
Defines functions sample as.sudoku as.sudoku.matrix as.sudoku.sudoku daysAgo fetchUKGame fetchAUGame makeGame plot.sudoku print.sudoku seedGame solve.sudoku solveGame originalGame emptyGame regulariseGame regulariseGame.sudoku regulariseGame.default designGame designGame.default .zf designGame.sudoku

Documented in as.sudoku as.sudoku.matrix as.sudoku.sudoku daysAgo designGame designGame.default designGame.sudoku emptyGame fetchAUGame fetchUKGame makeGame originalGame plot.sudoku print.sudoku regulariseGame regulariseGame.default regulariseGame.sudoku seedGame solveGame solve.sudoku

##' @importFrom magrittr %>%
##' @export 

##' @importFrom stats runif
sample <- function(n, k) {

##' Construct a Sudoku Game Object
##' Coerce an object to one that can be used as a sudoku game.
##' IMPORTANT: games are represented as n^2xn^2 character matrices,
##' using 1-9 for n=2 or 3, and LETTERS[1:(n^2)] for n = 4 or 5.
##' @title Generic Sudoku Game Constructor
##' @param x an n^2 x n^2 matrix object to represent the game
##' @param ... Other additional arguments (currently ignored)
##' @return An object of class 'sudoku'
##' @export as.sudoku
##' @rdname as.sudoku
##' @examples
##' M <- as.sudoku(matrix("", 16, 16))
##' M[1:4, 1:4] <- matrix(LETTERS[1:16], 4, 4, byrow = TRUE)
##' sM <- solve(M)
##' plot(sM)
##' @author Bill Venables
as.sudoku <- function(x, ...)

##' Construct a Sudoku Game Object
##' Coerce a matrix to an object that can be used as a sudoku game
##' @method as.sudoku matrix
##' @export
##' @title as.sudoku.matrix
##' @param x An n^2 x n^2 matrix
##' @param ... other arguments (currently ignored)
##' @return An object of class 'sudoku'
##' @author Bill Venables
as.sudoku.matrix <- function(x, ...) {
  n <- as.integer(round(sqrt(nrow(x))))
  if (nrow(x) != n^2 || !(n %in% 2:5))
      stop("invalid matrix")
  set <- if(n <= 3) as.character(1:(n^2)) else LETTERS[1:(n^2)]
  storage.mode(x) <- "character"
  is.na(x[!(x %in% set)]) <- TRUE
  structure(x, class = "sudoku")

##' Construct a Sudoku Game Object
##' Identity function for sudoku objects
##' @method as.sudoku sudoku
##' @export
##' @param x A sudoku object
##' @param ... other arguments (ignored)
##' @return the input sudoku object
##' @author Bill Venables
as.sudoku.sudoku <- function(x, ...) x

##' Format a Date Relative to the Current Date
##' Internal function used by fetchUKGame().
##' @title Format a Past Date
##' @param n A positive integer for how many days ago
##' @param warn Issue a warning if n <= 0 or n > 30
##' @return A character string of the form "dd/mm/yy"
##' @export daysAgo
##' @examples
##' daysAgo()  ## today
##' daysAgo(7) ## a week ago 
##' @author Bill Venables
daysAgo <- function(n = 0, warn = TRUE) {
  if(warn && any(n > 30 | n < 0))
      warning("games for longer than 30 days ago are not retained.")
  then <- as.Date(strptime(date(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")) - as.integer(n)
  as.character(format(then, "%d/%m/%y"))

