
Defines functions next_minimum calc.replicate draw.without.replacement select.nstar rescaled.bootstrap

Documented in rescaled.bootstrap

#' @title Draw bootstrap replicates
#' @description Draw bootstrap replicates from survey data using the rescaled
#'   bootstrap for stratified multistage sampling, presented by Preston, J.
#'   (2009).
#' @param dat either data frame or data table containing the survey sample
#' @param REP integer indicating the number of bootstraps to be drawn
#' @param strata string specifying the column name in `dat` that is used for
#'   stratification. For multistage sampling multiple column names can be
#'   specified by `strata=c("strata1>strata2>strata3")`. See Details for more
#'   information.
#' @param cluster string specifying the column name in `dat` that is used for
#'   clustering. For instance given a household sample the column containing
#'   the household ID should be supplied.
#'   For multistage sampling multiple column names can be specified
#'   by `cluster=c("cluster1>cluster2>cluster3")`.
#' See Details for more information.
#' @param fpc string specifying the column name in `dat` that contains the
#'   number of PSUs at the first stage. For multistage sampling the number of
#'   PSUs at each stage must be specified by `strata=c("fpc1>fpc2>fpc3")`.
#' @param single.PSU either "merge" or "mean" defining how single PSUs need to
#'   be dealt with. For `single.PSU="merge"` single PSUs at each stage are
#'   merged with the strata or cluster with the next least number of PSUs. If
#'   multiple of those exist one will be select via random draw. For
#'   `single.PSU="mean"` single PSUs will get the mean over all bootstrap
#'   replicates at the stage which did not contain single PSUs.
#' @param return.value either "data" or "replicates" specifying the return value
#'   of the function. For "data" the survey data is returned as class
#'   `data.table`, for "replicates" only the bootstrap replicates are returned
#'   as `data.table`.
#' @param check.input logical, if TRUE the input will be checked before applying
#'   the bootstrap procedure
#' @param new.method logical, if TRUE bootstrap replicates will never be
#'   negative even if in some strata the whole population is in the sample.
#'   WARNING: This is still experimental and resulting standard errors might be
#'   underestimated! Use this if for some strata the whole population is in the
#'   sample!
#' @details For specifying multistage sampling designs the column names in
#' `strata`,`cluster` and `fpc` need to seperated by ">".\cr
#' For multistage sampling the strings are read from left to right meaning that
#' the column name before the first ">" is taken as the column for
#' stratification/clustering/number of PSUs at the first and the column after
#' the last ">" is taken as the column for stratification/clustering/number of
#' PSUs at the last stage.
#' If for some stages the sample was not stratified or clustered one must
#' specify this by "1" or "I", e.g. `strata=c("strata1>I>strata3")` if there was
#' no stratification at the second stage or `cluster=c("cluster1>cluster2>I")`
#' if there were no clusters at the last stage.\cr
#' The number of PSUs at each stage is not calculated internally and must be
#' specified for any sampling design.
#' For single stage sampling using stratification this can usually be done by
#' adding over all sample weights of each PSU by each strata-code.\cr
#' Spaces in each of the strings will be removed, so if column names contain
#' spaces they should be renamed before calling this procedure!
#' @return returns the complete data set including the bootstrap replicates or
#'   just the bootstrap replicates, depending on `return.value="data"` or
#'   `return.value="replicates"` respectively.
#' @export rescaled.bootstrap
#' @references Preston, J. (2009). Rescaled bootstrap for stratified multistage
#'   sampling. Survey Methodology. 35. 227-234.
#' @author Johannes Gussenbauer, Statistics Austria
#' @examples
#' library(surveysd)
#' library(data.table)
#' set.seed(1234)
#' eusilc <- demo.eusilc(n = 1,prettyNames = TRUE)
#' eusilc[,N.households:=uniqueN(hid),by=region]
#' eusilc.bootstrap <- rescaled.bootstrap(eusilc,REP=10,strata="region",
#'                                        cluster="hid",fpc="N.households")
#' eusilc[,new_strata:=paste(region,hsize,sep="_")]
#' eusilc[,N.housholds:=uniqueN(hid),by=new_strata]
#' eusilc.bootstrap <- rescaled.bootstrap(eusilc,REP=10,strata=c("new_strata"),
#'                                        cluster="hid",fpc="N.households")

