# This is a utility function, used by printing and plotting.
# If the original call had time0=FALSE as the option, then the curve does not
# have time 0 in the surv, pstate or cumhaz, and corresponding std dev matrices
# This function's job is to turn it into the time0=TRUE form.
# For ordinary survival surv=1, cumulative hazard =0, and standard errors
# of 0. For a multi-state curve the values of p0 and sd0 are used to fill
# in these values.
# The influence matrix, if present, is also filled out using i0, if present.
# Older versions of survfit had included time0 in the influence.
survfit0 <- function(x, ...) {
if (!inherits(x, "survfit")) stop("function requires a survfit object")
# the ! is for backwards compatability with a saved object
if (inherits (x, "survfit0") || (!is.null(x$time0) && x$time0)) return(x)
t0 <- x$t0 # present for multi-state
if (is.null(t0)) t0 <- min(c(0, x$time)) # ordinary survival
# insert will point to the first row of each stratum
if (is.null(x$strata)) insert <- 1 # where to add the zero
else insert <- unname(1 + cumsum(c(0, x$strata[-length(x$strata)])))
same <- (x$time[insert] == t0) # no row need to be inserted here
insert <- insert[!same]
if (length(insert)==0) return(x) # nothing to do
# actual work needs to be done
if (!is.null(x$strata)) {
newstrat <- x$strata
newstrat[!same] <- newstrat[!same] +1
# this adds rows to a vector or matrix, and preserves double/integer
addto <- function(x, i, z) {
# i = where to add, z = what to add
n.add <- length(i)
i2 <- i + 1:n.add -1
if (is.matrix(x)) {
# indx is the new rows that are equal to the old ones
indx <- seq(1, n.add + nrow(x))[ -i2]
newx <- matrix(x[1], nrow(x) + n.add, ncol(x))
if (length(colnames(x)) >0) colnames(newx) <- colnames(x)
newx[indx,] <- x
newx[i2,] <- z
} else if (is.array(x)) {
# pstate is sometimes an array
dd <- dim(x)
indx <- seq(1, n.add + dd[1])[ -i2]
newx <- matrix(x[1], dd[1] + n.add, dd[2]*dd[3])
newx[indx,] <- c(x)
newx[i2,] <- rep(z, each=dd[2])
dim(newx) <- c(dd[1]+n.add, dd[2], dd[3])
dimnames(newx) <- list(NULL, NULL, dimnames(x)[[3]])
indx <- seq(1, n.add + length(x))[ -i2]
newx <- rep(x[1], length(x) + n.add)
newx[indx] <- x
newx[i2] <- z
# I want the result to be a list in the same order
# change on 12/2020: p0 and sp0 will be redundant, but leave them in
# anyway. It makes it easier for survfitCI and residuals.survfit.
# Note on 3/2024: actually, p0 is not redundant when there is an event
# exactly at the starting time, but sp0 is not needed
newname <- names(x)[!(names(x) %in% c("sp0"))]
new <- vector("list", length(newname))
names(new) <- newname
add1 <- "surv"
add0 <- c("n.event", "n.censor", "n.add", "cumhaz", "std.chaz", "std.auc")
if (inherits(x, "survfitms")) add0 <- c(add0, "lower", "upper")
else add1 <- c(add1, "lower", "upper")
if (!is.null(x$p0)) { # multi-state
if (is.null(x$sp0)) sp0 <- 0 else sp0 <- x$sp0
if (any(same)) {# we have to subscript p0 and sp0
# if p0 isn't a matrix, we can't end up here BTW
p00 <- x$p0[!same,,drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(x$sp0)) sp0 <- x$sp0[!same,,drop=FALSE]
else p00 <- x$p0
else { # this call is simply adding a time 0 to the front
if (!is.null(x$xtd.err)) sp0 <- x$std.err[insert,]
else sp0 <- 0
for (i in names(new)) {
if (i=="time") new[[i]] <- addto(x[[i]], insert, t0)
else if (i=="n.risk") {
if (is.matrix(x$n.risk))
new[[i]] <- addto(x[[i]], insert, x$n.risk[insert,])
else new[[i]] <- addto(x[[i]], insert, x$n.risk[insert])
else if (i=="pstate") new[[i]] <- addto(x[[i]], insert, p00)
else if (i=="strata") new[[i]] <- newstrat
else if (i=="std.err") new[[i]] <- addto(x[[i]], insert, sp0)
else if (i %in% add0) new[[i]] <- addto(x[[i]], insert, 0L)
else if (i %in% add1) new[[i]] <- addto(x[[i]], insert, 1L)
else new[[i]] <- x[[i]]
if (!inherits(x, "survfitms")) {
addcol <- function(x) cbind(0, x)
# we need to fix up influence objects, which have subjects as the
# rows and time as the columns. If there are multiple curves it
# will be a list with one element per curve
for (i in c("influence.surv", "influence.chaz")) {
if (!is.null(x[[i]])) {
if (is.list(x[[i]])) new[[i]] <- lapply(x[[i]], addcol)
else new[[i]] <- addcol(x[[i]])
} else if (!is.null(x$influence)) { # this is harder, multi-state
addi0 <- function(x, i0 =0) {
# the influence matrix will be (observations, times, states),
# we need to add a new time
dd <- dim(x)
temp <- array(0., dim=c(dd[1], 1L + dd[2], dd[3]))
temp[,-1,] <- x
if (!is.null(i0)) temp[,1,] <- i0
if (is.list(x$influence)) {
if (is.null(x$i0)) new$influence <- lapply(x$influence, addi0)
else { # i0 will be a list as well
new$influence <- vector("list", length(x$influence))
for (i in 1:length(x$influence))
new$influence[[i]] <- addi0(x$influence[[i]], x$i0[[i]])
} else new$influence <- addi0(x$influence, x$i0)
if (is.null(new$logse)) {
# reprise the logic of the older code
if (inherits(x, "survfitms")) x$logse <- FALSE
else x$logse <- TRUE
if (is.null(x$cumhaz) && class(x)[1] == "survfit") { # fill it in!
new$cumhaz <- -log(new$surv)
if (!is.null(x$std.err)) {
if (x$logse) new$std.chaz <- new$std.err
else new$std.chaz <- new$std.err/new$surv
class(new) <- c("survfit0", class(x))
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