#' Process a vector of raw texts
#' Function that takes in a vector of raw texts (in a variety of languages) and
#' performs basic operations. This function is essentially a wrapper \pkg{tm}
#' package where various user specified options can be selected.
#' This function is designed to provide a convenient and quick way to process a
#' relatively small volume texts for analysis with the package. It is designed
#' to quickly ingest data in a simple form like a spreadsheet where each
#' document sits in a single cell. If you have texts more complicated than a
#' spreadsheet, we recommend you check out the excellent \pkg{readtext} package.
#' The processor always strips extra white space but all other processing
#' options are optional. Stemming uses the snowball stemmers and supports a
#' wide variety of languages. Words in the vocabulary can be dropped due to
#' sparsity and stop word removal. If a document no longer contains any words
#' it is dropped from the output. Specifying meta-data is a convenient way to
#' make sure the appropriate rows are dropped from the corresponding metadata
#' file.
#' When the option \code{sparseLevel} is set to a number other than 1,
#' infrequently appearing words are removed. When a term is removed from the
#' vocabulary a message will print to the screen (as long as \code{verbose} has
#' not been set to \code{FALSE}). The message indicates the number of terms
#' removed (that is, the number of vocabulary entries) as well as the number of
#' tokens removed (appearances of individual words). The function
#' \code{\link{prepDocuments}} provides additional methods to prune infrequent
#' words. In general the functionality there should be preferred.
#' We emphasize that this function is a convenience wrapper around the
#' excellent \pkg{tm} package functionality without which it wouldn't be
#' possible.
#' @aliases textProcessor print.textProcessor head.textProcessor
#' summary.textProcessor
#' @param documents The documents to be processed. A character vector where
#' each entry is the full text of a document (if passed as a different type
#' it will attempt to convert to a character vector).
#' @param metadata Additional data about the documents. Specifically a
#' \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix} object with number of rows equal to the
#' number of documents and one column per meta-data type. The column names are
#' used to label the metadata. The metadata do not affect the text processing,
#' but providing the metadata object insures that if documents are dropped the
#' corresponding metadata rows are dropped as well.
#' @param lowercase Whether all words should be converted to lower case.
#' Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param removestopwords Whether stop words should be removed using the SMART
#' stopword list (in English) or the snowball stopword lists (for all other
#' languages). Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param removenumbers Whether numbers should be removed. Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param removepunctuation whether punctuation should be removed. Defaults to
#' TRUE.
#' @param ucp When TRUE passes \code{ucp=TRUE} to \code{tm::removePunctuation} which
#' removes a more general set of punctuation (the Unicode general category P). Defaults
#' to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param stem Whether or not to stem words. Defaults to TRUE
#' @param wordLengths From the \pkg{tm} package. An integer vector of length 2.
#' Words shorter than the minimum word length \code{wordLengths[1]} or longer
#' than the maximum word length \code{wordLengths[2]} are discarded. Defaults
#' to \code{c(3, Inf)}, i.e., a minimum word length of 3 characters.
#' @param sparselevel Removes terms where at least sparselevel proportion of
#' the entries are 0. Defaults to 1 which effectively turns the feature off.
#' @param language Language used for processing. Defaults to English. \code{tm}
#' uses the \code{SnowballC} stemmer which as of version 0.5 supports "danish
#' dutch english finnish french german hungarian italian norwegian portuguese
#' romanian russian spanish swedish turkish". These can be specified as any on
#' of the above strings or by the three-letter ISO-639 codes. You can also set
#' language to "na" if you want to leave it deliberately unspecified (see
#' documentation in \code{tm}) Note that languages listed here may not all have
#' accompanying stopwords. However if you have your own stopword list you can use
#' customstopwords below.
#' @param verbose If true prints information as it processes.
#' @param onlycharacter When TRUE, runs a regular expression substitution to
#' replace all non-alphanumeric characters. These characters can crash
#' textProcessor for some operating systems. May remove foreign characters
#' depending on encoding. Defaults to FALSE. Defaults to FALSE. Runs before
#' call to tm package.
#' @param striphtml When TRUE, runs a regular expression substitution to strip
#' html contained within <>. Defaults to FALSE. Runs before call to tm
#' package.
