survcheck <- function(formula, data, subset, na.action, id, istate,
istate0="(s0)", timefix=TRUE, ...) {
Call <-
indx <- match(c("formula", "data", "id", "istate", "subset", "na.action"),
names(Call), nomatch=0)
if (indx[1] ==0) stop("A formula argument is required")
tform <- Call[c(1,indx)] # only keep the arguments we wanted
tform[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame) # change the function called
mf <- eval(tform, parent.frame())
Terms <- terms(mf)
Y <- model.response(mf)
isSurv2 <- inherits(Y, "Surv2")
if (isSurv2) {
# this is Surv2 style data
# if there were any obs removed due to missing, remake the model frame
if (length(attr(mf, "na.action"))) {
tform$na.action <- na.pass
mf <- eval.parent(tform)
if (!is.null(attr(Terms, "specials")$cluster))
stop("cluster() cannot appear in the model statement")
new2 <- surv2data(mf, check=TRUE)
mf <- new2$mf
istate <- new2$istate
id <- new2$id
Y <- new2$y
Ydup <- which(Y[,1] == Y[,2])
iddup <- id[Ydup]
if (anyNA(mf[-1]) || length(Ydup)) {
if (missing(na.action)) temp <- get(getOption("na.action"))(mf[-1])
else temp <- na.action(mf[-1])
omit <- c(Ydup, unclass(attr(temp, "na.action")))
mf <- mf[-omit,]
Y <- Y[-omit]
id <- id[-omit]
istate <- istate[-omit]
} else omit <- Ydup
n <- nrow(mf)
else {
if (!is.Surv(Y)) stop("Response must be a survival object")
id <- model.extract(mf, "id")
istate <- model.extract(mf, "istate")
omit <- attr(mf, "na.action")
n <- nrow(Y)
if (n==0) stop("No (non-missing) observations")
type <- attr(Y, "type")
if (type=="right") Y <- Surv(Y[,1], factor(Y[,2])) # pretend its multi
else if (type=="counting") Y <- Surv(Y[,1], Y[,2], factor(Y[,3]))
else if (!(type %in% c("mright", "mcounting")))
stop("response must be right censored")
n <- nrow(Y)
if (!is.logical(timefix) || length(timefix) > 1)
stop("invalid value for timefix option")
if (timefix) Y <- aeqSurv(Y)
if (is.null(id)) stop("an id argument is required")
else if (length(id) !=n) stop("wrong length for id")
if (!is.null(istate) && length(istate) !=n) stop("wrong length for istate")
fit <- survcheck2(Y, id, istate, istate0)
temp <- fit$transitions[,$transitions), "(censored)"))]
fit$n <- c(id = length(unique(id)), observations =length(id),
transitions = sum(temp))
fit$flag <- c(fit$flag, "duplicate"=0)
if (isSurv2) {
# make any numbering match the input data, not the retained data
toss1 <- new2$isort[new2$last] # original obs numbers that were the
# last for a subject
dummy <- seq(along.with=new2$isort)[-toss1] # rows we kept
if (length(Ydup)) {
fit$flag["duplicate"] <- length(Ydup)
# if rows i and i+1 are duplicate times, we see it as i, the
# R duplicated function as i+1. Mimic that rule.
fit$duplicate <- list(id= unname(iddup), row=dummy[Ydup]+1)
if (length(omit)>0) dummy <- dummy[-omit]
for (i in c("overlap", "gap", "teleport", "jump")){
if (!is.null(fit[[i]]$row)) {
temp <- fit[[i]]
temp$row <- dummy[temp$row]
fit[[i]] <- temp
else if (length(omit)) {
dummy <-, n+ length(omit))[-omit]
for (i in c("overlap", "gap", "teleport", "jump")){
if (!is.null(fit[[i]]$row)) {
temp <- fit[[i]]
temp$row <- dummy[temp$row]
fit[[i]] <- temp
fit$Y <- Y # used by the summary function for details
fit$id <- unname(id) # "" ""
if (length(omit)) fit$na.action <- omit
fit$call <- Call
class(fit) <- "survcheck"
