
Defines functions timer fix_pkgwdown_path setNames tag_gen extract_first extract_pipe escape_newline is_box_close is_box_open is_string_magic_root renvir_get simple_string_fill eval_dt insert_at insert extract_first_variable is_any_variable fml_extract_elements true_character is_operator get_namespace_above get_function_above names_xpd missnull conjugate format_difftime enum_main n_times enum_letter n_letter n_th string_trim string_x is_numeric_in_char string_to_ascii

# Author: Laurent Berge
# Date creation: Wed Jul 27 09:42:17 2022
# ~: Misc funs for string.ops, mostly internal

#### string manipulation ####

string_to_ascii = function(x, options){
  # force to ASCII using iconv. Keeps track of encoding error

  opts = c("silent", "utf8")
  options = check_set_options(options, opts, "ascii", free = TRUE)

  is_silent = "silent" %in% options

  if("utf8" %in% options){
    from = "UTF-8"
  } else {
    from = setdiff(options, opts)
    if(length(from) == 0){
      from = ""

  old_char = try(nchar(x), silent = TRUE)

  if("try-error" %in% class(old_char)){
    # super nasty encoding => nchar can't be used
    x_conv = iconv(x, to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE", from = from)
    nbfail = 0

      warn_hook("In operation `ascii`, the encoding was a bit nasty (nchar couldn't be used!): please check the conversion to ASCII.",
              "\n(Ignore this message with the `silent` option [ex: `ascii.silent`]. Pass the native encoding as an option?)")

  } else {
    x_conv = iconv(x, to = "ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE", from = from)
    which_failed = which(old_char != nchar(x_conv) | grepl("?", x_conv, fixed = TRUE))
    nbfail = length(which_failed)

  if(nbfail > 0){
      warni("When transforming to ASCII, there {#was, n ? nbfail} failed encoding{#s}. ",
            "Attribute `isFailed` is created (note that you can only access it if the variable is not transformed).",
            "\n(Ignore this message with the `silent` option [ex: `ascii.silent`]. Pass the native encoding as an option?)")
    # we add the failures
    attr(x_conv, "isFailed") = which_failed


#### internal ####

is_numeric_in_char = function(x){
  res = tryCatch(as.numeric(x), warning = function(x) "not numeric")
  !identical(res, "not numeric")

string_x = function(x, n, from){
  # string extract

    n = nchar(n)

  if(n < 0){
    if(!missing(from)) stop("Internal error: you should not provide arg. `from` when `n` is negative.")
    from = nchar(x) + n + 1
    to = nchar(x)
  } else if(!missing(from)){
    to = from + n - 1
  } else {
    from = 1
    to = n

  substr(x, from, to)

string_trim = function(x, n_first = 0, n_last = 0){
  # positive values: first
  # negative values: last

    n_first = nchar(n_first)
  } else if(n_first < 0){
    n_last = -n_first
    n_first = 0

  substr(x, 1 + n_first, nchar(x) - n_last)

n_th = function(x, letters = TRUE, compact = FALSE){
  # The main purpose of this function is for smallish 'x'
  # only to print info, not performance oriented.

  if(is.character(x)) return(x)

  is_compact = FALSE
  if(length(x) > 1 && all(diff(x) == 1)){
    is_compact = TRUE
    x = x[c(1, length(x))]

  res = character(length(x))

    # We don't go all the way, it makes no sense

    res[x == 0] = "zeroth"

    dict = c("first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh",
             "eighth", "nineth", "tenth", "eleventh", "twelfth", "thirteenth",
             "fourteenth", "fifteenth", "sixteenth", "seventeenth", "eighteenth",
             "nineteenth", "twentyth")

    qui = x >= 1 & x <= 20
    res[qui] = dict[x[qui]]

    if(!any(res == "")){
        res = paste0(res[1], " to ", res[2])

  qui = res == ""
  rest = x[qui] %% 10
  rest[rest == 0 | rest >= 4] = 4
  rest[x[qui] %in% 11:13] = 4
  postfix = c("st", "nd", "rd", "th")

  res[qui] = paste0(x[qui], postfix[rest])

    res = paste0(res[1], " to ", res[2])