rescaled.bootstrap <- function(
  dat, REP = 1000, strata = "DB050>1", cluster = "DB060>DB030", fpc =
    "N.cluster>N.households", single.PSU = c("merge", "mean"), return.value =
    c("data", "replicates"), check.input = TRUE, new.method = FALSE) {

  InitialOrder <- N <- SINGLE_BOOT_FLAG <- SINGLE_BOOT_FLAG_FINAL <- f <-
    n_prev <- n_draw_prev <- sum_prev <- n_draw <- NULL

  dat <- copy(dat)

  # prepare input
  removeCols <- c()
  if (is.null(cluster)) {
    cluster <- generateRandomName(20, colnames(dat))
    removeCols <- c(removeCols, cluster)
    dat[, c(cluster) := 1:.N]
  if (is.null(strata)) {
    strata <- generateRandomName(20, colnames(dat))
    removeCols <- c(removeCols, strata)
    dat[, c(strata) := 1]

  input <- c(strata, cluster, fpc)
  input <- gsub("\\s", "", input)
  input <- strsplit(input, ">")

  strata <- input[[1]]
  cluster <- input[[2]]
  fpc <- input[[3]]

  single.PSU <- single.PSU[1]
  return.value <- return.value[1]

  if (!is.logical(check.input)) {
    stop("check.input can only be logical")
  # check input
  if (check.input) {
    # check input data
    if (!is.data.table(dat) & !is.data.frame(dat)) {
      stop("dat needs to be a data frame or data table")
    } else {
      dat <- data.table(dat)

    # check REP
    if (!is.numeric(REP)) {
      stop("REP needs to be numeric")
    } else {
      if (length(REP) > 1) {
        warning("REP has length >1 - First argument will be used!")
        REP <- REP[1]
      if (REP %% 1 != 0) {
        stop("REP cannot have a decimal part")

    # check design variables
    if (length(unique(lapply(input, length))) > 1) {
      stop("strata, cluster, and fpc need to have the same number of arguments",
           " separated with '>'")
    check.values <- unlist(input)
    check.values <- check.values[!check.values %in% c("1", "I")]
    check.values <- check.values[!check.values %in% colnames(dat)]
    if (length(check.values) > 0) {
      stop("dat does not contain the column(s): ", check.values)

    # check if there are missings in fpc
    if (any(is.na(dat[, .SD, .SDcols = c(fpc)]))) {
      stop("missing values not allowed in fpc")

    # check return.value
    if (!return.value %in% c("data", "replicates")) {
      stop("return.value can only take the values 'data' or 'replicates'")

    # check single.PSU
    if (is.null(single.PSU) || !single.PSU %in% c("merge", "mean")) {
      warning("single.PSU was not set to either 'merge' or 'mean'!\n Bootstrap",
              " replicates for single PSUs cases will be missing!")
      single.PSU <- FALSE
    # check for each stage that PSUs are not in mutiple strata
    for(i in seq_along(strata)){
      if(!strata[i]%in%c("1","I") & !cluster[i]%in%c("1","I")){
        countMultiple <- dt.eval("dat[,uniqueN(",strata[i],"),by=.(",cluster[i],")][V1>1]")
          stop("Some sampling units in ",cluster[i]," occur in multiple strata of ",strata[i])

  # check if variable f, N, n are in data.table
  overwrite.names <- c("f", "N", "n", "n_prev", "n_draw", "n_draw_prev")
  overwrite.names <- overwrite.names[overwrite.names %in% colnames(dat)]
  if (length(overwrite.names) > 0) {
    overwrite.names.new <- paste0("ORIGINAL_", overwrite.names)
    setnames(dat, overwrite.names, overwrite.names.new)

    strata[strata %in% overwrite.names] <-
      overwrite.names.new[strata %in% overwrite.names]
    cluster[cluster %in% overwrite.names] <-
      overwrite.names.new[cluster %in% overwrite.names]
    fpc[fpc %in% overwrite.names] <-
      overwrite.names.new[fpc %in% overwrite.names]