#' @param customstopwords A character vector containing words to be removed.
#' Defaults to NULL which does not remove any additional words. This function
#' is primarily for easy removal of application specific stopwords. Note that
#' as with standard stopwords these are removed after converting everything to
#' lower case but before removing numbers, punctuation or stemming. Thus words
#' to be removed should be all lower case but otherwise complete.
#' @param custompunctuation A character vector containing any characters to be
#' removed immediately after standard punctuation removal. This function exists
#' primarily for easy removal of application specific punctuation not caught by
#' the punctuation filter (although see also the \code{ucp} argument to turn on
#' a stronger punctuation filter). This can in theory be used to remove any
#' characters you don't want in the text for some reason. In practice what this
#' function does is collapse the character vector to one string and put square
#' brackets around it in order to make a pattern that can be matched and replaced
#' with \code{gsub} at the punctuation removal stage. If the \code{custompunctuation}
#' vector is length 1 and the first element is a left square bracket, the function
#' assumes that you have passed a regular expression and passes that directly
#' along to \code{gsub}.
#' @param v1 A logical which defaults to \code{FALSE}. If set to \code{TRUE} it
#' will use the ordering of operations we used in Version 1.0 of the package.
#' @return \item{documents}{A list containing the documents in the stm format.}
#' \item{vocab }{Character vector of vocabulary.} \item{meta}{Data frame or
#' matrix containing the user-supplied metadata for the retained documents.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{readCorpus}}
#' @references Ingo Feinerer and Kurt Hornik (2013). tm: Text Mining Package. R
#' package version 0.5-9.1.
#' Ingo Feinerer, Kurt Hornik, and David Meyer (2008). Text Mining
#' Infrastructure in R. \emph{Journal of Statistical Software} 25(5): 1-54.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' head(gadarian)
#' #Process the data for analysis.
#' temp<-textProcessor(documents=gadarian$open.ended.response,metadata=gadarian)
#' meta<-temp$meta
#' vocab<-temp$vocab
#' docs<-temp$documents
#' out <- prepDocuments(docs, vocab, meta)
#' docs<-out$documents
#' vocab<-out$vocab
#' meta <-out$meta
#' }
#' #Example of custom punctuation removal.
#' docs <- c("co.rr?ec!t")
#' textProcessor(docs,custompunctuation=c(".","?","!"),
#' removepunctuation = FALSE)$vocab
#' #note that the above should now say "correct"
#' @export
textProcessor <- function(documents, metadata=NULL,
lowercase=TRUE, removestopwords=TRUE, removenumbers=TRUE,
removepunctuation=TRUE, ucp=FALSE,
stem=TRUE, wordLengths=c(3,Inf),sparselevel=1, language="en",
verbose=TRUE, onlycharacter=FALSE,striphtml=FALSE,
customstopwords=NULL, custompunctuation=NULL, v1=FALSE) {
if(!requireNamespace("tm",quietly=TRUE)) stop("Please install tm package to use this function. You will also need SnowballC if stemming.")
if(!(utils::packageVersion("tm")>="0.6")) stop("Please install at least version 0.6 of the tm package.")
if(stem) {
if(!requireNamespace("SnowballC", quietly=TRUE)) stop("Please install SnowballC to use stemming.")
