Defines functions getSEcoef getSE.S getSE.RD.d1.minus.d2

## SE of IPW estimator of MSM coef
getSEcoef <- function(ID, nID, t.var, Yname, MSMdata, MSMpredict, MSMdesign, IPW_MSMestimator = TRUE){
  # head(MSMdata)
  cum.IPAW <- "cum.IPAW"

  IC.data <- MSMdata[ ,c(ID, t.var, Yname, cum.IPAW, MSMpredict), with = FALSE] # contains data for all obs compatible with at least one rule
  # MSMepsilon <- IC.data[,Yname, with = FALSE]-IC.data[,MSMpredict, with = FALSE]
  # IC.data <- cbind(IC.data,MSMepsilon)

  IC.data[, "MSMepsilon" := get(Yname) - get(MSMpredict)]

  if (IPW_MSMestimator) {
    sweep.tmp <- IC.data[[cum.IPAW]] * IC.data[["MSMepsilon"]]
    sweep.tmp <- IC.data[["MSMepsilon"]]
  # *********
  #OS: multiply each column of t(MSMdesign) by sweep.tmp:
  D.O.beta <- sweep(t(MSMdesign), 2, sweep.tmp, "*")

  # New & faster approach using data.table:
  xDT <- data.table(ID = IC.data[[ID]], t(D.O.beta))
  setkeyv(xDT, cols = "ID")
  D.O.beta.alt <- as.matrix(xDT[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = ID][, ID := NULL])
  D.O.beta.alt <- t(D.O.beta.alt)

  if (gvars$verbose) {
    print("Should all be very small: "); print(abs(apply(D.O.beta.alt, 1, mean)))

    sweep.tmp <- IC.data[[cum.IPAW]] * IC.data[[MSMpredict]] * (1 - IC.data[[MSMpredict]])
  } else {
    sweep.tmp <- IC.data[[MSMpredict]] * (1 - IC.data[[MSMpredict]])

  C <- sweep(t(MSMdesign), 2, sweep.tmp, "*")
  C <- (C %*% MSMdesign) / nID
  Cm1 <- solve(C)
  IC.O <- Cm1 %*% D.O.beta.alt

  if (gvars$verbose) {
    print("Should all be very small: "); print(abs(apply(IC.O, 1, mean)))

  var.beta <- (IC.O %*% t(IC.O)) / (nID^2)
  se.beta <- sqrt(diag(var.beta))
  return(list(IC.O = IC.O, se.beta = se.beta))

## SE of IPW estimator of Sd(t) for a given d and all t's
### IC.O below is the first output of previous function:
getSE.S <- function(nID, S.d.t.predict, h.d.t.predict, design.d.t, IC.O){
  # browser()
  ### SE for S(t) for all t's
  h.by.dl.dt <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(S.d.t.predict), ncol = ncol(design.d.t))
  for(t.val in 1:length(S.d.t.predict)) {
    h.by.dl.dt[t.val,] <- h.d.t.predict[t.val] * design.d.t[t.val, , drop=FALSE]

  sum.h.by.dl.dt <- apply(h.by.dl.dt, 2, cumsum)
  S.by.sum.h.by.dl.dt <- sweep(sum.h.by.dl.dt, 1, S.d.t.predict, "*")
  IC.S <- -S.by.sum.h.by.dl.dt %*% IC.O

  if (gvars$verbose) {
    print("Should all be very small: "); print(abs(apply(IC.S, 1, mean)))

  var.S <- (IC.S %*% t(IC.S)) / (nID^2)
  se.S <- sqrt(diag(var.S))
  return(list(IC.S = IC.S, se.S = se.S))

## SE of IPW estimator of RD=Sd1(t)-Sd2(t) for two given d1 and d2 and all t's
### IC.S.d1 and IC.S.d2 are the first output of previous function above applied to two different d's:
getSE.RD.d1.minus.d2 <- function(nID, IC.S.d1, IC.S.d2){
  # browser()
  IC.RD <- IC.S.d2 - IC.S.d1 # note that we do IC.d2 minus IC.d1 here even though this if for the RD defined as d1 minus d2 ( we flip the order)
  var.RD <- (IC.RD %*% t(IC.RD)) / (nID^2)
  se.RD <- sqrt(diag(var.RD))

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