
Defines functions rpcp .pcp.larger.region .rtexp .itexp

Documented in rpcp

.itexp <- function(u, m, t) { -log(1-u*(1-exp(-t*m)))/m }
.rtexp <- function(n, m, t) { .itexp(runif(n), m, t) }

.pcp.larger.region <- function(s.region, t.region, nparents=NULL, npoints=NULL, lambda=NULL, mc=NULL, nsim=1, cluster="uniform", dispersion, infecD=TRUE, larger.region, tronc=1, ...)
  if (missing(cluster)) cluster <- "uniform"
  if (missing(s.region)) s.region <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0),ncol=2)
  if (missing(t.region)) t.region <- c(0,1)

  if (missing(dispersion)) dispersion <- c(0.05,0.05)
  if (length(dispersion)==1) dispersion=rep(dispersion,2)
  dispersions <- dispersion[1]
  dispersiont <- dispersion[2]

  if (missing(larger.region)) larger.region <- dispersion
  larger.regions <- larger.region[1]
  larger.regiont <- larger.region[2]
  if (length(cluster)==1)
      s.distr <- cluster
      t.distr <- cluster
      s.distr <- cluster[1]
      t.distr <- cluster[2]
  xp <- s.region[,1]
  yp <- s.region[,2]
  nedges <- length(xp)
  yp <- yp - min(yp) 
  nxt <- c(2:nedges, 1)
  dx <- xp[nxt] - xp
  ym <- (yp + yp[nxt])/2
  Areaxy <- -sum(dx * ym)
  if (Areaxy > 0){
    bdry <- owin(poly = list(x = s.region[,1], y = s.region[,2]))
    bdry <- owin(poly = list(x = s.region[,1][length(s.region[,1]):1], y = s.region[,2][length(s.region[,1]):1]))
  t.region <- sort(t.region)
  s.area <- area(bdry)
  t.area <- t.region[2]-t.region[1]

  if (larger.regions==0)
    s.larger <- s.region
      s.larger <- rbind(s.region+larger.regions,s.region-larger.regions,cbind(s.region[,1]+larger.regions,s.region[,2]-larger.regions),cbind(s.region[,1]-larger.regions,s.region[,2]+larger.regions))
      M <- chull(s.larger)
      s.larger <- cbind(s.larger[M,1],s.larger[M,2])
  xp.l <- s.larger[,1]
  yp.l <- s.larger[,2]
  nedges.l <- length(xp.l)
  yp.l <- yp.l - min(yp.l) 
  nxt.l <- c(2:nedges.l, 1)
  dx.l <- xp.l[nxt.l] - xp.l
  ym.l <- (yp.l + yp.l[nxt.l])/2
  Areaxy.l <- -sum(dx.l * ym.l)
  if (Areaxy.l > 0){
    bdry.l <- owin(poly = list(x = s.larger[,1], y = s.larger[,2]))
    bdry.l <- owin(poly = list(x = s.larger[,1][length(s.larger[,1]):1], y = s.larger[,2][length(s.larger[,1]):1]))
  t.larger <- c(t.region[1]-larger.regiont,t.region[2]+larger.regiont)

  if (t.larger[1]<0) t.larger[1] <- 0

  if (is.null(nparents))
      if (is.null(lambda)) stop("please specify either the number of parents or the intensity of parents process")
      if (is.function(lambda)) stop("please specify the number of parents")
      if (is.numeric(lambda))
        lambda <- lambda*(area(bdry.l)*(t.larger[2]-t.larger[1]))/(s.area*t.area)
      npar <- rpois(1,lambda)
  else npar <- nparents

