
Defines functions cipoisson

Documented in cipoisson

cipoisson <- function(k, time=1, p=0.95, method=c('exact', 'anscombe'))
    nn <- max(length(k), length(time), length(p))
    if (nn>1) {
        k <- rep(k, length=nn)
        time <- rep(time, length=nn)
        p <- rep(p, length=nn)
    p <- (1-p)/2
    method <- match.arg(method)

    if (method=='exact') {
        dummy1 <- ifelse(k==0, 1, k)  #avoid an error message of qgamma
        lower <-  ifelse(k==0, 0, qgamma(p, dummy1))
        upper <- qgamma(1-p, k+1)
    } else if (method=='anscombe'){ # anscombe's method
        upper <- (sqrt(k + 7/8) - qnorm(p)/2)^2
        lower <- (sqrt(k - 1/8) + qnorm(p)/2)^2
    else  stop("Invalid method")

    # The summary.pyears routine sometimes calls this with time=0
    if (any(time<=0)) {
        lower <- ifelse(time<=0, NA, lower)
        upper <- ifelse(time<=0, NA, upper)

    if (nn==1) c(lower=lower, upper=upper)/time
    else {
        temp <- cbind(lower=lower, upper=upper)/time
        if (is.array(k)) {
            if (is.null(dd <- dimnames(k))) 
                array(temp, dim=c(dim(k), 2),
                      dimnames=list(NULL, NULL, c("lower", "upper")))
            else array(temp, dim=c(dim(k), 2),
                       dimnames=list(dd, c("lower", "upper")))
        else temp

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survival documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:49 a.m.