##' Retrieve a Sudoku Game
##' Connects to \code{http://www.sudoku.org.uk/DailySudoku.asp} and retrieves
##' the sudoku game from \code{day} days ago.  Based on a function from a
##' related sudoku package, \code{sudoku::fetchSudokuUK} with minor changes.
##' @title Retrieve a Sudoku from the UK Site
##' @param day positive integer < 30, how many days ago? or NULL for
##' the most recently published game.
##' @return The published sudoku game as a sudoku object.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' (g0 <- fetchUKGame())  ## The game for today (according to GMT)
##' (g3 <- fetchUKGame(3)) ## game from 3 days ago (according to GMT)
##' if(require(sudoku)) {  ## the original solver
##'   g0a <- as.sudoku(fetchSudokuUK())  
##'   identical(g0, g0a)   ## should be TRUE
##' }
##' g0 %>% solve %>% plot -> sg0 ## spoil the game
##' }
##' @export fetchUKGame
##' @author Bill Venables
fetchUKGame <- function(day = NULL) {
  sudoku_UK <- "http://www.sudoku.org.uk/DailySudoku.asp"
      sudoku_UK <- paste0(sudoku_UK, "?day=", daysAgo(day))
  con <- url(sudoku_UK)
  game <- tryCatch(readLines(con),
                   error = function(e) {
                     stop("\"", sudoku_UK, 
                          "\" appears to be offline.",
                          "  Try Australian game instead.")
  game <- grep("^<td .*</td>$", game, value = TRUE)
  if(length(game) != 81)
      stop("No game found. Check the date?")
  game <- sub("^<td .*(.)</td>$", "\\1", game)
  as.sudoku(matrix(game, 9, 9, byrow = TRUE))

##' Retrieve a Sudoku Game
##' Connects to \url{http://www.sudoku.com.au} and retrieves
##' the sudoku game from \code{day} days ago.  Based on a function from a
##' related sudoku package, \code{sudoku::fetchSudokuUK} with minor changes.
##' @title Retrieve a Sudoku from the AU Site
##' @param day non-negative integer, how many days ago? zero for
##' today's game.
##' @param difficulty character string, how hard would you like it?
##' @return The published sudoku game as a sudoku object.
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' fetchAUGame() %>% solve %>% plot -> gau           ## The 'tough' game for today 
##' fetchAUGame(3, "easy") %>% solve %>% plot -> eau  ## 'easy' game from 3 days ago
##' }
##' @export fetchAUGame
##' @author Bill Venables
fetchAUGame <- function(day = 0, difficulty = c("tough", "hard", "medium", "easy")) {
  stopifnot(is.numeric(day) && length(day) == 1 && day %% 1 == 0 && day >= 0)
  difficulty <- match.arg(difficulty)
  prefix <- c(easy = "5E", medium = "3M", hard = "2H", tough = "1V")
  pre <- prefix[difficulty]
  sudoku_AU <- "http://www.sudoku.com.au"
  sday <- as.Date(strptime(date(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")) - as.integer(day)
  sday <- as.POSIXlt(sday)
  game <- paste0(sudoku_AU, "/", pre, sday$mday, "-", sday$mon + 1, "-",
                 sday$year + 1900, "-sudoku.aspx")
  con <- url(game)
  txt <- tryCatch(readLines(con),
                  error = function(e) {
                    stop("\"", sudoku_AU, 
                         "\" appears to be offline.",
                         "  Try the UK game instead.")
  ## txt <- readLines(con)
  txt <- txt[grep("iGridUnsolved", txt)]
  txt <- sub("^.*\\(", "", txt)
  txt <- sub("\\);$", "", txt)
  txt <- as.numeric(strsplit(txt, ",")[[1]])
  txt <- matrix(txt, ncol = 9, byrow = TRUE)

##' Construct a Random Sudoku Game
##' Construcs a sudoku game for given n, 2 <= n <= 5.
##' n = 5 can be problematical.
##' @title Make a New Sudoku Game
##' @param n Size of the game, n^2 x n^2
##' @param gaps Number of holes to leave for the solution
##' @param maxit Number of tries before giving up.
##' @examples 
##' set.seed(54321)
##' makeGame() %>% solve %>% plot -> sg
##' originalGame(sg)
##' @return a sudoku game
##' @export makeGame
##' @author Bill Venables
makeGame <- function(n = 3, gaps = ceiling(3*n^4/4), maxit = 25) {
  if(!missing(n) && (2 > n || n > 5))
      stop("Only cases n = 2, 3, 4 or 5 are implemented. Sorry!")
  solved <- NULL
  iter <- 0
  while(identical(solved, NULL) && (iter <- iter+1) < maxit) {
    solved <- solveGame(seedGame(n))
  if(iter == maxit) {
    stop("Maximum number of tries exceeded.")
  if(gaps > 0) is.na(solved[sample(length(solved), gaps)]) <- TRUE
  attr(solved, "game") <- NULL

