <- function(renDat,
renamedCols = NULL,
restore = FALSE) {
if (restore && !is.null(renamedCols)) {
renCols <- colnames(renDat)
## Get original column names from renamedCols data.frame.
origCols <- sapply(X = renCols, FUN = function(renCol) {
if (renCol %in% renamedCols$new) {
renamedCols$orig[renCol == renamedCols$new]
} else {
## If no renaming took place keep current name.
colnames(renDat) <- origCols
## Columns might be duplicated now because one column was renamed to multiple
## new columns. Remove those duplicated columns.
## Set column to NULL to prevent attributes from being dropped.
renDat[duplicated(colnames(renDat))] <- NULL
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