
Defines functions .PoiSph stdcpp

Documented in stdcpp

stdcpp <- function(lambp, a, b, c, mu, s.region, t.region){
  if (missing(s.region)) s.region <- matrix(c(1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0),ncol=2)
  xp <- s.region[,1]
  yp <- s.region[,2]
  nedges <- length(xp)
  yp <- yp - min(yp) 
  nxt <- c(2:nedges, 1)
  dx <- xp[nxt] - xp
  ym <- (yp + yp[nxt])/2
  Areaxy <- -sum(dx * ym)
  if (Areaxy > 0){
    bsw <- owin(poly = list(x = s.region[,1], y = s.region[,2]))
    bsw <- owin(poly=list(x=s.region[,1][length(s.region[,1]):1],y=s.region[,2][length(s.region[,1]):1]))
  if (missing(t.region)) t.region <- c(0,1)
  stPoip <- rpp(lambda=lambp,s.region,t.region)$xyt
  stmc <- do.call(rbind, sapply(seq(1,length(stPoip[,1])), function(i) .PoiSph(a,b,c,mu=mu,centre=stPoip[i,])))
  ok <- inside.owin(stmc[,1],stmc[,2],w=bsw)
  insw <- data.frame(x=stmc[,1][ok],y=stmc[,2][ok],t=stmc[,3][ok])
  stc3 <- .intim(insw,t.region)
  stc3 <- as.3dpoints(stc3)

.PoiSph <- function(a,b,c,mu,centre){
  n <- rpois(1,mu)
  if (a==b & b==c){
    r <- a*((runif(n))^(1/3))
    theta <- 2 * pi * runif(n)
    phi <- acos(2 * runif(n)-1)
    xr <- r * cos(theta)* sin(phi) + centre[1]
    yr <- r * sin(theta)* sin(phi) + centre[2]
    zr <- r * cos(phi) + centre[3]
    a0 <- a*(runif(n)^(1/3))
    b0 <- b*(runif(n)^(1/3))
    c0 <- c*(runif(n)^(1/3))
    theta <- 2 * pi * runif(n)
    phi <- acos(2 * runif(n)-1)
    x0 <- a0 * cos(theta) * sin(phi)
    y0 <- b0 * sin(theta) * sin(phi)
    z0 <- c0 * cos(phi)
    aa <- 2*pi*runif(1)
    ab <- 2*pi*runif(1)
    ac <- 2*pi*runif(1)
    xr <- (z0*(sin(aa)*sin(ac)+cos(aa)*cos(ac)*sin(ab))-y0*(cos(aa)*sin(ac)-cos(ac)*sin(aa)*sin(ab))+x0*(cos(ac)*cos(ab))) + centre[1]
    yr <- (y0*(cos(aa)*cos(ac)+sin(aa)*sin(ac)*sin(ab))-z0*(cos(ac)*sin(aa)-cos(aa)*sin(ac)*sin(ab))+x0*(cos(ab)*sin(ac))) + centre[2]
    zr <- (z0*(cos(aa)*cos(ab))-x0*(sin(ab))+y0*(cos(ab)*sin(aa))) + centre[3]}

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stpp documentation built on June 28, 2024, 9:11 a.m.