##' Plot a Sudoku Game
##' Present a graphical display of a sudoku game and its solution if
##' the game is solved
##' @title Plot a Sudoku Game
##' @import graphics
##' @method plot sudoku
##' @export
##' @param x The sudoku game
##' @param ... additional arguments
##' @param cex Character expansion factor 
##' @param colSolution colour to be used for the solution (if present)
##' @param colGame colour to be used for the original game
##' @return The sudoku game \code{x}, invisibly.
##' @examples
##' set.seed(20191)
##' makeGame(4, gaps = 0) %>% plot(cex=1) -> sg
##' @author Bill Venables
plot.sudoku <- function(x, ..., cex=1.5-(n-3)/2,
                        colSolution = "grey", colGame = "fire brick") {
  oldPar <- par(mar = rep(0, 4)+0.1, ...,
                xaxs = "i", xaxt = "n",
                yaxs = "i", yaxt = "n")
  n <- sqrt(nrow(x))
  xseq <- yseq <- 0:(n^2)
  plot(Y ~ X, data = expand.grid(X = xseq, Y = yseq), type = "n")
  abline(h = seq(0, n^2), v = seq(0, n^2), lty = "dotted", lwd = 0.5)
  abline(h = seq(0, n^2, by = n), v = seq(0, n^2, by = n), lwd=2)
  centres <- expand.grid(X = xseq[-1] - 0.5, Y = rev(yseq[-1]) - 0.5)
  game <- attr(x, "game")
  solved <- !is.null(game)
  with(centres, text(X, Y, t(x), cex = cex,
                     col = if(solved) colSolution else colGame,
                     font = if(solved) 1 else 2))
  if(solved) {
    with(centres, text(X, Y, t(game), cex = cex, col=colGame, font = 2))

##' Print a Sudoku Object
##' Prints a sudoku object in an easily recognisable form.
##' @title Print a Sudoku Object
##' @method print sudoku
##' @export
##' @param x The sudoku game object
##' @param ... extra arguments (ignored) 
##' @return the object, invisibly
##' @author Bill Venables
print.sudoku <- function(x, ...) {
  n <- sqrt(nrow(x))
  y <- unclass(x)
  attr(y, "game") <- NULL
  y[is.na(y)] <- ""
  z <- "|"
  n2 <- 0
  for(j in 1:n) {
    n1 <- n2+1
    n2 <- n2+n
    z <- cbind(z, y[, n1:n2], "|")
  y <- "-"
  n2 <- 0
  for(i in 1:n) {
    n1 <- n2+1
    n2 <- n2+n
    y <- rbind(y, z[n1:n2, ], "-")
  i <- seq(1, (nc <- ncol(y)), n+1)
  y[i, i] <- "+"
  dimnames(y) <- list(rep("", nrow(y)), rep("", ncol(y)))
  print(y, quote = FALSE, ...)

##' Generate a random sudoku game starting point
##' Generates a game with one instance of each symbol in random
##' positions.
##' @title Starting Point to Make a Random Sudoku Game
##' @param n Size of the game, n^2 x n^2
##' @return A sparse unsolved sudoku game
##' @export seedGame
##' @examples
##' set.seed(2345)
##' g <- seedGame(3)
##' sg <- solve(g) ## a completed random game
##' plot(sg)
##' @author Bill Venables
seedGame <- function(n = 3) {
  if(length(n) != 1 || !is.numeric(n) || n %% 1 != 0 || n < 2 | n > 5)
    stop("n must be a single integer between 2 and 5 inclusive")
  values <- if(n <= 3) as.character(1:(n^2)) else LETTERS[1:(n^2)]
  n2 <- n^2
  game <- matrix(NA_character_, n2, n2)

  game[sample(length(game), n2)] <- values
  structure(game, class = "sudoku")

