#' @importFrom stringr str_detect
courseraCheck <- function(e){
modtype <- attr(e$les, "type")
lesson_name <- gsub(" ", "_", attr(e$les, "lesson_name"))
if(is.null(modtype) || modtype != "Coursera")return()
# allow use of Coursera partner sites (
partner <- attr(e$les, "partner")
partner <- ifelse(is.null(partner), "class", partner)
baseurl <- paste0("http://", partner, "")
tt <- c(rep(letters, 3), seq(100))
swirl_out(s()%N%"Are you currently enrolled in the Coursera course associated with this lesson?")
yn <- select.list(c("Yes","No"), graphics=FALSE)
ss <- lapply(1:2, function(i) {
paste0(sample(tt, sample(seq(400), 1), replace=TRUE), collapse="")
swirl_out(s()%N%"Would you like me to notify Coursera that you've completed this lesson?",
"If so, I'll need to get some more info from you.")
choice <- select.list(c("Yes","No","Maybe later"), graphics=FALSE)
if(choice=="No") return()
# Begin submission loop
ok <- FALSE
while(!ok) {
# Get submission credentials
r <- getCreds(e)
email <- r["email"]
passwd <- r["passwd"]
course_name <- r["courseid"]
output <- paste0(ss[[1]], substr(e$coursera, 1, 16), ss[[2]],
# Name output file
output_filename <- paste0(course_name,"_",lesson_name,".txt")
# Write output to text file
writeLines(output, output_filename)
# If going straight to manual submission, then exit loop.
if(choice=="Maybe later") ok <- TRUE
# If doing automatic submission, then give it a try.
swirl_out(s()%N%"I'll try to tell Coursera you've completed this lesson now.")
challenge.url <- paste(baseurl, course_name,
"assignment/challenge", sep = "/")
submit.url <- paste(baseurl, course_name,
"assignment/submit", sep = "/")
ch <- try(getChallenge(email, challenge.url), silent=TRUE)
# Check if url is valid, i.e. challenge received
ch_ok <- is.list(ch) && exists("ch.key", ch) && !$ch.key)
if(!is(ch, "try-error") && ch_ok) {
ch.resp <- challengeResponse(passwd, ch$ch.key)
# If submit.url is invalid, submitSolution should return a try-error.
# However, that is not the only way it can fail; see below.
results <- submitSolution(email, submit.url, ch.resp,
# If incorrect, empty string will be returned
if(!length(results)) {
swirl_out(s()%N%"You skipped too many questions! You'll need to complete",
s()%N%"this lesson again if you'd like to receive credit. Please",
s()%N%"don't skip more than one question next time.")
if(!is(results, "try-error")){
# TODO: It would be best to detect success here, rather than
# failure, but as of Feb 23 2014, submit.url may not throw
# an error indicating failure but instead return an HTML
# notification beginning with the word, "Exception".
# Here we detect failure by the presence of this word.
# Server-side behavior could easily change and could easily
# be course dependent, so some standard handshake will have
# to be set up eventually.
if(!str_detect(results, "[Ee]xception")){
swirl_out(paste0(s()%N%"I've notified Coursera that you have completed ",
course_name, ", ", lesson_name,"."))
# Remove manual submission text file
# Exit loop since submission successful
swirl_out(s()%N%"I'm sorry, something went wrong with automatic submission.")
# Exit loop if user doesn't want to retry auto submission
ok <- !retry()
} else {
swirl_out(s()%N%"I'm sorry, something went wrong with automatic submission.")
# Exit loop if user doesn't want to retry auto submission
ok <- !retry()
} else {
swirl_out(s()%N%"I'm sorry, something went wrong with establishing connection.")