# Internal fun, n is ALWAYS len 1, positive and not missing
n_letter = function(x){

  res = character(length(x))

  for(i in seq_along(x)){

    xi = x[i]
    if(xi >= 100){
      val = format(xi, big.mark = ",")
    } else {

      is_minus = xi < 0
      if(is_minus) xi = abs(xi)

      num2char = c("zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
                  "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen",
                  "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen",
      if(xi < 20){
        val = num2char[xi + 1]
      } else if(xi < 100){
        tens = xi %/% 10
        digit = xi %% 10
        tens_letter = c("twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty",
                        "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety")

        num2char = paste0("-", num2char)
        num2char[1] = ""

        val = paste0(tens_letter[tens - 1], num2char[digit + 1])

        val = paste0("minus ", val)
    res[i] = val


enum_letter = function(n){
  # returns only lowercase
  # oddity: there is no powers of z
  # => because otherwise the algorithm would have been too complex
  # and we don't care tbh

  if(n < 27){

  n_26 = log(n, 26)
  n_26 = floor(n_26) + (n_26 %% 1 == 0)

  rest = (1:n) - 1
  res = vector("list", n_26 + 1)
  i = 1
  for(p in n_26:0){
    num = 26**p

    if(p == 0){
      res[[i]] = letters[(rest %/% num) + 1]
    } else {
      res[[i]] = c("", letters)[(rest %/% num) + 1]

    rest = rest %% num
    i = i + 1

  res = do.call(base::paste0, res)


# Internal fun, n is ALWAYS len 1, positive and not missing
n_times = function(x, letters = TRUE){
  # 1 and 2 are always once and twice

  res = character(length(x))

  for(i in seq_along(x)){
    xi = x[i]

    if(xi == 0) {
        res[i] = "zero times"
      } else {
        res[i] = "0 times"
    } else if(xi < 4 && letters){
      dict = c("once", "twice", "three times", "four times")
      res[i] = dict[xi]
    } else if(!letters && xi <= 2){
      res[i] = if(xi == 1) "once" else "twice"
    } else {
        xi = n_letter(xi)  
      res[i] = paste0(xi, " times")


enum_main = function(x, options){

  # we construct the call to enum
  # default values
  quote = NULL
  enum = FALSE
  or = FALSE
  nmax = 7

  # Quote
  q_map = c("q" = "'", "Q" = '"', "bq" = "`")
  qui = which(options %in% names(q_map))
  if(length(qui) > 0){
    if(length(qui) > 1){
      stop_hook("In `enum`, you cannot use more than one quote keyword ",
                "(q, Q, or bq) in the enumeration. ")

    q = options[qui]
    options = options[-qui]
    quote = q_map[q]

  # or
  if("or" %in% options || "nor" %in% options){
    or = intersect(c("or", "nor"), options)
    options = setdiff(options, c("or", "nor"))

  # i, a, etc
  qui = which(options %in% c("i", "I", "a", "A", "1"))
  if(length(qui) > 0){
    enum = options[qui[1]]
    options = options[-qui]

  # digit
  qui = which(grepl("^[[:digit:]]+$", options) & options != "1")
  if(length(qui) > 0){
    nmax = as.numeric(options[qui[1]])
  oxford = opt_equal(options, "oxford")
  comma = opt_equal(options, "comma")
  enumerate_items(x, quote = quote, or = or, enum = enum, nmax = nmax, 
                  oxford = oxford, comma = comma)

format_difftime = function(x, options = character()){
  # x: number of seconds or difftime or time

      # x: number of seconds
      x = as.numeric(x)
    } else {
      # When the data is not conform:
      # - should there be an error?
      # - should I return NA?

