
Defines functions get_parlperiod_mps

Documented in get_parlperiod_mps

#' Get list of MPs in a given parliamentary period
#' @description A function for retrieving Norwegian MPs for a given parliamentary period from the parliament API
#' @usage get_parlperiod_mps(periodid = NA, substitute = FALSE, good_manners = 0)
#' @param periodid Character string indicating the id of the parliamentary period to retrieve.
#' @param substitute Logical. Whether or not to include substitute MPs.
#' @param good_manners Integer. Seconds delay between calls when making multiple calls to the same function
#' @return A data.frame with the following variables:
#'    |                   |                                        |
#'    |:------------------|:---------------------------------------|
#'    | **response_date** | Date of data retrieval                 |
#'    | **version**       | Data version from the API              |
#'    | **death**         | Date of death                          |
#'    | **lastname**      | MP last name                           |
#'    | **birth**         | Date of birth                          |
#'    | **firstname**     | MP first name                          |
#'    | **mp_id**         | MP id                                  |
#'    | **gender**        | MP gender                              |
#'    | **county_id**     | Id of county MP represented            |
#'    | **party_id**      | Id of party MP represented             |
#'    | **substitute_mp** | Logical for whether MP is a substitute |
#'    | **period_id**     | Id of period represented in            |
#' @md
#' @seealso [get_mp_bio] [get_mp] [get_mp_pic] [get_session_mp_speech_activity]
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' # Request one MP by id
#' get_parlperiod_mps("2005-2009")
#' # Request MPs from several periods by id
#' ids <- c("1961-65", "1997-01", "2009-2013")
#' mps <- lapply(ids, get_parlperiod_mps, good_manners = 2)
#' mps <- do.call(rbind, mps)
#' }
#' @import httr2 rvest
#' @export
get_parlperiod_mps <- function(periodid = NA, substitute = FALSE, good_manners = 0){
  if(substitute == FALSE){
    url <- paste0(
  } else if(substitute == TRUE){
    url <- paste0(

  base <- request(url)
  resp <- base |> 
    req_error(is_error = function(resp) FALSE) |> 
  if(resp$status_code != 200) {
        "Response of ", 
        " is '", 
        resp |> resp_status_desc(),
        "' (",
      call. = FALSE)
  if(resp_content_type(resp) != "text/xml") {
        "Response of ", 
        " returned as '", 
        " Should be 'text/xml'."), 
      call. = FALSE) 
  tmp <- resp |> 
    resp_body_html(check_type = FALSE, encoding = "utf-8") 
  tmp <- data.frame(response_date = tmp |> html_elements("representanter_liste > representant > respons_dato_tid") |> html_text(),
                    version = tmp |> html_elements("representanter_liste > representant > versjon") |> html_text(),
                    death = tmp |> html_elements("representanter_liste > representant > doedsdato") |> html_text(),
                    lastname = tmp |> html_elements("representanter_liste > representant > etternavn") |> html_text(),
                    birth = tmp |> html_elements("representanter_liste > representant > foedselsdato") |> html_text(),
                    firstname = tmp |> html_elements("representanter_liste > representant > fornavn") |> html_text(),
                    mp_id = tmp |> html_elements("representanter_liste > representant > id") |> html_text(),
                    gender = tmp |> html_elements("representanter_liste > representant > kjoenn") |> html_text(),
                    county_id = tmp |> html_elements("representanter_liste > representant > fylke > id") |> html_text(),
                    party_id = tmp |> html_elements("representanter_liste > representant > parti > id") |> html_text(),
                    substitute_mp = tmp |> html_elements("representanter_liste > representant > vara_representant") |> html_text(),
                    period_id = tmp |> html_elements("stortingsperiode_id") |> html_text())
  message(periodid, " done")

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stortingscrape documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:10 a.m.