  if (is.null(lambda)) lambda <- (npar/(s.area*t.area))*(area(bdry.l)*(t.larger[2]-t.larger[1]))/(s.area*t.area)
  if (is.null(npoints))
      if (is.null(mc)) stop("please specify either the number of points to simulate or the mean number of children per parents")
          nchild <- matrix(rpois(npar,lambda=mc),npar,1)
          npts <- sum(nchild)
      npts <- npoints
      if (is.null(mc)) mc <- npts/npar
      nchild <- matrix(rpois(npar,lambda=mc),npar,1)
      nc <- sum(nchild)
      while (nc < npts)
          nchild <- matrix(rpois(npar,lambda=mc),npar,1)
          nc <- sum(nchild)

  parpts <- rpp(lambda=lambda,s.region=s.larger,t.region=t.larger,npoints=npar,...)$xyt

  pattern.interm <- NULL
  ipt <- 1
  nchild2 <- rep(0,npar)
  for (ipar in 1:npar)
      xpar <- parpts[ipar,1]
      ypar <- parpts[ipar,2]
      zpar <- parpts[ipar,3]
      nc <- nchild[ipar,1]
      if (s.distr=="uniform")
          xp <- xpar+runif(nc,min=-dispersions,max=dispersions)
          yp <- ypar+runif(nc,min=-dispersions,max=dispersions)
      if (s.distr=="normal")
          xp <- xpar+rnorm(nc,mean=0,sd=dispersions/2)
          yp <- ypar+rnorm(nc,mean=0,sd=dispersions/2)
      if (s.distr=="exponential")
          xp <- xpar+sample(c(-1,1),nc,replace=TRUE)*rexp(nc,rate=1/dispersions)
          yp <- ypar+sample(c(-1,1),nc,replace=TRUE)*rexp(nc,rate=1/dispersions)
      if (t.distr=="uniform")
          if (infecD==TRUE) 
            zp <- zpar+runif(nc,min=-dispersiont,max=dispersiont)
            zp <- zpar+runif(nc,min=0,max=dispersiont)
      if (t.distr=="normal")
          if (infecD==TRUE) 
            zp <- zpar+abs(rnorm(nc,mean=0,sd=dispersiont/2))
            zp <- zpar+rnorm(nc,mean=0,sd=dispersiont/2)
      if (t.distr=="exponential")
          if (infecD==TRUE) 
            zp <- zpar+rexp(nc,rate=1/dispersiont)
            zp <- zpar+sample(c(-1,1),1)*rexp(nc,rate=1/dispersiont)
      if (t.distr=="trunc.exponential")
          if (infecD==TRUE) 
            zp <- zpar+.rtexp(nc,m=1/dispersiont,t=tronc)
            zp <- zpar+sample(c(-1,1),1)*.rtexp(nc,m=1/dispersiont,t=tronc)

      mask <- ((inout(as.points(x=xp,y=yp),poly=s.region)==T) & (zp > t.region[1] & zp < t.region[2]) & (sqrt( (((xpar-xp)^2)/dispersions^2) + (((ypar-yp)^2)/dispersions^2)) < 1))
      nchild2[ipar] <- sum(mask)
      pattern.interm <- rbind(pattern.interm,cbind(xp[mask],yp[mask],zp[mask],rep(ipar,sum(mask))))