##' Solve a Sudoku Puzzle
##' An alternative front end to \code{solveGame} as a method for the base generic function \code{solve}.
##' @title Solve a Sudoku Puzzle
##' @method solve sudoku
##' @export
##' @param a A sudoku game object to be solved
##' @param ... Extra arguments (curently ignored)
##' @return a solved game, or NULL if no solution exists.
##' @examples
##' set.seed(1234)
##' makeGame(3, gaps = 59) %>% solve %>% plot -> sg
##' originalGame(sg)
##' g <- emptyGame(4)  # construct a patterned game
##' diag(g) <- LETTERS[1:16]
##' g %>% solve %>% plot -> sg
##' sg
##' @author Bill Venables
solve.sudoku <- function(a, ...) {

##' Solve a Sudoku Game
##' Given a sudoku game to be solved, find the solution.  IMPORTANT:
##' games are represented as n^2 x n^2 character matrices, using 1-9 for
##' n=2 or 3, and LETTERS[1:(n^2)] for n = 4 or 5.
##' @title Solve a Sudoku Game
##' @param game The game to be solved
##' @return A solved sudoku game object if one found, or NULL if no
##' solution exists.  The original game is attached as an attribute if the game is solved.
##' @importFrom stats na.omit
##' @examples
##' set.seed(1234)
##' makeGame(3, gaps = 60) %>% solve %>% plot -> sg
##' (g <- originalGame(sg))
##' g <- emptyGame(4)  # construct a patterned game
##' diag(g) <- LETTERS[1:16]
##' sg <- solve(g)
##' plot(sg)
##' @export
##' @author Bill Venables
solveGame <- function(game) {
  n <- as.integer(round(sqrt(nrow(game))))  ## overkill?
  set <- if(n <= 3) {
  } else {
  storage.mode(game) <- "character"
  is.na(game[!(game %in% set)]) <- TRUE
  nSet <- 1:(n^2)  ## work in integers
  toMatrix <- function(game) {  ## inverse of toArray
    game[] <- set[game]
    dim(game) <- c(n, n)^2
  toArray <- function(mat) {  ## inverse of toMatrix
    array(as.integer(match(mat, set)), dim = c(n,n,n,n))
  conflict <- function(section) 
  invalid <- function(game) {
    for(i in 1:n) for(j in 1:n) {
      if(conflict(game[,i,,j]) ||  ## 'same block'
         conflict(game[i,j,,]) ||  ## 'same row'
         conflict(game[,,i,j]))    ## 'same column'
  findSolution <- function(game) {
    if(invalid(game)) return(FALSE)
    while(anyNA(game)) {  ## anyNA() is only  in R 3.1.0 and later.
      holes <- which(is.na(game), arr.ind = TRUE)  ## a good trick!
      nr <- nrow(holes)
      fills <- vector("list", nr)
      lengths <- integer(nr)
      for(j in 1:nr) {
        i <- holes[j,]
        fills[[j]] <- setdiff(nSet,
                              c(game[    ,i[2],    ,i[4]],
                                game[i[1],i[2],    ,    ],
                                game[    ,    ,i[3],i[4]]))
        lengths[j] <- length(fills[[j]])
        if(lengths[j] == 0) return(FALSE)
      if(any(h <- which(lengths == 1))) {
        game[holes[h,,drop = FALSE]] <- unlist(fills[h])
        if(invalid(game)) return(FALSE)
      } else {  ## only holes with multiple alternatives
        m <- which.min(lengths)
        entries <- fills[[m]]
        pos <- holes[m,,drop = FALSE]
        for(e in entries) {
          game[pos] <- e
          h <- findSolution(game)  ## recursive call
          if(!identical(h, FALSE)) return(h)
        return(FALSE)  ## dud game, no solutions!
  ## the business starts here
  solution <- findSolution(toArray(game))
  if(identical(solution, FALSE)) NULL else
  structure(toMatrix(solution), game = game, class = "sudoku")

##' Retrieve the Original from a Solved Game
##' Convenience function for accessing an original from a solved game.
##' If the game is unsolved, the object itself is returned.
##' @title Retrieve the Original from a Solved Game
##' @param x a sudoku object
##' @export originalGame
##' @return The original sudoku game corresponding to the solution, 
##' or object itself if the game is unsolved
##' @examples
##' set.seed(666)
##' seedGame() %>% solve %>% plot -> sg ## %>% imported from magrittr
##' originalGame(sg)
##' @author Bill Venables
originalGame <- function(x) {
  if(!inherits(x, "sudoku"))
    stop(sprintf("%s is not a sudoku object", deparse(substitute(x))))
  g <- attr(x, "game")
  if(is.null(g)) x else g