      if(!opt_equal(options, "silent")){
        warn_hook("Operation `difftime` could not be applied since the data",
                  " was not numeric, nor a POSIX time, nor a time-difference.",
                  "\n (To avoid this warning, use the option `silent`: `difftime.silent`.)")

      return(rep("(difftime: NA)", length(x)))

  res = character(length(x))

  for(i in seq_along(x)){
    xi = x[i]
    if(inherits(xi, "POSIXt")){
      xi = Sys.time() - xi
    if(inherits(xi, "difftime")){
      xi = as.double(xi, units = "secs")
    if(opt_equal(options, "full")){
      # we don't go at the micro second precision: don't makes sense
      s = trunc(xi)
      if(s > 0){
        s_fmt = sprintf("% 3ss", s)
      } else {
        s_fmt = "    "
      ms = sprintf("%.1f", (xi - s) * 1e3)
      ms_fmt = sprintf("% 5s", ms)
      res[i] = paste0(s_fmt, " ", ms_fmt, "ms")
    } else {
      if(xi > 3600){
        n_hour = xi %/% 3600
        rest_s = floor(xi %% 3600)
        n_min = rest_s %/% 60
        res[i] = string_magic("{n ? n_hour} hour{#s} {%02i ? n_min} min")
      } else if(xi > 60){
        n_min = xi %/% 60
        n_sec = floor(xi %% 60)
        res[i] = string_magic("{n ? n_min} min {%02i ? n_sec} sec")
      } else if(xi > 0.9){
        res[i] = paste0(fsignif(xi, 2, 1), "s")
      } else if(xi > 1e-3){
        res[i] = paste0(fsignif(xi * 1000, 2, 0), "ms")
      } else {
        res[i] = "<1 ms"

fsignif = function (x, s = 2, r = 0, commas = TRUE){
  # This is not intended to be applied to large vectors (not efficient)
  # Only for the in-print formatting of some numbers

  # It would supa dupa simple in c++...


    stop("The argumnent 'x' must be numeric.")

  commas_single = function(x, s, r){

    if(!is.finite(x) || abs(x) < 1) return(as.character(x))

    if((p <- ceiling(log10(abs(x)))) < s){
      r = max(r, s - p)

    x_sign = sign(x)
    x = abs(x)

    x_str = deparse(x)
    dec_string = ""

    if(grepl(".", x_str, fixed = TRUE)){
      decimal = gsub(".*\\.", ".", x_str)
      dec_string = substr(decimal, 1, 1 + r)

      if(dec_string == ".") dec_string = ""

    entier = sprintf("%.0f", floor(x))
    quoi = rev(strsplit(entier, "")[[1]])
    n = length(quoi)
    sol = c()
    for (i in 1:n) {
      sol = c(sol, quoi[i])
      if (i%%3 == 0 && i != n) sol = c(sol, ",")

    res = paste0(ifelse(x_sign == -1, "-", ""), paste0(rev(sol), collapse = ""), dec_string)


  signif_single = function(x, s, r) {
    if(is.na(x)) {

    if(abs(x) >= 10^(s - 1)){
      return(round(x, r))
    } else {
      return(signif(x, s))

  res = sapply(x, signif_single, s = s, r = r)

  if(commas) res = sapply(res, commas_single, s = s, r = r)

  qui0 = grepl("^0.", res, perl = TRUE)
    qui_short = nchar(res) < s + 2
      for(i in which(qui0)[qui_short]){
        res[i] = as.vector(sprintf("%s%.*s", res[i], s + 2 - nchar(res[i]), "0000000000000000"))


enumerate_items = function (x, or = FALSE, quote = NULL,
                            enum = FALSE, nmax = 7, oxford = FALSE, comma = FALSE){
  # function that enumerates items
  # in argument type, you can have a mix of the different arguments, all separated with a "."

  if(length(x) == 0) return("");

  is_quote = !is.null(quote)
  n = length(x)