documents <- as.character(documents)
documents <- gsub('<.+?>', ' ', documents)
#remove non-visible characters
documents <- stringr::str_replace_all(documents,"[^[:graph:]]", " ")
documents <- gsub("[^[:alnum:]///' ]", " ", documents)
if(verbose) cat("Building corpus... \n")
txt <- tm::VCorpus(tm::VectorSource(documents), readerControl=list(language= language))
#Apply filters
txt <- tm::tm_map(txt, tm::stripWhitespace)
if(verbose) cat("Converting to Lower Case... \n")
#Convert to Lower case
#(Note that this is slightly more complicated due to API change in tm)
if(utils::packageVersion("tm") >= "0.6") {
txt <- tm::tm_map(txt, tm::content_transformer(tolower))
} else {
txt <- tm::tm_map(txt, tolower)
if(!v1) {
if(verbose) cat("Removing punctuation... \n")
txt <- tm::tm_map(txt, tm::removePunctuation, preserve_intra_word_dashes = TRUE,ucp=ucp) #Remove punctuation
if(!is.null(custompunctuation)) {
if(verbose) cat("Removing custom punctuation... \n")
if(length(custompunctuation)==1 &&
substr(custompunctuation,0,1)=="[") {
#if there is only one entry and it starts with open bracket
#we are going to assume its a regular expression and let it
punct_pattern <- custompunctuation
} else {
punct_pattern <-sprintf("[%s]",paste0(custompunctuation,collapse=""))
txt<- tm::tm_map(txt, tm::content_transformer(function(x, pattern) gsub(pattern, "", x)),
if(verbose) cat("Removing stopwords... \n")
txt <- tm::tm_map(txt, tm::removeWords, tm::stopwords(language)) #Remove stopwords
if(!is.null(customstopwords)) {
if(verbose) cat("Remove Custom Stopwords...\n")
txt <- tm::tm_map(txt, tm::removeWords, customstopwords)
if(verbose) cat("Removing numbers... \n")
txt <- tm::tm_map(txt, tm::removeNumbers) #Remove numbers
if(v1) {
#return to the v1 style of removing punctuation right before stemming
if(verbose) cat("Removing punctuation... \n")
txt <- tm::tm_map(txt, tm::removePunctuation, preserve_intra_word_dashes = TRUE,ucp=ucp) #Remove punctuation
if(!is.null(custompunctuation)) {
if(verbose) cat("Removing custom punctuation... \n")
if(length(custompunctuation)==1 &&
substr(custompunctuation,0,1)=="[") {
#if there is only one entry and it starts with open bracket
#we are going to assume its a regular expression and let it
punct_pattern <- custompunctuation
} else {
punct_pattern <-sprintf("[%s]",paste0(custompunctuation,collapse=""))
txt<- tm::tm_map(txt, tm::content_transformer(function(x, pattern) gsub(pattern, "", x)),
if(verbose) cat("Stemming... \n")
txt <- tm::tm_map(txt, tm::stemDocument, language=language)
if(!is.null(metadata)) {
for(i in 1:ncol(metadata)) {
NLP::meta(txt, colnames(metadata)[i]) <- metadata[,i]
#Make a matrix
if(verbose) cat("Creating Output... \n")
dtm <- tm::DocumentTermMatrix(txt, control=list(wordLengths=wordLengths, tolower = FALSE))
if(sparselevel!=1) {
ntokens <- sum(dtm$v)
V <- ncol(dtm)
dtm <- tm::removeSparseTerms(dtm, sparselevel) #remove terms that are sparse
if(ncol(dtm) < V & verbose) {
message <- sprintf("Removed %i of %i terms (%i of %i tokens) due to sparselevel of %s \n",
V-ncol(dtm), V,
ntokens-sum(dtm$v), ntokens,
#If there is metadata we need to remove some documents
if(!is.null(metadata)) {
#if it is a type of data frame coerce it so we know its not a tibble or data.table
if(inherits(metadata, "data.frame")) metadata <-
docindex <- unique(dtm$i)
metadata <- NLP::meta(txt)[docindex, , drop = FALSE]
out <- read.slam(dtm) #using the read.slam() function in stm to convert
## It's possible that the processing has caused some documents to be
## dropped. These will be removed in the conversion from dtm to
## internal representation. Better keep a record
kept <- (1:length(documents) %in% unique(dtm$i))
vocab <- as.character(out$vocab)
out <- list(documents=out$documents, vocab=vocab, meta=metadata, docs.removed=which(!kept))
class(out) <- "textProcessor"
#' @method print textProcessor
#' @export
print.textProcessor <- function(x,...) {
toprint <- sprintf("A text corpus with %i documents, and an %i word dictionary.\n",
#' @method summary textProcessor
#' @export
summary.textProcessor <- function(object,...) {
toprint <- sprintf("A text corpus with %i documents, and an %i word dictionary. Use str() to inspect object or see documentation \n",
#' @method head textProcessor
#' @export
head.textProcessor <- function(x,...) {
for(i in 1:length(x)) {
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