  # set index for data to return dat in correct order
  dat[, InitialOrder := .I]

  # calculate bootstrap replicates
  stages <- length(strata)
  n <- nrow(dat)
  # define values for final calculation
  n.calc <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = stages)
  N.calc <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = stages)
  n_draw.calc <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = stages)
  delta.calc <- array(0, dim = c(n, stages, REP))

  for (i in 1:stages) {

    # define by.val
    if (i > 1) {
      by.val <- c(strata[1:(i - 1)], cluster[1:(i - 1)], strata[i])
    } else{
      by.val <- strata[1:i]
    by.val <- by.val[!by.val %in% c("1", "I")]

    # define cluster value
    clust.val <- cluster[i]
    if (clust.val %in% c("1", "I")) {
      clust.val <- paste0("ID_help_", i)
      dat[, c(clust.val) := .I, by = c(by.val)]
    # check of fpc[i] is well defined
    # fpc[i] can not have different values per each by.val
    check.fpc <- dt.eval("dat[,uniqueN(", fpc[i], "),by=c(by.val)][V1>1]")
    if (nrow(check.fpc) > 0) {
      stop("values in ", fpc[i], " do vary in some strata-cluster ",
           "combinations at stage ", i)

    singles <- dt.eval("dat[", fpc[i], ">1,sum(!duplicated(", clust.val,
    if (nrow(singles) > 0) {
      # if singel.PSU=="merge" change the coding of the current stage of the
      #   single PSU
      # to the coding in the same subgroup, according the next higher stage,
      #   with the smallest number of PSUs
      # if multiple smallest exist choose one per random draw
      higher.stages <- by.val[-length(by.val)]
      by.val.tail <- tail(by.val,1)
      firstStage <- length(higher.stages) == 0
      if (firstStage) {
        higher.stages <- by.val
      singles <- unique(subset(singles, select = higher.stages))
      if (single.PSU == "merge") {
        # save original PSU coding and fpc values to replace changed values
        #   bevore returning the data.table
        if (return.value == "data") {
          dt.eval("dat[,", paste0(by.val.tail, "_ORIGINALSINGLES"),
                  ":=", by.val.tail, "]")
          dt.eval("dat[,", paste0(fpc[i], "_ORIGINALSINGLES"),
                  ":=", fpc[i], "]")

        setkeyv(dat, higher.stages)
        next.PSU <- dt.eval("dat[singles,.(N=sum(!duplicated(", clust.val,

        new.var <- paste0(tail(by.val, 1), "_NEWVAR")
        dt.eval("next.PSU[,c(new.var):=next_minimum(N,", by.val.tail,
        # select singel PSUs and PSUs to join with
        next.PSU <- dt.eval("next.PSU[N == 1 | ",new.var," == ",by.val.tail,"]")
        dat <- merge(dat, next.PSU[, mget(c(by.val, new.var))],
                     by = c(by.val), all.x = TRUE)
        # sum over margins
        fpc.i_ADD <- paste0(fpc[i], "_ADD")
        dt.eval("dat[, c(fpc.i_ADD):=", fpc[i], "]")
        dt.eval("dat[!is.na(",new.var,"),c(fpc.i_ADD) := 
        # assign to new group
        dt.eval("dat[!is.na(", new.var, "),c(by.val.tail):=", new.var, "]")
        dt.eval("dat[,", fpc[i], ":=", fpc[i], "[is.na(", new.var,
        dt.eval("dat[!is.na(", new.var, "),", fpc[i], ":=", fpc.i_ADD,"]")
        dat[, c(new.var, paste0(fpc[i], "_ADD")) := NULL]
      } else if (single.PSU == "mean") {
        # if single.PSU="mean" flag the observation as well as the all the
        #   observations in the higher group
        singles[, SINGLE_BOOT_FLAG := paste(higher.stages, .GRP, sep = "-"),
                by = c(higher.stages)]

        dat <- merge(dat, singles, by = c(higher.stages), all.x = TRUE)
        if (!"SINGLE_BOOT_FLAG_FINAL" %in% colnames(dat)) {
        } else {
        dat[, SINGLE_BOOT_FLAG := NULL]