  # Ensuring it's not too long
  is_other = n > nmax

    nmax = nmax - 1

    other = paste0(n - nmax, " others")

      x = c(paste0(quote, x[1:nmax], quote), other)
    } else {
      x = c(x[1:nmax], other)

    n = length(x)
  } else if(is_quote){
    x = paste0(quote, x, quote)

  is_enum = enum %in% c("i", "I", "a", "A", "1")
    enum_comma = ","

    if(enum == "i"){
      enum_all = tolower(as.roman(1:n))
    } else if(enum == "I"){
      enum_all = as.roman(1:n)
    } else if(enum == "a"){
      enum_all = enum_letter(n)
    } else if(enum == "A"){
      enum_all = toupper(enum_letter(n))
    } else if(enum == "1"){
      enum_all = 1:n

    enum_all = paste0(enum_all, ") ")

      enum_all[length(enum_all)] = ""

  } else {
    enum_comma = ""
    enum_all = rep("", n)

  if (n == 1) {
    res = x
  } else {
    and_or = " and "
    if(identical(or, "or") || isTRUE(or)){
      and_or = " or "
    } else if(identical(or, "nor")){
      and_or = " nor "
        x = paste0(enum_all, x)
      res = paste0(x, collapse = ", ")
    } else if(is_enum){
      res = paste0(paste0(enum_all[-n], x[-n], collapse = ", "), 
                   enum_comma, and_or, enum_all[n], x[n])
    } else {
        and_or = paste0(",", and_or)
      res = paste0(paste0(x[-n], collapse = ", "), and_or, x[n])



conjugate = function(verb, plural){

  # note that the parser squashes the spaces
  info_case = gsub("[[:upper:]]", "_", verb)
  verb = tolower(verb)

  if(verb %in% c("is", "are")){
    verb = "is"
  } else if(verb %in% c("has", "have")){
    verb = "has"
  } else if(verb %in% c("has not", "have not")){
    verb = "has not"
  } else if(verb %in% c("hasn't", "haven't")){
    verb = "hasn't"
  } else if(verb %in% c("donot", "doesnot")){
    verb = "do not"
  } else if(verb %in% c("don't", "doesn't")){
    verb = "don't"
  } else if(verb %in% c("isnot", "arenot")){
    verb = "is not"
  } else if(verb %in% c("isn't", "aren't")){
    verb = "isn't"
  } else if(verb %in% c("wasnot", "werenot")){
    ver = "was not"
  } else if(verb %in% c("wasn't", "weren't")){
    ver = "wasn't"
  } else if(verb %in% c("was", "were")){
    verb = "was"
  } else if(grepl("ies$", verb)){
    verb = gsub("ies$", "y", verb)

  } else if(grepl("(o|h)es$", verb)){
    verb = gsub("es$", "", verb)

  } else if(grepl("s$", verb)){
    verb = gsub("s$", "", verb)

  pick = function(a, b) if(plural) b else a

  if(verb %in% c("is", "is not", "isn't", "has", "has not", "hasn't", 
                 "do", "do not", "don't", "was", "was not", "wasn't")){

    res = switch(verb,
                 is = pick("is", "are"),
                 "is not" = pick("is not", "are not"),
                 "isn't" = pick("isn't", "aren't"),
                 has = pick("has", "have"),
                 "has not" = pick("has not", "have not"),
                 "hasn't" = pick("hasn't", "haven't"),
                 do = pick("does", "do"),
                 "do not" = pick("does not", "do not"),
                 "don't" = pick("doesn't", "don't"),
                 "was" = pick("was", "were"),
                 "was not" = pick("was not", "were not"),
                 "wasn't" = pick("wasn't", "weren't"))

  } else {
    # by default, the rest is in plural form

      res = verb

    } else {
      if(grepl("(h|o)$", verb)){
        res = paste0(verb, "es")

      } else if(grepl("[^aeo]y$", verb)){
        res = paste0(string_trim(verb, -1), "ies")