# Exit loop if user doesn't want to retry auto submission
ok <- !retry()
} # end of yes branch
} # end of while loop
swirl_out(s()%N%"To notify Coursera that you have completed this lesson,",
s()%N%"please upload", sQuote(output_filename),
s()%N%"to Coursera manually. You may do so by visiting the Programming",
s()%N%"Assignments page on your course website and selecting the Submit",
s()%N%"button next to the appropriate swirl lesson.",
s()%N%"I've placed the file in the following directory:",
message(getwd(), "\n")
# Returns TRUE if user would like to retry, FALSE if not
retry <- function() {
swirl_out(s()%N%"Would you like to retry automatic submission or just submit manually?")
ans <- select.list(c("Retry automatic submission", "Submit manually"), graphics=FALSE)
# Return TRUE if user would like to retry
return(ans == "Retry automatic submission")
get_courseid <- function() {
swirl_out(s()%N%"The first item I need is your Course ID. For example, if the",
s()%N%"homepage for your Coursera course was",
s()%N%"then your course ID would be 'rprog-001' (without the quotes).",
repeat {
courseid <- readline("Course ID: ")
# Remove quotes if there are any
courseid <- gsub("\'|\"", "", courseid)
# Set up test cases
is_url <- str_detect(courseid, "www[.]|http:|https:")
is_numbers <- str_detect(courseid, "^[0-9]+$")
is_example <- str_detect(courseid, fixed("rprog-001"))
# Check if courseid is none of the bad things
if(!any(is_url, is_numbers, is_example)){
# courseid is one of the bad things
} else {
# Check if courseid is a url
if(is_url) {
swirl_out(s()%N%"It looks like you entered a web address, which is not what I'm",
s()%N%"looking for.")
# Check if courseid is all numbers
if(is_numbers) {
swirl_out(s()%N%"It looks like you entered a numeric ID, which is not what I'm",
s()%N%"looking for.")
# Check if the user stole the example courseid
if(is_example) {
swirl_out(s()%N%"It looks like you entered the Course ID that I used as an",
s()%N%"example, which is not what I'm looking for.")
swirl_out(s()%N%"Instead, I need your Course ID, which is the last",
s()%N%"part of the web address for your Coursera course.",
s()%N%"For example, if the homepage for your Coursera course was",
s()%N%"then your course ID would be 'rprog-001' (without the quotes).",
getCreds <- function(e) {
cn <- make_pathname(attr(e$les, "course_name"))
credfile <- file.path(e$udat, paste0(cn, ".txt"))
e$coursera <- digest(paste0("complete", paste0(
rep("_", ifelse(is.null(e$skips), 0, e$skips)), collapse="")),
algo="sha1", serialize = FALSE)
confirmed <- FALSE
need2fix <- FALSE
while(!confirmed) {
if(!file.exists(credfile) || need2fix) {
courseid <- get_courseid()
email <- readline("Submission login (email): ")
passwd <- readline("Submission password: ")
writeLines(c(courseid, email, passwd), credfile)
r <- c(courseid = courseid, email = email, passwd = passwd)
} else {
r <- readLines(credfile, warn=FALSE)
names(r) <- c("courseid", "email", "passwd")
swirl_out(s()%N%"Is the following information correct?", skip_after=TRUE)
message("Course ID: ", r['courseid'],
"\nSubmission login (email): ", r['email'],
"\nSubmission password: ", r['passwd'])
yn <- c("Yes, go ahead!",
"No, I need to change something.")
confirmed <- identical(select.list(yn, graphics=FALSE), yn[1])
if(!confirmed) need2fix <- TRUE
#' @importFrom RCurl getForm
getChallenge <- function(email, challenge.url) {
params <- list(email_address = email, response_encoding = "delim")
result <- getForm(challenge.url, .params = params)
s <- strsplit(result, "|", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
list(ch.key = s[5], state = s[7])
#' @importFrom digest digest
challengeResponse <- function(password, ch.key) {
x <- paste(ch.key, password, sep = "")
digest(x, algo = "sha1", serialize = FALSE)
#' @importFrom RCurl postForm base64
submitSolution <- function(email, submit.url, ch.resp, sid, output,
signature, src = "",http.version = NULL) {
output <- as.character(base64(output))
src <- as.character(base64(src))
params <- list(assignment_part_sid = sid,
email_address = email,
submission = output,
submission_aux = src,
challenge_response = ch.resp,
state = signature)
params <- lapply(params, URLencode)
result <- try(postForm(submit.url, .params = params), silent=TRUE)
} else {
s <- strsplit(result, "\\r\\n")[[1]]
return(tail(s, 1))
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