
Defines functions get_vote

Documented in get_vote

#' Retreive votes for a specific case
#' A function for retrieving all votes from a case. Vote data are only available from the 2011-2012 session
#' @usage get_vote(caseid = NA, good_manners = 0)
#' @param caseid Character string indicating the id of the case to request all votes from
#' @param good_manners Integer. Seconds delay between calls when making multiple calls to the same function
#' @return A data.frame with the following variables:
#'    |                           |                                                                          |
#'    |:--------------------------|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------|
#'    | **response_date**         | Date of data retrieval                                                   |
#'    | **version**               | Data version from the API                                                |
#'    | **case_id**               | Case id up for vote                                                      |
#'    | **alternative_vote**      | Whether vote is an alternative vote                                      |
#'    | **n_for**                 | Number of votes for                                                      |
#'    | **n_absent**              | Number of MPs absent                                                     |
#'    | **n_against**             | Number of votes against                                                  |
#'    | **treatment_order**       | Order of treated votes                                                   |
#'    | **agenda_case_number**    | Case number on the agenda of the meeting                                 |
#'    | **free_vote**             | Logical indication of whether the vote is related to the case as a whole |
#'    | **comment**               | Vote comment                                                             |
#'    | **meeting_map_number**    | Number on the meeting map                                                |
#'    | **personal_vote**         | Logical indication of whether vote was recorded as roll call or not      |
#'    | **president_id**          | Id of president holding president chair at the time of voting            |
#'    | **president_party_id**    | Party of the sitting president                                           |
#'    | **adopted**               | Logical indication of whether the proposal voted on was adopted          |
#'    | **vote_id**               | Id of vote                                                               |
#'    | **vote_method**           | Voting method                                                            |
#'    | **vote_result_type**      | Result type (enstemmig_vedtatt = unanimously adopted)                    |
#'    | **vote_result_type_text** | See __vote_result_type__                                                 |
#'    | **vote_topic**            | Description of the proposal voted upon                                   |
#'    | **vote_datetime**         | Date and time of vote                                                    |
#' @md
#' @seealso [get_decision_votes] [get_proposal_votes] [get_vote] [get_session_cases] [get_case]
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' get_vote(63033)
#' }
#' @import rvest httr2
#' @export
get_vote <- function(caseid = NA, good_manners = 0){
  url <- paste0("https://data.stortinget.no/eksport/voteringer?sakid=", caseid)
  base <- request(url)
  resp <- base |> 
    req_error(is_error = function(resp) FALSE) |> 
  if(resp$status_code != 200) {
        "Response of ", 
        " is '", 
        resp |> resp_status_desc(),
        "' (",
      call. = FALSE)
  if(resp_content_type(resp) != "text/xml") {
        "Response of ", 
        " returned as '", 
        " Should be 'text/xml'."), 
      call. = FALSE) 
  tmp <- resp |> 
    resp_body_html(check_type = FALSE, encoding = "utf-8") 
  if(identical(tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > antall_for") |> html_text(), character())){
    tmp2 <- data.frame(response_date = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering_oversikt > respons_dato_tid") |> html_text(),
                       version = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering_oversikt > versjon") |> html_text(),
                       case_id = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering_oversikt > sak_id") |> html_text(),
                       alternative_vote = NA,
                       n_for = NA,
                       n_absent = NA,
                       n_against = NA,
                       treatment_order = NA,
                       agenda_case_number = NA,
                       free_vote = NA,
                       comment = NA,
                       meeting_map_number = NA,
                       personal_vote = NA,
                       president_id = NA,
                       president_party_id = NA,
                       adopted = NA,
                       vote_id = NA,
                       # vote_method = NA,
                       vote_result_type = NA,
                       vote_result_type_text = NA,
                       vote_topic = NA,
                       vote_datetime = NA)
  } else {
  tmp2 <- data.frame(response_date         = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering_oversikt > respons_dato_tid") |> html_text(),
                     version               = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering_oversikt > versjon") |> html_text(),
                     case_id               = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering_oversikt > sak_id") |> html_text(),
                     alternative_vote      = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > alternativ_votering_id") |> html_text(),
                     n_for                 = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > antall_for") |> html_text(),
                     n_absent              = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > antall_ikke_tilstede") |> html_text(),
                     n_against             = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > antall_mot") |> html_text(),
                     treatment_order       = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > behandlingsrekkefoelge") |> html_text(),
                     agenda_case_number    = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > dagsorden_sak_nummer") |> html_text(),
                     free_vote             = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > fri_votering") |> html_text(),
                     comment               = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > kommentar") |> html_text(),
                     meeting_map_number    = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > mote_kart_nummer") |> html_text(),
                     personal_vote         = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > personlig_votering") |> html_text(),
                     president_id          = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > president > id") |> html_text(),
                     president_party_id    = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > president > parti > id") |> html_text(),
                     adopted               = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > vedtatt") |> html_text(),
                     vote_id               = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > votering_id") |> html_text(),
                     # vote_method           = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > votering_metode") |> html_text(),
                     vote_result_type      = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > votering_resultat_type") |> html_text(),
                     vote_result_type_text = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > votering_resultat_type_tekst") |> html_text(),
                     vote_topic            = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > votering_tema") |> html_text(),
                     vote_datetime         = tmp |> html_elements("sak_votering > votering_tid") |> html_text())


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stortingscrape documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:10 a.m.