      } else {
        res = paste0(verb, "s")

  if(substr(info_case, 1, 2) == "__"){
    res = toupper(res)
  } else if(substr(info_case, 1, 1) == "_"){
    substr(res, 1, 1) = toupper(substr(res, 1, 1))


missnull = function(x){
  missing(x) || is.null(x)

names_xpd = function(x){
  nm = names(x)
    nm = character(length(x))

get_function_above = function(n = 2){
  sc = sys.calls()
  n_sc = length(sc)
  if(n_sc <= 2) return("nothing_above")
  fun_name = deparse_short(sc[[n_sc - 2]][[1]])

get_namespace_above = function(n = -2){
  if(sys.nframe() >= n){
    res = environmentName(environment(sys.function(n)))
    if(res == ""){
      res = "R_GlobalEnv"
  } else {
    res = "R_GlobalEnv"

is_operator = function(x, op){
  # operators in formulas

  if(length(x) <= 1){
    res = FALSE
  } else {
    res = as.character(x[[1]])[1] %in% op


true_character = function(x){
  is.character(x) && identical(class(x), "character")

# fml = x ~ a + b + c*d + I(e + f)
fml_extract_elements = function(fml){

  stopifnot(inherits(fml, "formula"))

  rhs = fml[[3]]

  main_elements = list()
  positive = logical(0)

  is_plus = is_operator(rhs, "+")
  while(is_plus || is_operator(rhs, "-")){
    main_elements = append(main_elements, rhs[[3]])
    positive = append(positive, is_plus)
    rhs = rhs[[2]]
    is_plus = is_operator(rhs, "+")
  main_elements = append(main_elements, rhs)

  # we clean the I()
  for(i in seq_along(main_elements)){
    elem = main_elements[[i]]
    if(is_operator(elem, "I")){
      main_elements[[i]] = elem[[2]]

  res = rev(main_elements)


is_any_variable = function(x){
  # x: must be an expression
  length(all.vars(x, max.names = 1)) == 1

extract_first_variable = function(expr){
  # this function returns an expression
  # what is considered a variable is either a name (x), either a name subsetted (data$value)
  if(length(expr) == 1){
  if(is_operator(expr, c("[", "[[", "$"))){
  } else {
    for(i in 2:length(expr)){

insert = function(x, y, i, replace = FALSE){
  # x = list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) ; y = list(u = 33, v = 55) ; i = 2 ; insert(x, y, i)
  # we insert y into x in location i
  # we don't lose the names!
  # replace: whether to erase the value at the index

  mode = mode(x)
  if(!mode %in% c("list", "numeric", "logical", "character", "integer")){
      stop("Internal error: the current mode (", mode, ") is node supported in insert().")

  n_x = length(x)

  if(n_x == 0){

  n_y = length(y)
  res = vector(mode, n_x + n_y - replace)

  names_x = names(x)
  if(is.null(names_x)) names_x = character(n_x)
  names_y = names(y)
  if(is.null(names_y)) names_y = character(n_y)

  if(replace && i <= n_x && length(x) == 1){
    # edge case of replacement
    res = setNames(y, names_y)

  if(i > n_x){
      res[1:n_x] = x
      res[n_x + 1:n_y] = y
      names(res) = c(names_x, names_y)

  } else if(i == 1){
      res[1:n_y] = y
        res[n_y + 2:n_x] = x
        names(res) = c(names_y, names_x[-1])
      } else {
        res[n_y + 1:n_x] = x
        names(res) = c(names_y, names_x)

  } else {
      res[1:(i-1)] = x[1:(i-1)]
      res[(i-1) + 1:n_y] = y
        if(i == n_x){
          names(res) = c(names_x[1:(i-1)], names_y)
        } else {
          res[(i+n_y):(n_x + n_y - 1)] = x[(i + 1):n_x]
          names(res) = c(names_x[1:(i-1)], names_y, names_x[(i + 1):n_x])
      } else {
        res[(i+n_y):(n_x + n_y)] = x[i:n_x]
        names(res) = c(names_x[1:(i-1)], names_y, names_x[i:n_x])


insert_at = function(x, y, index){
  # x = list(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3) ; y = list(u = 33, v = 55) ; i = 2 ; insert(x, y, i)
  # we insert y into x in location i
  # we don't lose the names!