  ipt <- dim(pattern.interm)[[1]]
  if (ipt > npts)
      samp <- sample(1:ipt,npts)
      pattern.interm <- pattern.interm[samp,]
  while(ipt < npts)
      ipar <- sample(1:npar,1)
      nchild2[ipar] <- nchild2[ipar]+1
      xpar <- parpts[ipar,1]
      ypar <- parpts[ipar,2]
      zpar <- parpts[ipar,3]
      if (s.distr=="uniform")
          xp <- xpar+runif(1,min=-dispersions,max=dispersions)
          yp <- ypar+runif(1,min=-dispersions,max=dispersions)
      if (s.distr=="normal")
          xp <- xpar+rnorm(1,mean=0,sd=dispersions/2)
          yp <- ypar+rnorm(1,mean=0,sd=dispersions/2)
      if (s.distr=="exponential")
          xp <- xpar+sample(c(-1,1),1)*rexp(1,rate=1/dispersions)
          yp <- ypar+sample(c(-1,1),1)*rexp(1,rate=1/dispersions)
      if (t.distr=="uniform")
          if (infecD==TRUE) 
            zp <- zpar+runif(1,min=-dispersiont,max=dispersiont)
            zp <- zpar+runif(1,min=0,max=dispersiont)
      if (t.distr=="normal")
          if (infecD==TRUE) 
            zp <- zpar+abs(rnorm(1,mean=0,sd=dispersiont/2))
            zp <- zpar+rnorm(1,mean=0,sd=dispersiont/2)
      if (t.distr=="exponential")
          if (infecD==TRUE) 
            zp <- zpar+rexp(1,rate=1/dispersiont)
            zp <- zpar+sample(c(-1,1),1)*rexp(1,rate=1/dispersiont)
      if (t.distr=="trunc.exponential")
          if (infecD==TRUE) 
            zp <- zpar+.rtexp(1,m=1/dispersiont,t=tronc)
            zp <- zpar+sample(c(-1,1),1)*.rtexp(1,m=1/dispersiont,t=tronc)
      if ((inout(as.points(x=xp,y=yp),poly=s.region)==T) & (zp > t.region[1] & zp < t.region[2]) & (sqrt( (((xpar-xp)^2)/dispersions^2) + (((ypar-yp)^2)/dispersions^2)) < 1))
          pattern.interm <- rbind(pattern.interm,cbind(xp,yp,zp,ipar))
          ipt <- ipt+1
  pts <- pattern.interm[,1:3]

rpcp <- function(s.region, t.region, nparents=NULL, npoints=NULL, lambda=NULL, mc=NULL, nsim=1, cluster="uniform", dispersion, infectious=TRUE, edge = "larger.region", larger.region=larger.region, tronc=1,...)

  if (missing(cluster)) cluster <- "uniform"
  if (missing(s.region)) s.region <- matrix(c(0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0),ncol=2)
  if (missing(t.region)) t.region <- c(0,1)

  if (missing(dispersion)) dispersion <- c(0.05,0.05)
  dispersions <- dispersion[1]
  dispersiont <- dispersion[2]

  if (length(cluster)==1)
      s.distr <- cluster
      t.distr <- cluster
      s.distr <- cluster[1]
      t.distr <- cluster[2]
  xp <- s.region[,1]
  yp <- s.region[,2]
  nedges <- length(xp)
  yp <- yp - min(yp) 
  nxt <- c(2:nedges, 1)
  dx <- xp[nxt] - xp
  ym <- (yp + yp[nxt])/2
  Areaxy <- -sum(dx * ym)
  if (Areaxy > 0){
    bdry <- owin(poly = list(x = s.region[,1], y = s.region[,2]))
    bdry <- owin(poly = list(x = s.region[,1][length(s.region[,1]):1], y = s.region[,2][length(s.region[,1]):1]))
  t.region <- sort(t.region)
  s.area <- area(bdry)
  t.area <- t.region[2]-t.region[1]
  pattern <- list()

  ni <- 1

      if (edge=="larger.region")
        pattern.interm <- .pcp.larger.region(s.region=s.region, t.region=t.region, nparents=nparents, npoints=npoints, lambda=lambda, mc=mc, cluster=cluster, dispersion=dispersion, infecD=infectious, larger.region=larger.region,tronc=tronc, ...)$pts

      if (edge=="without")
        pattern.interm <- .pcp.larger.region(s.region=s.region, t.region=t.region, nparents=nparents, npoints=npoints, lambda=lambda, mc=mc, cluster=cluster, dispersion=dispersion, infecD=infectious, larger.region=c(0,0), tronc=tronc, ...)$pts

      if (nsim==1)
        pattern <- as.3dpoints(pattern.interm)
        pattern[[ni]] <- as.3dpoints(pattern.interm)
      ni <- ni+1

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