      } else {
        message("Single PSUs detected at the following stages:\n")
        print(dt.eval("dat[,sum(!duplicated(", clust.val,

    # get Stage
    if (i == 1) {
      dati <- dt.eval(
        "dat[,.(N=", fpc[i], "[1],", clust.val, "=unique(",
        clust.val, "),f=1,n_prev=1,n_draw_prev=1,sum_prev=1),by=list(",
        paste(by.val, collapse = ","), ")]")
    } else {
      dati <- dt.eval(
        "dat[,.(N=", fpc[i], "[1],", clust.val, "=unique(", clust.val,
        "sum_prev=sum_prev[1]),by=list(", paste(by.val, collapse = ","), ")]")
      dat[, f := NULL]
      dat[, n_prev := NULL]
      dat[, n_draw_prev := NULL]
      dat[, sum_prev := NULL]

    deltai <- paste0("delta_", i, "_", 1:REP)
    dati[, n := .N, by = c(by.val)]
    # determin number of psu to be drawn
    dati[, n_draw := select.nstar(
      n[1], N[1], f[1], n_prev[1], n_draw_prev[1], sum_prev = NULL,
      new.method = new.method), by = c(by.val)]
    # dati[,n_draw_old:=select.nstar(n[1],N[1],f[1],n_prev[1],n_draw_prev[1],
    #   sum_prev=NULL,new.method=FALSE),by=c(by.val)]
    # dati[,n_draw_new:=select.nstar(n[1],N[1],f[1],n_prev[1],n_draw_prev[1],
    #   sum_prev=sum_prev[1],new.method=FALSE),by=c(by.val)]
    if (nrow(dati[n_draw == 0]) > 0) {
      stop("Resampling 0 PSUs should not be possible! Please report bug in ",
    # do bootstrap for i-th stage

    dati[, c(deltai) := as.data.table(
      replicate(REP, draw.without.replacement(n[1], n_draw[1]),
                simplify = FALSE)),
      by = c(by.val)]

    # merge with data
    dat <- merge(dat, dati, by = c(by.val, clust.val))

    # extract information from data.table and remove again from data table
    # (less memory intensive)
    # only matrices and arrays needed for final calculation
    n.calc[, i] <- dat[, n]
    N.calc[, i] <- dat[, N]
    n_draw.calc[, i] <- dat[, n_draw]
    delta.calc[, i, ] <- as.matrix(dat[, mget(deltai)])

    dat[, sum_prev := sum_prev +
          (sqrt(n_draw * f * (1 - n / N) / (n - n_draw)) *
             sqrt(n_prev / n_draw_prev) * (n / n_draw - 1))]
    dat[, f := n / N * f]
    dat[, n_prev := n * n_prev]
    dat[, n_draw_prev := n_draw * n_draw_prev]

    dat[, c("n", "N", deltai, "n_draw") := NULL]


  bootRep <- paste0("bootRep", 1:REP)
  dat[, c(bootRep) := as.data.table(calc.replicate(
    n = n.calc, N = N.calc, n_draw = n_draw.calc, delta = delta.calc))]

  if (single.PSU == "mean") {
    dat[!is.na(SINGLE_BOOT_FLAG_FINAL), c(bootRep) := lapply(
      function(z) {
        mean(z, na.rm = TRUE)
      ), by = SINGLE_BOOT_FLAG_FINAL, .SDcols = c(bootRep)]

  setkey(dat, InitialOrder)

  if (length(removeCols) > 0) {
    dat[, c(removeCols) := NULL]