# The multi-state routines need to check their input data
# y = survival object
# id = subject identifier
# istate = starting state for each row, this can be missing.
# The routine creates a proper current-state vector accounting for censoring
# (which should be called cstate for 'current state', but istate is retained)
# If a subject started in state A for instance, and had observations
# of (0, 10, B), (10, 15, censor), (15, 20, C) the current state is
# (A, B, B). It checks that against the input 'istate' if it is present
# to generate checks.
# Multiple other checks as well
survcheck2 <- function(y, id, istate=NULL, istate0="(s0)") {
n <- length(id)
ny <- ncol(y)
# the next few line are a debug for my code; survcheck2 is not visible
# to users so only survival can call it directly
if (!is.Surv(y) || is.null(attr(y, "states")) ||
any(y[,ncol(y)] > length(attr(y, "states"))))
stop("survcheck2 called with an invalid y argument")
to.names <- c(attr(y, "states"), "(censored)")
if (length(istate)==0) {
inull<- TRUE
cstate <- factor(rep(istate0, n))
else {
if (length(istate) !=n) stop ("wrong length for istate")
if (is.factor(istate)) cstate <- istate[, drop=TRUE] #drop unused levels
else cstate <- as.factor(istate)
inull <- FALSE
ystate <- attr(y, "states")
# The vector of all state names is put in a nice printing order:
# initial states that are not destination states, then
# the destination states. This keeps destinations in the order the
# user chose, while still putting initial states first.
index <- match(levels(cstate), ystate, nomatch=0)
states <- c(levels(cstate)[index==0], ystate)
cstate2 <- factor(cstate, states)
# Calculate the counts per id for each state, e.g., 10 subjects had
# 3 visits to state 2, etc.
# Count the censors, so that each subject gets a row in the table,
# but then toss that column
tab1 <- table(id, factor(y[,ncol(y)], 0:length(ystate)))[,-1, drop=FALSE]
tab1 <- cbind(tab1, rowSums(tab1))
tab1.levels <- sort(unique(c(tab1))) #unique counts
if (length(tab1.levels) ==1) {
# In this special case the table command does not give a matrix
# A data set with no events falls here, for instance
events <- matrix(tab1.levels, nrow=1, ncol= (1 + length(ystate)))
else events <- apply(tab1, 2, function(x) table(factor(x, tab1.levels)))
dimnames(events) = list("count"= tab1.levels,
"state"= c(ystate, "(any)"))
# remove columns with no visits
novisit <- colSums(events[-1,, drop=FALSE]) ==0
if (any(novisit)) events <- events[,!novisit]
# Use a C routine to create 3 variables: a: an index of whether this is
# the first (1) or last(2) observation for a subject, 3=both, 0=neither,
# b. current state, and
# c. sign of (start of this interval - end of prior one)
# start by making stat2 = status re-indexed to the full set of states
ny <- ncol(y)
sindx <- match(ystate, states)
stat2 <- ifelse(y[,ny]==0, 0L, sindx[pmax(1L, y[,ny])])
id2 <- match(id, unique(id)) # we need unique integers
if (ncol(y)==2) {
index <- order(id, y[,1])
check <- .Call(Cmulticheck, rep(0., n), y[,1], stat2, id2,
as.integer(cstate2), index- 1L)
} else {
index <- order(id, y[,2], y[,1])
check <- .Call(Cmulticheck, y[,1], y[,2], stat2, id2,
as.integer(cstate2), index- 1L)
if (inull && ny> 2) {
# if there was no istate entered in, use the constructed one from
# the check routine
# if ny=2 then every row starts at time 0
cstate2 <-factor(check$cstate, seq(along.with=states), states)
# create the transtions table
# if someone has an intermediate visit, i.e., (0,10, 0)(10,20,1), don't
# report the false 'censoring' in the transitions table
# make it compact by removing any cols that are all 0, and rows of
# states that never occur (sometimes the starting state is a factor
# with unused levels)
keep <- (stat2 !=0 | check$dupid > 1) # not censored or last obs of this id
transitions <- table(from=cstate2[keep],
to= factor(stat2[keep], c(seq(along.with=states), 0),
c(states, "(censored)")),
nr <- nrow(transitions)
never <- (rowSums(transitions) + colSums(transitions[,1:nr]))==0
transitions <- transitions[!never, colSums(transitions)>0, drop = FALSE]
# now continue with error checks
# A censoring hole in the middle, such as happens with survSplit,
# uses "last state carried forward" in Cmultistate, which also
# sets the "gap" to 0 for the first obs of a subject
mismatch <- (as.numeric(cstate2) != check$cstate)
# gap = 0 (0, 10], (10, 15]
# gap = 1 (0, 10], (12, 15] # a hole in the time
# gap = -1 (0, 10], (9, 15] # overlapping times
flag <- c(overlap= sum(check$gap < 0),
gap = sum(check$gap > 0 & !mismatch),
jump = sum(check$gap > 0 & mismatch),
teleport = sum(check$gap==0 & mismatch & check$dupid%%2 ==0))
rval <- list(states=states, transitions=transitions,
events= t(events), flag=flag,
istate= factor(check$cstate, seq(along.with=states), states))
# add error details, if necessary
if (flag["overlap"] > 0) {
j <- which(check$gap < 0)
rval$overlap <- list(row=j, id= unique(id[j]))
if (flag["gap"] > 0) {
j <- which(check$gap > 0 & !mismatch)
rval$gap <- list(row=j, id= unique(id[j]))
if (flag["jump"] > 0) {
j <- which(check$gap > 0 & mismatch)
rval$jump <- list(row=j, id= unique(id[j]))
if (flag["teleport"] > 0) {
j <- which(check$gap==0 & mismatch)
rval$teleport <- list(row=j, id= unique(id[j]))
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