  if(length(y) != length(index)){
    stop("Internal error: the length of the object to be inserted must match the length of the indexes.")

  if(max(index) > length(x)){
    stop("Internal error: the value of the index cannot be greater than the length of the object in which ot insert.")

  mode = mode(x)
  if(!mode %in% c("list", "numeric", "logical", "character", "integer")){
      stop("Internal error: the current mode (", mode, ") is node supported in insert().")

  n_x = length(x)
  n_y = length(y)
  res = vector(mode, n_x + n_y)
  names_res = character(n_x + n_y)

  names_x = names(x)
  if(is.null(names_x)) names_x = character(n_x)
  names_y = names(y)
  if(is.null(names_y)) names_y = character(n_y)

  x_index = 1:n_x
  is_insert = +(x_index %in% index)
  x_index = x_index + c(0, cumsum(is_insert)[seq_len(n_x - 1)])

  res[x_index] = x
  names_res[x_index] = names_x

  y_index = index + cumsum(rep(1, n_y))
  res[y_index] = y
  names_res[y_index] = names_y
  names(res) = names_res


eval_dt = function(call, data = list(), envir){
  is_data = TRUE
    envir = data
    is_data = FALSE

  dt_data = attr(envir, "dt_data")
    for(v in names(data)){
      dt_data[[v]] = data[[v]]

  if(".BY" %in% names(dt_data)){
    # we subset the data
    all_vars = all.vars(call)
    for(v in intersect(all_vars, names(dt_data))){
      value = dt_data[[v]]
      if(length(value) > 1){
        dt_data[[v]] = value[dt_data[[".I"]]]

  eval(call, dt_data, envir)

# substitute to sprintf which does not handle char length properly
# slower but safer
simple_string_fill = function(x, n = NULL, symbol = " ", right = FALSE, center = FALSE){
  x_nc = nchar(x)
    n = max(x_nc)

  pattern = sprintf("% *s", n, "  ")
  if(symbol != " "){
    pattern = gsub(" ", symbol, pattern, fixed = TRUE)
  i_add = which(x_nc < n)
    x_add = x[i_add]
    extra = substr(rep(pattern, length(x_add)), 1, n - x_nc[i_add])
      nc_extra = nchar(extra)
      mid = floor(nc_extra / 2)
      extra_left = substr(extra, 1, mid)
      extra_right = substr(extra, mid + 1, nc_extra)
      x[i_add] = paste0(extra_left, x_add, extra_right)
    } else if(right){
      x[i_add] = paste0(extra, x_add)
    } else {
      x[i_add] = paste0(x_add, extra)

renvir_get = function(key){
  # Get the values of envir variables
  # we also evaluate them

  value_raw = Sys.getenv(key)

  if(value_raw == ""){

  # Any default value should be able to be evaluated "as such"
  value_clean = gsub("__%%;;", "\n", value_raw)
  value_clean = gsub("&quot;", '"', value_clean)
  value_clean = gsub("&apos;", "'", value_clean)

  value = eval(str2lang(value_clean))


is_string_magic_root = function(){

is_box_open = function(x, .delim){
  substr(x, 1, nchar(.delim[1])) == .delim[1]

is_box_close = function(x, .delim){
  n = nchar(x)
  substr(x, n - nchar(.delim[2]) + 1, n) == .delim[2]

escape_newline = function(x){
  x = gsub("\n", "\\\\n", x)
  gsub("\t", "\\\\t", x)