  if (return.value == "data") {
    # get original values for PSUs and fpc - if singles PSUs have been detected
    #   and merged
    if (single.PSU == "merge") {
      c.names <- colnames(dat)
      c.names <- c.names[grepl("_ORIGINALSINGLES", c.names)]
      if (length(c.names) > 0) {
        drop.names <- gsub("_ORIGINALSINGLES", "", c.names)
        dat[, c(drop.names) := NULL]
        setnames(dat, c(c.names), drop.names)
    dat[, c("f", "n_prev", "n_draw_prev", "InitialOrder", "sum_prev") := NULL]
    # get original col values
    if (length(overwrite.names) > 0) {
      setnames(dat, overwrite.names.new, overwrite.names)

  } else if (return.value == "replicates") {
    return(dat[, mget(bootRep)])

select.nstar <- function(n, N, f, n_prev, n_draw_prev, lambda_prev,
                         sum_prev = NULL, new.method) {

  if (n == 1) {
    # if only a single unit in strata
    # return missing
    # if single units are
    # not treated missing values are returned

  if (!is.null(sum_prev)) {
    n_draw <- (sum_prev) ^ 2 / ((1 - (n / N)) * n_prev * f +
                                   (sum_prev) ^ 2) * n
    n_draw <- floor(n_draw)
  } else {
    if (new.method) {
      n_draw <- (n * n_draw_prev) / (n_prev * f * (1 - n / N) + n_draw_prev)
      n_draw <- floor(n_draw)
    } else {
      n_draw <- floor(n / 2)


draw.without.replacement <- function(n, n_draw) {
  delta <- rep(c(1.0, 0.0), c(n_draw, n - n_draw))
  if (length(delta) > 1) {
    delta <- sample(delta)

calc.replicate <- function(n, N, n_draw, delta) {
  p <- ncol(n)
  # n_draw <- trunc(n/2)
  # n_draw <- floor(n/(2-rowCumprods(n/N))-1)
  # n_draw[n_draw<1] <- 1
  dimdelta <- dim(delta)
  for (i in 1:p) {
    if (i == 1) {
      lambda <- sqrt(n_draw[, 1] *
                       (1 - n[, 1] / N[, 1]) / (n[, 1] - n_draw[, 1]))
      rep_out <- 1 - lambda + lambda * n[, i] / n_draw[, i] * delta[, i, ]
    } else if (i == 2) {
      lambda <- (1 - n[, i] / N[, i]) / (n[, i] - n_draw[, i])
      lambda <- sqrt((n[, i - 1] / N[, i - 1]) * n_draw[, i] * lambda)
      rep_out <- rep_out + lambda *
        (sqrt(n[, i - 1] / n_draw[, i - 1]) * delta[, i - 1, ]) *
        (n[, i] / n_draw[, i] * delta[, i, ] - 1)
    } else {
      lambda <- (1 - n[, i] / N[, i]) / (n[, i] - n_draw[, i])
      lambda <- sqrt(rowProds(n[, 1:(i - 1)] / N[, 1:(i - 1)]) *
                       n_draw[, i] * lambda)
      prod_val <- matrix(0, ncol = dimdelta[3], nrow = dimdelta[1])
      for (r in 1:dimdelta[3]) {
        prod_val[, r] <- rowProds(sqrt(n[, 1:(i - 1)] / n_draw[, 1:(i - 1)]) *
                                    delta[, 1:(i - 1), r])
      # rep_out <- rep_out + lambda*rowProds(sqrt(n[,1:(i-1)]/
      #   n_draw[,1:(i-1)])*delta[,1:(i-1),]) * (n[,i]/n_draw[,i]*delta[,i,]-1)
      rep_out <- rep_out + lambda * prod_val * (n[, i] / n_draw[, i] *
                                                  delta[, i, ] - 1)

next_minimum <- function(N, by) {
  N_notOne <- N != 1
  by <- by[N_notOne][which.min(N[N_notOne])]
  if (length(by) > 1) {
    by <- sample(by, 1)

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