
Defines functions rdirichlet .one_way_bayesian_table contingency_table

Documented in contingency_table

#' @title Contingency table analyses
#' @name contingency_table
#' @description
#' Parametric and Bayesian one-way and two-way contingency table analyses.
#' @section Contingency table analyses:
#' ```{r child="man/rmd-fragments/table_intro.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' ```{r child="man/rmd-fragments/contingency_table.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @returns
#' ```{r child="man/rmd-fragments/return.Rmd"}
#' ```
#' @param x The variable to use as the **rows** in the contingency table.
#' @param y The variable to use as the **columns** in the contingency table.
#'   Default is `NULL`. If `NULL`, one-sample proportion test (a goodness of fit
#'   test) will be run for the `x` variable.
#' @param counts The variable in data containing counts, or `NULL` if each row
#'   represents a single observation.
#' @param paired Logical indicating whether data came from a within-subjects or
#'   repeated measures design study (Default: `FALSE`).
#' @param sampling.plan Character describing the sampling plan. Possible options
#'   are `"indepMulti"` (independent multinomial; default), `"poisson"`,
#'   `"jointMulti"` (joint multinomial), `"hypergeom"` (hypergeometric). For
#'   more, see `?BayesFactor::contingencyTableBF()`.
#' @param fixed.margin For the independent multinomial sampling plan, which
#'   margin is fixed (`"rows"` or `"cols"`). Defaults to `"rows"`.
#' @param prior.concentration Specifies the prior concentration parameter, set
#'   to `1` by default. It indexes the expected deviation from the null
#'   hypothesis under the alternative, and corresponds to Gunel and Dickey's
#'   (1974) `"a"` parameter.
#' @param ratio A vector of proportions: the expected proportions for the
#'   proportion test (should sum to `1`). Default is `NULL`, which means the null
#'   is equal theoretical proportions across the levels of the nominal variable.
#'   E.g., `ratio = c(0.5, 0.5)` for two levels,
#'   `ratio = c(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25)` for four levels, etc.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (currently ignored).
#' @inheritParams stats::chisq.test
#' @inheritParams oneway_anova
#' @inheritParams parameters::model_parameters.htest
#' @autoglobal
#' @example man/examples/examples-contingency-table.R
#' @export
contingency_table <- function(
    y = NULL,
    paired = FALSE,
    type = "parametric",
    counts = NULL,
    ratio = NULL,
    alternative = "two.sided",
    digits = 2L,
    conf.level = 0.95,
    sampling.plan = "indepMulti",
    fixed.margin = "rows",
    prior.concentration = 1.0,
    ...) {
  # data -------------------------------------------

  type <- stats_type_switch(type)
  test <- ifelse(quo_is_null(enquo(y)), "1way", "2way")

  data %<>%
    select({{ x }}, {{ y }}, .counts = {{ counts }}) %>%

  # untable the data frame based on the counts for each observation (if present)
  if (".counts" %in% names(data)) data %<>% tidyr::uncount(weights = .counts)

  xtab <- table(data)
  ratio <- ratio %||% rep(1 / length(xtab), length(xtab))

  # non-Bayesian ---------------------------------------

  if (type != "bayes" && test == "2way") {
    if (paired) c(.f, .f.es) %<-% c(stats::mcnemar.test, effectsize::cohens_g)
    if (!paired) c(.f, .f.es) %<-% c(stats::chisq.test, effectsize::cramers_v)
    .f.args <- list(x = xtab, correct = FALSE)

  if (type != "bayes" && test == "1way") {
    c(.f, .f.es) %<-% c(stats::chisq.test, effectsize::pearsons_c)
    .f.args <- list(x = xtab, p = ratio, correct = FALSE)

  if (type != "bayes") {
    stats_df <- bind_cols(
      tidy_model_parameters(exec(.f, !!!.f.args)),
      tidy_model_effectsize(exec(.f.es, !!!.f.args, ci = conf.level, alternative = alternative))

  # Bayesian ---------------------------------------

  if (type == "bayes" && test == "2way") {
    stats_df <- BayesFactor::contingencyTableBF(
      sampleType         = sampling.plan,
      fixedMargin        = fixed.margin,
      priorConcentration = prior.concentration
    ) %>%
      tidy_model_parameters(ci = conf.level, effectsize_type = "cramers_v", alternative = alternative)

  if (type == "bayes" && test == "1way") {
    return(.one_way_bayesian_table(xtab, prior.concentration, ratio, digits))

  add_expression_col(stats_df, paired = paired, n = nrow(data), digits = digits)

.one_way_bayesian_table <- function(xtab, prior.concentration, ratio, digits) {
  # probability can't be exactly 0 or 1
  if ((1 / length(as.vector(xtab)) == 0) || (1 / length(as.vector(xtab)) == 1)) {

  p1s <- rdirichlet(n = 100000L, alpha = prior.concentration * ratio)
  pr_h1 <- map_dbl(1:100000L, ~ stats::dmultinom(as.matrix(xtab), prob = p1s[.x, ], log = TRUE))

  # BF = (log) prob of data under alternative - (log) prob of data under null
  # computing Bayes Factor and formatting the results
    bf10        = exp(BayesFactor::logMeanExpLogs(pr_h1) - stats::dmultinom(as.matrix(xtab), NULL, ratio, TRUE)),
    prior.scale = prior.concentration,
    method      = "Bayesian one-way contingency table analysis"
  ) %>%
    mutate(expression = glue("list(
            log[e]*(BF['01'])=='{format_value(-log(bf10), digits)}',
            {prior_switch(method)}=='{format_value(prior.scale, digits)}')")) %>%

#' @title estimate log prob of data under null with Monte Carlo
#' @note `rdirichlet()` function from `{MCMCpack}`
#' @noRd
rdirichlet <- function(n, alpha) {
  l <- length(alpha)
  x <- matrix(stats::rgamma(l * n, alpha), ncol = l, byrow = TRUE)
  x / as.vector(x %*% rep(1, l))

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