extract_pipe = function(x, op, double = FALSE, numeric = FALSE, data = NULL, mbt = FALSE){
  # returns:
  # $value
  # $extra
  # $is_double
    x = as.character(x)
  res = cpp_extract_pipe(x, double)
  if(x == "" || res$value == ""){
    if(identical(x, "|")){
      res$value = "|"
    } else {
      stop_hook("In `string_magic`, the operator {bq?op} must take an argument which has no default value.",
                "\nPROBLEM: no argument is given. Please provide one.")
  value_raw = res$value
    # we evaluate
    new_value = try(eval(str2lang(res$value), data), silent = TRUE)
    if(inherits(new_value, "try-error")){
      stop_hook("In `string_magic`, the operator {bq?op} must take a numeric argument.",
                "\nPROBLEM: {bq?res$value} could not be evaluated. See problem below:",
    res$value = new_value
    if(!is.numeric(res$value) && !is_numeric_in_char(res$value)){
      stop_hook("In `string_magic`, the operator {bq?op} must take a numeric argument.",
                "\nPROBLEM: {bq?value_raw} is not numeric.")
    res$value = as.numeric(res$value)

extract_first = function(x, pattern, fixed = FALSE){
  if(length(x) != 1){
    stop("Internal error: x must be of length 1.")
  x_pat = regexpr(pattern, x, fixed = fixed, perl = !fixed)
  x1 = substr(x, min(1, x_pat - 1), x_pat - 1)
  x2 = substr(x, x_pat + attr(x_pat, "match.length"), 1e5)
  c(x1, x2)

tag_gen = function(){
  id = getOption("string_magic_tag")
    id = 1
  options(string_magic_tag = id + 1)
  items = letters
  n_shifts = id %% 26
  n_reshuffle = id %/% 26
  if(n_reshuffle > 0){
    for (i in 1:n_reshuffle) {
      items = sample(items)
  if(n_shifts > 0){
    items = c(items[-(1:n_shifts)], items[1:n_shifts])
  tag = paste0(sample(items, 6, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")

setNames = function(x, nm){
  names(x) = nm

fix_pkgwdown_path = function(){
    # https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown/issues/1218
    # just because I use google drive... it seems pkgdown cannot convert to relative path...

    # This is to ensure it only works for me
    if(!is_string_magic_root()) return(NULL)
    # we check we're in the right directory (otherwise there can be prblms with Rmakdown)
    if(!isTRUE(file.exists("R/string_magic_main.R"))) return(NULL)

    all_files = list.files("docs/articles/", full.names = TRUE, pattern = "html$")

    for(f in all_files){
        my_file = file(f, "r", encoding = "UTF-8")
        text = readLines(f)
        if(any(grepl("../../../", text, fixed = TRUE))){
            # We embed the images directly: safer

            # A) we get the path
            # B) we transform to URI
            # C) we replace the line

            pat = "<img.+\\.\\./.+/stringmagic/.+/images/"
            qui = which(grepl(pat, text))
            for(i in qui){
                # ex: line = "<img src = \"../../../Google drive/stringmagic/stringmagic/vignettes/images/etable/etable_tex_2021-12-02_1.05477838.png\">"
                line = text[i]
                line_split = strsplit(line, "src *= *\"")[[1]]
                path = gsub("\".*", "", line_split[2])
                # ROOT is always stringmagic
                path = gsub(".+stringmagic/", "", path)
                path = gsub("^articles", "vignettes", path)

                URI = knitr::image_uri(path)

                rest = gsub("^[^\"]+\"", "", line_split[2])
                new_line = .sma('{line_split[1]} src = "{URI}"{rest}')

                text[i] = new_line

            my_file = file(f, "w", encoding = "UTF-8")
            writeLines(text, f)


#### timer ####

timer = function(type = "simple"){
  if(type == "total"){
    tm = getOption("stringmagic_timer_origin")
  } else {
    tm = getOption("stringmagic_timer")
    return("(Error: Please set up the timer first with timer_magic().)")
  time_new = Sys.time()
  difftime = format_difftime(time_new - tm, "full")
  if(type == "simple"){
    options(stringmagic_timer = time_new)

Try the stringmagic package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

stringmagic documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:04 a.m.