##' Construct a Vacant Game Structure
##' Returns a vacant game structure to allow special patterns to
##' be constructed, as shown in the example.
##' @title Construct an empty game
##' @param n an integer value between 2 and 5 inclusive.
##' @return An empty sudoku game structure
##' @examples
##' g <- emptyGame(4)
##' diag(g) <- LETTERS[1:16]
##' plot(g)
##' g %>% solve %>% plot -> sg ## %>% imported from magrittr 
##' @export emptyGame
##' @author Bill Venables
emptyGame <- function(n = 3) {
  if(length(n) != 1 || !is.numeric(n) || n %% 1 != 0 || n < 2 | n > 5)
    stop("n must be a single integer between 2 and 5 inclusive")
  structure(matrix(NA_character_, n^2, n^2), class = "sudoku")

##' Put a solved sudoku game into a canonical form
##' If a solved sudoku game is to be used as an experimental
##' design it is sometimes useful to re-arrange the symbols
##' so that either the first row, first column or top left
##' block symbols are in sorted order.  This function accomplishes
##' this task.
##' @title regulariseGame
##' @param g a solved sudoku game
##' @param target character; which section do you want to be in sorted order?
##' @param ... additional arguments to methods (currently not used)
##' @return a regularised solved sudoku game
##' @export
##' @examples
##' set.seed(1234)
##' g <- makeGame() %>%
##'      solve() %>%    
##'      regulariseGame(target = "b") %>% 
##'      plot()
##' plot(originalGame(g))
regulariseGame <- function(g, ...) {

##' @rdname regulariseGame
##' @export
regulariseGame.sudoku <- function(g, target = c("block", "col", "row"), ...) {
    stop("only fully solved games can be regularised")
  target <- match.arg(target)
  n <- ncol(g)
  v <- switch(target,
              row = g[1, 1:n],
              col = g[1:n, 1],
              block = {
                n <- round(sqrt(n))
                as.vector(t(g[1:n, 1:n]))
  s <- sort(v)
  names(s) <- v
  g[] <- s[as.vector(g)]
  if(!is.null(attr(g, "game"))) {
    game <- attr(g, "game")
    game[] <- s[as.vector(game)]
    attr(g, "game") <- game

##' @rdname regulariseGame
##' @export
regulariseGame.default <- function(g, ...) {
  stop("no applicable method for objects of class ", class(g))

#' Sudoku Design
#' Take a sudoku game and represent the information as a data
#' frame giving the row, column, square and symbol for each entry.
#' This is a useful form if the (complete) game is to be used as
#' an experimental design
#' @param g a sudoku game, presumably solved
#' @param ... currently ignored
#' @return a data frame with four colums, \code{Row}, \code{Col},
#'  \code{Square} and \code{Symbol}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(2019)
#' d <- seedGame(4) %>% solve() %>%
#'      regulariseGame(target = "b") %>%
#'      designGame()
#' rbind(head(d), tail(d))
designGame <- function(g, ...) {

#' @rdname designGame
#' @export
designGame.default <- function(g, ...) {
  stop("no applicable method for objects of class ", class(g))
.zf <- function(x) {
  m <- max(n <- nchar(x <- as.character(x)))
  paste0(strrep(0, m-n), x)

#' @rdname designGame
#' @export
designGame.sudoku <- function(g, ...) {
  n <- round(sqrt(nrow(g)))
  l <- ifelse(n > 3, "", "L")
  d <- data.frame(Row = paste0("R", .zf(row(g))),
                  Col = paste0("C", .zf(col(g))),
                  Square = paste0("S", 
                                  .zf(((row(g)-1) %/% n) + 1),
                                  .zf(((col(g)-1) %/% n) + 1)),
                  Symbol = paste0(l, as.vector(unclass(g))))
  d <- with(d, d[order(Square, Row, Col), ])
  row.names(d) <- .zf(seq(nrow(d)))

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sudokuAlt documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 1:23 a.m.